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Topic and dimension: there is a need to develop SWMS to handle water scarcity

societal and economic level by combining expertise in psychology and computer science.

Reasons for choosing the topic: Relevant to Lebanese people’s life, Taking Las 201 that highlights similar
topics, Students Majors:duh!

Significance: The significance of this work lessen the severity of water scarcity through the

Lit review:

Topic explanation:

mental health, such as anxiety and depression.

detecting leakages, predicting future water demand, and reducing damage from natural disasters.

economic and social benefits, including creating jobs and improving quality of life.

efficient water usage and the mental well-being of individuals.

make water sources more accessible and promote sustainable development.

Case study Lebanon:

mental health of refugees and vulnerable groups.

Most refugees lack access to safe water and sanitation services

diseases and health issues.

mental health issues

some infrastructure projects aimed at improving water security(non smart)

It is unlikely that Lebanon will reduce its water stress anytime soon.

sensors, data analytics, and real-time monitoring.

The smart water network includes sensors that monitor water usage, detect leaks, manage water
distribution, and a mobile app leaks.

Mobile app
Desalination and water treatment

Singapore uses modeling tools to simulate actions of water systems.


targets 6.4 increase water use efficiency.

6.3 and improve water quality by reducing pollution.


SDG 3 ensures healthy lives and promotes well-being for all

SDG 11 Sustainable Cities

SDG 12, Responsible consumption and production.


cloud computing.


developing coping strategies for individuals and communities

identify affected populations

They can also work with policymakers , integrate education programs

Future use of majors

Develop intervention plans for mental well-being

Engage in entrepreneurship.

Conclusion and recommendations

SWMS are a great solution.

Public awareness campaigns

Future work

Disciplinary collaboration

political and legal systems in Lebanon

Note: add the graphical representations from the study and add what is attached in the email. Also, add
something about the SDGS and maybe a chart about Lebanese case study if nothing about it was talked

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