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‘But I don’t want a blueberry for a daughter!

’ yelled Mrs
Beauregarde. ‘Put her back to what she was this instant!’
Mr Wonka clicked his fingers, and ten Oompa-Loompas appeared
immediately at his side.
‘Roll Miss Beauregarde into the boat,’ he said to them, ‘and take
her along to the Juicing Room at once.’
‘The Juicing Room?’ cried Mrs Beauregarde. ‘What are they going
to do to her there?’
‘Squeeze her,’ said Mr Wonka. ‘We’ve got to squeeze the juice out
of her immediately. After that, we’ll just have to see how she comes
out. But don’t worry, my dear Mrs Beauregarde. We’ll get her
repaired if it’s the last thing we do. I am sorry about it all, I really
Already the ten Oompa-Loompas were rolling the enormous
blueberry across the floor of the Inventing Room towards the door
that led to the chocolate river where the boat was waiting. Mr and
Mrs Beauregarde hurried after them. The rest of the party, including
little Charlie Bucket and Grandpa Joe, stood absolutely still and
watched them go.

‘Listen!’ whispered Charlie. ‘Listen, Grandpa! The Oompa-

Loompas in the boat outside are starting to sing!’

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