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Name : Nyoman Mery Damayanti

NIM : 2117051018

No : 29

Rombel : 34

MPK Bahasa Inggris

Hello, I’m Mery. Today I want to share my story about how I manage my money
everyday. I get money from my mom Rp 10.000,- every day. Sometimes I feel little confused to
use this money because there is a little money but all items are quite expensive. By the way, I’m
wasteful person. Usually I use all the money to buy some food because I like to eat, hehe. I’m
very hard to save my money. But if I get more money, usually I save a little money for buy kuota
internet or buy something what I need.

I think I can’t always be wasteful so i guess I have to find a way to better in manage my
money. Maybe I can use this way when I already have my own income or maybe from now hehe.
The first step is I make priority scale about what I need from the most important thing until the
thing can be fulfilled later. With this way, I can fulfil the most important thing what I need. After
that, I can save my money for my future. If I still have free money, I use this money for buy
something I need to fulfil my wish or maybe for vacation.

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