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Annotate the following:
1. We are meeting today
To wish her bon voyage
2. I don‟t mean only external sweetness
But internal sweetness
3. That is showing
Good spirit. I am always
Appreciating the good spirit
4. Pushpa Miss is never saying no.
Whatever I or anybody is asking
She is always saying yes.
Answer the following:
1. Do you agree that the poem “Goodbye Party for Ms. Pushpa TS” is a farewell address?
Justify your answer.
2. What is the central idea of the poem “Goodbye Party for Ms. Pushpa TS.”
3. How does the speaker describe Ms. Pushpa in the poem?
4. Does the poem bring out the sweetness of Ms. Pushpa? Justify your answer.
The lines are taken from the satirical humorous poem “Good Bye Party to Miss Pushpa
TS” written by “Nissim Ezekiel” one of the India‟s foremost Indo-Anglian poets. His writings are
focused on Indian realities, on observation & experience of Indian life style. He is a versatile poet
with a great sense of humour.
The poem describes two types of humour, the use of Indian English and the character of
the speaker, who lacks public speaking skills. The speaker‟s presentation and the sentence
structure are the causes of humour.
The poem is a farewell speech for Ms. Pushpa who is leaving the country. they have
gathered to bid her farewell. They want to wish her good & happy journey. The speaker addresses
his colleagues as friends and Ms. Pushpa as sister. The speaker describes Ms. Pushpa‟s nature in
typical Indian English.
He appreciates her helpful qualities & concern for friends. The speaker states that Ms.
Pushpa is a sweet person. She is excellent with internal & external attitude & appearance. He
explains that Ms. Pushpa is a daughter of a famous advocate. She is sweet, smiling, helpful,
popular and always in good spirit. The poem highlights the speaker‟s good nature & intention. The
style is simple and clear.
General Relevance:
The poem is a monologue and a perfect example of dialect of urban Indian English called
“Babu English.” This is a free verse poem. The poem touches upon the use of English by Indians
& the speaker‟s attitude.
Annotate the following:
1. The poetry of earth is never dead:
2. He rests at ease beneath some pleasant weed.
3. On a lone winter evening, when the frost
Has wrought a silence, from the stone there stills
The cricket‟s song, in warmth increasing ever.
4. And seems to one in drowsiness half lost; The Grasshopper‟s among some grassy hills.

Senior Intermediate English 1 Section A-Single Answers

Answer the following:
1. What is the theme of the poem “On the Grasshopper and Cricket”?
2. According to Keats, when does one hear a cricket‟s song?
3. What happens during winter?
4. Discuss the common features between the Grasshopper and Cricket.
The present lines are taken from the Sonnet “On the Grasshopper & Cricket” written by
the English Romantic poet “John Keats.” He devoted his life to the perfection of poetry. His
famous works include “Ode to a Nightingale” & Ode to Grecian Urn.”
The poem is inspired by nature‟s beauty, which is a popular theme of Romantic poets. The
poet celebrates the “Poetry of Earth” the music of Nature which is omnipresent.
The poem is about the Nature and says that the poetry of earth never ceases. The poet
introduces two little insignificant creatures. The Grasshopper & the Cricket to represent the
liveliness & joyous mood of Nature. During the summer the birds stop singing due to extreme heat
but, the Grasshopper sings tirelessly and bringing relief to all those who have become restless
working under hot sun. it sings endlessly but when tired, rests under some pleasant weed. During
the winter birds stop singing & there is a deathly silence. Despite the silence a shrill sound comes
from under the stones. It is Cricket‟s song which restores warmth. The warmth of the Cricket‟s
song balances the extreme cold during the winter. Seasons may come & go, but Nature never fails
to inspire us, with its songs. The poet describes that Nature is a spontaneous source of optimism &
General Relevance:
The poem depicts the beauty of the Nature celebrating the “Poetry of Earth” the ever-
present symphony of Nature. “The Poetry of Earth is never dead & The Poetry of Earth is ceasing
Annotate the following:
1. I knock and yet remain unseen.
2. I‟m seven now as I was then
When children die they don‟t grow.
3. I ask for nothing for myself
For I am dead for I am dead
4. All that needs is that for peace
You fight today you fight today
Answer the following:
1. What is the theme of the poem “Hiroshima Child”?
2. Why does the poet appeal for peace through a dead child?
3. Describe the feeling of the child when she knew that she was dead at the age of seven.
4. “I ask for nothing for myself.” Why do you think the child asked nothing for herself?
These lines are taken from the poem “Hiroshima Child” penned by the Turkish Poet,
playwright & Novelist “Nazim Hikmet.” He is recognized as one of the greatest poets of 20th
century. Most of his writings are against “Wars.”
America dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima on 6 August, 1945 during the Second
World War. The little girl who was about 7 years old perished in the war. The poem deals with the
tragic effects of war, loss of life, innocence & destruction. The poet urges us the need of selfless
work & promote “Peace & Harmonious living” in the world.

Senior Intermediate English 2 Section A-Single Answers

The speaker of these lines is a seven-year-old girl who died as a result of the Hiroshima
bombing. The soul of the girl comes & knocks on the doors one after another to warn them about
the adverse effects of the war. But nobody pays attention to her walking & knocking sounds as she
is invisible. Since then, the child seeks neither food nor things.
The girl‟s hair was the first to catch the fire, her eyes, her bones became a handful of
ashes, scattered into the air. A child who burned like a paper couldn‟t even eat candies. If we fight
& promote peace, every child will grow, play, laugh & lead a blissful life.
General Relevance:
The poet reminds us the need to work for „Peace‟. Finally, he promotes us that “War &
Killing achieve nothing but loss.” The poet uses a character, a standpoint & language to promote
peace among the people of the world.
Annotate the following:
1. Who kneel in thy presence to serve and adore thee!
2. Awaken and sever the woes that enthral us.
3. Ne‟er shall we fall thee, forsake thee or falter
Whose hearts are thy home and thy shield and thine altar.
4. ……Hearken,
O queen and O goddess, we hail thee!
Answer the following:
1. Substantiate the critical comment that the poem “Awake” is a patriotic lyric.
2. What do the children implore the mother in the poem “Awake”?
3. How do Indians plan to set their mother again in the forefront of glory?
4. What do the children of all creeds promise their mother separately and collectively?
These lines are taken from the Patriotic Lyrical song “Awake” written by prolific & profound
writer Sarojini Naidu. She is entitled as Nightingale of India. The poem is a part of Sarojini Naidu‟s
famous literary work. “The Broken Wing.” The poem was recited at the Indian National Congress,
Bombay 1915.
The poem is an appealing expression from the poet on behalf of our country‟s citizen. It is a
soul-stirring plea for action & unity. The poem stands out for its strong patriotic feelings. The poem
is very impressive with its theme & form.
The poetess speaks on behalf of the Children at India who plead her to awake from her
sleep and who worship her and are ready to serve her. She must notice their prayer. The dark
night of slavery is now about to end and its darkness is already bright with the hope of freedom.
They are the true children of their beloved Bharat Mata, and they have inherited her own pride and
her own moral and spiritual courage. They will never fail to protect her they will never desert her,
and they will ever sing the story of her greatness and glory, and by their united efforts make her
great and glorious once again, such as the dedication of her children and she must respond to
their call. The followers of different Indian religions assure her that they would serve her with
devotion to the best of their ability. The Hindus assure her that they will always worship her as they
have been doing so far, the Parsees assure her that the fire of hope which burns in their hearts will
be dedicated to her service, the Musalmans assure her that they would defend her with “the sword
of their loved”, and the Christians assure her that they will wait upon her with all that faith which
they have in Jesus. Having assured her separately of their devotion and service the followers of all
the different religions call upon their great mother, their queen and their goddess to listen to their

Senior Intermediate English 3 Section A-Single Answers

prayer and awake from her present laziness. Their fearless united and devoted efforts shall
certainly be sufficient to free her from her present bondage.
General Relevance:
The poem stands out for its Nationalistic feelings. Freedom is the essence of life. The
patriots never let their country enslaved. They fight to liberate their motherland. “Unity is Strength”,
as all the Indians are united irrespective of differences.
Annotate the following:
1. It is said that before entering the sea
A river trembles with fear.
2. And in front of her, she sees an ocean
So vast, that to enter there seems
Nothing more than to disappear
3. The river cannot get back. Nobody can go back
To go back is impossible in existence.
4. It‟s not about disappearing into the ocean
But of becoming the ocean.
Answer the following:
1. What is the central idea of the poem Fear?
2. What does „nobody can go back‟ mean in the poem Fear? Explain from your point of view.
3. How can one overcome Fear? Explain.
4. What does he line “The River needs to take the risk of entering the ocean” mean? Discuss.
The present lines are taken from the philosophical poem “FEAR” written by Lebanese poet,
writer & virtual artist Khalil Gibran. His work The Prophet made him world famous, a book
collection of Philosophical essays. He writes in Arabic & English. His writings desal with spiritual
love & life issues.
The poet shares his deep wisdom about overcoming fear. It deals with the fear we all
encounter in different situations of our life. The speaker contemplates a river flowing into the
ocean. The river fears before entering the vast oceans it thinks it will disappear from the steep
The poet expresses his Philosophical insight of fear & the hidden truths of life. He thinks of
the image of a river flowing into the sea. Before entering into the sea, the river trembles with fear at
the sight of the vastness of the ocean. Long ago, the river starts its journey & travels from the
steep mountains.
At the end of the journey, the river thinks it will disappear. Going back isn‟t an option &
nobody can go back. It‟s impossible in existence. So, the river has to move forward. It must realize
that it isn‟t about the risk of disappearing forever but merging into a great & immense ocean.
General Relevance:
The poem gives a message to mankind, who fear losing their identity, death, change, being
forgotten in this world & so forth. In reality, the poet hints the humankind that fear of death, the
ultimate destination.

Senior Intermediate English 4 Section A-Single Answers

Annotate the following:
1. If someone maintains that two and two are five or that Iceland is on the equator, you feel pity
rather than anger… …
2. Persecution is used in theology, not in arithmetic because in arithmetic, there is knowledge, but
in theology, there is only opinion.
3. I have frequently found myself growing less dogmatic and cocksure through realising the
possible reasonableness of a hypothetical opponent.
4. Be very wary of opinions that flatter your self-esteem.
Answer the following:
1. How can we prevent developing a dogmatic attitude as per Russell‟s suggestion?
2. Travel is an excellent educator. Explain with reference to Russell‟s essay How to Avoid Foolish
3. According to Russell, what is the only way to tackle self-pride?
4. What does Russell say about a person getting angry about a difference of opinion?
The present lines are taken from the essay “How to Avoid Foolish Opinions” written by
the English Romantic poet “Bertrand Russell.” He is a Philosopher, Logician, Historian, and
Political Activist & Nobel Laureate. His writings are characterized by an extended knowledge of
science & philosophy.
The present article is a thought-provoking essay. It exhibits many remarkable features. Its
theme reveals intense human interest. Despite the seriousness of the topic deal with, we can find
elements of cheerfulness and humour.
The essay advises us on avoiding bad ideas. Firstly, look at the things for yourself.
Secondly if you can‟t observe an issue think about any biases, you might have. This is because
belief goes beyond facts. If an opinion is contrary to your own it will make you angry. If opinions are
unreasonable, another way is to have a mock debate with an imaginary opponent.
Our principles shouldn‟t be rigid. Meet people who aren‟t in social group., travel outside
your neighborhood or read newspaper. To get rid of your negative thoughts. Others standards and
ideals should be equally respected. So, Russell suggests whenever, we get angry due to
difference in opinion better to control it. Finally, don‟t take a position that makes you look better
than someone else.
General Relevance:
The essay is expressed in a highly intellectual & scholarly way. The author‟s clarity of
thought and fluency of expression land beauty to his style. Though the article talks about many
mistakes‟ mankind is prone to make, it ends with a ray of hope.


Annotate the following:
1. Undoubtedly women in ancient India enjoyed a much higher status than their descendants in
the 18th and 19th centuries.
2. From the first days of his movements Gandhiji realised that there was a source of immense
untapped power in the womanhood of India…. … …
3. It was a matter of surprise to the outside world that independent India should have appointed
women to the highest posts so freely, as members of the cabinet… … …
4. The contribution to modern India may therefore be said to have led to a reintegration of social

Senior Intermediate English 5 Section A-Single Answers

Answer the following:
1. Why were Indian women in the 19th century the most backward of all women in the world?
2. But when the movement was actually started, women were everywhere at the forefront.
3. What is the true test of the changed position of women in India?
4. Name some legislative reforms mentioned in the essay The Awakening of Women that seek to
establish the equity of women.
The present lines are taken from the interesting essay “The Awakening of Women” written
by the statesman, diplomat, journalist, & historian “K M Panikkar.” It picturizes the position of
women in ancient India. It traces the evolution of their status in the country.
The interesting essay finds the transformation of women‟s position in India over time.
Gandhiji aware of the women power, able to utilize their participation fruitfully in the National
The writer points out that women in ancient India enjoyed a desirable position & they had a
good place in the society. The 18th & 19th centuries witnessed a drastic fall in women‟s position in
India. As a passionate believer, Gandhiji realized that there was a source of huge untouched
power in the womanhood of India. At first, Gandhiji was doubtful whether the women come forth &
participate in the agitation. But when the struggle actually started, they were everywhere in villages
& in towns.
Women were kept behind the „Purdha‟ & denied education. Child marriages were subjected
to many more restrictions. Early maternity, high mortality rates of men and the resulting widowhood
added to women‟s griefs. Independent India surprised the world by appointing woman in the higher
posts of administration so freely… such as members of he Cabinet, Governors of Provinces,
Ambassadors & as a leader of delegation to international conferences. The self-government made
legislative reforms & given the right of equality to women.
General Relevance:
The essay enables us to develop respect for women. It explains the facts clearly & the
details are convincing. Lucid style, suitable diction is the hallmarks & it offers a rich reading
experience to the readers.
Annotate the following:
1. He could be easily mistaken for a Sanskrit pundit if you heard him quote the holy text as a
solution to any problem in the world.
2. One day you test will become the convention
3. But I think my duty to serve my country first and therefore. I gave it free to the Indian
4. The plastic instantly melts and coats the gravel without realising toxic gases into the
Answer the following:
1. Describe the department of Dr. Vasudevan as the Professor TCE.
2. How did Dr. Vasudevan experiment with plastic waste and what has been the result?
3. How did A P J Abdul Kalam encourage Dr. Vasudevan and what has been the outcome?
4. List the advantage of plastic roads as described by Dr. Vasudevan.
These lines are taken from the prose text “Solution to the Plastic Pollution” an adopted
article from the Internet. Dr. Rajagopalan Vasudevan from Tamil Nādu, a Professor & Head,
Department of Chemistry at Thiagarajar College of Engineering dedicated his research to the
management of plastic waste.

Senior Intermediate English 6 Section A-Single Answers

The essay is a Research Project of Dr. Rajagopalan Vasudevan, with his persistent
research for many years in his laboratory and he succeeded on the methods of recovery & rescue
of plastic waste.
Dr. Vasudevan was a professor of Chemistry, his deportment exhibited him as a Sanskrit
Pundit. He always carried The Bhagavad Gita & quoted many Shlokas to his students while
teaching. He faced many hurdles during his research on plastic waste. He presented his project to
Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam. Dr. Kalam told Dr. Vasudevan that one day his research would become the
convention. He developed a simple but effective technology. He transformed plastic waste into a
material. It replaces bitumen and can be applied with Tar and used for laying roads.
At first, he laid the first 60 feet long plastic road within the TCE Campus in 2002 & it
remains intact. He says that the plastic heated to 1700C instantly melts & costs the gravel without
realizing toxic gases into the atmosphere. After getting popularity, he has received many offers
from private firms within & outside the country to sell the “Patent.” But the Patriotic Dr. R.
Vasudevan gave it free to the Indian government. The benefits are low cost, simple technology,
spot use of plastic, water-proof, doubling strength, high load carrying capacity, zero maintenance,
a new surface without cracks or potholes.
General Relevance:
Dr. R. Vasudevan, with his abundant research, showed to the world a permanent solution
of plastic waste. The technology not only increases quality of roads but also the problem of plastic
Annotate the following:
1. The ideal of perfection preached by the forest-dwellers of ancient India runs through the heart
of our classical literature and still dominates our mind.
2. The view of this world which India has taken is summed up in one compound Sanskrit word,
3. Nature stands on her own right, proving that she has her great function, to impart the peace of
the eternal to human emotions.
4. These poems contain the voice warnings against the gorgeous unreality of that age, which, like
a Himalayan avalanche, was slowly gliding down to an abyss of catastrophe.
Answer the following:
1. To make the spirit of he religion of the forest clear to readers. Tagore presents some sets of
contrasts. Explain them.
2. This aspect of the truth cannot be ignored; it has to be known and mastered. What is the
aspect of truth, according to Tagore? Who has mastered it?
3. The hermitage shines out in all our ancient literature, as the place where chasm between man
and the rest of the creation has been bridged. Explain this statement of Tagore.
4. Explain how the old simplicity of Hindu life had broken up in Kalidasa‟s time.
The present lines are taken from the thought-provoking essay The Religion of Forest
written by “Rabindranath Tagore.” He is a polymath. He is fondly known as Gurudev &
Viswakavi. He was awarded Noble Prize in 1913 for his Gitanjali.
The present essay is an extract from his original English composition Creative Unity written
in 1922. The theme of the write-up is profound, the thoughts are clear; the expression is effective &
the examples & illustration s are plenty.
Tagore seeks to present the ideal of perfection as explained by the ancient India forest-
dwellers. This wise view of life & its significance echoes in our classical literature. Ancient India

Senior Intermediate English 7 Section A-Single Answers

provided peaceful Surroundings to her wise sages in her lush green forests. They preached the
ideal of perfection to the world. The view of ancient Indians about life & universe is well summed
up in the term “Sacdhidanada.” The first phase is “Sat” which states the fact that things exist. The
second phase is “Chit” which states that we know & this relates to all, things through knowledge.
The third phase is “Ananda” which is the fact that we enjoy & this unites as with all the things
through love.
Realising the value of this concept & living as per that ideal promotes peace & prosperity.
Deviation from it brings devastating downfall. All through the Kalidas‟s poem, there runs the idea
that the future would be glorious when there would be self-control, purity & refusal in the
General Relevance:
Comparisons & contrasts abound the essay. The elegance of Tagore‟s prose is strikingly
evident here. The essay looks like a research paper. It serves as an example of both an expository
& argumentative essay for learners to compete with.
Annotate the following:
1. May be the world needs good watchmen as much as it does engineers.
2. He is a fine, good boy and a hard worker.
3. Ma. you‟re talking like someone in a fog, without any sense.
4. You have put what you think is two and two together and made four out of it, haven‟t you?
Answer the following:
1. Describe the importance of Mrs. Moore‟s role in Guilty.
2. Ma Ryan puts what she thinks is two and two together and makes four out of it. Discuss the
developments that lead Ma Ryan into making this mistake.
3. Sketch the character of Jim in the light of Ma Ryan‟s comments like: it is the same! But how did
it get into Jim‟s pocket.
4. Ma, you are talking like someone in a fog, without sense. Ae these words from Jim an order or
exception? Explain.
The present lines are taken from the delightful & humorous one-act play “Guilty” by
“Horace J Gardiner & Bonneviere Arnaud.” They are considered as “Single Author” by people
as there were no literary works individually.
Guilty is so sweet play that readers are left with the feeling that the play is too short! The play calls
the attention to the burning problem of the today‟s world “Unemployment” and they comfort
themselves with the saying: “Small is Beautiful.”
Jim the lead character in the play is an engineering graduate is compelled to work as a
night watchman at the Van King Warehouse. He wants to work for a short period till he finds a
better job. Mrs. Moore the neighbouring women often visits Jim‟s mother Ma Ryan. She speaks
about Jim‟s pathetic situation. She says that Jim is fine, good boy & a hard worker. He won‟t do
anything wrong. They highlight the dignity of labour. Watchmen are as important as engineers.
One day Ma Rayn finds a jewel in Jim‟s sweater, wrapped in a handkerchief. She picks up phone &
makes a call for Jim but in vain. Jim & a stranger enters the house. Jim asks his mother about the
sweater and also the jewel. She thinks that Jim has stolen the diamond and wants to sell it to the
When the police arrive, she tells Jim to escape. Jim becomes nervous of his mother‟s
behaviour & meaningless words. The stranger says that Jim is honest. He reveals the fact that he
is Mr. van king the real owner of the Jewel. So, he visits the house, wants to give some money &
collect the diamond.

Senior Intermediate English 8 Section A-Single Answers

General Relevance:
The play is short with a clear message. It meets the qualities of a one-act play. The
characters are few & the three unities of time, place & theme are carefully celebrated by the

Answer the following:
1. Describe the character of Arun, the boarding school boy?
2. What did Satish‟s mother advise him about strangers? How did Arun and Satish react on her
3. What made Arun call the stranger woman „mother‟ at the end?
4. Give any four reasons to explain why Arun developed instant liking for the strange woman in a
white sari on Platform No 8.
The woman on Platform No 8 by Ruskin Bond is a story about love & affection that
transcends all barriers of kinship. It is narrated in the first person by a schoolboy named Arun. All
the events are seen from his point of view. The story revolves around Arun‟s encounter with a
stranger-A Mysterious Woman.
Arun is a 12-year-old boy. After leaving his parents, he travels by bus and arrives Ambala
at about 12 midnight. He sits on Platform No 8 at Ambala Station. So, he continues to watch the
changing scene around. Soon he loses interest in his surroundings. He feels lonely & bored.
Suddenly. Arun hears a soft voice from behind. It is a woman in white saree with no jewels.
She looks pale and has dark kind eyes. After a brief introduction, she invites Arun for some
refreshments at the station dining room. She takes his hand and leads him away. Arun doesn‟t
refuse the invitation as he feels it would be too impolite to reject it. The woman seems to take a
pleasure in watching him eat. While eating he opens up and tells her abut his school, his likes &
dislikes. The woman speaks very little and listens to him intently.
Arun‟s school friend Satish, along with his mother appears on the platform. Satish‟s mother
asks Arun if the lady is his mother. Before Arun utters a word, the woman comes to rescue & says
that she is his mother. Satish‟s mother says that there are many suspicious characters hanging
around. She says that one should be very careful of strangers. The woman doesn‟t embarrassed.
Satish‟s mother look strictly at Arun & advises him to be careful in absence of his mother, and
never talk to strangers. Arun irritates her by contradicting her “I like strangers.”
Satish seems to agree with Arun as he smiles at him. After some time, the train steams in. Satish &
Arun board it. Satish‟s mother and the woman stand on the platform talking to the boys. The train
starts, Satish says, Good-Bye Mother. They wave to each other. Not to be left behind Arun also
utters the farewell words, Good-Bye Mother. He continues to gaze at her until she disappears in
the crowd.
Answer the following:
1. “Love, sacrifice and generosity are the essential elements for happy living.” Explain the
statement with reference to the story A Gift for Christmas.
2. Analyse the character of Della.
3. Sketch the character of Jim.
4. “A Gift for Christmas” is an example of O. Henry‟s comic irony. Justify
William Sydney Porter popularly known as O Henry is an American Short Story writer. He is
known for his wit & story telling technique. His stories are remarkable for their surprise twist in
endings. The present story is taken from his collection “Four Million.” This story mainly deals with
human emotions. It also depicts the story of a young married couple who want to sacrifice anything
one for the other.

Senior Intermediate English 9 Section A-Single Answers

The writer highlights that love & generosity are the valuable possessions of mankind. Della
and Jim live in a small rented flat in New York. Jim does a lowly job and they lead a miserable &
poor life with earnings of $ 20 a week. They wish to buy a gift for each other on Christmas Eve.
Jim‟s gold watch & Della‟s long beautiful hair are what they consider their treasures.
Della has very little money to buy a present for Jim. Della, in order to buy a gift for him, sells
her long beautiful hair for 20$. She purchases “a Platinum Watch Chain” for Jim. Jim sells his gold
watch to buy expensive “Ivory Sets of Combs” for Della. Della has developed a passion for the
combs set. Thus, both of them show the true meaning of love, sacrifice, & charity for happy living.
O Henry feels that the act of giving leads to happiness. His story telling techniques make
the narration interesting & captivating. Though the story has comic irony, he brings out the
importance of virtuous human interest.
Answer the following:
1. Sketch the character of Dr. Ramana.
2. “People came to Dr. Ramana when the patient was on his last legs.” Why?
3. Describe Gopal‟s health condition and his anxiety about the will.
4. “If my word can save his life, he shall not die”, said Dr. Ramana to himself. Explain the situation
that makes the doctor say so.
Rasipuram Krishnaswami Narayan was a leading writer of early Indian literature. His
stories form the settings of his work Malgudi Days. He was the recipient of many awards like The
Padma Bhushan, The Padma Vibhushan, The Sahitya Akademi Fellowship & A C Benson Medal.
The story is based on theme, “The soothing words of a doctor can be proved to be
miraculous for dying patients.” Though it is unscientific phenomena, it has seldom been proved in
many cases.
Dr. Raman was a famous doctor in his locality. He never lied to the patients about their
possibility of cure. He did not care what people would say getting his hopeless or hopeful remark.
He told the naked truth only. One day Dr. Raman was busy in the hospital. There came Gopal's
son and informed that his father was ill. Gopal was Dr. Raman's childhood friend. Hearing this he
ran to Gopal's house. Gopal lay in bed as if in sleep. He examined him and looked cross. He gave
an injection and said that he needed an operation. He would go back and would return with
equipment, nurse and assistant. He advised Gopal's wife not to disturb Gopal in his sleep. He
didn't say what Gopal's problem was. Dr. Raman returned after some time with a nurse, an
assistant, drove out others from the room except Gopal's son and then began operation. Then he
kept a watch over him. The patient opened his eyes after some time. The assistant was overjoyed.
But Dr. Raman looked worried. He said that it was a false flash. If the pulse went on till next
morning, he would be out of danger, otherwise anything might happen at night.
Gopal opened eyes, smiled at Dr. Raman. The family looked delighted. The doctor said to
Gopal's wife to give him glucose. When she asked him about his condition, he said that nothing
could be said till next morning. Hearing this his wife wept bitterly. Gopal asked- Doctor! Why is she
crying? Am I going to die? If so, please arrange my will paper, otherwise after my death Subas
would take all the property and my family would be ruined.
The doctor was in great problem. If he said that the will would be signed, it would mean that
the patient would die. If he did not sign the will and the patient died, his family would be ruined. In a
great dilemma, he, however, said that there was no need for 'will'. Then he returned to the hospital,
sent the assistant with an injection to give it to the patient in case his pain increased.
The next morning, Dr. Raman went to Gopal's house and saw that Gopal had cured
completely. He was astonished. It was a rare success and it was possible because of the doctor's
Answer the following:
1. Attempt the character sketch of the lady in the story “Lost”.
2. Narrate the incident that led to the agreement between the lady and the baron.

Senior Intermediate English 10 Section A-Single Answers

3. What was the baron‟s wish? Was it fulfilled? Explain.
4. Write about the character of baron.
The short story Lost is written by French author, “Guy De Maupassant”. He was
recognised as a master of short stories & the master of short story form. He authored over 300
short stories, 6 novels 3 travelogues & one volume of verse to his credit. This story has a plot of
clever lady, annoyed by the unethical treatment of a baron/ businessman, takes revenge on him.
The story “LOST” was plotted in the year 1873 at the Universal Exhibition in Vienna. A
young baron/businessman was on his routine visit to stock exchange. He happened to see ab
beautiful young married & shy lady. The baron was fascinated by her beauty & fell in love with her.
Though he knew that she was married, her made advancements towards her, which is unethical.
He ignored ethics & took advantage of her modesty. He wanted to exploit her & fulfil his lust. The
young lady being married was strong with her morals & self-respect. The baron kept chasing her
whenever he got a chance. The young lady was uncomfortable & annoyed of the baron‟s unethical
behaviour & was bearing his acts without any anger. But the lady was thinking deeply to take
revenge with the baron in very captivating manner.
One day, the young lady was wandering in the shopping area, pretending to do window
shopping. She went up to the showcase of a Russian fur dealer & stood in front of the showcase,
staring the fur coat with a desire to own it. But the price was 4000/- Rubles evaporated her desire.
Suddenly, the baron came to her and forced her to accept it as a gift. The young lady enraged
furiously, & warned him.
The funny baron then proposed her that, “you are allowed to flog me twenty-five blows, but
after the twenty-five blows you must accept my proposal. The young lady determined to teach him
a lesson after a small pause the lady said, “I will flog you 25 blows & after the completion of the
twenty fifth blow only, I will be yours. “The young baron was delighted without sensing her wit &
intelligence, the next minute, the baron asked about the details. The young lady told him to meet
the next day evening at 8:00 PM.
The baron appeared at the young lady‟s place at the stipulated time. He found her alone.
The young lady reminded him about the agreement. Then the young lady ties the hands of the
baron and starts flogging the baron harshly with the whip. She got a chance to take her revenge for
his insulting behaviour. The lady continued flogging up to twenty-four before stopping. Then she
says that she isn‟t going to whip him anymore. The baron said, “I let you to beat me, I have fulfilled
my promise, it is your turn to fulfil your promise.”
The young lady replied, “If I complete my twenty-five blows, then only, I will be yours. I‟ve
whipped you only twenty-four, so the agreement is cancelled and I‟ve two witnesses with me. Then
she drew the curtains over the doors and her husband & two other gentlemen came out of the
room. The baron remained speechless & goes on his knees and apologises the lady, thus he
realises so he LOST…

Answer the following:
1. The narrator thought that his interview was superfluous. Why?
2. “The Dean began to look interested.” What was he interested in? why?
3. Why do you think the old man visited the waiting room.
4. “His face suddenly lightened……….” Do you think the Dean was really happy with the narrator?
The short story An Interview is inscribed by English surgeon & anaesthetist Richard
Gordon. He wrote numerous stories & screen plays for films & televisions. He also wrote short
write-ups on popular history dealing with medicine. The story is witty & autobiographical. He
describes his experiences of facing an interview with the Dean of a Medical School.
The narrator comes to attend an interview with Dr Lionel Loftus, the Dean of St Swithin‟s
Medical School. He sits nervously in the wating, pre-creating his interview with the dean. Then his

Senior Intermediate English 11 Section A-Single Answers

introspection was interrupted when an old man enters the room meets him. The old man calls him
by his surname Mr. Gordon in a croaked voice. The old man speaks to him and introduces himself
as the medical school Secretary. He had been working since quite a long time. The old man
wanted to ask some questions, to the narrator. “Have you been to a public school?” The narrator
replied “Yes.” Then “Do you play Rugby football or Association?” Mr. Gordon answered Rugby. Do
you think you can afford to pay the fees? Yes, was the reply. Then the old man left and went away
for 10 min and returned, led him to the Dean‟s office.
The Dean also repeated the same questions. Dr Lionel Loftus in his pleasing voice says
that the narrator got admission into St Swithin‟s Medical School. At first, he was confused, later he
found out that even his brief interview was also unnecessary. The dean usually took the advice of
his old secretary according to his secretary‟s opinion admission would be given. If the secretary
dislikes, he will be informed as “NO VACANCY.”

Senior Intermediate English 12 Section A-Single Answers

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