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Urinalysis with Test Strips

Important Information for Customers in USA and Canada
The product names used in this brochure are different from the product names used in
USA and Canada. The table shows the synonyms for the products available in USA and
Canada only:

International Product Name Product Name

Product Name in USA in Canada

Combur-Test Chemstrip Chemstrip

Combur 10 Test UX Chemstrip 10 MD Chemstrip 10 A

Combur 10 Test M Chemstrip 10 UA Chemstrip 10 A

Combur 7 Test Chemstrip 7 Chemstrip 7

Combur 5 Test Chemstrip 5 OB Chemstrip 5

Diabur-Test 5000 Chemstrip uG Chemstrip uG

Keto-Diabur-Test 5000 Chemstrip uG/K Chemstrip uG/K

Micral-Test Chemstrip Micral Micral-Test

Control-Test M Chemstrip Calibration Strips Control-Test M

Miditron Junior II Chemstrip Criterion II Urine Analyzer Miditron Junior II

Miditron M Chemstrip Urine Analyzer Urichem 1000

Authors: Dr. Ewald F. Hohenberger

Dr. Horst Kimling

© 2004 Roche Diagnostics GmbH

Urine Examination with Test Strips
History of urinalysis with test strips 3

1 Indications for urine test strips

Pre-analytical treatment and test performance

Characteristics of Urine Test Strips

from Roche Diagnostics 19

Specific gravity 23

pH 25

Leukocytes 27

Nitrite 29

Protein (Albumin) 33

Glucose 37

Ketones 41

Urobilinogen 43

Bilirubin 47

2 Blood (erythrocytes/hemoglobin ) 49

Microscopical and Bacteriological Examination

The test strip sieve 55
Microscopic assessment of the sediment 57

3 Urine culture
Urine cytology with Testsimplets

4 Automated Urinalysis 64

5 Detection of Microalbuminuria
with Micral-Test 77

The kidneys and the efferent urinary tract 81
Cell atlas – urine sediment/urine cytology 86

6 Glossary of specialist medical terms

Further reading
History of urinalysis with test strips

In many cultures urine was once regarded

as a mystical fluid, and in some cultures it
is still regarded as such to this day. Its uses
have included wound healing, stimulation
of the body’s defences, and examinations
for diagnosing the presence of diseases.

Modern medicine has at its disposal a

variety of quick and hygienic test methods
permitting safe and reliable analysis of
urine test specimens. The starting point
for diagnosing a wide range of patholo-
gical conditions is, however, simple visual
examination of the urine, and a long path
had to be travelled to the development of
the modern test strips now used routinely
for determining the urine status. Let us
now take a quick look at this long devel-
opment process.

It all started over 2000 years ago

The origin of visual urine diagnostics, the
oldest method of examining body fluids,
can be traced back to ancient Egypt, where Fig. 1: Uroscopy in the 15th century
polyuria and haematuria are mentioned as
states of disease in old medical papyri. Galenus of Pergamum, also known as
Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC) observed certain Galen, who in the second century AD
changes in the odour and color of urine in combined the medicine of his day, divided
the presence of fever, and pointed out the into a number of groups, into one major
importance of examining the patient’s system with his doctrine of humoral
urine. The Indian physician Caraka (ca. pathology: “It is not solid organs that are
100 AD) described ten pathological kinds the seat of disease but the four body fluids
of urine, including urines that contained or humours: blood, phlegm, black bile,
sugar and bacteria. and choler or yellow bile. Disease is due to
an imbalance of these fluids, and the
No medical teaching of the past was, how- nature and site of the disease can be
ever, so important, and none had such established from the composition and
lasting influence, as that of Claudius appearance of the humours. An illness

History of urinalysis with test strips

therefore also shows itself in the urine.” white, blackberry red, and pale green to
This doctrine dominated medical thinking black), and corresponding conclusions
up to the 16th century. In pathology the were drawn about the patient’s illness
teaching of Galen of Pergamum was in (Fig. 2). The development went so far that
fact abandoned only in the 19th century. all that was wrong with the human body
was believed to be reflected as in a mirror
In the 10th century the Arab physician in the urine specimen. This view served as
Isaac Judaeus, basing himself on Galen’s a basis for the “urine fortune-telling,”
humoralism, developed a scheme of hu- which was so caustically criticized by
mours with which he raised the urine humanistic physicians in the 16th century.
findings to the level of an almost infallible
diagnostic criterion for all states of dis- In the 16th century Paracelsus prompted
ease. The extreme consequence of this the- examination of the urine by the methods
ory was so-called uromancy or uroscopy of alchemy, but the thinking of his time,
practiced in the Middle Ages (Fig. 1), tinged by ideas of magic and astrology,
which according to modern views was prevented his proposals from developing
devoid of any scientific basis. Over 20 into forerunners of medical and chemical
shades of color were distinguished in the analysis of the urine.
urine (from crystal clear via camel hair

Fig. 2: A urine glass disc with

20 color nuances (1491 AD)

History of urinalysis with test strips

From uromancy to the idea of clinical pathological urine constituents. Criticisms

chemistry of the urine were voiced at the time that doctors active
It was only towards the end of the 18th in general practice had to do too much
century that doctors interested in chemis- chemistry, since the tests were all based on
try turned their attention to a scientific wet chemistry. The first “test strips” were
basis of urinalysis and to its use in practi- developed by the Parisian chemist Jules
cal medicine. Writing in 1797, the physi- Maumené (1818–1898) when, in 1850, he
cian Carl Friedrich Gärtner (1772–1850) impregnated a strip of merino wool with
expressed a wish for an easy way of testing “tin protochloride” (stannous chloride).
urine for disease at the patient’s bedside. On application of a drop of urine and
heating over a candle the strip immediate-
In the same year a work appeared in ly turned black if the urine contained sug-
Britain in which the chemist William ar. Despite its simplicity the test was not
Cruikshank (1745–1800) described for the widely accepted, and it took another 70
first time the property of coagulation on years or so before the Viennese chemist
heating, exhibited by many urines. This Fritz Feigl (1891–1971) published his
observation led English physician Richard technique of “spot analysis.”
Bright to speak of the “albuminous nature
of urine” and to describe this clinical In the intervening years prominent physi-
symptom of nephritis in 1827 in “Reports cians, above all in Britain, concerned
of Medical Cases.” This marked the break- themselves with the development of the
through of qualitative urine chemistry forerunners of modern test strips. Thus,
into medicine. English physiologist George Oliver
(1841–1915) marketed his “Urinary Test
In the decades that followed a number of Papers” in 1883. The principle in this case
chemical urinalyses were introduced into was to fix the reagents required for the
clinical general practice, such as examina- preparation of solutions in high concen-
tions of the urine for protein, sugar, and trations on filter paper or cloth, to facili-
acetone. However, these examinations tate the work of the practitioner.
were associated with considerable time
and effort, and the results were not very Reagent papers were already commercially
specific, e.g. the reduction methods of obtainable at the beginning of this centu-
Fehling or Nylander for the detection of ry from the chemical company of Helfen-
sugar in urine. berg AG. A test for the presence of blood
by a wet-chemical method using benzi-
With the arrival of chemical urine diag- dine became known in 1904, and it was
nostics the year 1840 marked a true boom not long before an analogous benzidine
for methods aimed at the detection of paper test appeared on the market.

History of urinalysis with test strips

Triumph of the test strips the following three major disease cate-
All these “dry reagents” still did not de- gories:
serve the designation of “dry chemistry” in  diseases of the kidneys and the uro-
the modern sense of the term, but they genital tract
must be regarded as rudimentary fore-  metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus)
runners of the modern test systems. Even  liver diseases and haemolytic disorders
if the basic principle of reagent drying for
a time did not undergo any change, urine Diabetic and hypertension-determined
diagnostics made major progress in the nephropathies have been diagnosed early
1930s. The informative power and the reli- with the aid of Micral-Test in the presence
ability in particular were distinctly of microalbuminuria.
improved, and test performance itself
became progressively easier.

Urine test strips in the sense used today

were first made on industrial scale and
offered commercially in the 1950s. The
company Boehringer Mannheim, today a
top leader on the world market under the
name of Roche Diagnostics, launched its
first Combur test strips in 1964. Even
though the test strips have changed their
external appearance little since the 1960s,
they now contain a number of revolution-
ary innovations. New impregnation tech-
niques, more stable color indicators, and
the steady improvement in color grada-
tion have all contributed to the fact that
the use of urine test strips has now become
established in clinical and general practice
as a reliable diagnostic instrument.

The parameter menu offered has steadily

grown longer in the intervening decades.
Today Combur-Test product line from
Roche Diagnostics can be used for the
recognition of the early symptoms of

Indications for urine test strips

Urine test strips are a central diagnostic  the result is obtained quickly
instrument, their ease of use yielding  the test is easy and inexpensive
quick and reliable information on patho-  high sensitivity (diagnostic sensitivity)
logical changes in the urine. Their signi-  sufficiently high diagnostic specificity
ficance lies primarily in first-line diag-
nostics. Routine testing of the urine with A field study carried out in seven Euro-
multiparameter strips, allowing a deter- pean countries with over 11,000 urine
mination of the complete urine status, is samples illustrates the value of screening
therefore the first step in the diagnosis of a with urine test strips (Fig. 3). A patholog-
very wide range of disease pictures. ical urine finding (after checking for
nitrite, protein, glucose, ketones, uro-
Indications for urine test strips: bilinogen, and blood) was diagnosed in
 screening within the framework of 16% of “normal healthy persons,” in 40%
routine examinations of outpatients, and in 57% of hospitalized
 treatment monitoring patients.
 self-monitoring by patients
 general preventive medicine With the aid of routine examinations early
symptoms of the following three groups
Screening within the framework are identified:
of routine examinations  diseases of the kidneys and the urinary
Within the framework of routine exami- tract
nations urine test strips are used for  carbohydrate metabolism disorders
screening both in hospitals and in general (diabetes mellitus)
practice. The aim of screening is early  liver diseases and haemolytic disorders
identification of likely patients by exami-
nation of large groups of the population. Diseases of the kidneys and
No direct diagnoses are established on the urogenital tract
basis of the screening results, which serve Screening parameters:
only as a basis for further microscopic,  leukocytes
bacteriological, or clinicochemical exami-  nitrite
nations of the urine.  protein
Urine test strips can satisfy all the require-  specific gravity
ments for effective screening:  pH

Indications for urine test strips

Diseases of the kidneys and the urogenital The following non-specific symptoms
tract often remain asymptomatic for a occur time and time again in patients with
long time. Renal function disturbances urinary tract infections or pyelonephritis
frequently lie dormant for many years, and require further clarification to avoid
leading eventually to often irreversible possible late consequences such as urae-
severe late damage. Kidney failure as the mia, hypertension, and cardiovascular
terminal stage of various primary and sec- complications:
ondary nephropathics (Fig. 4) can only be  tiredness and exhaustion
treated by renal substitution therapy such  chronic headaches
as dialysis or kidney transplantation.  persistent lack of appetite
Effects are also possible on other organ  loss of weight
systems, especially on the cardiovascular  nausea and vomiting
system. The cardinal symptom of a uri-  intermittent rises in temperature and
nary tract infection is the detection of sig- fever of unclear origin (in children
nificant bacteriuria (nitrite positive) and some 50% of urinary tract infections
leukocyturia (leukocytes positive) by are manifested by fever)
means of test strips.  pale yellow skin color,
puffy appearance

Importance of urinalysis as a screening procedure

Frequency of pathological urine in different groups of people.

Parameters: nitrite, protein, glucose, ketones, urobilinogen, blood

persons 16 %

40 %

patients 57 %

A field study carried out in seven European countries with over 11,000 urine samples

Fig. 3: Frequency of pathological urines

Indications for urine test strips

The following characteristic symptoms are  in patients with

much more rare: congenital urological
 proteinuria disorders approx. 57%
 “weak bladder,” a “bladder cold”  in gout patients approx. 65%
 burning and pain during micturition  in patients after catheterization,
 polyuria, dysuria, pollakiuria instrumentation, and operations
 bed-wetting in older children on the urinary tract
 pains in the lumbar and kidney region.
Regular checking for urinary tract in-
In certain risk groups the danger of uri- fections and infectious kidney diseases,
nary tract infections and pyelonephritis is especially in women and elevated-risk
particularly high: patients, enables treatment to be started
 in pregnant women 4–8% early as a result of diagnosis in an early
 in hypertensive subjects approx. 14% state of the disease, with good prognosis of
 in older people 8–18% the otherwise serious conditions. After the
 in diabetics up to 20% end of the therapy further control checks
 in patients with urinary are also necessary to catch any relapses in
calculi approx. 50% good time.

Hypertension Type I diabetes Type II diabetes

10.2% 7.4% 2.9%

kidney diseases
10.9% Analgesics nephropathy

Unclear Glomerulonephritis
origin 25.6%

Pyelonephritis/ Source:
interstitial nephritis Demography of Dialysis and
18% Transplantation in Europe, 1993

Fig. 4: Causes of dialysis and kidney transplants

Indications for urine test strips

Carbohydrate metabolism disorders Monitoring is particularly useful in two

(inter alia diabetes mellitus) clinical conditions:
Screening parameters: In diabetes mellitus combined checks for
 glucose glucose and ketones are advisable for the
 ketones purpose of early detection of any dietetic
errors by changes in the metabolic status
Around 30–40% of type I diabetics and and for their correction.
around 20% of type II diabetics suffer in
time from a nephropathy, and early recog- Patients suffering from hypertension run
nition of diabetes is therefore of major an increased risk of developing kidney
significance for the further state of health damage in the course of their condition.
of these patients. Micral-Test allows early detection of inci-
pient nephropathy.
Liver diseases and haemolytic
disorders Self-monitoring by patients
Screening parameters: Under their doctor’s instructions patients
 urobilinogen can benefit directly from the advantages of
 bilirubin urine test strips. This applies particularly
to diabetics, where the idea of self-moni-
In many liver diseases the patients often toring of the metabolic status (determi-
show signs of pathology only at a late nations of glucose and ketones) is self-
stage. Early diagnosis allows appropriate evident.
therapeutic measures to be instituted in
good time, avoiding consequential dam- General preventive medicine
age and further infections. Spontaneous preventive monitoring at
home has meanwhile become widespread
Treatment monitoring in the population. For example, a check on
Treatment monitoring with the aid of the first morning urine for an asymp-
urine test strips allows the treating doctor tomatic urinary tract infection can be
to check on the results of the prescribed carried out without any problems on a
therapy, and if necessary to introduce any day-to-day basis. The same applies to an
changes into the therapeutic strategy. An examination of the urine 2 hours after a
additional benefit of such monitoring is carbohydrate-rich main meal to check for
improved patient compliance. the presence of diabetes mellitus. The
whole family is often involved in such
preventive monitoring.

Pre-analytical treatment and test performance

Reliable analytical results can only be Depending on the time and nature of the
obtained from a urine specimen that has urine specimen collection, a distinction is
been collected, transported and stored drawn between:
properly. To this day the diagnostic possi-  spontaneous urine
bilities of urinalysis are often not utilized  first morning urine (after a night’s
to the full because correct pre-analytical rest)
treatment cannot be ensured.  second morning urine (collected
before noon)
Sample collection  timed urine (usually 24-hour urine)
The urine collection and dispatch equip-  midstream urine
ment should always comprise clean and  bladder puncture urine
sterile disposable containers, made as a
rule from plastic. Important patient data The first morning urine has proved its
(surname, first name, date of birth, sender, worth for most test purposes. As a rule it
collection date and time) should be affixed ensures sufficiently long residence of urine
to the container in a waterproof manner in the bladder, and its composition is inde-
before the sample collection. pendent of the daily variations due to food
and fluid intake and physical activity. For

Wash hands. Take lid off First void a small Replace the lid
specimen container amount of urine on the specimen
and place into the toilet, container being
with inside surface fac- then fill the specimen careful not to
ing upwards. container half full, touch the inside;
void remaining urine give the container
into the toilet. to the nurse or

Fig. 5: Collecting a mid-stream urine sample

Pre-analytical treatment and test performance

checks on glucosuria it is best to use urine Sample storage

passed about 2 hours after a carbohydrate- Examination of the urine with test strips
rich meal. should be carried out at the latest 2 hours
after micturition, since longer standing
Contamination is frequent in normal times can lead to false results owing to the
“spontaneous” urine collected without any following influences:
special hygienic precautions, especially in  disintegration (lysis) of leukocytes and
the case of women, and consists of erythrocytes
leukocytes in the presence of discharge  proliferation of bacteria
and of erythrocytes in the presence of  bacterial degradation of glucose
menstruation. For this reason no urine  a rise in pH due to ammonia formed
diagnostics should be attempted in as a result of bacterial degradation of
women during and 2–3 days after men- urea
struation.  oxidation of bilirubin and urobili-
nogen, especially in sunlight
Correct sample collection is made easier
by leaflets with a detailed description of These changes in the specimen can be
the procedure for patients and medical slowed down if the urine is kept in a sealed
personnel. container in a refrigerator.

Pre-analytical treatment and test performance

Parameter Stability in urine Influencing Interference Remarks

measured 4–8 °C 20-25 °C factors factors

Specific Fluid intake, pH > 7 Precipitation changes

gravity diuretics the specific gravity

pH Unstable Unstable Diet (meat ↓, Rise on formation

vegetarian ↑) of ammonia

Leukocytes 1–4 h 1–4 h Vaginal secretion Strong color of Fast lysis at

urine ↑ specific gravity < 1.010
High glucose and and pH > 7.
protein values ↓ Mix urine specimen
Certain well
antibiotics ↑ or ↓

Nitrite 8h 4h Bacterial count Strong color of Antibiotics inhibit

urine ↑ nitrite formation
Ascorbic acid ↓
Phenazopyridine ↑

Protein 7 days 1 day Physical activity Ejaculate ↑

(albumin) pregnancy Preservatives ↑

Glucose 8h 2h Pregnancy, Bacteria ↓

fever, old age

Ketones 6h 2h Starvation, Phenylketones ↑ Test is more sensitive

fasting, Phthaleins ↑ to acetoacetic acid
fever SH compounds ↑ than to acetone

Urobilinogen 2h Light ↓ Oxidation in air

Strong color of
urine ↑
Phenazopyridine ↑

Bilirubin 2h Light ↓ Oxidation in air

Ascorbic acid ↓
Phenazopyridine ↑

Blood 1–4 h 1–4 h Menstruation, Oxidizing cleaning Fast lysis at

(erythrocytes) strong physical agents ↑ specific gravity < 1.010
activity and pH > 7.
Mix urine specimen

Tab. 1: Storage conditions, influencing factors and interference factors

Pre-analytical treatment and test performance

Parameter Stability in urine Influencing Interference Remarks

measured 4–8 °C 20-25 °C factors factors

In sediment:
Bacteria 24 h Urinary pH Cells are lysed in
Casts 1–4 h Unstable dependence on pH and
Epithelial cells hours osmolality.
Erythrocytes 1–4 h 1–4 h Osmolality < 300 mmol/L
Leukocytes 1–4 h 1–4 h reduces storage stability

Urine culture Low pH, Results too low or

antibiotics, false-negative results
infections outside
the bladder
(kidney stones,
prostate), fastidious

Indwelling catheter, Results too high or

collection technique false-positive results
(children, old

Tab. 1 (Continued): Storage conditions, influencing factors and interference factors

Pre-analytical treatment and test performance

Macroscopic assessment of urine White turbidity can be due to:

specimens  phosphates precipitating in alkaline
Macroscopic assessment of the urine (its urine (test: the precipitate redissolves
color and odour) is of little diagnostic on acidification with acetic acid)
value, but within the framework of visual  pyuria in massive bacterial or fungal
examination of the specimens any striking infections (microbial count >107/mL)
color changes are usually reported as well.  lipiduria in the presence of a nephrotic
syndrome or on contamination with
The normal urine volume of an adult is ointments
some 700–2000 mL/day. An output of  massive proteinuria
more than 2500 mL/day is classified as po-
lyuria, an output of less than 500 mL/day Odour of the urine
as oliguria, and an output of less than Striking odour changes of clinical signifi-
100 mL/day as anuria. cance include:
 odour of fresh fruit or of acetone in
Color of the urine the presence of ketonuria (sign of
The color of normal urine is due to the possible presence of metabolic aci-
presence of porphyrins, bilirubin, uro- dosis, most often due to fasting or
bilin, uroerythrin, and some other, still uncontrolled diabetes mellitus)
unidentified, compounds. Striking changes  “fetor hepaticus,” a musty odour of
should be reported in terms of definite urine and breath in the presence of
colors: “red,” “brown,” “green,” etc. hepatic encephalopathies
 odour of alcohol in the presence of
Color changes are caused most often by intoxication due to ethanol
drugs and their metabolites. A brick-red  odour of ammonia in urinary tract
sediment is usually due to precipitation of infections due to urea-splitting bac-
urates in acidic urine (test: the precipitate teria; odour of hydrogen sulfide in uri-
redissolves on gentle warming). Haema- nary tract infections with proteinuria
turia is recognized by the presence of due to putrefacient bacteria
brown-red turbidity with a red-brown  a wide range of various odours due to
sediment. Darkening can also occur in the intoxications and after certain foods
presence of substances other than those
listed in the table below. Pneumaturia
Pneumaturia (presence of fine gas bubbles)
is a rare symptom pointing to the presence
of a fistula between the urinary tract and
the intestine.

Color/ Endogenous Suspicion of Exogenous causes
appearance causes Drug Foods Intoxications /

Colorless Polyuria Diabetes mellitus

Yellow- Bilirubin Bilirubinaemia Quinine Anthrone

brown Phenolphthalein (rhubarb)
Methyldopa Carotene
Nitrofurantoin Vitamin B2

Brown-red Haemoglobin Haemoglobinuria Phenytoin

Myoglobin Myoglobinuria Sulfamethoxazol

Red Porphobilin Porphyria Deferoxamine Betanin (beetroots)

Pre-analytical treatment and test performance

Porphyrins Phenazopyridine Rhodamine B

(darkening) (orange) (ice cream)

Green Bile Amitriptyline Pseudomonas


Blue Evans blue

Methylene blue

Black Haemoglobin Massive haemolysis Levodopa Phenols

(darkening) in malaria (darkening)
Melanin Melanoma Metronidazole
Homogentisate Alkaptonuria (darkening)

Tab. 2: Color changes in urine

Pre-analytical treatment and test performance

Test performance Points to avoid at all times

1. Collect the urine specimen in a clean  Residues of cleaning agents or
sterile container (preferably a dispos- disinfectants falsify the results (false-
able container). positive findings for blood, protein
2. Dip the test strip in the urine for no and glucose)
longer than 1 second.  Freezing of the urine specimen will
3. On drawing the strip out of the sample destroy leukocytes and erythrocytes
run its edge over the rim of the con- and hence make the specimen un-
tainer to remove excess liquid. usable for subsequent microscopic
4. After 60 seconds (60–120 seconds for examinations
leukocytes) compare the reaction color  Specimens must not be centrifuged
in the test area against the color scale on prior to test strip analysis
the label.  Specimens must not be exposed to
direct sunlight
Colors occurring only on the edges or
ones that develop only after more than Quality assurance
2 minutes are not relevant for diagnostic Quality assurance in urinalysis includes in
purposes. addition to the analysis itself the opera-
tions of sample collection, preservation,
Points to note preparation and transport. It is therefore
 Urine examinations with test strips necessarily interdisciplinary and requires
should be carried out within 2 hours involvement of the patient.
at the latest
 The urine specimen should be mixed
thoroughly prior to the test
 The specimens must always be kept in
a refrigerator (at +4°C) if the tests
cannot be done within 2 hours of the
urine collection
 At the time of testing the samples must
be at room temperature
 The test strip tubes must be stoppered
again immediately after the removal of
a test strip
 Remember to label the urine container

Characteristics of urine test strips
from Roche Diagnostics

Safe and hygienic handling The absorbent paper layer takes up excess
The reagent paper and the underlying urine and stops the test area colors from
absorbent paper are covered over with a running. 2
thin porous nylon mesh and fixed to a
stable white carrier foil (Fig. 6). Semiquantitative results
In the event of a pathological finding a
The nylon mesh color change occurs in the respective test
 protects the reagent pad from con- area. The color intensity allows a semi-
tamination quantitative evaluation of the result.
 fixes the reagent pad reliably to the
carrier foil Unequivocal color scale
 ensures uniform color development Special colorfast printing colors on the
through uniform penetration of the vial label allow easy and reliable evaluation
urine into the test area of the results.
 prevents falsification of the color
by glue

Nylon mesh

Reagent paper

Absorbent paper

Carrier foil

Fig. 6: Structure of test strips from Roche Diagnostics

Characteristics of urine test strips from Roche Diagnostics

Long storage life The practical detection limit is made such

A drying agent in the cap of the plastic that even slight pathological changes in
tube protects the sensitive test strips from the urine are made visible by a clear color
atmospheric humidity. The test strips are change in the test area.
stable up to the expiry date specified on
the package when stored and used accord-
ing to the directions.

High sensitivity
An important evaluation criterion for the
quality of urine test strips is the practical
detection limit (Fig. 7), i.e. the concen-
tration of the substance determined at
which the test gives a positive result in
90 out of 100 different samples. The lower
the detection limit, the more sensitively
can pathological changes be identified by
the test strip in question.

% positive results


detection limit

of the analyte

Fig. 7: Practical detection limit

Characteristics of urine test strips from Roche Diagnostics

Protection against interference In a study published in 1992 Brigden et

due to vitamin C al.1 showed that an oral dose of as little as
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) inhibits the oxi- 100 mg vitamin C per day, or even a single
dation reactions for blood and glucose in glass of fruit juice, may already produce
the test area and can therefore lead to ascorbic acid concentrations of some
false-negative results in the presence of 10 mg/dl in the urine. With conventional
haematuria and glucosuria. urine test strips these concentrations may
be high enough to provoke interference.
The test strips of the Combur-Test Combur-Test strips from Roche Diagnos-
product line are protected against this tics remain stable even in the presence of
interference by incorporation of iodate. high concentrations of vitamin C, and
Any vitamin C present in the urine sample false-negative reactions to blood and glu-
is thus eliminated by oxidation. If the very cose are hardly ever observed.
wide use of ascorbic acid in the food in-
dustry is taken into account, and the Risks of ascorbic acid interference
numbers of people putting their faith in It must be borne in mind that over 20% of
vitamin supplements, it obviously makes a all urine specimens may contain sufficient
decisive difference in haematuria and ascorbic acid concentrations to involve a
glucosuria diagnostics whether the urine risk of interference in testing for blood
test strip used is protected from vitamin C and glucose. The risk of false-negative
interference. results increases particularly sharply in the
flu season, when people turn in large
Significance of vitamin C numbers to vitamin supplements, affect-
Vitamin C is added to many foods and ing the diagnosis of the following clinical
beverages on account of its outstanding pictures:
antioxidant and preservation activity; for  Blood: glomerulonephritis,
example it is added to flour, bread, cakes pyelonephritis, lithiasis,
and pastries, to sausages, cereal flakes, fruit tumours
and vegetable juices, to beer, and even to  Glucose: diabetes mellitus,
champagne. Many people in addition take glucosurias determined by
pure vitamin C prophylactically in the kidney damage
form of vitamin tablets. All this can lead to
elevated vitamin C levels in the urine and
to interference in urinalysis when using
test strips.

Characteristics of urine test strips from Roche Diagnostics

Additional test areas for ascorbic acid on

strips not protected from vitamin C inter-
ference will reveal an excessive vitamin C
concentration in the patient’s urine, and
the urine examination must then be
repeated at a later time. On account of
their potential falsification, the results are
not used.

1 High incidence of significant urinary ascorbic
acid concentrations in a West Coast population –
implications for routine urinalysis. Malcolm L.
Brigden et al., Clin. Chem. 38/3, 426 – 431 (1992).

Specific gravity

Test principle ity of urine is today only of subordinate

The test determines the ion concentra- importance. Besides, controlled condi-
tions in urine by reaction with a complex tions are a prerequisite, such as fluid dep-
former and detection of the released pro- rivation for 12 or 24 hours.
tons. gravity
The diuresis factor can be used in the
Non-ionic constituents of the urine such assessment of other urine parameters by
as glucose or urea are not determined. means of the specific gravity; slightly
elevated analyte values, e.g. the levels of
Sources of error protein, are more meaningful in samples
In the presence of small amounts of pro- having a low specific gravity than in
tein (100–500 mg/dL) there is a tendency concentrated urine.
to read off high values. The same occurs in
the case of ketoacidotic urine. Specific gravity is also significant in ana-
lysis of the urine for narcotics or for pro-
An increase in urine specific gravity due to scribed drugs in athletes, as it may point to
glucose concentrations >1000 mg/dL manipulation of the specimen.
(>56 mmol/L) is not determined by test
strips. Values below 1.010 g/mL are of analytical
significance, because in such urine ery-
At pH 7 or higher the test result obtained throcytes and leukocytes undergo rapid
has to be increased by 0.005 g/mL. lysis. This may explain negative sediment
results with a positive test strip reaction.
Influencing factors
The specific gravity of urine depends
primarily on the amount of fluids drunk
by the patient, but factors such as heavy
sweating, the effect of low temperatures,
or increased urine output provoked by
diuretically active agents (e.g. coffee or
certain medicines) also exert an influence,
so that even in healthy persons the values
can vary from 1.000 to 1.040 g/mL.

Clinical significance
The diagnosis of kidney function distur-
bances (e.g. a reduced concentration
capacity) by determining the specific grav-


Test principle Sources of error

The pH test relies on a combination of If the specimen is allowed to stand for too
three indicators, methyl red, bromthymol long, the urine may become alkaline (pH
blue and phenolphthalein. In the pH >7) as a result of bacterial decomposition
range of 5–9 this gives a color gradation of urea. The pH is then diagnostically
going from orange to yellow-green and to meaningless.
blue. pH

Reference ranges
Course over the day: pH 4.8–7.4
Morning urine: pH 5– 6

Test principle

Br Br O
Br Br
+ -

- -

yellow Bromthymol blue blue

- O
+2 NaOH

- O
OH Phenolphthalein

+ –H
N =N N(CH3)2 N=N N(CH3)2
H +H
red Methyl red yellow
Acidic urine: mixed color orange Alkaline urine: mixed color green

Fig. 8: Principle of the urine pH test


Influencing factors Metabolic acidosis

 Nutrition  diabetic acidosis
 Animal protein leads to acidic urine, a  fasting
vegetarian diet to strong alkalization  medicines and toxins
 Metabolic status  kidney failure
 Various diseases  renal tubular acidosis (pH rarely below
 Medicines 6.0)

Clinical significance Respiratory acidosis

Persistently acidic or alkaline urine points  retention of CO2 (emphysema)
to the possibility of a disturbance of the
acid-base balance. Persistently alkaline pH Metabolic alkalosis
values are evidence of an infection in the  severe potassium deficiency
urogenital tract. High pH values are also  excessive intake of alkalis
of analytical significance because erythro-  diuretics
cytes and leukocytes are lysed faster in  vomiting
such urine, which can explain the combi-
nation of negative sediment results with a Respiratory alkalosis
positive test strip reaction.  infections
Acidosis (pH <7) and alkalosis (pH >7)
can also be due to the following causes:


Test principle Specificity

The leukocytes excreted in the urine are  The test detects the esterase activity of
almost exclusively granulocytes, whose granulocytes and histiocytes (histio-
esterase activity is detected in the test strip cytes are also produced in the presence
reaction. The test zone contains an indoxyl of inflammatory processes and in
ester, which is cleaved by the granulocyte microscopic examinations they are
esterase. The free indoxyl released reacts usually not distinguished from leuko-
with a diazonium salt to form a violet dye. cytes) Leuko-
 Not only intact but also already lysed cytes
Practical detection limit leukocytes are detected, which are not
10–25 leukocytes/µL found by urine sediment microscopy
 The test does not react to urine-patho-
Reference ranges genic bacteria and trichomonads
Normal <10 leukocytes/µL  Epithelia, spermatozoa, and erythro-
Borderline 10–20 leukocytes/µL cytes do not have any effect in the con-
Pathological >20 leukocytes/µL centrations in which they can occur in

Test principle

NH Esterase NH
Indoxyl ester Indoxyl

+ -
+ N N R1
Indoxyl Diazonium salt Dye (violet) R2 R1

Fig. 9: Principle of the leukocyte test


 pH values in the range of 4.5–9, explained on the one hand by the more
nitrite in the presence of urinary tract frequent occurrence of urinary tract in-
infections, ascorbic acid, and ketones fections in women and on the other by the
do not exert any influence risk of contamination of the urine spe-
cimens by leukocytes from a vaginal dis-
Sources of error charge. One must therefore reckon with a
 If the urine is strongly colored, this positive leukocyte test in 30–40% of
intrinsic color could mask the color spontaneous urine specimens from
formed by the strip reaction women.
 Protein excretion in excess of 500 mg/dL
and glucose excretion of over 2 g/dL The great majority of positive leuko-
could lead to a weaker color develop- cyte findings is due to the presence of
ment, as could high doses of cepha- a bacterial urinary tract infection.
lexin and gentamicin
 Preservatives falsify the test result If an inflammation is chronic or healed
(false-positive reading in the case of up, in particular, it is not rare to obtain a
formaldehyde, false-negative in case positive leukocyte reaction and yet fail to
of boric acid). Medication with imipe- find any bacteria in the urine. This condi-
nem, meropenem and clavulanic acid) tion is known as “abacterial” leukocyturia.
could lead to false-positive results. In chronic pyelonephritis leukocyturia is
often the only symptom in the intervals
Clinical significance between the acute episodes – the addi-
Leukocyturia is an important guide symp- tional symptoms associated with the acute
tom of inflammatory diseases of the kid- course, such as fever, kidney pains, pro-
neys and efferent urinary tract, e.g. teinuria and erythrocyturia, are absent.
 bacterial infections: cystitis, urethritis,
acute and chronic pyelonephritis Abacterial leukocyturia can in addition
 abacterial infections due to yeasts, constitute important evidence for the
fungi and viruses presence of tuberculosis or tumours.
 parasite infestations, e.g. schistosomia-
sis Clarification of leukocyturia
 glomerulopathies The following procedure is recommended
 analgesics nephropathies for further differential diagnostics:
 intoxications  clarification of proteinuria, haemat-
 urine-voiding disturbances uria, nitrituria
 determination of the microbial count
Leukocyturia occurs substantially more  microscopic examination of the sedi-
often in women than in men. This is ment for leukocyte casts


Test principle Practical detection limit

Nitrite is detected by the same principle as 11 µmol/L (0.05 mg/dL).
that of Griess’ test. Any nitrate present in
the urine is converted by bacterial reduc- Reference range
tion into nitrite: Bacteria-free urine does not contain any
Nitrate bacterial reduction in urine
nitrite Specificity
The nitrite detection is specific for the
The aromatic amine sulfanilamide reacts presence of bacteriuria; the reaction is
with nitrite in the presence of an acid independent of the pH. Nitrite
buffer to form a diazonium compound,
which is coupled with 3-hydroxy-1,2,3,4- A single negative test does not exclude
tetrahydrobenzo-(h)-quinoline to form an a urinary tract infection, because the
azo dye. The intensity of the red color is microbial count and the nitrate content of
a measure of the nitrite concentration the urine can vary. Absence of color on
present, but says nothing about the severi- repeated testing is also not reliable evi-
ty of the infection. dence for the absence of a urinary tract

Test principle

+ -
H2N – SO2 NH3 + NO2 H2N – SO2 N N + 2 H 2O

Sulfanilamide Nitrite Diazonium salt


H2N – SO2 N N + H2N – SO2 N=N

Diazonium salt Coupling component Azo dye (red)

Fig. 10: Principle of the nitrite test


infection, since a pathogenic microorgan- strongly with advancing age (Fig. 11).
ism that does not form nitrite could be Women are particularly affected by this
present. If there is clinical suspicion of an condition. During pregnancy, regular
infection, therefore, it is advisable to go on checking for urinary tract infections is
in all cases to a determination of the indispensable. Men suffer from these
microbial species and the microbial count. infections increasingly after the age of 60.
Recognition and early treatment of uri-
Sources of error nary tract infections is of decisive impor-
False-negative results may occur as a result tance, because a progressive infection may
of: lead to chronic kidney failure,
 strong diuresis with frequent voiding pyelonephritic atrophic kidneys, and ur-
of urine (the incubation time of the aemia.
urine in the bladder is too short)
 fasting states Normal urine does not contain any nitrite.
 parenteral nutrition The ingestion of even large amounts of
 vegetable-free diet nitrite or nitrite-containing therapy does
 specimens that have been left standing not result in nitrite excretion. Any nitrite
for too long (test done more than excreted through the urinary tract can
4 hours after the specimen collection) therefore be attributed exclusively to bac-
terial reduction of nitrate.
False-positive results may be due to:
 bacterial contamination of urine left to Normal nutrition as a rule ensures a suffi-
stand for too long ciently high content of nitrate in the urine
 treatment with medicines containing for the detection of bacteria. The most fre-
phenazopyridine quent pathogen responsible for urinary
tract infections, E. coli, and most of the
Clinical significance other urine-pathogenic organisms (Kleb-
Presence of nitrite in the urine is one of siella, Aerobacter, Citrobacter, Salmonella,
the most important symptoms of a bacte- and to some extent also enterococci,
rial urinary tract infection. A positive test staphylococci, and Pseudomonas) reduce
strip result in the nitrite field is a reliable urinary nitrate to nitrite and can therefore
pointer to the presence of an acute infec- be detected indirectly with test strips.

After respiratory tract infections, urinary

tract infections are the most common bac-
terial diseases. Their spread in the popu-
lation varies with age and sex, increasing


On average about 50% of urinary tract  Normal vegetable-containing nutrition

infections can be identified by the nitrite on the preceding day. A normal
test, but under the following conditions vegetable-containing diet generally
the recognition rate can be improved to ensures a urinary nitrate level sufficient
more than 90%: for performance of the test
 Repeated checking of the first morning  Exclusion of antibacterial therapy
urine. Being a biological process,  In the presence of antibiotic treatment
nitrite formation requires a reasonably or chemotherapy the enzyme meta-
long residence time of the urine in the bolism and the microbial population
bladder, at least 4–6 hours are suppressed, so that not enough
nitrite is formed for the test. All anti-
bacterial therapy must therefore be
discontinued at least 3 days before the

% of Positive Nitrite Findings

Age ≤ 20 21–30 31–40 41–50 51–60 > 60



subjects 2.4 0.6 3.3 0.9 3.7 0.7 5.9 1.7 1.8 0.4 9.8 2.2

Outpatients 8.8 4.4 3.4 4.1 4.7 6.2 8.2 5.9 9.8 9.9 16.7 8.5

Inpatients 10.8 12.9 11.7 10.4 17.3 13.0 17.1 17.2 16.0 13.5 20.6 18.6

Fig. 11: Relative frequency of positive nitrite findings in urine samples

Protein (Albumin)

Test principle Medicines such as quinine, quinidine,

The detection reaction relies on the so- chloroquine, sulfonamides, and penicillin
called protein error of pH indicators. have virtually no effect on the color re-
action. The same applies to pH values of
The protein test area contains a buffer 5–9 and to various urine specific gravity.
mixture and an indicator which undergoes
a color change from yellow to green in the Practical detection limit
presence of protein, even though the pH is A clear color reaction is obtained at a con-
held constant. centration of 6 mg/dL albumin and above,
situated somewhere between the negative
Reference range color field and 30 mg/dL on the compari-
Below 10 mg/dL (for total protein). son scale. Protein
Specificity Evaluation
The indicator reacts particularly sensitive- 30 mg/dL was selected as the first positive
ly to albumin excreted in the presence of comparison color, because pathological
kidney damage. The sensitivity to other proteinurias are normally above this value.
proteins (e.g. γ-globulins, Bence-Jones Color changes that do not unequivocally
protein, proteoses, peptones, mucopro- reach the value of 30 mg/dL are normally
teins) is lower. assessed as negative. In patients with clini-

Test principle

Cl Cl Cl Cl -

Cl Cl Cl Cl
- -
Br SO3O -H
Br Br Br Br
Br Br
Yellow Green
3',3",5',5"-tetrachlorophenol- Anion of this compound
(neutral form)

Fig. 12: Principle of the test for protein

Protein (Albumin)

cally manifest kidney damage, who often Clinical significance

have only low-grade proteinuria, this find- Proteinuria is a frequent symptom in renal
ing cannot, however, be used for controll- diseases, but it is also non-specific. It is not
ing the course of their illness. proof of nephropathy, nor does its absence
exclude nephropathy. Detection of protein
Sources of error in the urine should therefore always be
False-positive results are obtained under followed by differential diagnostics.
the following conditions:
 infusion of polyvinylpyrrolidone Benign proteinuria
(a blood substitute) In persons with healthy kidneys protein-
 presence of residues of disinfectants urias are observed predominantly up to
containing quaternary ammonium the age of 30, and account for up to 90%
groups or chlorhexidine in the urine of the proteinurias observed in this age
container group. The causes of these benign protein-
 phenazopyridine medication urias are in particular physical stress
(sport), emotional stress, orthostatism
and lordosis. Proteinurias associated with
hypothermia, heat, pregnancy, or the use

Daily course of
mg/h urinary protein excretion
Protein excretion in urine, mg/h

Greatest physical activity


0 00 4 00 8 00 12 00 16 00 20 00 24 00

Fig. 13: Daily course of urinary protein excretion

Protein (Albumin)

of vasoconstrictively acting drugs are also Renal proteinuria

as a rule benign. Benign proteinuria has An increase in the permeability of the
been observed in 20% of women during glomerular capillaries due to pathological
pregnancy. processes leads to the development of
renal proteinuria.
Benign proteinurias occur intermittently.
While in the morning urine the protein Renally determined proteinurias are as a
excretion is normal, values reaching rule persistent and are observed in both
500 mg/dL may be observed in the course nocturnal and daytime urine. In general
of the day. On the basis of this property the level is in excess of 25 mg/dL, the most
benign proteinuria is relatively easily pronounced proteinurias being observed
distinguished from the pathological form in nephroses. In glomerulonephritis the
by repeated testing of the first morning protein excretion is usually 200–300 mg/dL,
urine (Fig. 13). but lower values must be reckoned with in
the event of glomerulonephritis associated
Additional examinations of the urine for with few symptoms. This proteinuria is
nitrite, blood, and leukocytes, and mea- usually accompanied by microhaematuria.
surement of the blood pressure, give nor-
mal findings if the proteinuria is benign. If Tubular proteinuria can be due to lesions
a benign proteinuria is diagnosed, how- of the tubule cells and/or to a disturbance
ever, it should be monitored in order to of the tubular uptake of proteins from
detect the development of a kidney disease glomerular filtrate. This proteinuria is
in good time. encountered e.g. in the presence of
pyelonephritis, cystic kidneys, and gouty
Extrarenal proteinuria kidneys.
Protein is detected in the urine in many
mostly acute clinical pictures, such as col- Intermittent protein excretion is often
ics, epileptic fits, infarcts, strokes, head found in chronic pyelonephritis.
injuries, and postoperative states. These
proteinurias disappear after the extrarenal Postrenal proteinuria
cause has been eliminated. Proteinurias Postrenal proteinuria can occur following
due to fever are usually harmless, but they inflammation of the bladder or prostate
do require clinical supervision and course and on bleeding in the urinary tract.


Test principle Practical detection limit

The detection of glucose is based on For ascorbic-acid-free urine the practical
a specific glucose-oxidase-peroxidase re- detection limit is around 2.2 mmol/L
action in which D-glucose is oxidized (40 mg/dL), so that even slightly patho-
enzymatically by atmospheric oxygen to logical glucosurias can be detected with
δ-D-gluconolactone. The hydrogen per- high reliability. The upper limit of physio-
oxide formed oxidizes the indicator TMB logical glucosuria in the first morning
under peroxidase catalysis, to give a blue- urine is around 0.8 mmol/L (15 mg/dL).
green dye which on the yellow test paper
causes a color change to green. Specificity
The enzymatically catalyzed reaction
Reference range sequence ensures that glucose is the only
Fasting morning urine <1.1 mmol/L urinary constituent that will react and give
(< 20 mg/dL) a positive test result.
Daytime urine < 1.7 mmol/L Glucose

(< 30 mg/dL)

Test principle

OH + O2 OH O + H2 O 2

b-D-Glucose Oxygen Hydrogen


H2 N NH2 + H2 O 2 H2 O + dye (blue)


Fig. 14: Principle of the glucose test


Ketones do not interfere, and the pH of Other metabolic products and drug
the urine similarly does not exert any metabolites which have a reducing action
influence on the test result. However, be- and can exert an influence on the reaction,
fore its analysis with test strips the urine such as the degradation products of salicy-
must not be acidified. lates, normally occur only in small
amounts in the urine and cause inter-
Sources of error ference only in their sum.
The best known interference factor for
enzymatic glucose detection in urine, the False-positive results can occur as a result
presence of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), has of the presence of residues of peroxide-
been largely eliminated in this test. At containing or other strongly oxidizing
glucose concentrations of 5.5 mmol/L cleaning agents in the urine container.
(100 mg/dL) and higher even high ascor-
bic acid contents practically never lead to Clinical significance
false-negative test results. The determination of glucose in urine has
a high diagnostic value for early detection
of diabetes mellitus and for course control

Renal threshold for glucose
Amount of glucose transported
r ula
400 Glo

r resorptio
Renal threshold
200 n
se excr
ar y glu
Glucose concentration
in plasma
0 100 200 300 mg/100mL

Fig. 15: Renal threshold


or self-monitoring by patients. On the higher than in healthy persons. In older

other hand, absence of glucosuria does not patients in particular the renal threshold is
exclude a disturbance of the glucose often so high that no glucose appears in
metabolism, and in particular it does not the urine despite diabetic blood glucose
exclude diabetes mellitus. Another point levels.
to note is that glucosuria may also be due
to clinical conditions other than diabetes. In spite of all these restrictions, detection
of urinary glucose is of major significance
Glucosuria develops when the tubular for early detection, control, and self-mon-
reabsorption of glucose in the kidneys (the itoring of diabetes.
renal threshold) is exceeded (Fig. 15). The
renal threshold is normally at a blood The following conditions are seen as risk
glucose level of 150–180 mg/dL (8.3–10 factors for diabetes mellitus:
mmol/L), but it is often elevated in older  obesity
people and in persons who have had dia-  hyperlipoproteinaemia
betes mellitus for many years.  hyperuricaemia
Diabetes mellitus  hypertension
Every second to third diabetic has not  coronary, cerebral, and peripheral
been identified. The reason for this is the blood flow disorders
paucity of symptoms at the beginning of  diseases of the liver and the bile tract
the disease. Older diabetics in particular  chronic urinary and respiratory tract
tend to view their complaints, such as infections
quick fatigability, frequent passage of  chronic skin diseases
urine, slow healing of wounds, and failing
visual acuity, as part of the “normal ageing Further risk factors are:
process” and never suspect that the under-  Age over 40
lying cause might be a metabolic disease.  Familial predisposition to diabetes
However, early diagnosis is of decisive  Mothers of children with a large
importance, because early treatment can weight at birth (over 4.5 kg)
prevent or at least postpone the delayed
damage. Renal glucosuria
If the renal threshold is significantly
Most diabetics exhibit glucosuria. The lowered owing to reduced glucose reab-
degree of the glucose excretion depends sorption in the renal tubules, increased
on the severity of the metabolic distur- glucose excretion will be found in the
bance and on the individual renal urine even if the blood glucose is normal,
threshold, which in diabetics is on average below the diabetic range. The frequently


observed glucosuria in the course of preg- Diabur-Test 5000

nancy (in 5–10% of cases) is also due nor- Keto-Diabur-Test 5000
mally to a lowering of the renal threshold. These two test strips have been designed
After the woman has given birth this kind especially for monitoring the urinary
of glucosuria is no longer observed. glucose level in diabetes mellitus. The
measurement range of the glucose field,
Alimentary glucosuria extended compared with the multitest
This can occur after an extremely large strips, permits an exact differentiation of
ingestion of carbohydrates. the urine’s glucose content from 0 to 5%.

Glucosuria in the presence of kidney The glucose test in (Keto-)Diabur-Test

damage 5000 is also based on the glucose-oxidase-
Symptomatic renal glucosuria occurs peroxidase reaction and is specific for
when kidney function falls to 30% or less glucose. Other sugars, like fructose or
of normal renal performance. This renal galactose, do not react.
diabetes mellitus is also observed in acute
renal failure.


Test principle Specificity

The detection of ketones is based on the Glucose, protein, and ascorbic acid do not
principle of Legal’s test. Acetoacetic acid interfere.
and acetone react with sodium nitroprus-
side and glycine in an alkaline medium to Sources of error
give a violet color complex. The reaction is Phenylketones and phthalein compounds
specific for these two ketones. β-hydro- produce red colors on the test patch. These
xybutyric acid does not react. are, however, quite different from the
violet colors produced by ketone bodies.
Reference range Captopril, mesna (2-Mercaptoethanesul-
Below 0.5 mmol/L (below 5 mg/dL) for fonic acid sodium salt) and other sub-
acetoacetic acid. stances containing sulfhydryl groups may
produce false-positive results.
Practical detection limit
The test is substantially more sensitive for Clinical significance
acetoacetic acid (detection limit 5 mg/dL Ketones (acetoacetic acid, β-hydroxy-
= 0.5 mmol/L) than for acetone (detection butyric acid, and acetone) occur in the
limit about 40 mg/dL = 7 mmol/L). urine when an increased fat degradation
takes place in the organism owing to

Test principle

Na2 [Fe(CN)5NO] + CH3 –C –R + NaOH Na3[Fe(CN)5N = CH – C – R] + H2O

Sodium nitroprusside Ketone Color complex (violet)

Fig. 16: Principle of the ketone test


insufficient supply of energy in the form insulin-dependent diabetics in particular,

of carbohydrates. in whom coma may develop within a few
hours, a check for ketones in urine should
Predominance of lipolysis over lipogenesis therefore always form part of self-
leads to increased free fatty acid levels in monitoring, side by side with the checks
serum, and on their breakdown in the liv- on urinary glucose.
er more acetyl-coenzyme A is formed than
can be utilized by other metabolic pro- Progressive ketoacidotic metabolic dys-
cesses, e.g. the tricarboxylic acid cycle. regulation may occur if the diabetic
This excess is converted into acetoacetic patient is not sufficiently well managed
acid, which in turn is partly transformed with insulin. The condition is character-
into β-hydroxybutyric acid and to a ized by ketone excretion in urine, an
smaller degree into acetone. odour of acetone on the breath, and
increased urinary levels of glucose.
Ketonuria in diabetes mellitus
Detection of ketones in the urine (aceto- Ketonuria of non-diabetic origin
acetic acid and acetone) is particularly Ketones are also found in the urine in the
important in diabetes mellitus for check- following situations:
ing metabolic decompensation.  Fasting states
 Slimming diets low in carbohydrates,
Precomatose and comatose states in dia- or protein-rich nutrition, or total star-
betes are almost invariably accompanied vation diets. The acid-base turnover,
by ketoacidosis, with the exception of however, remains fully compensated if
hyperosmolar comas. Relative or absolute good kidney function is ensured by
insulin deficiency causes reduced glucose sufficient intake of fluids. Checking for
utilization in fat and muscle cells and trig- ketones also serves in such cases as a
gers increased lipolysis. The resulting control of compliance with the diet
ketones in combination with other patho-  Acetonaemic vomiting in small
physiological changes of the dysregulated children
metabolism (dehydration, electrolyte  Fever, especially in the presence of
shifts) can lead to diabetic coma. infectious diseases
 Pernicious vomiting in pregnancy
Diabetic coma is a life-threatening event,  Congenital metabolic diseases
and ketonuria is an early symptom of the
metabolic dysequilibrium.

All diabetics should check their urine for

ketones on a regular basis. In juvenile and


Test principle Complete absence of urobilinogen in the

p-methoxybenzenediazonium fluorobo- urine, perhaps on complete obstruction of
rate, a stable diazonium salt, forms a red the common bile duct, cannot be detected.
azo dye with urobilinogen in an acid
medium. Specificity
The test is specific for urobilinogen and
Reference range does not react with other diazo-positive
Below 17 µmol/L (below 1 mg/dL). substances. It is also not subject to the
interference known in the Ehrlich test.
Practical detection limit No red color is formed in the presence of
The practical detection limit is around porphobilinogen, indican, p-aminosali-
7 µmol/L (0.4 mg/dL), at which level the cylic acid, sulfonamides, sulfonylureas,
urobilinogen also present in normal urine and other substances occurring in the
gives a pale pink color. Differentiation urine.
between normal and pathological urine is
possible by means of color comparison.


Test principle

+ -
H3 C – O N N BF4 + Urobilinogen Acid Azo dye (red)

Diazonium salt

Fig. 17: Principle of the urobilinogen test


Sources of error Urobilinogen is excreted in increased

False-negative results occur under the amounts in the urine when in the entero-
following conditions: hepatic circulation of the bile pigments
 prolonged standing of the urine the functional capacity of the liver is
specimen, especially in direct sunlight, impaired or overloaded, or when the liver
leads to oxidation of urobilinogen is bypassed.
 formaldehyde preservation with
concentrations in excess of 70 mmol/L Overloading of the functional
(200 mg/dL) in the urine capacity of the liver
False-positive results: If large amounts of bilirubin, and there-
 may be due to drugs that color the fore also of urobilinogen, are formed as a
urine red or that are red in an acid result of increased degradation of haemo-
medium (e.g. phenazopyridine) globin, the functional capacity of the liver
may be exceeded even though the liver can
A momentary yellow coloration of the test deal with 2–3 times the normal amounts
paper points to the presence of large of urobilinogen. The urobilinogen not
amounts of bilirubin, but the reading is processed further in consequence of such
not impaired. In rare cases a green or overloading of the liver’s capacity passes
blue color may develop slowly about into the bloodstream and is finally ex-
60 seconds after immersion in the urine. creted in the urine via the kidneys.

Clinical significance The causes of overloading of the func-

Urobilinogen is formed by bacterial tional capacity of the liver may be listed as
reduction from bilirubin secreted into the follows:
intestine with the bile. It is then reab-  Increased degradation of haemoglobin
sorbed into the bloodstream and is sub- in:
sequently broken down in the liver and – haemolytic anaemia
partly excreted in the urine. – pernicious anaemia
– intravasal haemolysis, e.g. as a result
Detection of urobilinogen in the urine is of intoxications, infectious diseases,
indicative of two possible causes: or transfusion accidents
 a disturbance of liver function due to a – polycythaemia
primary or secondary liver disease – reabsorption of large extravasations
 an increased degradation of haemo- of blood
globin due to a primarily haemolytic
disease or secondarily to other disease


 Increased formation of urobilinogen in  Incomplete obstructions of the bile

the intestine due to: ducts (depending on the degree of
– pronounced constipation parenchyma cell damage)
– enterocolitis
– ileus In viral hepatitis in particular urobilino-
– increased fermentation processes genuria is very often encountered, while
 Increased urobilinogen formation and the cardinal symptom proper, namely
reabsorption in bile tract infections, jaundice, is mostly absent.
e.g. in cholangitis.
Bypassing of the liver
Impairment of the functional capacity In certain pathological conditions, e.g. in
of the liver liver cirrhosis, the influx of portal vein
Liver diseases exert an adverse effect on blood and therefore also of urobilinogen
its functional capacity. The urobilinogen to the liver is reduced. Part of the uro-
coming in through the portal vein can bilinogen then bypasses the liver and is ex-
no longer be completely processed and creted in increased amounts in the urine.
appears in increased amounts in the urine.
The causes of liver bypass include the
The functional capacity of the liver may be following conditions:
reduced in the following situations:  liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension
 Viral hepatitis (except in very severe  portal vein thrombosis
forms or for a short time at the peak  occlusion of the hepatic vein
of the illness)
 Chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis
(depending on the degree of damage
to the parenchyma cells)
 Toxic liver damage (e.g. due to alcohol,
fungal poisons, organic solvents,
medicines, and toxins produced in the
course of infections or sepsis)
 Congestion of the liver (e.g. after a
cardiac infarct, acute heart failure, or
cardiac insufficiency)
 Liver hypoxia (e.g. after severe
anaemias or intoxications with carbon
 Liver tumours (depending on their size
and location)


Absence of urobilinogen in the urine

Urobilinogen is absent in the urine in sit-
uations comprising failure of bile produc-
tion in the liver cells, disturbances of bile
secretion into the intestine, and absence of
bilirubin reduction in the intestine, even
though a severe disease may be present.

Possible causes of failure of urobilinogen

 complete obstruction of the common
bile duct in the absence of a bile tract
 complete stoppage of bile production
in the liver (very severe viral hepatitis,
severe toxic liver damage)
 absence of intestinal flora (physiologi-
cal in newborn babies, rarely observed
after intensive antibiotic therapy)


Test principle False-negative results:

The test reaction is coupling of the bili-  prolonged standing of the urine,
rubin with a stable diazonium salt (2,6- particularly in direct sunlight, leads to
dichlorobenzenediazonium fluoroborate) oxidation of the bilirubin.
in an acid medium of the test paper. A red-
violet azo dye is formed, causing a color False-positive results:
change to violet.  medicines that color the urine red
or that are themselves red in an acid
Reference range medium, e.g. phenazopyridine.
Adults below 3.4 µmol/L(below 0.2 mg/dL).
Clinical significance
Practical detection limit As a result of conjugation (esterification)
The practical detection limit in urine with glucuronic acid bilirubin becomes
free from ascorbic acid lies at 9 µmol/L water-soluble and therefore susceptible to
(0.5 mg/dL). In favourable cases as little as excretion by the renal route. The bilirubin
3–7 µmol/L (0.2–0.4 mg/dL) may give a present in urine is always conjugated
positive reaction. (direct) bilirubin.

Sources of error In all pathological processes that increase

The sensitivity is degraded by large the concentration of conjugated bilirubin
amounts of ascorbic acid in the urine in plasma, the excretion of bilirubin in
specimen. urine can reach considerable levels. Con-
jugated bilirubin is found in the following

Test principle

+ -
O Acid
N N BF4 + Bilirubin Azo dye (red-violet)

Diazonium salt

Fig. 18: Principle of the bilirubin test


situations as a result of its increased pas- Impedance of bile flow

sage from the liver into plasma: If bile flow is impeded within or outside the
liver or interrupted altogether, the result is
 increased intracanalicular pressure due cholestasis and with it a rise in conjugated
to an extrahepatic or intrahepatic bilirubin in the serum and bilirubin ex-
obstruction cretion in urine:
 periportal inflammation or fibrosis  cholangitis
 swelling or necrosis of the liver cells  cholangiolitis
Bilirubinuria can be encountered in the  intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma
following clinical conditions:  extrahepatic obstructive jaundice due
to stone occlusions, tumours, and
Damage to the liver parenchyma strictures
This is the commonest cause of bili-
rubinuria. The cell membrane permea- Absence of bilirubinuria in
bility increases and conjugated bilirubin hyperbilirubinaemia
appears in the blood and via the kidneys in Diseases in which only unconjugated
urine: bilirubin is increased in the serum proceed
 acute and chronic viral hepatitis without bilirubinuria, because uncon-
 alcoholic hepatitis jugated bilirubin is not excreted by the
 fatty liver hepatitis renal route. The cause may be an over-
 liver cirrhosis supply of bilirubin in the liver cells or a
 toxic liver cell damage disturbance of uptake or conjugation:
 haemolytic jaundice
Bilirubin excretion disturbances  jaundice of the newborn
When conjugated bilirubin can no longer  Gilbert-Meulengracht disease
be secreted into the bile ducts as a result  Crigler-Najjar syndrome
of an excretion disturbance of the liver,
various amounts of it pass through the cell On account of the differentiated liver
membranes or via the lymph into blood, diagnostics in serum, detection of bili-
depending on the severity of the hepatic rubin in urine has now lost much of its
disturbance, and escape via the kidneys former significance.
into urine:
 the Dubin-Johnson syndrome
 Rotor’s syndrome
 intrahepatic cholestasis and drug icterus
 icterus of pregnancy
 cholestasis occurring after infectious

Blood (erythrocytes/hemoglobin)

Test principle acid concentrations have virtually no

The test is based on the peroxidative influence on the test result.
action of haemoglobin or myoglobin
which catalyzes the oxidation of the color Intact erythrocytes are lysed on the test
indicator TMB by an organic hydroper- paper and the haemoglobin released sets
oxide (2,5-dimethylhexane-2,5-dihydro- off the color reaction. Visible green points
peroxide) to give a blue-green dye which are formed. In contrast, haemoglobin
on the yellow test paper causes a co- dissolved in the urine (erythrocytes in
lour change to green. High sensitivity is lysed form) leads to the development of a
achieved by the addition of an activator uniform green color.
to the reagent mixture.
Reference range
The risk of interference from ascorbic acid 0–5 erythrocytes/µL.
known for this oxidation reaction has
been eliminated; the test area has an Detection limit
iodate-impregnated mesh laid over the The practical detection limit for intact
actual reagent paper, which oxidizes any erythrocytes is about 5 erythrocytes/µL
ascorbic acid present. Even high ascorbic and for haemoglobin the amount corre-

Test principle


CH3 C CH2 CH2 C CH3 + H2 N NH2

2,5-Dimethylhexane- 3,3',5,5'-Tetramethylbenzidine

CH3 C CH2 CH2 C CH3 + Dye (blue-green)

Fig. 19: Principle of the test for blood (erythrocytes/hemoglobin)

Blood (erythrocytes/hemoglobin)

sponding to around 10 erythrocytes/µL. Evaluation

The practical detection limit of the test
reaches the limit of the normal range. Erythrocytes
The observation of individually separated
Specificity to closely set green dots on the test paper
The test is specific for haemoglobin and points to the presence of intact erythro-
myoglobin. Other cellular constituents of cytes.
the urine, such as epithelia, leukocytes,
and spermatozoa, have no effect. The At higher concentrations the dots may be
rarely encountered green coloration of so close together that the test area appears
leukocyte-containing urine specimens is almost uniformly green. Dilution of the
probably attributable to haemoglobin. urine 1:10 or 1:100 with 0.9% (physiolog-
ical) saline and repetition of the test with
Sources of error another strip then makes it possible to
 In test strips from Roche Diagnostics decide whether intact erythrocytes or free
the interference due to ascorbic acid haemoglobin is present.
(vitamin C) in the detection of blood
has been widely eliminated so that A finding of 5–10 erythrocytes/µL re-
ascorbic acid has virtually no influence quires repeated checks on the urine, and
on the test results. if it is obtained again must be clinically
 False-positive results can be obtained if clarified.
the urine contains residues of strongly
oxidizing cleaning agents from the Haemoglobin
container. A homogeneous green color of the test
area points to the presence of free haemo-
globin or lysed erythrocytes, or to the
presence of myoglobin.

A weaker green color, as a first sign of a

positive reaction, requires a repetition of
the test with a fresh urine specimen. This
second test may reveal, inter alia, intact
erythrocytes which at the time of the first
test had already become haemolyzed. Per-
sistence of the finding requires a clinical
clarification in all cases.

Blood (erythrocytes/hemoglobin)

In the event of a weakly positive haemo- Clinical significance

globin reaction the cause may also be Haematuria, excretion of erythrocytes in
simply heavy physical exertion. This can the urine, is encountered in many patho-
be easily excluded from the anamnesis. logical conditions, and careful clarification
of its cause is therefore absolutely neces-
Partial haemolysis sary.
Partial haemolysis of erythrocytes present
in the urine leads to the appearance on the This applies both to microhaematuria and
test area of individual green dots against a to macrohaematuria, red coloration of the
diffuse green background. An exact urine perceptible to the naked eye due to
assignment of the comparison color is the presence of more than 0.5 mL blood
then impossible, because the degree of per litre of urine, corresponding to
haemolysis can be very variable as a approximately 2500 erythrocytes per µL.
function of age, concentration, and pH of
the urine. A repeat test with a fresh urine The principal causes of haematuria are
specimen is indicated. conditions relating to the kidneys and the
urogenital tract (Fig. 20).

Important renal and postrenal

causes of haematuria

Glomerulonephritis Renal tumour

Kidney stone

Ureteral tumour

Ureteral stone

Bladder carcinoma Cystitis

Bladder stone
Prostata adenoma

Fig. 20: Important renal and postrenal causes of haematuria

Blood (erythrocytes/hemoglobin)

Stone formation Most forms of glomerulonephritis can be

Approximately 1–3% of the population attributed directly or indirectly to an
suffers from urolithiasis or is at a risk of earlier infection. The important fore-
urolithiasis. Oxalate-containing stones runner diseases of glomerulonephritis and
(about 60%), phosphate-containing other glomerular damage may be listed as
stones (about 20%), and uric acid calculi follows:
(about 25%) are particularly frequent.  sore throat, chronic tonsillitis
Most of these patients also exhibit hyper-  colds, influenzal infections, pneu-
uricaemia. Men are affected by the con- monia
dition much more often than women.  scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles,
Stones in the efferent urinary tract as a mumps
rule provoke acute colic-like pains, though  sinusitis, otitis
the initial stage of stone formation may be  skin infections, particularly in children
completely painless. Detection of haema-  lupus erythematosus
turia is then often the first symptom.  relapsing dental foci
 chronic appendicitis
Tumour  endocarditis lenta
The possibility of a tumour should always  polyarteritis nodosa
be suspected until the cause of the haema-
turia has been clarified. Elimination of these typical forerunner
conditions is necessary to prevent the
Microhaematuria is decisive for early subsequent development of glomerular
detection of malignant tumours in the damage. The possibility of a renal involve-
kidneys, the efferent urinary tract, and the ment is checked most easily by the deter-
bladder. Determination of this symptom is mination of microhaematuria.
therefore very important, since tumours
often remain painless for a long time. Pyelonephritis
According to clinical data the incidence of
Glomerulonephritis pyelonephritis is estimated at 5–8%. The
In the presence of glomerulonephritis population groups affected most often are
haematuria acts as a detectable leading women and older men. Haematuria is
symptom in approximately 90% of the present in one-third of these patients.
cases. Proteinuria and hypertension are
also often observed in addition. Glomeru-
lonephritis is mostly encountered in chil-
dren and in adults under the age of 30.

Blood (erythrocytes/hemoglobin)

Haemorrhagic diatheses occurs as a rule from plasma haemoglo-

The following causes of haemorrhagic bin concentrations of around 60 µmol/L
diatheses come into consideration: (100 mg/dL).
 treatment with anticoagulants
 haemophilia Myoglobinuria is generally due to muscu-
 coagulopathies lar injury or muscular necrosis, when
 thrombocytopenia the myoglobin level in plasma exceeds
9–12 µmol/L (15–20 mg/dL).
Further diseases
 urinary tract infections (cystitis, uro- Since haemoglobin and myoglobin are dif-
genital tuberculosis) ficult to distinguish in a urine specimen,
 toxic and hypoxic damage and degen- some of the positive test results obtained
erative changes in the glomeruli after heavy physical exertion must be
 papillary necrosis attributed to myoglobinuria.
 trauma to the kidneys and urinary
tract The causes of haemoglobinuria or myo-
 renal infarct globinuria are as follows:
 renal cysts  severe haemolytic anaemia
 gouty kidney  severe intoxications
 renal congestion in the presence of  severe infectious diseases
right-ventricular failure  burns
 hypertension in the presence of vascu-  intensive physical exertion, e.g. in
lar renal involvement training athletes
 diabetes mellitus  muscle injuries
 lupus erythematosus  progressive muscle diseases

Haemoglobinuria and myoglobinuria

In contrast to haematuria, in which intact
erythrocytes are excreted, in haemo-
globinuria the urine contains free haemo-
globin. This appears in the urine when
erythrocytes have been broken down
within the vascular system. Following
intravasal haemolysis the haemoglobin
passes into the urine as soon as the hapto-
globin-binding capacity of the plasma and
the tubular reabsorption capacity for
haemoglobin have been exceeded. This

The test strip sieve

Principle of test strip sieve differential diagnostics or subjected to a

Several comparison studies have shown bacteriological examination.
that pathological changes in the urine can
be detected more reliably with the aid of If the test strip results turn out to be neg-
multitest strips than by examinations of ative and there is nothing in the patient’s
the sediment. This led to the development medical history or clinical picture to raise
of the “test strip sieve” concept, a stepwise suspicion of a pathological process, the
procedure in which the two examination laborious and time-consuming micros-
methods are efficiently combined. copy and bacteriology need not be carried
The urine specimen is first routinely in-
vestigated with test strips for leukocytes, On average every other sample is thus
blood, protein, nitrite, and a pH greater excluded from subsequent examination of
than 7. If at least one of these parameters the sediment, resulting in an appreciable
is found to be positive, the urine is desig- rationalization of the urinalyses.
nated as “microscopically relevant.” These
specimens are then immediately checked The reliability of the “test strip sieve” in
for sediment constituents important for picking out pathological specimens is

The test strip sieve


“Filtering out” of microscopically relevant urine specimens

Test-strip findings 3
Leukocyturia Haematuria Proteinuria Nitrituria pH>7

All results negative, no suspicious signs in the One or more of the test strip results are positive:
medical history or the clinical picture:
no further urinalysis necessary. indication for targeted microscopic
Microscopic examination of the urine can thus and/or bacteriological examination
be avoided in about half of the cases. of the urine.

Fig. 21: Rational urine diagnostics according to the “test strip sieve” concept

The test strip sieve

approximately 95%, while in the case of Cell lysis is accelerated by the following
sediment analyses only about 80–85% of conditions:
relevant urine specimens can be recog-  low specific gravity or osmolality of
nized as conspicuous. the urine
 high pH (pH >7)
The “test strip sieve” does not detect vari-  long standing time of the urine
ous types of crystalluria and hyaline casts, (>2 hours)
but the diagnostic informative power of  high room temperature
these parameters is low.
In contrast, the haemoglobin from ery-
Microscopy/test strip comparison throcytes and the esterase from leukocytes
Test strips allow a direct or indirect detec- are still detectable with urine test strips
tion of the microscopic elements listed in after several hours. Moreover, the centrifu-
Fig. 22. gation of the urine specimen necessary for
subsequent microscopy leads to an appre-
For red and white blood cells the two ciable loss of the cells.
methods are in good agreement, as long as
the cells are still intact and microscopically The concentration values on the test color
detectable. scales and the reflectance photometric
printouts of the results (erythrocytes/µL,
With increasing lysis low or false-negative leukocytes/µL) for test strips are based on
results are obtained in the microscopic comparisons with chamber counting. The
examination. conversion into numbers of cells per high
power field is inexact, because sediment
examination has still not been standard-
ized and its result is influenced by various
factors such as the sample volume or the
duration of centrifuging.

Test strips Microscopic elements

Blood Erythrocytes, erythrocyte casts

Leukocytes Leukocytes, leukocyte casts
Protein Granular casts, waxy casts
Nitrite Bacteria

Fig. 22: Microscopic clarification of pathological test strip findings

Microscopic assessment of the sediment

Urinalysis with test strips often requires an Working up

additional microscopic examination of the  10 mL volumes of well-mixed urine
sediment in order to support the diagno- are filled into centrifuge tubes with a
sis. In the following indications additional tapered bottom and centrifuged for
examination of the sediment is necessary 5 minutes at about 400 g (1500 revo-
to supplement the test strip result: lutions per minute with a radius of
 one or more pathological test strip 15 cm)
findings  The supernatant is decanted in a
 the patient exhibits symptoms of a single operation, without swirling up
kidney or efferent urinary tract disease the sediment or entraining it into the
 course control of a kidney or efferent liquid phase
urinary tract disease  The sediment is then resuspended in
 determination of a suspicious result. urine running back down the tube
A cell atlas showing the most important
urinary sediment constituents is included Performance of the examination
in the Appendix to this brochure.  A small droplet (about 20 µL) of the
sediment is placed in the middle of a
Principle clean microscope slide.
Sediment analysis consists of a micro-  A cover slip is then placed on it, avoid-
scopic examination of the precipitate of ing the formation of air bubbles.
a centrifuged specimen of native urine, as  Using a ×10 objective, the sample is
a rule using ×10 and × 40 objectives. The checked for casts parallel to the edges
elements investigated are cells, casts, and of the cover slip.
individual microorganisms. It should be  Using a ×40 objective, at least 10 fields
noted that sediment analysis is not stan- are inspected.
dardized and does not yield valid quanti-  The results are documented as follows:
tative results.
Test material (+) 0–1 perfield (corresponds
Midstream urine collected not more than to about 0,3 µL)
2 hours earlier, without the use of preserv- + 1–5
atives. The concentrated morning urine is ++ 6–15
optimal, because erythrocytes and leuko- +++ 16–50
cytes are readily haemolyzed in hypotonic Abundant > 50

Microscopic assessment of the sediment

Result Epithelial cells

If urinalysis with test strips was carried Pavement or squamous epithelium cells
out at the same time, the results are inter- always originate from the urethra or the
preted in combination and documented as external genitals and are regarded as con-
a joint finding. tamination.

Erythrocytes Transitional epithelium cells are smaller

Round discs without nuclei (diameter 7–8 than pavement epithelium cells, often have
µm), without granules, with a doubly- tail-like processes, and come from the
contoured margin; in hypertonic urine efferent urinary tract.
they are shrunken into a thorn apple form;
after emergence of their haemoglobin they Renal epithelium cells are the only ones of
fade to pale shadows. Deformed (dys- diagnostic significance. They come from
morphic) erythrocytes are of glomerular the tubules and resemble leukocytes; they
origin and are indicative of the presence of are distinguished by their large round
a kidney disease. nuclei.

Sources of error: Possible confusion with Casts

fat droplets or yeast Protein-containing cylindrical casts from
cells (smaller, oval, the renal tubules, with a diameter of
often germinating). 15–50 µm.

Reference interval: 0–5 per field of view, Hyaline casts are transparent, colorless,
>30% of dysmorphic and structureless formations of Tamm-
erythrocytes points to Horsfall protein, a mucoprotein secreted
their glomerular origin. by the distal tubules. They often appear in
the urine following physical exertion, pro-
Leukocytes longed standing, or fever, and they have no
Almost exclusively granulocytes (diameter diagnostic significance.
10–12 µm).
Sources of error: In the case of women Granular casts are observed most often in
spontaneous urine the presence of chronic glomerulonephri-
gives up to 40% of tis. Droplets of plasma proteins or frag-
false-positive results ments of lysed cells are included in the
due to vaginal contam- matrix.

Reference interval: 0–5 per field of view.

Microscopic assessment of the sediment

Erythrocyte casts are made up of eryth- Artefacts

rocytes embedded in a homogeneous Recognition of artefacts is essential if
matrix. They point to a renal origin of the incorrect interpretations are to be avoided.
Fat droplets are as a rule due to contami-
Leukocyte casts similarly point to a renal nation with ointments, residues of sup-
origin of the leukocyturia, which can be positories, or catheter lubricants.
differentiated from a leukocyturia due to
cystitis or a vaginal discharge. Crystals are usually treated as artefacts
because they are only formed pH-depend-
Epithelial casts consist of desquamating ently in cooled urine on standing. Diag-
tubular epithelium and are indicative of nostic significance is attributed only to
ischaemically or toxically determined tu- the extremely rare crystals of cystine
bule cell necroses. With time they degen- (colorless hexagonal plates), leucine (yel-
erate to granular and finally wax-like casts. low-brown spheres with radial banding),
and tyrosine (clusters of fine, colorless,
Renal insufficiency casts are 2–6 times as shiny needles).
wide as the other cylindrical casts. They are
formed in dilated tubules or in collecting Fungi (most often yeasts) are usually the
tubules when the flow of urine has been result of contamination; fungal infections
strongly slowed down. are rare.

Microorganisms Starch grains are round to oval, variable in

Bacteria can only be detected and the size, and exhibit concentric layering. They
result documented as a “yes” or “no.” originate from cosmetic powders.
Simultaneous observation of leukocyturia
is indicative of an infection, otherwise the Fibres are frequently observed as contami-
possibility of contamination should be nants.
Pollen grain may be confused with worm
Trichomonads (diameter 10–30 µm) are eggs.
best observed live in very fresh urine by
their erratic motion.

Worm eggs or echinococcal constituents are

rarely observed in the urine in Central
Europe, in contrast to the tropical coun-

Urine culture

Urine is normally a virtually sterile body Sample material

fluid, but it may serve as a very good Midstream first morning urine.
nutrient medium for many bacteria.
Diagnostics The nutrient medium carrier is dipped in
The evidence for a urinary tract infection fresh urine in a sterile container to a depth
can be based on a test strip reaction (a such that the agar layer is completely
positive nitrite test or leukocyturia) or on moistened. If the sample volume is small,
the outcome of microscopic examination the agar layer is carefully moistened all
of the sediment (leukocytes, bacteria). over.

Pre-packed immersion nutrient media are  The excess urine is allowed to flow off
suitable for primary culture and for the medium carrier; the last few drops
microbial count determinations of gram- on the lower edge of the carrier held
positive and gram-negative bacteria, and vertically are removed by suction using
also as a medium for transport between a swab.
the doctor and the test laboratory. CLED  The nutrient medium carrier is next
agar can be used for growing all organ- placed back in its tube and incubated
isms, and it is particularly good for uri- for 16–24 hours at 35–37°C.
nary tract pathogens. MacConkey agar
largely suppresses the growth of gram-
positives with the exception of entero-
cocci. Proliferation of Proteus is largely
suppressed on both these agars. Other
nutrient media are also available, e.g. for
selective growth of Pseudomonas. Gono-
cocci, mycobacteria, and other relevant
organisms do not grow.

Urine culture

1000/mL 10,000/mL 100,000/mL 1,000,000/mL

Contamination Doubtful range Infection

(Midstream urine) Repetition of the test The urine sediment must be

Catheter or bladder is recommended examined. In women high
puncture urine: a count of because these counts microbial counts can some-
less than 10,000 bacteria occur in chronic uri- times be due to external
per mL can already be nary tract infections, contamination, e.g. due to
indicative of an infection but they can also vaginal discharge or vagini-
in this case. appear in midstream tis, and the urine sediment
urine as contami- can then show increased
nants. numbers of pavement epi-
thelia without an increase
in leukocytes. A diagnosis of
infection is therefore reliable
only when the test urine has
been obtained by catheter-
ization or by bladder punc-
ture. Subsequent identifica-
tion of the organism and a
determination of its antibi-
otic sensitivity are necessary.
Fig. 23: Microbial counts on MacConkey agar

Urine culture

Interpretation Remark
 If each side of the nutrient medium  The nutrient medium carriers must be
carrier shows <10,000 organisms/mL, kept in unopened tubes at 15–25°C
the specimen has most probably been until the expiry date. They must not
contaminated and the result is not be frozen. Carriers showing signs of
significant. mould or bacterial growth must not be
 The bacteriuria is significant when used. Water of condensation does not
both sides of the carrier give a count of interfere as long as the nutrient layer is
over 100,000 organisms/mL. not appreciably shrunken.
 This reference value applies when only
one organism is present; if there are
two or more species the bacteriuria is
again usually due to contamination.

Further procedure
 The nutrient medium carriers must
be dispatched to the test laboratory
within 24 hours.
 As a rule the frequently encountered
local pathogens such as enterobacte-
riaceae, non-fermenting gram-negative
bacilli, staphylococci, streptococci, and
fast growing Candida strains are rou-
tinely cultured. Less frequent micro-
organisms, such as Mycoplasma, My-
cobacteria, and anaerobes are cultured
only when this is specially requested.
Resistance tests are done in the usual

Urine cytology with Testsimplets

Testsimplets*) are ready-to-use stain- Evaluation

coated microscope slides which produce It is best to start screening the prepara-
excellent color differentiation of cells in tions at ×100 magnification and then to
body fluids for microscopy and in cytolog- assess specific suspect cells or cell clusters
ical screening of urine. Testsimplets per- at ×200 to ×400 magnification or at
mit rapid differential staining of suspected ×1000 magnification using oil immersion.
cancerous cells in urinary sediment and
replace the time-consuming Papanicolaou The vital staining means that stained cells
and Pappenheim staining procedures. appear at their natural size, so – by con-
trast to other techniques – details such as
The simple, clean procedure and rapid the nuclear structures and nuclear mem-
staining with standard stains make Test- branes in particular are extremely clear.
simplets easy to use in the doctor’s office
or hospital. Clinical significance
Testsimplets permit extraordinarily good
Procedure differentiation and classification of nu-
The method of working up the urine is clear structures, nuclear membranes,
similar to that used when preparing nor- chromatin networks, and nucleoli as well
mal urinary sediment: as structures in the cytoplasm.
1. Centrifuge the urine at 3000 rpm for
approx. 10 minutes Urinary cytodiagnosis is helpful in:
2. Carefully decant all the supernatant  all forms of micro- and macrohaemat-
3. Resuspend the sediment in 3 drops of uria
physiological saline  treatment-resistant cystitis
4. Put 1 drop of this suspension in the  cystalgia
middle of one of the enclosed cover  dysuria of unclear origin
slips and lay it on the color field  follow-up after urothelial tumour
5. The staining process is complete after operations
5–10 minutes  early identification and follow-up of
6. The preparation can then be examined bladder cancer

The preparation can be evaluated up to Assessment of the degree of malignancy is

5 hours after staining if kept at room tem- carried out in exactly the same way as with
perature. conventional staining techniques.

*) Distributed by: Diagonal GmbH & Co. KG

Havixbecker Straße 62, D-48161 Münster,

Automated Urinalysis

Instrumental urinalysis Instrumental evaluation of urine test

Because of their ease of use, high sensiti- strips virtually eliminates the above fac-
vity and specificity, Combur-Test urine tors and guarantees a rapid, standardized
test strips permit rapid and reliable con- measurement and immediate reliable doc-
clusions about pathological changes in the umentation of the result.
urine. However, it is not really possible to
standardize visual evaluation of urine test Urinalysis systems can be divided into
strips, and a number of environmental 3 categories:
factors such as
 differences in light conditions at the Instruments intended for single
workplace measurements
 strongly colored urine samples One test strip is inserted at a time, manu-
 individual differences in color differ- ally. The test strip is measured automati-
entiation ability of users cally, and the result is delivered after about
 declining concentration when examin- 1 minute. The test strip then has to be
ing long series of samples, and removed manually.
 differences in the accuracy of compli-
ance with the specified test strip reac- Semi-automatic urinalysis systems
tion time Test strips can be inserted manually at
can have a negative effect on the quality of short intervals. Transport, measurement,
the result. and disposal of the used test strips into an

Urisys 1100 Miditron Junior II

Specific gravity 610 nm 620 nm
pH 610 nm / 565 nm 620 nm / 557 nm
Leukocytes 565 nm 557 nm
Nitrite 565 nm 557 nm
Protein 565 nm 557 nm
Glucose 565 nm 557 nm
Ketone 565 nm 557 nm
Urobilinogen 565 nm 557 nm
Bilirubin 565 nm 557 nm
Erythrocytes 610 nm 620 nm / 557 nm
Compensation 565 nm 557 nm

Table 3: Wavelengths

Automated Urinalysis

in-built container are automatic. The improved accuracy near the limit of detec-
results are automatically saved in the tion.
memory and printed out.
In calculating the result, a correction for
Fully automatic urinalysis systems interference by the intrinsic color of the
Manual dipping and insertion of the test urine is made by measuring a blank field
strips is not necessary. The urine samples on the test strip (compensation field). In
are applied from sample tubes using a addition, the result of the Specific Gravity
rotor or rack. Sample identification, the test is automatically corrected if the pH is
test procedure and disposal of the used high.
test strips into an in-built container are
fully automatic. The results are automati- Although urinalysis systems using reflec-
cally saved in the memory and printed out. tance photometry evaluate the test field
color changes with high precision, it is not
Urinalysis systems evaluate test strips by possible to completely eliminate all differ-
reflectance photometry using selective ences in the composition of the sample
light-emitting diodes with a wavelength material which could have an effect on
and measurement time tailored exactly to color development, so urinalysis systems –
the chemical reaction and color develop- unlike instruments for the measurement
ment of the test field concerned. Compar- of blood glucose or Reflotron – only yield
ed with visual assessment, this produces semi-quantitative results.

Urisys 1800 Urisys 2400

620 nm 650 nm
620 nm / 555 nm 620 nm / 555 nm
555 nm 555 nm
555 nm 555 nm
620 nm 555 nm
555 nm 555 nm
555 nm 555 nm 4
555 nm 555 nm
555 nm 555 nm
620 nm / 555 nm 620 nm / 555 nm
555 nm 555 nm

Automated Urinalysis

As well as correct determination of the test new system, Urisys 1800, will be launched
strip result with the objective of achieving in 2004.
a high level of standardization, urinalysis
systems must fulfil the data-processing The compact Urisys 1100 system enables
requirements of the laboratory environ- even the medical practice, the small hospi-
ment. The urinalysis systems supplied by tal laboratory or hospital ward to make
Roche Diagnostics can be connected to use of the advantages of instrumental
bar-code scanners for automatic sample urinalysis.
identification and to external printers to
print the findings, and the results of the
measurements can be transferred to
the laboratory computer system or PC.
Fully automatic urinalysis systems such as
Urisys 2400 and semi-automatic systems
such as Miditron M and Miditron Junior II
have already proved themselves over a
period of years in the hospital laboratory.
As a logical development of Miditron M a

Measuring Head (Sensor)



orange green

Test strip

Fig. 24: Measuring Head (schematic)

Automated Urinalysis

Determination of measured values


3 Detector 5 Microprocessor

4 Analogue-digital converter

6 Result

2 Test pad surface

Fig. 25: Reflection photometry (schematic)

The LED (1) emits light of a defined wave- (reflectance values that are programmed
length on to the surface of the test pad (2) in the analyzer for each parameter) and
at an optimum angle. The light hitting the outputs a semi-quantitative result (6). Re-
test zone is reflected from the surface more sults can be printed out or transferred to
or less intensely depending on the color the laboratory computer system.
produced on the test pad, and is picked up
by the detector (3), a phototransistor posi- Before each measurement the optical sys-
tioned directly above the test zone. The tem is tested and corrected for variations
phototransistor sends an analogue electri- in LED brightness and detector sensitivity
cal signal to an A/D converter (4), which using internal reference settings. The cor-
changes it to digital form. The micro- rect positioning of the test strip under the
processor (5) then converts this digital optical system is checked during the meas-
reading to a relative reflectance value by urement. If the strip is not in the correct
referring it to a calibration standard. position the result is not printed out, and
the instrument instead asks for the meas-
Finally, the system compares the reflec- urement to be repeated.
tance values with the defined range limits

Automated Urinalysis

Urisys 1100 board. The printout of the results includes

Urisys 1100 is a compact, time-saving a heading, the serial number, the date and
urinalysis system for reflectance-photo- time, and patient ID. Abnormal results are
metric measurement of individual test flagged and are thus immediately recog-
strips of the Combur-Test line. The system nizable. The results can be printed out in
test strip for Urisys 1100 is Combur10 Test conventional, SI, or arbitrary units. The
UX with 10 urine parameters and an addi- number and sequence of the parameters
tional field for compensating for the color on the printout can be selected at will 2)
of the urine. Urisys 1100 can also measure and, even when printing out immediately
Combur7 Test and Combur5 Test urine test after the measurement, it is possible to
strips without compensation pad1). choose between one and two copies.
Urisys 1100 can store up to 100 readings
Operation of Urisys 1100 is perfectly with patient data. There are also various
simple: Just dip the test strip in the urine options available for later or multiple
sample, place it on the movable loading printouts.
tray, and press the start button. The system
does the rest. After 55 seconds it reads the All system settings are accomplished using
individual fields on the test strip one after the function keys in association with text
the other and prints out the result on the shown on the display, which is available
integrated low-noise thermal printer. in 5 languages. The user instructions are
There is the option of sending the results clear and self-explanatory. Inbuilt check-
through a serial port to a PC or laboratory ing functions inform the user of
computer system. The whole measuring any operating or system errors. When
cycle takes about 70 seconds, so it is Combur10 Test UX strips are used, Urisys
possible to measure approx. 50 samples 1100 automatically requests a weekly cali-
per hour. bration with Control-Test M. Calibration
is just as quick and easy to carry out as the
When carrying out the measurements measurement itself.
Urisys 1100 automatically assigns each
sample a serial number, but there is also When a strongly alkaline urine sample is
the option of inputting patient numbers being measured, Urisys 1100 automatically
using a bar-code scanner or a PC key- corrects the result of the specific gravity
test field. When the urine sample has a
strong intrinsic color, automatic color
1) In some countries Combur7 Test and Combur5 Test compensation is performed 3). Measure-
are not available or are not offered for use with ment sensitivity can be fine-tuned by
Urisys 1100.
2) not available in the U.S. version. gradually adjusting the factory set limits to
3) only when Combur10 Test UX is used. suit the user’s individual requirements.2)

Automated Urinalysis

Inserting a new roll of paper and cleaning The benefits at a glance

the device is simplicity itself. Just remove
the loading tray and clean it under run-  Handy, compact instrument for
ning water. Load the roll of paper and measuring individual test strips.
close the printer cover – Urisys 1100 is Urisys 1100 delivers standardized
ready to perform the next measurement. results and virtually excludes
sources of error associated with
Urisys 1100 can evaluate the well-proven visual evaluation.
Combur-Test urine test strips. The proce-  Easy to use: Place the test strip on the
dure is easy, user-friendly, time-saving and loading tray and press the start button.
standardized. Because the system is so The system does the rest – quietly and
simple to operate and provides a number efficiently.
of software options, it is ideal for medical  Optimized procedure: Immediate
practices, small laboratories and hospital automatic documentation of results –
wards. option of printing or sending them to
a PC or laboratory computer system.
 Reliable results: Can measure the
high-quality Combur10 Test UX test
 Useful computer interface: Urisys 1100
has a serial interface for connection to
a PC or laboratory computer system.
An optional bar-code scanner or PC
keyboard may also be used to input
patient data.
 Efficient in daily routine: Very simple
operation, fast results, reliable docu-
mentation, changing paper and clean-
ing done in a matter of seconds.
 Interactive user guide on CD-ROM:
Videoclips explain procedures from
first-time startup to maintenance.

Automated Urinalysis

Miditron Junior II The results can be printed out in conven-

Miditron Junior II is a compact semi-auto- tional, SI, or arbitrary units. Combina-
matic urinalysis system for reflectance- tions of units can also be used. Positive
photometric evaluation of Combur10 Test results on the printout are indicated by
M and Combur9 Test M urine test strips. It an asterisk. The associated thresholds
is extremely easy to operate using the six can be set individually. The limits of the
programme keys and user instructions reflectance/concentration ranges can be
shown on the display. adjusted to the individual needs of the
An optical and acoustic signal tells the
operator to get a test strip ready for the The results of the test strip evaluation are
measurement and then to lay it on to the printed out on the integral thermal print-
insertion area of the instrument. From er. Three standard RS 232 C ports permit
there it is automatically carried to the connection to a bar-code scanner, external
measurement position and measured. The printer, PC, or bidirectional connection to
test strip tray includes a waste container the laboratory computer system.
which can hold up to 75 measured test
strips. Up to 100 test strips can be meas- Miditron Junior II combines ease of use
ured per hour in normal mode. Higher and high-quality results with economy
operating speeds are available for process- and small size, so it is particularly suitable
ing short series of measurements. The for the smaller laboratory handling an
memory can store up to 150 results. Cali- average of 50 urine samples per day.
bration has to be carried out only every 2

When carrying out the measurements

Miditron Junior II automatically assigns
each sample a serial number, but there is
also the option of inputting a sample
number via the in-built key-pad or a bar-
code scanner. The sample numbers can be
stored in the instrument memory in
advance and printed out in the form of a
work-list, or they can be input at the same
time as the measurements, after insertion
of the test strip.

Automated Urinalysis

The benefits at a glance  Includes connectors for bar-code

scanner and external printer
 Semi-automatic urinalysis system for  Bidirectional connection to the labora-
measurement of Combur10 Test M and tory computer system
Combur9Test M  Numerous setting options for optimal
 Hygienic and simple operation adjustment to the individual operating
 3 optional operating speeds: situation and laboratory environment
Normal mode:
Cycle time approx. 36 seconds,
max. 100 tests/hour
Accelerated mode:
Cycle time approx. 20 seconds,
max. 180 tests/hour
Fast mode:
Cycle time approx. 12 seconds,
max. 300 tests/hour

Automated Urinalysis

Urisys 1800 the integral port (ASTM standard inter-

Urisys 1800 is a semi-automatic urin- face protocol) or saved to disk. For users
alysis system for reflectance-photometric who have previously worked with
evaluation of Combur10 Test M and Miditron M or Miditron Junior II systems,
Combur9 Test M urine test strips. these interface protocols are also provided
for convenience. In addition, the inbuilt
Measuring urine samples with Urisys 1800 disk drive can be used to save calibration
is perfectly simple: Dip test strips in urine results and laboratory-specific system set-
and place them on the insertion tray. The tings.
system will detect their presence and
transport them to the measuring position Ports are provided for connecting a bar-
on a 6-second work cycle. Following an code scanner and Miditron ST Sediment
incubation time of approx. 60 seconds Terminal. Miditron ST allows sediment
each test strip is measured and then placed findings to be input in parallel to the test
in the inbuilt waste container. The high strip measurements, so that a second per-
throughput of max. 600 strips per hour son can carry on with time-intensive
means that even large numbers of samples microscopic examinations at the sediment
can be processed quickly and efficiently. workstation while the other samples are
System memory can accommodate up to being measured in the Urisys 1800 system.
1000 complete test data records. The complete urinalysis finding is docu-
mented as already stated above.
Urisys 1800 has a large intuitive LCD
touch-screen that grants direct access to Thanks to its extreme user-friendliness
various software features, enabling the and superior data management, Urisys
user to call up various system functions 1800 is the right choice to carry out
and adjust settings quickly and conve- efficient routine urinalysis in laboratories
niently. Urisys 1800 supports quality con- with a urine sample throughput of
trol of test strip readings by allowing the 50 –100 samples per day and more.
name, batch number and standard values
of control urines to be input and saving
the results in a separate 300-position
memory reserved for controls (100 per
control level).

Sample and control results can be printed

out via the integral thermal printer with
optimized paper format (112 mm wide),
sent to a laboratory computer system via

Automated Urinalysis

The benefits at a glance  Ports for bar-code scanner and bidi-

rectional connection to the laboratory
 Semi-automatic urinalysis system computer system
for measuring Combur10 Test M and  Miditron ST Sediment Terminal
Combur9 Test M connectivity for inputting microscopic
 Continuous loading of dipped test findings
strips without the need to keep to  Inbuilt disk drive for optionally saving
a strict timing regime sample results and calibrations to disk
 Easy user guidance through large  Numerous setting options for optimal
LCD touch screen adjustment to the individual operating
 Separate data handling for quality situation and laboratory environment
control measurements

Automated Urinalysis

Urisys 2400 of the test strip. In addition, all samples

Urisys 2400 is a fully automated urinalysis are automatically mixed immediately be-
system for reflectance-photometric evalu- fore the measurement, so that any compo-
ation of Urisys 2400 Cassette test strips nents which have precipitated are detected
including the parameters pH, leukocytes, correctly.
nitrite, protein, glucose, ketones, urobili-
nogen, bilirubin, erythrocytes and color, The ready-to-use Urisys 2400 Cassette
as well as specific gravity (refractometry) with 400 test strips allows high conven-
and clarity via physical determination. ience together with an on-board stability
of 2 weeks and long calibration interval of
Urisys 2400 provides enhanced walk-away one month.
capability for medium to high volume
laboratories with typically > 100 urine The high throughput of 240 samples per
samples per day. hour in combination with the large on
board supply of 400 test strips ensures that
It is the first urinalysis system with an even large numbers of samples can be
innovative cassette providing the users processed rapidly. High result memory
with highly convenient reagent handling, capacity allows data storage for 1000 rou-
and with Roche Diagnostics standard tine samples, 200 STAT samples and 300
racks for common sample handling. control samples (100 per control level).
Because all steps in the operation, from Controls are automatically identified via
pipetting the urine sample onto the test user definable control racks.
strip to output of the test results, are com-
pletely automatic, manual handling of the The results of samples or controls can be
samples and test strips is reduced to a printed on an external printer, send to a
minimum. host (ASTM standard interface protocol)
or can be stored on a diskette.
The samples are placed on the standard
racks and the racks are loaded via the tray Abnormal or edited results are indicated by
with a capacity of 15 racks = 75 samples. different flags on the print out.
Continuous loading of single racks is also
possible. Sample and rack identification is The limits of the reflectance/concentration
done via an integrated bar-code reader. ranges can be adjusted to the individual
needs of the user.
Automatic level control in the sample
tubes by a liquid level sensor and precise
dosing volume ensures sufficient urine
sample to be pipetted onto each single pad

Automated Urinalysis

The benefits at a glance  Integrated bar-code reader for auto-

matic sample and rack identification
 Fully automated chemical urinalysis by  User-friendly, intuitive software
measurement of Urisys 2400 Cassette ensures easy system operation via
test strips color touch screen
 The innovative, ready to use  Ports for connection to external
Urisys 2400 Cassette provides printer and Host (ASTM)
quick and convenient one-grip loading  Various setting options for optimal
of cassettes and large on board supply adjustment to the individual operating
of 400 test strips in a humidity safe situation and laboratory environment
 High throughput of 240 samples
per hour
 Automatic volume control via liquid
level detection and mixing of sample
before measurement

Detection of microalbuminuria
with Micral-Test

Test principle the urinary albumin. Depending on the

Micral-Test allows a specific detection of albumin concentration, the detection field
human albumin in the urine by a combi- assumes a color ranging from white to red.
nation of chromatographic and im-
munological processes; human albumin Specificity and sensitivity
migrates from a liquid reservoir into a With a cut-off at 20 mg/L for microalbu-
layer of conjugate fleece. Here in an minuria, the sensitivity is 97% and the
immune reaction it is bound specifically to specificity 71%.
a soluble antibody-gold conjugate. The
resulting antigen-antibody complex mi- On the basis of the immunological reac-
grates into the actual reaction field. tion, Micral-Test measures human albu-
min specifically. Cross-reactions with oth-
Excess antibody-gold conjugate is bound er human proteins such as IgG, IgA, leuko-
by immobilized albumin in a capture cytes, and erythrocytes are below 0.5%.
zone, so that the detection field is reached
only by conjugate molecules charged with

Detection field

Capture zone

Conjugate fleece
Covering foil with
depth-of-immersion mark

Liquid reservoir

Fig. 26: Structure of Micral-Test strip

Detection of microalbuminuria with Micral-Test

Test material Evaluation

The use of the first morning urine collect- The result is positive if at least 2 of the
ed in midstream is recommended, because 3 morning urine samples give a concentra-
at that time the albumin concentration tion of 20 mg or more albumin per litre.
is not falsified by physical activity or
the intake of fluids. Since albuminuria is Sources of error
subject to physiological variations, the Interference with the test result may be
morning urine should preferably be tested due to a number of factors: immersion
on 3 days in a week. depth too large, immersion time too short,
reading after an insufficient time, and con-
Test performance tact between the test strip and the wet con-
NOTE: Since the reaction of this urine test tainer wall.
strip is based on chromatographic and
immunological principles, the procedure The following findings restrict the inform-
is not the same as that with conventional ative power of microalbuminuria:
test strips.  acute diseases and infections of the
urinary tract
1. The test strip is dipped for 5 seconds in  positive urine findings for protein,
the urine sample to a depth such that nitrite, leukocytes, or blood
the liquid level is between the two black  pregnancy
lines. It is then withdrawn. Neither dur-  severe metabolic dysregulation, for
ing the dipping nor during the with- example in diabetics
drawal may the strip touch the contain-  physical exertion at the time of urine
er wall (possibility of interference collection in the bladder (physiological
effects during chromatography). albuminuria)
 albumin of postrenal origin
2. The test strip is now laid on a non-
absorbent horizontal substrate or on Influence of drugs
the urine container. Interference due to medicinal drugs has
not been observed so far, but the effects of
3. After 1 minute the reaction color is medicines and/or their metabolites on
compared against the colors on the Micral-Test are not all known. In cases of
label. The color predominating over the any doubt, therefore, if this is medically
area is decisive. Any smaller spots of a acceptable, the medication should be dis-
different color are disregarded in the continued and the test carried out once
evaluation. again.

Detection of microalbuminuria with Micral-Test

Clinical significance and at which the progression towards

Patients with diabetes mellitus or with renal failure can still be avoided.
hypertension often suffer from a nephrop-
athy as a late complication. Some 30–40% Regrettably, not many doctors take advan-
of type I diabetics develop a renal disease tage of this possibility of improving their
after 10–15 years, and recent studies have therapeutic effectiveness by checking their
shown that nephropathies also occur in patients for microalbuminuria.
around 20% of type II diabetics. In hyper-
tensive patients the corresponding figure The potential indications include, for
is around 25%. If both conditions are example, metabolic optimization, early
present simultaneously, their organ-dam- institution of antihypertensive therapy
aging potential on the cardiovascular sys- (preferably with ACE inhibitors), and a
tem and on the kidneys is compounded. low-protein diet in the case of diabetics. In
hypertensive subjects general measures
Once an advanced stage with manifest and an effective drug therapy to lower the
proteinuria, elevated serum urea and crea- blood pressure are indicated.
tinine, and morphological changes in the
kidneys has been reached, the process can
only be slowed down, but no longer
arrested, even with good management of
the underlying disease.

Both diabetic and hypertension-deter-

mined nephropathies should therefore be
detected as early as possible, in order to be
able to act on their progressive course in
the direction of terminal kidney failure.

The most important factor in early recog-

nition of a nephropathy is microalbumin-
uria, defined as albumin concentrations
between 20 and 200 mg/L urine. Values
below 20 mg/L are normal. Early diagnosis
of microalbuminuria allows glomerular
damage to be caught at a time at which
appropriate therapeutic measures can still
exert an influence on the glomerulopathy

Detection of microalbuminuria with Micral-Test

Scheme of the reaction

G + G
Antibody-gold Albumin Antigen-
conjugate (red) (antigen) antibody

Free albumin from the urine is bound into an antibody-gold conjugate.

An antigen-antibody complex is formed.

Scheme of the reaction

G +
Excess Immobilized Immobilized
antibody-gold albumin antigen-antibody
conjugate complex

Excess conjugate molecules are bound in the capture zone

by immobilized human albumin.

Scheme of the reaction

The red antibody-gold conjugate charged with albumin from the urine causes a white to red
coloration of the detection field, depending on the albumin concentration in the specimen.

Fig. 27: Scheme of the reaction in Micral-Test

The Kidneys and the Efferent Urinary Tract

The urinary apparatus is made up of: wise to the renal pelvis as urine. The urine
 two kidneys then passes into the ureters and through
 two ureters them into the bladder. The bladder is a
 the urinary bladder muscular hollow organ in which urine is
 and the urethra collected. The amount of urine finally
excreted daily through the urethra is
The kidneys are the most important approximately 1.5 L.
excretion organ in the human organism.
Every 24 hours around 1500 L of blood Function and importance of the uri-
flow through the kidneys, which filter off nary organs
daily 170 L of primary urine from this The organs of the efferent urinary tract
blood volume. Primary urine is a blood comprise:
“ultrafiltrate” and consists of water, salt,  the renal calices
and dissolved low-molecular blood con-  the renal pelvis
stituents. The water is largely reabsorbed,  ureters
and all substances needed by the organism  bladder
are taken up again. The remaining  the urethra
“worthless” substances are conveyed drop-

Anatomy of the urinary apparatus


Inferior vena cava Aorta



Fig. 28: Anatomy of the urinary apparatus

81 6
The Kidneys and the Efferent Urinary Tract

Renal calices/renal pelvis

The renal calices are individual funnel-like
tubular structures which open into the
renal pelvis, the expansion at the upper
end of the ureters.

The ureters have a length of 24 to 34 cm
as measured from the renal pelvis to the
point at which they enter the bladder.
Urine is conveyed down into the bladder
by peristaltic contractions of the ureters.

The bladder is an elastic muscular hollow
organ in which the urine is collected.
Urine is voided by muscular contractions
of the bladder wall, the abdominal wall,
and by the muscle tone of the elastic sys-

The urethra is the final excretion channel
for urine. The female urethra is shorter
than the male, and this is the reason
why urinary tract infections are more
common in women than in men.

The Kidneys and the Efferent Urinary Tract

The kidneys  Excretion of blood constituents

The principal functions of the kidneys are (e.g. glucose) when their concen-
as follows: tration exceeds a certain limit.
 Filtration of blood for the purpose of  Production and degradation of hor-
excretion of toxic products and degra- mones (protaglandins) and hormone-
dation products (metabolic end prod- like substances which exert an effect
ucts and toxins, for example urea). on the metabolism and the circulation.
 Regulation of:
– the acid-base equilibrium of the
– the water and electrolyte balance
– the intracellular and extracellular
– blood pressure (secretion of the
hormone renin) and erythropoiesis
(secretion of the hormone erythro-

Longitudinal section through a kidney

Cortex layer Nephrons (enlarged)

Renal cortex
Renal medulla Renal medulla

Renal artery
Renal pelvis Renal papillae

Ureter Major calix

(calix major)
Minor calices
(calices minores)

Fig. 29: Longitudinal section through a kidney

The Kidneys and the Efferent Urinary Tract

The kidney consists of 1–3 million tubular
structures known as nephrons. The
nephrons can be subdivided further into
glomerular and tubular sections. They are
closely packed and form the renal pa-
renchyma (the cortex and the medulla).

Structure of the nephron

 renal corpuscle with a glomerulus and
Bowman’s capsule
 proximal convoluted tubule
 Henle’s loop
 the distal convoluted tubule and the
collecting tubule

The nephron with its glomerular

and tubular sections

Bowman’s capsule


Renal tubule:
Proximal convoluted tubule
Collecting tube
Distal convoluted tubule

Henle’s loop

Fig. 30: The nephron with its glomerular and tubular sections

The Kidneys and the Efferent Urinary Tract

Renal corpuscles Henle’s loop

Blood enters the glomerulus via a blood The residual filtrate passes into Henle’s
vessel and undergoes filtration through loop. Water is removed in the descending
the membrane (semipermeable basal part by osmosis, and sodium and chloride
membrane) of the glomerular capillaries are reabsorbed in the ascending part.
into Bowman’s capsule. The renal corpus- Excessive reabsorption of water in the
cle acts as a “point of contact” between the ascending part is prevented by imperme-
blood vessel and the place where primary ability of the walls to water. This selective
urine is filtered out. The gap between the reabsorption process – the countercurrent
two walls of Bowman’s capsule serves as a principle – maintains the osmotic gra-
container for primary urine glomerular dient of the renal medulla, which is deci-
filtrate and enables the passage of primary sive for final concentration of the filtrate
urine through the open end into the prox- when it reaches the collecting tubule.
imal tubule.
Distal convoluted tubule and
Proximal convoluted tubules the collecting tubule
In the proximal convoluted tubule all sub- In the terminal section of the nephron
stances that can be utilized by the (the distal convoluted tubule and the col-
organism are actively reabsorbed out of lecting tubule) the composition of the
the glomerular filtrate and taken up again urine is further modified by continuing
into the metabolism, while others are reabsorption of sodium and potassium
concentrated and excreted with the urine. and by secretion of hydrogen ions. The
The utilizable substances include, for hormones adiuretin and aldosterone exert
example, sodium, potassium, amino acids, an influence on the water-absorption
phosphates, and glucose (glucose should process, changing the wall permeability
not be present in the urine). (loss or retention of water) and regulating
the chemical equilibrium via ion
The urine volume is drastically reduced exchange. This equilibrium is the actual
here – 99% of the primary urine volume is end determinant for urine volume and
reabsorbed. urine concentration.

The proximal tubule connects the glo-

merulus with Henle’s loop.

Epithelial cells Urine sediment

Fig. 1: Group of pavement epithelium cells (×1000). Fig. 2: Pavement epithelium cells, transitional epithelium
These are the largest cells encountered in urinary sediment cells (urothelial cells) (×450).
(30–50 µm).

Fig. 3: Binuclear transitional epithelium cells (×1000). Fig. 4: Group of transitional epithelium cells (×1000).
Urothelial cells measure about 20–30 µm, easily take up Exfoliation of urothelial cells may be indicative of a patho-
water, and are usually the plumpest structures encoun- logical process in the lower part of the urinary tract.

Fig. 5: Group of suspicious urothelial cells (×1000). Fig. 6: Group of about 15 urothelial cells (×1000).
In addition to various signs of malignancy the cells
show a dysplastic vacuolated cytoplasm.

Urine sediment Tubular epithelium cells

Fig. 7: Epithelial cells probably of tubular origin (×1000). Fig. 8: Three epithelial cells probably of tubular origin
Identification of renal epithelial cells is often difficult. (×1000).
The characteristic cell clustering and the cylindrical form
point to tubular origin.

Fig. 9: Tubular epithelium cells, dysmorphic erythrocytes, Fig. 10: Tubular epithelium cells (×450).
and a leukocyte (×1000). The occurrence of tubular epithelium cells in large clusters
The cylindrical cells have eccentric nuclei and a weakly is unusual.
expressed brush border.

Fig. 11: Degenerating tubular epithelium cells (×1000). Fig. 12: Tubular epithelium cells (“fat granule cells”)
Phagocytosis of considerable amounts of urine consti- (×1000).
tuents leads to cell overloading and degeneration. The As a result of excessive lipid storage these cells are clearly
non-functional epithelial cells are then excreted in urine. larger than other tubular epithelium cells and point to a
severe renal function disturbance.

Eumorphic erythrocytes Urine sediment

Fig. 13: Eumorphic erythrocytes, leukocytes (×1000). Fig. 14: Eumorphic biconcave erythrocytes (×1000).
Morphologically normal so-called eumorphic subrenal Eumorphic erythrocytes not showing the cell membrane
erythrocytes show that a disorder of the efferent urinary alterations typical in erythrocytes of renal origin.
tract is present.

Fig. 15: Eumorphic erythrocytes (×400). Fig. 16: Eumorphic erythrocytes, round epithelial cells
Juvenile erythrocytes with typical biconcave form; some of
the cells show a transition to a crenated form.

Fig. 17: Eumorphic erythrocytes (×1000). Fig. 18: Eumorphic erythrocytes (×1000).
Erythrocytes change their form depending on the sur- In alkaline or hypotonic urine erythrocytes swell up and
rounding osmotic pressure gradient. In concentrated undergo haemolysis. The cell-membrane residues are
hypertonic urine they shrink very quickly and appear in a called erythrocyte shadows.
crenated form.

Urine sediment Dysmorphic erythrocytes

Fig. 19: Dysmorphic erythrocytes (×1000). Fig. 20: Dysmorphic erythrocytes (×1000).
Erythrocytes that have undergone morphological changes Morphological abnormalities of the erythrocyte mem-
in the kidneys are designated as “dysmorphic.” brane are probably attributable to sustained changes in pH
and osmolality in the tubule system.

Fig. 21: Various kinds of dysmorphic erythrocytes (×1000). Fig. 22: Dysmorphic erythrocytes (×1000).
Erythrocytes of glomerular origin can point to the pres- Erythrocyte shadows of glomerular origin (see Fig. 18,
ence of a very wide range of morphological abnormalities. subrenal erythrocyte shadows).

Fig. 23: Dysmorphic erythrocytes (×1000). Fig. 24: Dysmorphic erythrocyte (×1000).
Erythrocyte shadows of glomerular origin (see Fig. 18, Blue field: interference contrast microscopy; brown field:
subrenal erythrocyte shadows). light-field microscopy.

Leukocytes Urine sediment

Fig. 25: Neutrophilic polymorphonuclear granulocytes Fig. 26: Leukocytes, yeast cells (×400).
(×1000). An opportunistic infection with Candida albicans is a
These are easily recognizable by their segmented nuclei relatively frequent finding.
and, when present in large numbers, point to an inflam-
matory disease in the urogenital tract.

Fig. 27: Leukocytes, pavement epithelium cells (×1000). Fig. 28: Leukocytes, erythrocytes, bacteria (×1000).
In women large numbers of pavement epithelium cells and Signs of cytolysis are evident in both erythrocytes and
granulocytes in the sediment of spontaneous urine may be leukocytes (alkaline reaction of the urine in bacterial
due to a vaginal contamination. infections).

Fig. 29: Leukocytes, urothelial cells (×400). Fig. 30: Leukocytes, triphosphate, bacteria (×400).
Urinary sediment with characteristic signs of an acute or Triphosphate crystals are often encountered in infected
chronic urinary tract infection. alkaline urine, but they can be indicative of obstructed
urine flow.

Urine sediment Casts (1)

Fig. 31: Hyaline cast (×400). Fig. 32: Small leukocyte cast (×1000).
Hyaline casts, which can also occur in the urine of healthy Leukocyte casts are pathognomonic for pyelonephritis.
persons, are often overlooked because of their low refrac-
tive index.

Fig. 33: Leukocyte cast (×400). Fig. 34: Erythrocyte cast (×1000).
A prerequisite for the formation of leukocyte casts is Erythrocyte casts are pathognomonic for glomeru-
increased intrarenal excretion of leukocytes in patholo- lonephritis.
gical proteinuria.

Fig. 35: Erythrocyte cast (×1000). Fig. 36: Mixed erythrocyte cast (×1000).
The erythrocytes are partly embedded in a matrix of a hya- Hyaline cast with dysmorphic erythrocytes, tubular
line cast and partly attached to a finely granulated surface. epithelium cells, and granular material on the cast sur-

Casts (2) Urine sediment

Fig. 37: Epithelial cast (×400). Fig. 38: Finely granular cylindrical cast (×400).
Epithelial casts occur very rarely in sediment. They consist Granular casts are encountered in nearly all forms of
of desquamated tubular epithelium cells bound into the specific kidney diseases.
matrix of a hyaline cast.

Fig. 39: Coarsely granular cast (×400). Fig. 40: Granular cast (×400).
Helically twisted cylindrical cast with coarsely granular Extended granular cylinder with many embedded dys-
material (weakly discernible cell structure). morphic erythrocytes.

Fig. 41: Extended waxy cast (×400). Fig. 42: Waxy cast (×100).
A number of dysmorphic erythrocytes adhere to the Cylindrical waxy casts are always indicative of severe
“waxy” surface of the cast, which is surrounded by ab- chronic kidney diseases (advanced renal failure).
normal sediment structures.

Urine sediment Histiocytes, bacteria, carcinoma cells

Fig. 43: Histiocyte (× 1000). Fig. 44: Bacteria on a pavement epithelium cell (×1000).
Histiocytic exhibit substantial variations in size. They usu- Bacteria are often encountered on the surface of large
ally contain numerous vacuoles, granules and other epithelial cells. If neither inflammation sources nor
phagocytic material. protein can be found, the bacteria are usually due to con-

Fig. 45: Group of yeast cells (×1000). Fig. 46: Urothelial carcinoma cells (×1000).
Free-swimming yeast cells are easily confused with ery- In the presence of large groups of urothelial cells there is
throcytes or fat droplets. Attention should be paid to always a suspicion of a tumour in the region of the effer-
branching hyphae and to clumps of budding yeast cells. ent urinary tract.

Fig. 47: Cells of a poorly differentiated bladder carcinoma Fig. 48: Group of urothelial carcinoma cells (×1000).
(×1000). Characteristic features of malignancy: complete loss of
Characteristic features of malignancy: anisocytosis and cytoplasm in some cells, aniosocytosis and nuclear poly-
nuclear polymorphism, disturbed nucleus/cytoplasm morphism, thick cell nucleus membrane.
ratio, hyperchromatism of the cell nuclei or the cell walls,
multiple nucleoli.

Urine Cytology

Normal urothelial cell surrounded by erythrocytes Bladder carcinoma G3, dedifferentiated cells with
large nuclei, vacuoles, and nucleoli

Bladder carcinoma G2, hyperchromatic nuclei, Bladder carcinoma G3, some hyperchromatic nuclei,
numerous nucleoli, destructive changes in the cyto- small cells, multiple nucleoli, hyperchromatism of
plasm, several leukocytes in the surrounding region the nucleus walls

Bladder carcinoma G2, distinct variance in nucleus

size, multiple nucleoli, nucleus/cytoplasm ratio
shifted in favour of the nuclei

Glossary of Specialist Medical Terms

Acidosis A metabolic disturbance associated with a shift of the acid-

base balance to the acid side (pH <7.0)

Adenoma Mostly benign epithelial tumour derived from glandular


Adiposity Obesity

Agar A polysaccharide obtained from various marine algae and

used, among others, for the preparation of nutrient media
for bacterial cultures

Alimentary Due to nutrition

Alkalosis A metabolic disturbance associated with a shift of the acid-

base balance to the alkaline side (pH >7.0)

Alkaptonuria Excretion of homogentisic acid in the urine causing a dark

to black discoloration of the specimen in air due to alka-

Anaemia “Blood deficiency,” a collective term for diseases based on a

reduction in the amount of haemoglobin and usually also
of erythrocytes in the blood

Anamnesis Complete medical history of the patient (including earlier

illnesses and diseases running in the family); the anamnesis
is the first diagnostic step and is of major significance

Anisocytosis Occurrence of erythrocytes of various sizes in blood, a

feature of a number of blood diseases

Apoplexy Stroke

Appendicitis Inflammation of the vermiform appendix, a wormlike

diverticulum of the caecum

Ascorbic acid Vitamin C

Glossary of Specialist Medical Terms

Bacteriuria Excretion of bacteria in urine

Benign Not malignant

Cast Cylindrical protein-containing structure formed within

renal canaliculi and detected in urinary sediment; casts are
differentiated according to their constituents

Catalysis Acceleration of a chemical reaction by a material (catalyst)

which lowers the activation energy for the process

Cerebral blood flow Circulation disturbance in the brain


Cholangiolitis Inflammation of the fine terminal elements of the bile duct


Cholangitis Inflammation of the bile duct

Cholestasis Bile congestion in the gallbladder

Cholecystitis Inflammation of the gallbladder

Chyle Milky turbid fluid contained in the intestinal lymph vessels

Chyluria Excretion of chyle in the urine

Cirrhosis Cicatricial shrinkage of an organ

Coagulopathy Blood coagulation (clotting) disturbance due to a plasma

factor deficiency in blood

Colic Acute spasm-like pains in the abdominal region

Congenital Present at and usually before birth

Constipation Infrequent or difficult evacuation of the faeces

Glossary of Specialist Medical Terms

Contamination Soiling, pollution

Cystalgia Pain in the bladder

Cystitis Inflammation of the bladder

Dehydration Withdrawal of water

Diabetes mellitus Chronic metabolic disturbance with delayed or incomplete

utilization of glucose in the organism

Diabetic coma Life-threatening disturbance of consciousness due to a

diabetic metabolic dysregulation

Dilated Expanded

Discharge Excretion of a fluid from the female sex organs

Diuresis Excretion of urine

Diuretics Drugs promoting urine excretion

Dysmorphic Morphologically altered (malformed)

Dysuria Urine evacuation disturbance

E.(scherichia) coli Gram-negative bacteria in human large intestine; E. coli can

also provoke urinary tract infections, diarrhoea, sepsis, var-
ious inflammations, etc.

Electrophoresis Movement of electrically charged particles in a carrier

material under the influence of an electric field (used in
medicine for analytical purposes)

Emphysema Accumulation of air in tissues, inflation of organs or body


Glossary of Specialist Medical Terms

Encephalopathy Brain disease

Endocarditis lenta Bacterial inflammation of the endocardium, the lining

membrane of the heart cavities

Enterocolitis Inflammation of the small and large intestine

Enterohepatic Relating to the intestine and the liver

Enterococci Gram-positive bacteria normally forming part of the intes-

tinal flora; outside the intestine they may, however, act as
pathogens (e.g. of urogenital infections)

Enuresis Involuntary passage of urine, bed-wetting

Epithelial cells Cells of the topmost tissue layers; urogenital epithelial cells
are a constituent of urinary sediment

Erythrocytes Red blood corpuscles; haemoglobin-containing cells re-

sponsible for the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in

Eumorphic Morphologically unchanged (showing a normal form)

Excretion Elimination of waste metabolic products from the body

Exfoliation Gradual peeling of dead tissue and bone components

Extrarenal Outside the kidneys

Extravasate Fluid such as blood or lymph escaping from a vessel into the
surrounding tissue

Filariasis A disease state caused by the presence of nematode worms

in the body

Glomerulonephritis Renal inflammation affecting mainly the glomeruli

Glossary of Specialist Medical Terms

Glomerulopathy Pathological alteration of the glomeruli

Glomerulus A capillary vessel cluster in the kidneys, site of the first

phase of urine formation

Glucosuria Excretion of glucose in urine

Gonococci Gram-negative bacterial species responsible inter alia for


Gram-negative Assuming a red color on Gram staining

Gram-positive Assuming a blue color on Gram staining

Gram stain The most important differential-diagnostic stain in bacte-

riological examinations

Granulocyte A large white blood corpuscle, the leukocyte species en-

countered most frequently in pathological urine

Haematuria Excretion of destroyed (lysed) red blood corpuscles with

the urine

Haemoglobin The pigment of red blood corpuscles

Haemoglobinuria Presence of dissolved haemoglobin in urine as a result of

erythrocyte lysis

Haemolysis Destruction of red blood corpuscles by release of haemo-


Haemophilia “Blood disease,” a genetically determined blood clotting


Haemorrhagic diathesis Abnormal tendency towards bleeding

Heart failure Myocardial weakness, insufficient functional performance

of the heart

Glossary of Specialist Medical Terms

Hepatic Relating to the liver

Hepatitis Inflammation of the liver

Hyperchromatism Increased staining capacity of cell nuclei

Hyperemesis gravidarum Abnormally severe vomiting during pregnancy

Hyperglycaemia Elevated blood glucose level

Hyperosmolar coma Increased osmolarity of the serum due to pronounced

hyperglycaemia in so-called hyperosmolar form of diabetic

Hypertension High blood pressure, a disease of the circulatory system

characterized by elevated arterial blood pressure

Hyperuricaemia Uric acid concentration in blood exceeding 6 mg/dL

Hyphae Thread-like fungal cells

Hypoglycaemia Strongly reduced glucose content in blood

Hypotension Chronic low blood pressure

Hypoxia Oxygen deficiency in tissue due to a low oxygen content

in blood (reason: respiration impairment or circulation dis-

Icterus Jaundice, a symptom of various liver diseases and of bile

duct obstruction

Ileus Constriction or obstruction of a part of the intestine

Insulin A blood-glucose-lowering hormone formed in the pancreas

Intermittent Occurring from time to time

Glossary of Specialist Medical Terms

Intoxication Poisoning

Intrahepatic Occurring within the liver

Intracanalicular Situated within an extremely fine tubular passage or chan-

nel (canaliculus)

Intrarenal Situated within a kidney

Intravasal Situated within a blood vessel

Ketoacidosis Metabolic disturbance in which there is a shift of the acid-

base balance, provoked by increased formation of ketones

Klebsiella A gram-positive bacterial species

Leukocytes White blood corpuscles; a collective term for all nucleus-

containing colorless blood cells

Leukocyturia Excretion of leukocytes in urine

Lipogenesis New formation of fats in fat tissue and in the liver

Lipolysis Enzymatic cleavage of fats

Lordosis Physiological curvature of the cervical and lumbar spine

Lupus erythematosus Inflammatory skin disease with bluish-red skin flecks

Lymph The fluid content of the lymph vessels, of major significance

for material exchange in tissues

Lysis Destruction of cells, e.g. erythrocytes or bacteria

Malignant Tending to become progressively worse and resulting in


Glossary of Specialist Medical Terms

Metabolite A low-molecular substance formed or transformed in the

course of metabolic processes

Metaphylaxis Treatment of a patient after recovery from a disease as a

preventive measure to avoid possible relapses

Micturition Voiding of urine

Morphology Science of the form and structure of organisms and their


Mycobacteria Gram-positive bacteria responsible for tuberculosis and


Necrosis Death of cells, tissues, or organs

Nephritis Inflammation of the kidneys, mostly in the form of


Nephropathy General designation for kidney damage

Nucleolus Small strongly staining corpuscle often occurring in large

numbers in cell nuclei

Obstruction Occlusion of cavities and vessels

Orthostasis Upright position of the body

Osmolality Molar concentration of all osmotically active molecules in

solution, expressed in weight units

Osmolarity Molar concentration of all osmotically active molecules in

solution, expressed in volume units

Osmosis Migration of water molecules through a semi-permeable

membrane separating two solutions of different concen-
trations until the concentrations have become equal

Glossary of Specialist Medical Terms

Otitis Ear inflammation

Oxidation Combination of a chemical substance with oxygen

Papillary necrosis Necrosis of renal papillae

Parenchyma Tissue serving for the specific function of an organ (in

contrast to connective or supporting tissue)

Parenteral Bypassing the gastrointestinal tract

Pathogenic Provoking disease

Pathognomonic Characteristic of a disease picture

Pathological Caused by a morbid condition

Periarteritis nodosa Rare vascular disease; inflammation of the wall layers of

smaller arteries with nodule-like outgrowths

Periportal In the neighbourhood of the portal vein

Permeability Penetrability (of a membrane) by fluids

Persistent Continuing to exist, persevering

Phagocytosis Destruction of foreign substances in an organism and mak-

ing them innocuous by “ingesting cells”

Pneumonia Inflammation of the lungs

Pollakiuria Frequent urge to pass water, though only a small amount of

urine is voided each time

Polycythaemia Abnormal proliferation of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and

platelets, which leads, among others, to swelling of the liver
and spleen

Glossary of Specialist Medical Terms

Porphyria A metabolic disturbance with increased excretion of

porphyrins in the urine

Postrenal Occurring functionally downstream of the kidneys

Precipitation Flocculation or settling out in coagulation processes

Predisposition Tendency or sensitivity of the organism to certain diseases

Progressive Increasing, advancing

Prophylaxis Measures serving for the prevention of diseases

Proteinuria Excretion of proteins in urine

Proteus Genus of gram-negative, actively mobile, organisms oc-

curring in various distinct forms (putrefaction bacterium,
causative agent of urinary tract infections)

Pyelonephritis Simultaneous bacterial inflammation of the renal pelvis

and the kidneys; the most common causative agents are
E. coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, and enterococci

Pyuria Excretion of pus in the urine

Reflectance photometry Method of photometric evaluation of urine test strips

Renal Relating to the kidneys

Renal failure Pronounced impairment of kidney function

Renal threshold Maximum reabsorption capacity of the kidneys

Resorption Uptake of food constituents after their digestion through

the intestinal mucosa, especially in the small intestine

Respiratory Referring to breathing (respiration)

Glossary of Specialist Medical Terms

Retention Physiological: holding of a substance in the organism e.g. as

a result of increased tubular reabsorption in the kidneys

Relapse Recurrence (of a past illness)

Rupture Traumatic or spontaneous tearing or disruption of organs

Screening (test) Investigation of large groups of the population for the

purpose of early detection of probable carriers of the target
condition; in screening no diagnosis is established, and pos-
itive test results must be followed by further differential

Semi-permeable Semi-penetrable

Sepsis Blood poisoning

Sinusitis Acute or chronic inflammation of paranasal sinuses

Stricture Narrowing of a body organ by scarring

Suppository Medicated mass intended for introduction into the rectal,

vaginal, or urethral orifice

Test-strip screening Stepwise screening method in urine diagnostics in which

only the urine samples with relevant positive test strip
results are investigated further microscopically or bacterio-

Thrombo(cyto)penia Blood-platelet deficiency

Tonsillitis Inflammation of tonsils

Transient Temporary

Traumatic 1. Producing a wound

2. Produced by a lesion
3. Leading to psychological shock

Glossary of Specialist Medical Terms

Uraemia Urine intoxication (presence of urea in blood) as a terminal

stage of renal failure; the only effective methods of treat-
ment are dialysis and kidney transplant

Urethritis Inflammation of the urethra

Urine cytology Evaluation of the cell alterations in a stained smear of urine


Urine status Result of examinations carried out on freshly voided mid-

stream urine with multitest strips

Urobilinogenuria Excretion of urobilinogen in the urine

Urolithiasis Formation of urinary stones (calculi) and the resulting

pathological condition

Vacuole Hollow cavity in cell nucleus or cytoplasm, filled with a

watery or thick-flowing substance

Vasoconstrictive Vessel-narrowing

Further Reading

Anders H.J., Schlöndorff D. Klinke R., Silbernagel S. (eds.)

Mikroskopische Differenzialdiagnostik Lehrbuch der Physiologie
des Harns Stuttgart, Georg Thieme Verlag,
Company brochure of Roche Diagnostics, 2nd ed. 1996
2002 – Id. No. 03500152
Kouri T., Fogazzi G., Gant V., Hallan-
Colombo J.P. der H., Hofmann W., Guder W.G.
Klinisch-chemische Urindiagnostik European Urinalysis Guidelines
Rotkreuz CH, Scan J Clin Lab Invest, Vol. 60, Supple-
Labolife-Verlagsgesellschaft, 1994 ment 231, 2000

Guder W.G., Zawta B., Forstmeyer H. Kutter D.

(eds.) Schnelltests in der klinischen Diagnostik
Important Facts about Diagnostic Tests of München, Urban & Schwarzenberg,
Renal Function – Questions and Answers 2nd ed. 1983
Company brochure of Roche Diagnostics,
2nd ed. 1999 – Id. No. 12254891 Töpfer G., Trefz G., Zawta B.
Proteins – Questions and Answers for
Guder W.G., Zawta B. Medical Diagnostics
Fundamentals in Laboratory Medicine – Company brochure of Roche Diagnostics,
Renal Diseases 2000 – Id. No. 11840380
Company brochure of Roche Diagnostics,
2000 – Id. No. 11673670 Voswinckel P.
Der schwarze Urin
Hagemann P., Kimling H., Zawta B. Berlin, Blackwell Wissenschaft, 1992
Fundamentals of Laboratory Testing –
Urine Zimmermann-Spinnler M.
Company brochure of Roche Diagnostics, Urinlabor
2003 – Id. No. 12117932 Liestal CH, Medical Laboratory
Consulting, 1991

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of a member of the Roche Group.

TESTSIMPLETS is a trademark of Diagonal GmbH & Co. KG

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