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 E.R. tubules (Desmotubules) help to maintain continuity of cytoplasm.

 The cell wall and middle lamella may be transverse by plasmodesmata which
connect the cytoplasm of neighboring cells.
 Cell wall materials (hemicellulose, pectin) are synthesized in plant Golgi bodies
or dictyosomes. Formation of cellulose occurs by cell membrane.
 Primary cell wall gradually diminishes as cell matures. It is composed of
cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin and proteins. It is capable of growth.
 Secondary cell wall is absent in meristem cells.
 Oligosaccharides of the glycolipids and glycoproteins on the outer surface of
plasma membrane are involved in the cell-to-cell recognition mechanism. Best
examples of cell recognition are fertilization, (where sperm and egg recognize
each other) and blood-antigens.
 Cholesterol is also present in plasma membrane. Cholesterol are more rigid than
phospholipids. So, it helps in stability of membrane structure.
 Cholesterol is absent in membrane of prokaryotes. Thus, Hopanoids
(pentacyclic sterol) provides stability to prokaryotic cell membrane.
 Phospholipid layer provides fluidity to plasma membrane because
phospholipids are rich in unsaturated fatty acids.
 Term cytoplasm was given by Strasbruger for the part of cell, present between
the nucleus and cell membrane. Cytoplasm can be divided into two parts:
cytosol and trophoplasm.
 Cytosol- Liquid matrix of cytoplasm
 Trophoplasm- Part of cytoplasm containing organelles and non-living
inclusions (deutoplasm).
 Microsomes are pieces of ER with associated Ribosome particles. These can be
obtained by fragmentation and high-speed centrifugation of cell. They do not
exist as such in living cell. scientist used microsome for in vitro protein
synthesis study.
 Most of the macromolecules which are to be sent outside the cell, move through
the Golgi body. So, Golgi body is termed as “Director of macromolecule traffic
in cell” or middle men of the cell.
 Space between cell wall and cell membrane (periplasmic space) in bacteria,
may play role of lysosome.
 In plant cells, large vacuole may function as lysosome by storing hydrolytic
enzymes so in higher plants lysosomes are less frequent. But number of
lysosomes is high in fungi.
 With exception of mammalian RBCs, they were reported in all animal cells.
 Cathepsin enzyme of lysosome digests the tail of tadpole larva of frog during
 Water soluble pigments anthocyanin is found in cell sap.
 Number of mitochondria depends only upon the physiological activity of cell.
 One in Microasterias, Chlorella fiscal (algae).
 Usually, plant cells have fewer mitochondria as compared to animal cell. In
higher animals’ maximum mitochondria are found in flight muscles of birds.
 Other names of mitochondria-
1. Cell within cell
2. Most busy and active organelle in the cell
3. Semi-autonomous cell organelles
4. Endo-symbionts of cell
 Elementary particles were first described by Fernandez Moran.
 Mitochondrial DNA is 1% of the total DNA in a cell. It is rich in G-C content.
 Chromoplasts occurs mainly in pericarp and petals. Red colour of tomatoes is
due to the red pigment lycopene of chromoplasts.
 Stroma lamella or Frets channel or stroma thylakoids are flat membranous
tubules connecting the thylakoids of the different granum.
 Karyotype: Karyotype is external morphology of all chromosomes of a cell
which is specific for each species of living organisms. Karyotype includes the
number of chromosomes, relative size, position of centrosome, length of the
arms, secondary constrictions and banding patterns.
 Idiogram: Diagrammatic representation of karyotype. In idiogram
chromosomes are arranged in decreasing order of size. Sex chromosomes are
placed in last. Idiogram is specific for every species.
 Axis of lampbrush chromosomes is consists of DNA, while matrix consist of
RNA and proteins.
 Lampbrush chromosomes is concerned with Vitellogenesis (yolk formation).
 Salivary gland chromosomes concern with metamorphosis and moulting.
 At centromere, two protein discs are present which are called kinetochores.
Kinetochores constitute the actual site of attachment of spindles to
chromosomes during cell division.
 Secondary constriction is also known as NOR (Nucleolar organizer region). In
humans NOR is found in chromosome number 13,14,15,21,22.
 Part of chromosome remains after NOR is known as satellite.
 Chromosomes have polarity and polar ends pf chromosomes are known as
 Telomere prevents fusion or sticking of one chromosome to another
chromosome. Telomeres are rich in Guanine bases (5’-TTAGGG-3’).
 Enzyme telomerase which is a ribonucleoprotien synthesis telomere Parr of
 Telomere of chromosome become shorter during ageing process.
 Larger and more numerous nucleoli are present in cells actively carrying out
protein synthesis.
 Chemically, chromatin consists of DNA, RNA, histone proteins (basic proteins,
rich in Arginine and lysine) and non-histone proteins.
 Generally eukaryotic cell contain atheist one nucleus is absent in mature sieve
tube cells of vascular plants and mature erythrocytes of many mammals.
 Nucleus is considered as controller or director of cell. Importance of nucleus in
control of hereditary, growth and metabolism were experimentally proved by
Hammerling. (Experiment was on Acetabularia a single cell largest alga)
 Larger subunits (50S) of 70S ribosome contains peptidyl transferase enzyme
(23S rRNA) which helps in the formation of peptide bond during protein
synthesis. This is a sample of ribozyme.
The ribosomes of chloroplasts are smaller than cytoplasmic ribosomes.
Proteins present in plasma membrane are classified as integral and peripheral
on the basis of ease of extraction from membrane.
Carbohydrates that are present in cell membrane take part in cell recognition.
Plasma membrane is a fluid structure due to presence of
i. Carbohydrates
ii. Lipids
iii. Glycoproteins
iv. Polysaccharides
Which of the following is capable of growth and gradually diminishes as the
cell matures?
i. Primary cell wall
ii. Secondary cell wall
iii. Muddle lamella
iv. Cell membrane
The fluid nature of the cell is helpful in function of
i. Cell growth
ii. Cell division
iii. Endocytosis
iv. All of the above
A single unit membrane organelle is
i. Ribosome
ii. Mitochondria
iii. Chloroplast
iv. Lysosome

Detoxification of lipid soluble drugs and other harmful compounds in

endoplasmic reticulum is carried out by cytochrome P450.
Anthocyanin pigments is found in cell sap.
Salivary gland chromosome is concerned with
i. Vitellogenesis
ii. Formation of ribosomes
iii. Lipid synthesis
iv. Metamorphosis in some insects
The telomeres of eukaryotic chromosomes consist of short sequence of guanine
rich repeats.
Nucleus is absent in
i. Cell of vascular cambium
ii. Root hair cell
iii. Companion cell
iv. Members of mature sieve tube

Self-duplication doesn’t occur in

i. Mitochondria
ii. Centrioles
iii. Chloroplast
iv. Ribosome
The physiochemical approach to the study and understand living organisms is
i. Physiochemical biology
ii. Reductionist biology
iii. Fundamental biology
iv. Biochemical biology
Which type of solutes may move across plasma membrane from higher to
lower concentration along concentration gradient without the help of
transmembrane proteins?
i. Positively charged solutes
ii. Negatively charged solutes
iii. Neutral solutes
iv. Any of the above
If living cell, similar to those found on earth, were found on another planet,
where there was no oxygen, then which cell organelles would most probably
be absent?
i. Ribosomes
ii. Golgi apparatus
iii. Mitochondria
iv. ER
Ratio of protein and lipid in the membrane of erythrocytes of human being is
A student done the sell fractionation of a tissue and first to laver his tubes.
The content of one tube when studied showed organelles bounded by
membrane with activity of catalase enzyme. These organelles could be
How many types of cells are known? Three
The division of the plant kingdom into Prokaryota and Eukaryota is based on
the characters of
i. Nucleus only
ii. Chromosomes only
iii. Cell organelles only
iv. All of the above
T. Schwann and M. Schleiden were German scientists.
Which of the following is seen only in prokaryotic cells?
i. Dictyosome
ii. Ribosome
iii. Mesosome
iv. ER
v. DNA
Cytosomes are found in
i. Chloroplast
ii. Bacteria
iii. Mitochondria
iv. All of these
Schleiden proposed that cell is the structural and functional unit of life. His
idea was a hypothesis.
The size of most of the cells is the best expressed in micrometers (um).
Robert Hooke used the term cell in the year 1665.
The strength and rigidity of the cell wall is due to the substance are known as
The most abundant substance of middle lamella is Pectin.
Cell wall is absent in
i. Gametes
ii. Amoeba
iii. Mycoplasma
iv. All of these
What is the structural element of cell wall?
i. Matrix
ii. Microtubules
iii. Microfibrils
iv. Arabinogalactans
The chemical substances found most abundantly in the middle lamella is
released into the phragmoplast by Golgi complex.
What is common in the structure of cell wall of bacteria and fungi? Both are
made up of N-acetylglucosamine
For cell membrane, name plasma lemma was given by Plowe.
Beetroot if kept in cold water anthocyanin doesn’t come out due to the plasma
membrane impermeable to anthocyanins
Keeping in view the fluid mosaic model for the structure of cell membrane,
which of the following statements is correct with respect to the movement of
lipids and proteins from one lipid monolayer to another (described as flip flop
i. While proteins can flip flop, lipids cannot
ii. Neither lipids, nor proteins can flip flop
iii. Both lipids and proteins can flip flop
iv. While lipids can rarely flip flop, proteins cannot
Lipid molecules in plasma membrane are arranged in head parallel.
On which surface of cell Donnan equilibrium occur? Plasma membrane
According to the ‘Unit membrane model’ the thickness of the cell membrane
is about 7.5 mm.
Which of the following constituents of biological membrane?
i. Phosphoprotein
ii. Proteins and phospholipid
iii. Phospholipids
iv. Cellulose
Single membrane bound organelles are
i. Lysosome
ii. Sphaerosome
iii. Glyoxysome
iv. All of these
The cell membranes of adjacent cells are fused at this cell junction Zonula
Lomasomes are found in fungal cell.
Singer and Nicholson’s model of plasma membrane differs from Robertson’s
model in the arrangement of proteins.
The name protoplast was given by Purkinji.
The amount of which element is greatest in protoplast? Oxygen
Normal pH of protoplast is 6.8.
Protoplasm is a
i. True solution
ii. Suspension
iii. Emulsion
iv. Polyphasic colloidal solutions
Protein synthesis in an animal cell, takes place in the cytoplasm as well as in
Protoplasm was regarded as the physical basis of life by Huxley (1868).
Mitochondria perform all of the following functions except
i. Nucleic acid synthesis
ii. B-oxidation of fatty acids
iii. ATP synthesis
iv. Polysaccharides degradation
In mitochondria, protons accumulate in the intermembrane space.
Prokaryotic origin of mitochondria was proposed by Altmann and Schimper.
The number of mitochondria increases in cells of
i. Dormant seeds
ii. Germinating seeds
iii. Dry seeds
iv. Dead seeds
In prokaryotes, the mitochondria are absent. Even then Kreb’s cycle takes
place. What us the site of Kreb’s cycle in bacteria? Mesosomes
What is mitoplast? Mitochondria without outer membrane
Racker’s particles are found in ………
Fernandez Morgan particles are seen in mitochondria.
Who first introduced the term mitochondria? Benda
Which of the following cell organelles is considered to be rich in catabolic
Respiratory and oxidative enzymes are present in mitochondria.
In mitochondria, enzymes cytochrome oxidase is present in inner membrane.
The cristae of mitochondria possess oxysomes.
Mitochondria is non-existent in some bacteria.
Mitochondria supply most of the necessary biological energy by
i. Breaking down of sugar
ii. Oxidizing substrates of TCA cycle
iii. Reducing NADP
iv. Breaking down of protein
Centre of phosphorylation is oxysome.
In which part of mitochondria, ATP is generated? Oxysomes (F1 particles)
In higher plants, the shape of the chloroplast is discord (lens).
Which of the following is incorrect?
i. The inner membrane is highly convoluted forming a series a infoldings
ii. The outer membrane resembles as sieve
iii. The outer membrane is permeable to all kinds of molecules
iv. The enzymes of the electron transfer chain are embedded in the outer
The term chromatography was coined by Schmitz.
Quantasomes are found in chloroplast.
The main difference between chlorophyll a and B is in chlorophyll a there is
CH3 group whereas in b it is -CHO group.
In land plants the guard cells differ from other epidermal cells in having
i. Chloroplast
ii. Cytoskeleton
iii. Mitochondria
iv. ER
Match column-1 with column-2 and select the correct option.
Types of chloroplasts Algae
A. Cup shaped 1. Ulothrix

B. Girdle shaped 2. Oedogonium

C. Stellate 3. Chlamydomonas

D. Reticulate 4. Zygnema

A-2, B-4, C-3, D-1

Water soluble yellowish pigment present in the petals of Dahlia is
The amyplasts look like proplastid.
When green tomatoes fruits turn to red, then
i. Chloroplasts are disintegrated and get converted into chromoplasts
ii. New chromoplasts are formed
iii. Chromoplasts are changed to chloroplast
iv. None of the above
All plastids have essentially same structure because
i. They have to perform same function
ii. They are localized in aerial parts of plant
iii. All plastids store starch, lipids, and proteins
iv. One type of plastids can be differentiated into another type of plastid
depending on cell requirements
Many cells function properly and divide mitotically even though they don’t
i. Plasma membrane
ii. Cytoskeleton
iii. Mitochondria
iv. Plastids
Which type of membrane is most abundant within a cell?
i. ER membrane
ii. Nuclear membrane
iii. Golgi membrane
iv. Plasma membrane
ER is more developed in
i. Green cells
ii. Young cells
iii. Mature cells
iv. Bacteriophage
The transfer vesicle from RER fuse with which region of Golgi complex? Cis
Nuclear membrane is formed around the groups of daughter chromosomes
during the telophase by endoplasmic reticulum.
In rapidly developing cells, endoplasmic reticulum is poorly developed.
Main function of dictyosome is secretion.
The cisternae that make up the Golgi complex are
i. Rough
ii. Polarized
iii. Non polarized
iv. Reticulate
Dictyosome serves as a temporary storage place for proteins and other
compounds synthesized by ER.
ER is in continuation with nuclear wall.
In plant cells, number of Golgi bodies increases during cell division.
Secretary and membrane proteins are processed in Golgi complex.
The element responsible for the ring structure of chlorophyll and
maintenance of ribosome structure is Mg+2.
Peptide synthesis takes place inside a cell in ribosome.
In active leaf cells, double membrane is absent in lysosome.
Who discovered ribosome in animal cells? Palade
Ribosome similar to those of bacteria are found in pancreatic mitochondria.
Which of the following statements is wrong for ribosome?
i. Formed by two-sub units
ii. Formed by riboprotein
iii. Formed in chain
iv. Both the sub units are bounded by a membrane
Ribosome may also be called
i. Microsome
ii. Dictyosome
iii. Ribonucleoprotein
iv. Oxysome
Acid hydrolase is found in lysosomes.
The functional unit in the synthesis of protein is polysome.
Ribosome that occurs exclusively in mitochondria is 55 S.
The marker enzyme of lysosome is acid phosphatase.
Ribosome of bacteria, mitochondria, prokaryotes (Nostoc) and chloroplast are
of 70S type.
The color of rose petals is due to water soluble pigments present in the
Which is not true about sphaerosomes?
i. Arose from ER
ii. Related to fat
iii. Single membrane bound structure
iv. Involved in photorespiration
Peroxisomes are rich in oxidative enzymes.
Tonoplast is covering layer of tonoplast.
In which of the following would you expect to find glyoxysomes?
i. Endosperm of wheat
ii. Endosperm of Castor
iii. Palisade cells of leaf
iv. Root hairs
Hyaloplasm of vacuole contains water and minerals.
Which of the following has a single unit membrane?
i. Vacuole
ii. Lysosome
iii. Golgi complex
iv. Peroxisome
Which one of the following isn’t a cell inclusion?
i. Crystal
ii. Vacuole
iii. Starch
iv. Fat droplets
The osmotic expansion of a cell kept in water is chiefly regulated by vacuoles.
Which of the following parts of the cell is non-living?
i. Centrioles
ii. Vacuoles
iii. Ribosome
iv. Mitochondria
The fluid part of cell called cell sap is the non-living contents of the vacuole of
Which organelles is devoid of DNA yet is capable of duplication? Centriole
Number of protofilaments in microtubule is 13.
The principal protein of cilia and flagella is tubulin.
In flagellar membrane which enzyme catalyzes ATP
i. Cytoplasmic dynein
ii. Asconic dynein
iii. Kinesis
iv. Myosin
The number of microtubules in a flagellum including those sharing these
protofilaments with each other is 20.
The nucleoplasm is continuous with the cytoplasm of a cell through nuclear
Karyolymph is a nuclear sap.
The nuclear spindle consists of three types of fibres.
Karyology is the study of nucleus.
Spindle chromosomes have kinetochore.
The telomeres of eukaryotic chromosomes consist of short sequence of guanine
rich repeats.
In nucleoplasm, a conspicuous body of spherical shape attached to a
particular chromosome on a definite position is called nucleolus.
Who showed that the nuclear membrane has many pores or circular
structures or annuli? Callan and Tomlin
Minimum haploid numbers of chromosomes in plant kingdom is 2.
The part which doesn’t take strain amongst the following is
i. Chromatid
ii. Centromere
iii. Chromatin
iv. Chromomere
Which of the following are used to define the karyotype of a species?
i. Number of chromosomes
ii. Chromosomes length
iii. Position of centromere
iv. All of the above
Cells obtained from organisms were homogenized and centrifuged. A test
indicated that the cells contained glycogen. If you were asked to find out as
quickly as possible whether the cells were from a plant or am animal, you
i. Examine the centrifuge for the presence of extracts of chloroplasts
ii. Answer immediately that the cells were from a plants source
iii. Examine the centrifuge for the presence of extracts of centrioles
iv. Answer immediately that the cells were from an animal source
Disulphide bonds which act as atomic staples to reinforce the confrontation of
proteins are found in endoplasmic reticulum.
Cytoskeletal network of a cell is built by a process called dynamic instability.
One of the most common enzymes found in peroxisome is catalase.
Phragmoplast is
i. Cell plate formed by ER and products of dictyosome during cytokinesis
ii. Cell membrane formed by ER, Golgi bodies and secretary vesicles
during cytokinesis
iii. Plastid capable of fragmentation
iv. Plastid capable of duplication
Green potatoes are toxic due to phytoalexins.
The term lipochondria was suggested by Golgi complex.
Nucleoid is a nucleus without nuclear membrane and nucleolus or genetic material
of prokaryotes.
Importance of mitochondria in respiration was first discovered by Michaelis.
What is the proportion of lipids in chloroplast? 20-30%
Cell is the fundamental structural and functional unit of all living organisms
is evidenced by the facts like -
i. Anything less than a complete structure of a cell does not ensure
independent living
ii. Subcellular components can regenerate whole cell
iii. A cell arises by fusion of two cell
iv. All cells are totipotent
Select the right option which relates to Schwann regarding the following
statement -
I. He reported that cells have a thin outer layer which is today known as
plasma membrane
II. Cell wall is a unique character of the plant cell •
Ill. Body of plants and animals are composed of cells and products of cells
i. All are correct
ii. Only Ill is correct
iii. II and Ill are correct
iv. All are incorrect
Organization of a cell has not been achieved in Bacteriophage
Which of the following statements concerning prokaryotes is/are true?
i. Because prokaryotes do not contain organelles, they cannot
photosynthesize or carry out cellular respiration
ii. Prokaryotes have no chromosomes and therefore lack DNA
iii. Prokaryotic flagella are similar in structure to eukaryotic flagella
iv. None of the above
All of the following statements are correct about plasmids except -
i. They are extrachromosomal DNA
ii. They are smaller, circular, double stranded naked DNA that confer
certain unique phenotypic characters to some bacteria like resistance to
iii. They are used in genetic engineering
iv. It helps in the replication of nucleoid
Which of the following is not true about fimbriae?
i. They are composed of protein
ii. They are small bristle like fibers sprouting out of the bacterial cell
iii. They may be used for attach
iv. They form pellicle

I. It is the extension of plasma membrane into the cytoplasm

II. It helps in cell wall formation, DNA replication, helps in respiration,
secretion processes, increases the surface area of plasma membrane and
enzymatic contents, also helps in cytokinesis.
III. It is the characteristic of bacterial cells.
The above feature is attributed to bacterial-
i. Nucleoid
ii. Plasmid
iii. Mesosome
iv. Pilus
Bacteria can be classified into 2 groups on the basis of
i. Differences in the cell envelopes
ii. The manner in which they respond to the staining procedure developed
by Gram
iii. Occurrence of pili
iv. Both (i) and (ii)
Which of the following statement is false for prokaryotic cell inclusions?
i. These are storage granules in the cytoplasm
ii. They are membranous
iii. Phosphate granules, cyanophycean granules and glycogen granules are
the examples of cell inclusions
iv. Gas vacuole is found in B.G.A and purple and green photosynthetic
If you removed the fimbriae from a bacterial cell, which of the following
would you expect to happen?
i. The bacteria could no longer swim
ii. The bacteria would not adhere to the host tissue
iii. Transportation of molecules across the membrane would stop
iv. The shape of bacteria would change
The detailed structure of the membrane was studied in the 1950s only after
the advent of the -
i. Phase contrast microscope
ii. Electrophoresis
iii. Electron microscope
iv. DNA probes
The best material for the study of structure of cell membrane is -
i. RBC of human
ii. RBC of frog
iii. Kidney cell
iv. Muscle cell
Biochemical investigation reveals that the cell membrane is composed of-
i. Proteins + Lipids only
ii. Carbohydrate+ Protein only
iii. Carbohydrate+ Lipids+ Proteins
iv. Carbohydrate+ lipids only

Why tail of lipids in the membrane are towards inner part?

i. The tail is non polar hydrocarbon and so protected within an aqueous
ii. The tail is polar hydrocarbon and so is protected from aqueous
iii. The non-polar or hydrophobic hydrocarbon tails of lipid, being on inner side
ensures their protection from aqueous environment
iv. The tail is hydrophilic so it tends to be located in the aqueous inner side
of membrane
According to the modern concept, cell membrane is -
i. Solid
ii. Quasifluid
iii. Fluid
iv. Solidified sheath
Integral cell membrane proteins -
i. Are partially embedded in lipid layers
ii. Are completely embedded in lipid layers
iii. Show lateral but not vertical movements within bilayer of lipid
iv. All
Fluid nature of membrane is able to explain -
i. Cell growth, cell division
ii. Secretion and permeation of various substances across membrane
iii. Formation of intercellular junction
iv. All
Which statement about the plant cell wall is not true?
i. Its principal chemical composition is polysaccharide
ii. It completely isolates adjacent cells
iii. It is rigid
iv. All
The innermost portion of a mature plant cell wall is the -
i. Primary cell wall
ii. Plasma membrane
iii. Secondary cell wall
iv. Plasmodesmata
Choose the false statement-
i. The 1° cell wall of young cell is capable of growth
ii. Growth of 1° cell wall diminishes as the cell matures
iii. 1° cell wall is very non-elastic
iv. Secondary cell wall is thicker, stronger and positioned between the 1~
cell wall and cell membrane
A cell, which is very active in the synthesis and secretion of proteins, would be
expected to have -
i. Equal amount of RER and SER
ii. More SER than RER
iii. More RER than SER
iv. More GB and no RER
The concentration of a number of ions and other materials is higher in
vacuoles than those in cytoplasm. Why?
i. Tonoplast has a number of active transport system that pumps ions into
vacuole from cytoplasm
ii. Through osmosis, a large number of ions go continuously to vacuole
from cytoplasm
iii. Cytoplasmic ions enter the vacuole through osmotic flow of water
iv. Vacuole is always engaged in the hydrolysis of salts into their ions
Which of the following statement is incorrect?
i. Mitochondria, unless specifically stained are not easily visible under the
ii. Physiological activity of cells determines the number of mitochondria
per cell
iii. Mitochondrion, a power house of cell has DNA, RNA, ribosomes and
enzyme. So, it can survive outside the cell
iv. Mitochondria divide by fission
Both the membranes of a mitochondrion are
i. Structurally different but functionally similar
ii. Structurally similar but functionally different
iii. Structurally as well as functionally different
iv. Structurally as well as functionally similar
Plastids are found in -
i. All animal cells
ii. Some animal cells
iii. All plant cells
iv. All plants cells and euglenoids
Chloroplasts contain -
i. All types of pigments
ii. Chl + Carotenoids
iii. Chl + Carotene+ anthocyanine
iv. Only chl

Majority of the chloroplast of the green plants are found in -

i. Mesophylls of leaves
ii. Bundle sheath of leaf
iii. Vascular bundle of leaf
iv. Mid ribs of leaf
The number of chloroplasts in each mesophyll is 20-40
Which of the following is correct about the outer and inner membrane of
i. Less permeable and more permeable respectively
ii. More permeable and less permeable respectively
iii. Both are equally permeable
iv. Both are equally impermeable
The cellular structures that are almost like centrioles are -
i. Basal bodies
ii. Microfilaments
iii. Microtubules
iv. Centromeres
The core of cilium or flagellum, composed of microtubules and their
associated proteins is called -
i. Blepharoplast
ii. Axoneme
iii. Microfilament
iv. Tubulin
Which of the following statement is false?
i. Both the centrioles in a centrosome lie perpendicular to each other
ii. Central proteinaceous hub is missing in a centriole
iii. Each centriole has an organization like that of a cartwheel.
iv. Centrosome usually contains 2 cylindrical centrioles

Number of nucleolus in a nucleus is –

i. Only one
ii. Many
iii. Dependent on number of SAT-chromosome
iv. One or more
Material of the nucleus is stained by Basic dye
For the study of structure of nucleus, the best cell is -
i. Cell in the interphase
ii. Cell in the late prophase
iii. Cell in the divisional phase
iv. Cell in the meiotic phase
Actively functional nucleus shows-
i. Large nucleolus, diffused chromatin and more nuclear pores
ii. Large nucleolus, diffused chromatin and no nuclear pores
iii. Large nucleolus, compact chromatin and many pores
iv. No nucleolus, diffused chromatin and small nuclear pores
The nuclear pores are the passage for the movement of certain materials
between the nucleus and cytoplasm in the direction. Which one is correct
about materials in their respective direction
i. Proteins, enzymes into the nucleus
ii. Ribosomal components out of the nucleus
iii. mRNA out of the nucleus
iv. All
The total length of DNA molecules of 46 chromosomes in a human cell is
about _____, whereas a typical is 10 min length -
i. 2 mm
ii. 2 cm
iii. 0.2 mm
iv. 2m
The term "nuclear envelope" is more correct than the term "nuclear
membrane" because
i. the enclosure has pores which membranes do not
ii. the enclosure is made up of two membranes
iii. the chemical composition is inconsistent with cellular membranes
iv. None of the above. The two terms are perfect synonyms.
Passage through pores in the nuclear envelope is restricted primarily to
i. proteins, RNA, and protein-RNA complexes
ii. lipids and glycolipids
iii. DNA and RNA
iv. RNA and protein-carbohydrate complexes
Cell fractionation is the most appropriate procedure for preparing for study.
i. isolated cells which are normally found tightly attached to neighboring
ii. cells without a functional cytoskeleton
iii. isolated organelles
iv. the basic macromolecules
The cell membranes of adjacent cells are fused at
i. macula adherens
ii. zonula adherens
iii. zonula occludens
iv. nexus
The Golgi complex plays a major role:
i. in digesting proteins and carbohydrates
ii. as energy transferring organelles
iii. in post translational modification of proteins and glycosidation of lipids
iv. in trapping the light and transforming it into chemical energy
The most abundant intracellular cation is K+.
The solid linear cytoskeletal elements having a diameter of 6 nm and made up
of a single type of monomers are known as
i. Microtubules
ii. Microfilaments
iii. Intermediate filaments
iv. Lamina
Why is a capsule advantageous to a bacterium?
i. It allows the bacterium to attach to the surface
ii. It protects the bacterium from desiccation
iii. It provides means of locomotion
iv. It allows bacterium to 'hide' from host's immune system
The filament in flagellum can rotate by 360°
Which one of the following is not an inclusion body found in prokaryotes?
i. Glycogen granule
ii. Polysome
iii. Phosphate granule
iv. Cyanophycean granule
Which of the following cells lacks cytoskeleton?
i. Eukaryotic plant cell
ii. Prokaryotic bacterial cells
iii. Both (i) and (ii)
iv. Prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic animal cells
To study the ability to secrete a specific protein, cells were homogenized
mechanically and organelles were separated by centrifugation. Which
organelle should be used for further investigation? Microsome
In a resting nucleus, centromeres appear as -
i. Euchromatin
ii. facultative heterochromatin
iii. constitutive heterochromatin
iv. nucleolus
Biochemical analysis of a cell fraction revealed no carbohydrates, 1 % RNA,
0.2% DNA, 40% lipids and 60% proteins. It may possibly be a pure -
i. Plasma membrane fraction
ii. nuclear fraction
iii. microsomal fraction
iv. mitochondrial fraction
The fluidity of membranes in a plant in cold weather may be maintained by
i. Increasing the number of phospholipids with unsaturated hydrocarbon tails.
ii. Increasing the proportion of integral proteins.
iii. Decreasing concentration of cholesterol in membrane
iv. Increasing the number of phospholipids with saturated hydrocarbon
Cell organelle that divides intracellular space of a cell into two compartments
luminal space and extra luminal space
i. May have ribosomes attached by its smaller subunit
ii. Performs the function of packaging materials
iii. Shows a distinct polarity and is situated near the nucleus
iv. Is composed of tiny tubular structures scattered in the cytoplasm
The genome of onion has 8 chromosomes (n = 8). In a root tip cell undergoing
anaphase the number of chromosomes will be 32
The largest plastid is
i. Chloroplast
ii. Chromoplast
iii. Aleuroplast
iv. Amyloplast

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