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Hepat: prefix for LIVER Itis: suffix for inflammation ,Hepatitis = liver inflammation

Liver inflammation can occur for many reasons:

● drugs
● excessive alcohol usage
● medications
● viruses (most common and referred to as viral hepatitis): this is where a
virus attacks the cells of the liver causing them to malfunction.

There are 5 types of viral Hepatitis we’re going to compare, the A, B, C, D, E.

Role of the Liver

Liver damage is damage to all. This is because the liver is sort of like the gatekeeper of
the body. It filters, protects, breaks down and stores substances, and releases them
to keep the body in balance, etc.

Where’s it located? It’s found in the upper right quadrant just under the diaphragm.

How is it structured? It has two lobes and 8 segments. Each of the segments are
made up of these functional units called lobules. This is where the liver’s hepatocytes
live and work. These cells do the majority of the work performed by the liver.

The liver receives blood from two sources:

● Hepatic artery: this vessel pumps fresh oxygenated blood to the liver from
the aorta to keep the cells of the liver supplied with oxygen so they can
function and won’t die.
● Hepatic portal vein: this vessel pumps blood rich in nutrients (very poor
in oxygen) from the GI system that just broke down the food the person
just consumed. The blood will flow to the hepatocytes, which will decide
what is stored, removed, and goes to the body…so it filters the blood (toxic
chemicals, potential bacteria, drugs).

What are the specific awesome functions of the liver?

● It produces bile that will help digest fats. The bile is squirted into the small
intestine to help digest fats. Bile is stored in the gallbladder.
● It plays a role with the coagulation process (remember how Warfarin
● Provides immune system protection by producing immune factor
proteins and eliminates dangerous bacteria from the blood.
● It helps regulate the blood glucose levels by storing and creating glucose
based on the body’s needs.
● It turns ammonia into urea. Ammonia is created with the breakdown of
proteins. It is highly toxic to the brain if it accumulates in the blood, which is
why the liver turns it into urea and lets the kidneys dispose of it through the
● It breaks down red blood cells. When this occurs it will create bilirubin.
Bilirubin is a brownish yellow substance, which is placed in the bile and
excreted in the stool. This is why stool is normally brown.

Comparison of Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E

Hepatitis A:

How do you get it (transmission)?

● Most common is fecal-oral: a person is most likely to get the virus from
consuming contaminated food or water.
● Acute type of infection only: no long term complications likely because
the virus is in the body for a short time and killed by the body

Signs & Symptoms (note: all types of hepatitis have similar symptoms as the ones

● asymptomatic (some patient may be without symptoms)

● Jaundice
● GI symptoms: nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, loss of appetite
● Fever
● Very tired
● Dark urine (bilirubin)
● Clay-colored stool (no bilirubin in stool)
● Arthralgia (joint pain)

Hepatitis A - the patient can be contagious 2 weeks BEFORE the signs and symptoms
appear and 1-3 weeks from when the symptoms appeared.

Diagnosed: anti-HAV (antibodies of the hepatitis A virus) presence with IgM and IgG in
the blood

● anti-HAV igM = active infection (in icteric phase)

● anti-HAV IgG = past infection and recovered and has immunity- vaccine
● How to remember? IgM (think mean virus is present in the body) and IgG
(think the virus is gone)
Treatment: none at time (clears on its own)….rest and supportive treatment

● Handwashing
● Vaccine: (2 doses given 6 months apart as part of the pediatric vaccine
schedule), want to receive the vaccine if travelling outside US, Hepatitis A
immune globin (IG): if came into contact with the virus, needs to receive IG
within 2 weeks of exposure….it will provide temporary passive immunity.
Hepatitis B:

How do you get it (transmitted)?

● blood and other body fluids like semen, salvia, ammonitic or vaginal fluid
● Most common transmission route is sexual intercourse and intravenous
drug use. It can also be spread via the birthing process if the mother is
Hepatitis B positive. Therefore, it can be spread via the percutaneous (via
a puncture in the skin…example: needle) or mucosal routes.
● Acute and chronic infections can occur. Infants and young children are
at most risk for chronic infections. Mas bata mas prone.
● Chronic infections can lead to major complications like:
cirrhosis, liver failure, and liver cancer

Signs and symptoms: same as above if present


● HBsAg (Hepatitis B surface antigen): show INFECTIOUS (educate: avoid

sexual intercourse and intimacy like kissing until it is negative)
● Anti-HBs (Hepatitis b surface antibody): RECOVERED (had a previous
infection) and immune (example: effective Hepatitis B vaccine)


● acute: none just supportive treatment

● chronic: antiviral medications or interferon
● Peginterferon alfa-2a (Pegasys): given subcutaneous

Prevention: handwashing, vaccine for all infants (3-4 doses over 6-18 months) and
people at risk for Hepatitis B..example: healthcare workers (3 doses over 6 months),
following sharp precautions, all pregnant women tested due to transmission at birth,
post-exposure Hepatitis B immune globulin within 24 hours of exposure (12 hours
after birth) to provide temporary passive immunity.

Hepatitis C :

How do you get it (transmitted)?

● Blood and body fluids…. spread via percutaneous (via the skin through a
puncture) or in body fluids with mucosal route
● Most common transmission route intravenous drugs.
● Other ways but not as common: sexual contact, if received
blood or blood products before 1992, sharp injuries (needle or
instruments), long-term dialysis increases risk of exposure too

Signs and symptoms: same as above if present

Acute and chronic infections can occur. A high percentage of Hepatitis C becomes
chronic, which increases the risk for liver disease.

● Chronic infections can lead to major complications like: cirrhosis, liver

failure, and liver cancer

Diagnosed: presence of anti-HCV (antibodies to HCV) for chronic infection…not for

acute infections


● antiviral medication like direct acting antivirals (DAAs)

Prevention: handwashing, NO vaccine currently or immune globulin for post-exposure,

following sharp precautions, strict blood and organ donation screening

Hepatitis D:

How do you get it (transmitted)? Only infects a person when they have Hepatitis B.

● Blood and body fluids…. spread via percutaneous (via the skin through a
puncture) or in body fluids with mucosal route…same as Hepatitis B.
● Not as common in the US compared to Southern and Easter Europe and
Mediterranean and Middle East.
● Acute and chronic infections can present.

Signs and symptoms: same as above if present

Diagnosed: presence of HDAg (hepatitis D antigen) and anti-HDV

Treatment: antiviral medications or interferon (Peginterferon alfa-2a (Pegasys)

Prevention: handwashing, getting the Hepatitis B vaccine, NO vaccine for Hepatitis D or

post-exposure immune globulin

Hepatitis E:

How do you get it (transmission)?

● Fecal-oral: from consuming contaminated water or food (can also be

transmitted in undercooked meat like pork or wild game)
● Acute infection only: can cause major complications in pregnant women
in the 3rd trimester
● Tends to be more prevalent in developing countries and in people who
globally travel

Signs and symptoms: same as above if present

Diagnosed: antibodies to detect HEV

Treatment: none rest and supportive treatment

Prevention: handwashing, no vaccine being used here in the US at this time, if travelling
outside US use bottled water, cook meat thoroughly

Quick highlighted review of the above comparison:

● Hepatitis A and E are very similar:

● Both transmitted fecal-oral
● Both ONLY cause acute infections
● Both treatment: supportive and rest
● Hepatitis A has a vaccine and immune globulin….Hepatitis E
does NOT have a vaccine im the US or post-exposure immune
● Hepatitis B, C, D are similar:
● All transmitted via blood/body fluids
● All cause either acute and chronic infections
● All treatment can include antivirals and interferon
● Only Hepatitis B has a vaccine and post-exposure immune

Nursing Education to Provide to Patients with Hepatitis

Handwashing (strict)

Eat low fat and high carb meals (needs proper nutrition to help with liver regeneration
and low fat intake because bile production is altered…remember bile helps digest fats)

Personal hygiene products NOT to be shared (inform about the types of products:
toothbrushes, razors, drinking cups, utensils, towels etc.)

Activity conservation…patient needs to REST to help the liver heal

Toxic substances AVOID…especially over-the-counter products that are liver toxic:

alcohol, sedative, aspirin, acetaminophen etc.

Individual bathrooms…don’t share bathroom with family members

Test results:

● Hepatitis A: anti-HAV IgM (active) and anti-HAV IgG (recovered/immune)

● Hepatitis B: HBsAG (infectious) and anti-HBV (recovered/immune)

Interferon (Peginterferon alfa-2a given subq) and Immune globulin for Hepatitis A (within
2 weeks of exposure) and Hepatitis B Immune globulin (within 24 hours of exposure)

Small but frequent meals…this may help with the nausea and patient should NOT cook
for others until not infectious.
Phases of Viral Hepatitis

Preicteric (prodromal) Phase: body symptoms…joint pain, fatigue, nausea vomiting,

abdominal pain change in taste, liver enzymes and bilirubin increasing

Icteric Phase: DECREASE in body symptoms but will have jaundice and dark urine
(from build-up of bilirubin), clay-colored stool (bilirubin not going to stool to give it’s
normal brown color) enlarged liver and pain in this area

Posticteric (convalescent) Phase: jaundice and dark urine start to subside and stool
returns to normal brown color, liver enzymes and bilirubin decrease to normal

Labs to Know Regarding Hepatitis

Liver Enzymes (can be obtained from a comprehensive metabolic panel)

● ALT(alanine transaminase): 7 to 56 U/L (will be elevated)

● AST(aspartate transaminase) 10-40 U/L (will be elevated)

Bilirubin: <1 mg/dL (will be elevated with hepatitis…causes jaundice/dark urine)

Ammonia level (from separate test): 15-45 mcg/dL (elevated with hepatitis and will see
as mental status changes)

● Lactulose administered for high ammonia level…causes diarrhea but

lowers ammonia level

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