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The following text is for number 1-5

Legend of Pulau Kamarau

Kemaro Island is located in the middle of Musi River in Palembang, South Sumatera.
“Kemaro” is a word from Palembang which means “kemarau” in Indonesia, or “dry” in
English. According to Palembang people, the island is given that name because the island is
never getting wet, in other words, this island is always dry although the volume of water in
Musi River is getting greater.
There is a legend from Palembang about Kemaro Island. Once upon a time, the king
which was leading in Sriwijaya kingdom had a daughter, who was called Siti Fatimah. She
was very beautiful. She fell in love with a trader from Tiongkok, Tan Bun Ann. Both Siti
Fatimah and Tan Bun Ann loved each other. One day, Tan Bun Ann wanted to marry Siti
Fatimah. Siti Fatimah’s father, the king of Sriwijaya kingdom, offered some requirements for
Tan Bun Ann to bring 9 bags of gold. Tan Bun Ann’s families agreed with the requirements.
Tan Bun Ann’s families put the gold in the bag, and they covered it with some vegetables
to avoid some pirates at that time, but Tan Bun Ann didn’t know about it. When the King
wanted to see the gold, Tan Bun Ann was surprised because he saw the vegetables in the bag
instead of the gold. The King was very angry and Tan Bun Ann was extremely shy, then he
kicked the bad into the river. He jumped into the river afterwards.
Siti Fatimah was disappointed. She also jumped into the river, but before that she said.
“Somedays, there would be a land in the middle of the river, and it would be known as my
grave.” Today we can see that what Siti Fatimah had said becomes true. Many people believe
that Kemaro Island is the grave of Siti Fatimah.

Source: “Buku Pemantapan Persiapan UJIAN” penerbit Akasia

1. How many characters from the story?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
2. How was the character of Siti Fatimah?
A. She was honest and humble.
B. She was beautiful and peppery.
C. She was beautiful and faithful.
D. She was courageous and sensitive.
3. What will happen if Tan Bun Ann check the bag first before gave it to the King?
A. The King will take the bag first.
B. He will marry with Siti Fatimah.
C. Siti Fatimah will be disappointed.
D. He would be robbed by the pirates.
4. We can learn from the story above that we must….
A. share with others
B. work hard to be successful
C. be impolite to do something
D. be careful to make a decision
5. After reading the story, where did the story happen?
A. Java Island
B. Central Java
C. South Sumatera
D. North Sumatera
6. Mention the characters from the story!

1) Siti Fatimah
2) Tan Bun Ann
3) The King of Sriwijaya
4) Tan Bun Ann's family
5) Pirates

7. Explain the setting (time and place) from the story!

The story takes place in ancient times, likely during the reign of the Sriwijaya kingdom.
The exact timeframe is not specified, but it can be assumed to be hundreds of years ago.
The main location is Kemaro Island in the middle of the Musi River in South Sumatera.

8. Explain the problems occurred on the story!

The central problem in the story revolves around the misunderstanding between Tan Bun
Ann and the King. The King's challenge of bringing 9 bags of gold and the deception by
Tan Bun Ann's family create a situation where trust is broken and rash decisions lead to
tragedy. Additionally, the societal pressure and cultural expectations surrounding
marriage play a role in the conflict.

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