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● Pt with BPH symptoms and is taking CCBs to control his HTN. What is the Mx?

A. give alpha blockers

Answer is: A

● with ingestion of iron several hours ago with GI symptoms and level is 93 what is
A. Dialysis
B. IV deferoxamine
Answer is: B

● Signs of nephropathy in DM2 ?

A. Hematuria
B. Proteinuria
C. Hyaline casts in urine
Answer is: B

● drug not contraindicated in renal failure:

A. Metformine
B. Nitro
C. Lithium
D. Last one I forget but it was contraindicated i'm sure .
Answer is: A

● 32 y old diabetic male came from egypt ,had redness on his right shin, have
penicillin allergy, went to hospital take antibiotic (not mention what he took) for
his leg, on the second day he developed watery diarrhea, fever, fatigue?
A. Antibiotics allergy
B. difficile
C. Diabetic gastroparesis
D. Salmonella
Answer is: B

● Patient presented with chronic fatigue , PE: decrease in sensation of both lower
limbs , positive babinski sign and absent knee reflex . MCV elevated , iron profile
with normal : what to give:
A. Oral vitb12
B. Iv vit b12
C. Oral iron
D. folate
Answer is: B

● Patients with chest pain, ECG done shows diffuse ST segment elevation in all
leads . What is the treatment?
B. corticosteroid
Answer is: A

● Pt have watery diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite for 3 month , hx of travel
to Mecca few months a go which organisms cause these symptoms:
A. Salmonella
B. Giardia
C. Campylobacter jejuni
Answer is: B

● Patient with inflammation of the external ear with hx of swimming management:

A. oral amoxicillin
B. topical neomycin
Answer is: B

● old pt know case of OA and previous cervical laminectomy for degenerative

cervical myelopathy came with 2 m hx of worsening gait and urine urgency whats
cause ?
A. multiple sclerosis
B. cauda equina
C. transverse myelopathy
D. recurrent cervical myelopathy
Answer is: D

● Massive hemoptysis , Suspected TB What is the initial management ?

A. Pneumonectomy
B. Sedation
C. Right lateral decubitus
Answer is: C

● Female coming back from east asia , typical presentation of TB with chest X ray
showing cavitation, What will you do next ?
A. Sputum for acid fast bacilli
B. Start anti tb
Answer is: A

● male with skin ulcer severe pigmentation indurated what is the treatment
A. biopsy
B. excision
Answer is: if sarcoma: core needle biobsy, melanoma: excisional biobsy

● Patients complain of RUQ aggregation with morphine since 2 years, Afebrile,

jaundice on lap elevated Alkaline phosphatase and direct bilirubin, US
extrahepatic dilatation with minimal intrahepatic, what diagnosis?
A. Cholecystitis
B. Biliary colic
C. Pancreatitis
D. Sphincter of oddi dysfunction
Answer is : D

● 50y women no family Hx of breast ca , mammogram normal When to do next

mammogram ?
A. after 1 year
B. 2 y
C. 3 y
D. 5 y
Answer is: B

● Male with risky bone fracture , looked like cancer ?

Answer is : incomplete

● stab wound in chest .increased JVP. Difficulty to breath. Equal lung sound ?
A. Pneumothorax
B. Cardiac tamponade
Answer is : B

● breast cancer risk factor:

A. Age
B. Early menarche
C. Late menopause
D. Late pregnancy after the age of 30
Answer is : A
● Patient came after limb trauma, with severe pain and paresthesia between his toes
and it was pale. X ray shows fractures, intracompartmental pressure was 35mmhg
what to do?
A. Internal fixation
B. closed reduction
C. external fixation
D. external fixation with 4 fasciotomy
Answer is : D

● Pt with dysuria and cloudy urine with bubbling for 2 months, hx of recurrent left
iliac fossa pain for the past 2 years ! Colonoscopy: no diverticulosis or polyp
Cystoscopy: erythema on dome of the bladder. Most likely diagnosis:
A. Diverticular disease
B. sq.Cell bladder cancer
C. transitional cell bladder cancer
Answer is : A

● 35 yr came to er complaining of vague upper abdominal pain. she underwent

elective cholecystectomy for cholithiasis 7 days ago, on ex revealed jaundice mild
RUQ pain
on US: mild collection in gallbladder Fossa CBD 9mm
cause :
A. cbd injury
B. retained cbd stone
C. sub hepatic abscess
D. slipped cyst clip
Answer is : B

● Post thyroidectomy female patient, there is chang in her sound now and you
noted mass over her neck?
A. tracheal intubation
B. open the suture at the ward
Answer is: B

● 60 yr old pt complaining of dull aching swelling non tender ,20*20 cm

retroperitoneal with multiple liver lesions
A. liposarcoma
B. lymphosarcoma
C. germ cell tumor
D. neural .. tumor (forgot)
Answer is: A
● Case about 57 yrs old female complaining of gastric pain for one week , and she is
on medication for her bone condition (bad recall) :
A. gastritis
B. perforated peptic ulcer
Answer is: A

● Case about a man working in military complaining of leg pain , what is the affected
tendon ?
Answer is: spring tendon

● Case about a man playing football, complaining of pain in the plantar surface ,
what could be the reason ?
A. plantar fasciitis
Answer is: A

● Campaign in the woods and they found a child with features of kwashiorkor, what

is the possible dx?
Answer is: Kwashiorkor

● How to assess coronary arteries of a child with Kawasaki after he has been
C. cardiac catheterisation,
Answer is: D

● 3month years old present with paroxysmal cough with deep inspiration between
the cough, conjunctivitis,* diarrhea, he is up to date with his vaccination. What is
the causative organisms?
A. Chlamydia
B. Adenovirus
C. Pertussis
Answer is: A

● Child that’s a victim of ​sexual abuse,​ which position of the hymen would be the
A. 12 oclock
B. 4 oclock
C. 6 o'clock
Answer is: C

● Meningitis with papilledema, Risk of?

A. hearing loss
B. vision Loss
Answer is: A

● RED reflex in which age:

A. All ages
B. 6 months to 1 year
C. Something years
D. Preschool
Answer is: B

● Mom brought her 18 month old daughter terrified of breast enlargement in her
daughter. What is the cause?
A. Breast tumor
B. central puberty
C. precocious puberty
D. premature breast development
Answer is: D

● 7 yr mother complain of interrupting classes and wandering and can’t sit down
poking neighbors, on ex normal growth parameters what mx?
A. dextroamphetamine
B. bupropion
C. paroxetine
D. guanfacine
Answer is: A

● premature low weight baby plan of vaccine ?

A. keep the same
B. half the does
Answer is: If his weight less than 2kg > delay hep B

● Boy c/o rash description as vesicles surrounded by redness , start from head and
neck then spread to extremities. Mother said he has same complaint 1 week ago
and she worries about her brother as brother is immunosuppressed ?
A. Give Immunoglobulin to immunocompromised boy.
B. Give acyclovir to immunocompromised boy.
C. It is self limited disease.
D. Avoid skin contact between brothers
Answer is: A
● 2 cases about : 45 yrs female with hx of 12 years myomectomy , presented with
bleeding; what is the possible reason for her bleeding?
Answer is: incomplete, could be adenomyosis

● A female presented to the clinic with non tender lump in the right breast her
mother was diagnosed with cancer , Biopsy was taken shows atypical duct
A. Chemoprevention
B. Simple mastectomy
C. Follow up in 6 months
Answer is : wide local excision if not in choices > A (tamoxifen)

● G3p0A2 ​5 weeks​ presented with spotting on examination open os and no active

bleed . history showed 2 abortions at 2nd trimester last one with D&C diagnosed
as incompetent cervix. ur diagnosis now?
A. asherman syndrome
B. incompetent cervix
C. chromosomal abnormalities
Answer is: depends in which trimester she is on now it’s first so most likely C

● Mother delivered a death infant , after delivery she thought it's still alive and
insists to take her baby to ICU.. reaction is?
A. denial
B. act over
C. reject
D. avoid
Answer is: A

● Which week search for GDM?

A. 24 weeks
Answer is: A

● chocolate cyst (6*7 size) management?

A. observe until size 10
B. resection with ablation to any endometrioid spot
Answer is:
● Cervical polyp pic found accidentally?
A. Excision now
B. Admit and work up
C. Reassure
Answer is: A

● Child with known disease , the doctor with his parents sits and had discussions
about his disease & ttt plan , the doctor Acknowledged their feeling and their
reaction ?
A. verbal mirror
Answer is: If he means Reflecting by choice A correct.
● 90years old k/c of inoperable bronchogenic carcinoma was admitted to ICU
because he developed deterioration and pneumothorax and he have DNR the
thoracic surgeon wants to do a type of surgery that will let him breathe better but
not sure if he will survive it What is next choice?
A. Tell the patient about high risk operation and let him sign it
B. Do not tell the patient because he have DNR and can not survive
C. Tell the Intinsivist to sign for the patient
D. Tell the surgeon to tell the patient
Answer is: A

● Mother with child porn premature 23 weeks and needs intubation and
resuscitation but she refused. What to do?
A. ​respect her wish
Answer is: A

● Women refused genital and breast examination from male doctor, what to do?
A. Respect
B. discharge (forgot the rest but there was no female doctor referral in the options)
Answer is: A

● During PE, resident don’t close the curtains, what he violates?

A. privacy
B. Dignity
Answer is: A

● Neonate with ​multiple congenital ​malformations and need resuscitation and

mother one of the hospital physicians and wish to not resuscitate?
A. Owner her wishes
B. Hospital ethical committee
C. Ignore mother's wish and resuscitate
Answer is: A (he was 24w preterm)

● Another polyp pic

● Endometriosis
● Uterine fibroid
● Adenomyosis

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