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Directions: Choose the letter corresponding to the best answer.

Basic Nutrition: Nutritional Biochemistry and Physiology

1. All of the following are functions of water except

a. universal medium c. medium for waste removal
b. component of vitamin D d. helps in electrolyte balance
2. All of the following are properties of electrolytes except
a. They attract water.
b. They are charged particles.
c. They carry electrical current.
d. They include fat-soluble as well as water-soluble particles.
3. Which of the following describes a way to make an electrolyte solution?
a. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water.
b. Vigorously shake a mixture of corn oil and water.
c. Dissolve a pinch of cornstarch in a glass of water.
d. Vigorously shake a pinch of table sugar in warm water.
4. In a normal individual with a daily requirement of 500 mg sodium, what would be the sodium
balance after an intake of 10 g of table salt?
a. Equilibrium
b. Slight positive balance
c. Strong positive balance
d. Moderate positive balance
5. When a person loses fluid by sweating or bleeding, what minerals are lost in greatest quantity?
a. Sodium and chloride
b. Bicarbonate and sulfate
c. Calcium and magnesium
d. Potassium and phosphate
6. Which of the following activities may lead to a fast depletion of glycogen?
a. Hiking c. Walking
b. Jogging d. Quarter kilometer run
7. Which of the following is a common product of anaerobic metabolism?
a. lactic acid c. phosphoric acid
b. phytic acid d. phosphocreatinine
8. What is the Cori cycle?
a. The coordinated muscle contraction sequence of slow- and fast-twitch muscles.
b. A process in the liver that regenerates glucose from lactic acid released by the muscles.
c. A standardized exercise protocol that measures VO2 max.
d. A series of enzymatic reactions to accelerate muscle glycogen repletion of muscles.
9. Which of the following would be the best choice for physically active people who need to
a. “sweat” replacers c. diluted juice or cool water
b. salt tablets in tap water d. water warmed to body temperature
10. Under conditions of starvation, mobilization of body fat as fuel, especially for the brain and other
nervous tissue, results in:
a. Accumulation of alkaline compounds in the blood.
b. Elevated levels of ketones in the blood
c. Inadequate energy production to meet body needs
d. Inability to utilize glucose
11. This part of the humerus (upper arm bone) is closer to the elbow than to the axillary region. Their
relationship can be described as __________.
a. Anterior b. Superior c. Distal d. Proximal
12. The lung is located in the thoracic cavity. Describe the relationship of the lung to the diaphragm.
a. Distal c. Anterior
b. Deep d. Superior
13. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the muscles?
a. Extensibility c. Vulnerability
b. Contractility d. Elasticity
14. It refers to the body’s ability to maintain a stable internal environment in response to a changing
external environment.
a. Pinocytosis c. Mitosis
b. Pathophysiology d. Homeostasis
15. The selective permeable cell membrane
a. permits filtration but not diffusion or osmosis.
b. determines what substances enter and leave the cell.
c. allows for the unrestricted movement of water and electrolytes across the cell membrane.
d. permits diffusion but not osmosis.
16. Which of the following is not true of the mitochondria?
a. Numbers of mitochondria reflect the metabolic activity of the cell
b. Mitochondria are the organelles that make most of the body’s ATP.
c. Mitochondria contain enzymes that work aerobically.
d. Mitochondria are the sites of protein synthesis.
17. Which of the following is a false statement regarding the cellular organelles?
a. Most of the ATP our body need is produced in the mitochondria.
b. Lysosomes contain potent enzymes that digest cellular waste & debris.
c. Most DNA is located within the Golgi apparatus.
d. The Resting Energy Rate of our body is concerned with protein synthesis.
18. A beaker contains two compartments. Compartment A contains a 20% salt solution while
Compartment B contains 5% salt solution. The membrane is permeable to salt and water. Which
statement is true initially?
a. The volume in A is greater that the volume in B. c. Na + diffuses from A to B.
b. The volume in A is less than the volume in B. d. Water diffuses from A to B.
19. With regard to cell cycle
a. the M phase is the same as interphase
b. cells cannot enter phase G0 when they complete the cycle.
c. cell division occurs during the M phase
d. prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase occur during phase G1.
20. Which of the following is not characteristic of the epithelial tissue?
a. Arranged like floor tiles
b. Simple, cuboidal, and columnar
c. Large amount of mineral-containing intercellular matrix
d. Gives rise to endocrine and exocrine glands

Basic Nutrition: Macronutrients and Micronutrients

1. Which statement most accurately describes the composition of most foods?

a. Contain only one of the three energy nutrients although a few contain all of them.
b. Contain equal amounts of the three energy nutrients, except for high fat foods
c. Contain mixtures of the three energy nutrients, although only one or two may
d. Contain only two of the three energy nutrients although there are numerous foods that
contain only one.
2. Which is not a quantitative dietary tool?
a. RENI c. Plate Model
b. Food Composition Tables d. FEL
3. Which of the following is a dietary tool where foods are grouped based on physiological
a. Nutritional Guidelines c. Plate Model
b. Food Guide d. YGGN
4. Which of the following represents a rationale for setting the recommended intake for energy?
a. Since protein is an energy nutrient, the figures for energy intake are set in proportion to
protein intake.
b. Since a large number of people are overweight, the figures are set to induce gradual
weight loss.
c. Since the energy needs within each population group show little variation, the figures are
set to meet the needs of almost all individuals.
d. Since a margin of safety would result in excess energy intake for a large number of
people, the recommendation is set at the average intake.
5. All of the following are Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos except
a. Eat more vegetables, fruits and rootcrops.
b. Eat clean and safe foods.
c. Use iodized salt but avoid excessive intake of salty foods.
d. Reduce intake of saturated fats.
6. Which of the following is water insoluble?
a. Gums c. Cellulose
b. Pectins d. Mucilages
7. Which of the following contain the least amount of total dietary fiber?
a. Ripe papaya c. Yellow camote
b. Ripe mango d. Sinandomeng
8. Which of the following characteristics are shared by both water soluble and insoluble dietary
a. Neither can be used as an energy source for the body.
b. Both retard the absorption of glucose from the intestines.
c. Neither affects the gastric transit time.
d. Both lower the blood glucose levels in diabetic individuals.
9. Which of the following food items will give the minimum amount of carbohydrates necessary to
spare protein from being used as an energy source?
a. 2 level teaspoons of honey
b. 2 pieces of banana (Señorita variety)
c. 1 ¼ cups of boiled rice
d. 1 piece hard-boiled egg
10. What is the primary organ that converts fructose to glucose following absorption?
a. liver b. pancreas c. skeletal muscles d. small intestines
11. What is meant by the amino acid sequence of a protein?
a. Number of side chains in the protein
b. Folding arrangement of the peptide chain
c. Order of appearance of amino acids in the peptide chain
d. Order of appearance of only the essential amino acids in the protein
12. Of the following sources of amino acids, which would show the highest absorption in normal,
healthy people?
a. Whole proteins c. Predigested proteins
b. Raw proteins d. Mixture of free amino acids
13. What amino acid is used to synthesize serotonin and niacin?
a. Glycine c. Methionine
b. Tyrosine d. Tryptophan
14. What is the fate of excess intake of dietary protein?
a. After absorption, the liver will store the extra amino acids
b. After absorption, the extra amino acids will be rapidly degraded.
c. Digestion will be decreased by 30-60% resulting in less absorption.
d. After absorption, extra proteins will be synthesized and stored for use when protein
intake returns to normal.
15. How many grams of nitrogen are contained in a 2,500 kcal diet that provides 15% of the energy
as protein?
a. 2.5 b. 5 c. 10 d. 15
16. What is the fatty acid shown to have a cholesterol-lowering effect in the human blood?
a. acetic acid c. stearic acid
b. butyric acid d. propionic acid
17. Which of the following is the most common fatty acid in meats?
a. acetic acid c. stearic acid
b. butyric acid d. arachidonic acid
18. Which of the following is an omega-3 fatty acid?
a. acetic acid c. linoleic acid
b. palmitic acid d. docosahexaenoic acid
19. Which of the following characteristics are shared by both lecithin and cholesterol?
a. Both are sterols c. Both are essential nutrients.
b. Both are phospholipids d. Both are synthesized in the body.
20. Which of the following substances cannot be absorbed directly into the blood stream?
a. glycerol c. short-chain fatty acids
b. long-chain fatty acids d. medium-chain fatty acids

21. General characteristics of water-soluble vitamins include all of the following except
a. They must be consumed daily.
b. Toxic levels in the body are rarely found.
c. They are absorbed directly into the blood.
d. Excesses are eliminated from the kidneys.
22. Which of the following vitamins would be removed in the production of skim milk?
a. Thiamin c. Riboflavin
b. Vitamin A d. Vitamin B1
23. Which of the following is not a general characteristic of the fat-soluble vitamin?
a. Excesses are eliminated from the kidneys.
b. Absorption is via the lymphatic circulation.
c. Several of them require protein carriers for transport.
d. They can be stored in relatively large amounts in certain body tissues.
24. Which of the following explains why B vitamins deficiencies lead to lack of energy?
a. B vitamins are a source of kcalories.
b. Absorption of carbohydrates and fats is decreased.
c. Oxygen for energy metabolism cannot be transported to the cells.
d. Coenzymes needed for energy metabolism are produced in insufficient amounts.
25. Which of the following diets is likely to lead to beriberi?
a. Low intakes of whole grains
b. High intakes of polished rice
c. High intakes of unrefined rice
d. Low intakes of enriched grains
26. Which of the following is a characteristic of thiamin stability in relation to cooking method?
a. Microwaving the food conserves much of the thiamin.
b. Prolonged heating of the food has little, if any, affect on the vitamin.
c. Boiling the food tends to conserve thiamin by a forming stable, hydrated complex.
d. Steaming the food can lead to substantial thiamin loss due to high heat needed to
form the steam.
27. If one identical twin who leads a sedentary lifestyle has a RENI of 1.3mg of B2, what would be the
approximate recommendation for the other twin who engages in regular physical activity?
a. 1.3mg b. 1.6mg c. 1.9mg d. 2.6mg
28. What is the function of intrinsic factor in vitamin B12 absorption?
a. It catalyzes release of the vitamin from its protein-bound form.
b. It attaches to the vitamin thereby allowing absorption of the vitamin.
c. It acts as a storage protein for the vitamin within the intestinal epithelial cells.
d. It acts as a cofactor for mucosal enzymes involved in absorption of the vitamin.
29. What is the most common treatment for pernicious anemia?
a. Injection of cobalamin
b. Topical administration of liver extract
c. Oral supplements of B-complex vitamins
d. A diet high in green leafy vegetables
30. Which of the following is known to perform an essential function in the human body?
a. Inositol c. Pangamic acid
b. Ubiquinone d. PABA
31. What is the minimum amount of ascorbic acid that will prevent scurvy in human beings?
a. 10 mg b. 30mg c. 50mg d. 60mg
32. Which of these meals is lacking in vitamin C?
a. Hamburger, boiled baby carrots and corn, noodles, and tea
b. Hotdog, coleslaw, French fries, milk
c. Grilled chicken, rice, broccoli, coffee
d. Spaghetti with meat sauce in tomatoes, garlic bread, Coke
33. Which of the following food groups ordinarily contains the highest amount of vitamins when
expressed per kcal?
a. dairy b. meats c. fruits d. vegetables

34. Which of the following features do vitamins C and E share?

a. Both function as antioxidants.
b. Both require bile for absorption.
c. Neither participates in protein synthesis
d. Neither is affected by the processing of foods
35. All of the following are features of potassium in nutrition except
a. Processed foods are a major source
b. High intakes may protect against stroke
c. Per serving size, legumes are a rich source
d. Per serving size, bananas are good sources
36. Which of the following is not a process that directly involves calcium?
a. pH regulation c. nerve transmission
b. blood clotting d. maintenance of heart beat
37. All of the following characteristics are shared by calcium and magnesium except
a. Both are involved in blood clotting.
b. Both are involved in bone formation.
c. Both are found in abundance in dairy products.
d. Both may result in tetany when blood levels become abnormally low.
38. How much calcium a normal adult with a calcium intake of 1,000 mg would typically absorb?
a. 100 mg c. 600 mg
b. 300 mg d. 950 mg
39. Which of the following individuals would most likely need an iron supplement?
a. a 1-year old child c. Pregnant female
b. Elderly female d. Adolescent female
40. Zinc is known to play an important role in all of the following functions except
a. Wound healing c. Production of sperm
b. Synthesis of retinal d. Oxidation of PUFA

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