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Additional reading time - 10 minutes

Faper L

6 Answer all questions in section A

a Answer all questions in either (I), (2) or (3) in Section B
L e Answers for paper one should be written on the paper itself, in the given space

Section A - Answer all questions

Read the following extracts gnd answer the questions given beiow them

I - Foetry
{i) "He clasps the crag with crboked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely lands",

(a) From where are these lines taken? Who wrote them?

ib) Who is'He'here?


L {d} lMrite two literary devices found in these lines.

(02 marks)
t. (ii) "he dranl< the coffee and milk
and he put down the cup
without speaking to me"

(a) l\ame the work from which these lines are taken? Narne the poet.

(b) What is the relationship between 'he' and 'nle'?

{c) ;;;;ffi;;;**;;;;;;;ffi;;;;;;;;il; : {01marki

(ci) What is the significance of the last line?

(02 marks)
l. (iii) "Two of you now go with him
And find this talking skull."

(a) ln which work do these lines appear? Who is the writer?
(0L mark)
(b) Who speaks these words?
(0L rnark)
tc) To whom are they spoken?
(d) Why did the speaker utten these words :


""""""""":" ' (02 marks)

ll- Frose

il. (i) "l told him to shut that door. lt was a glass door with four panels, and he closed each
one, then came across the room and stood by me."

(a) From which text are these lines taken? Who wrote thenn?
i0l rnark)
(b) Who is'l' here?
(0x mark)
(c) Who is'he' here?
(d) Briefly describe the situation here.

(02 marks)

il. (ii) "Sing me one last song," he whispered; "l shall feelvery lonely when you are gone'"

(a) Name the work from which this extract is taken. Who wrote it?
..L. {01 mark)

{b) Who is'he' here?

(01 nnark)
(c) To whom are these words spoken?
(01 rnark)
(d) Why did the speaker utter these words?

(02 nrarki)
M - Drarna
Answer eitlxer lll. {i} on ll!. (ii}
play "Nen - gata"
il1. (i) Thank you very much. l'll be back soon. Now we are going to

(a) From whrire are these lines taken? Who is the writer?

{b} Who says these words?


{c) Who are referred as'we'?


{d) What can you say about the speaker at this situation?

and Vlasovs'
(ii) was so fond of T'oby! He always used to ride on him to the Korchagins

How well he could ride! .'.......

(a) ln which text do these lines appear? Who wrote them?
(b) Who is'He' here?
""""""""':"" " (Olmark)
{c} Who is'TobY'?
..".............;.... '. (Olmark)
{d) Briefly describe the situation here'

(02 marks)

Sectton B - Novels
Select either (x3, (2) sr (3) and answer a!!.the questions given below it.

{1} The Vendon of Sweets

E{e would spend a few moments staring at the door, then rise and unroll his
in the open veranda in the second block and fall asleep before
the gong at the
Taluk office sounded nine.
[\ow he fegt desperate to know what his son would do if he left the college
you eat?"
rather the college canteen. i-le asked idiotica[ly, "where will
i-{is son smiled grirnty and replied, 'why do you bother
when you keep saying
one need not eat?' He pult on his yellow shirt, picked up his bicycle and was off'

1r!, Who is'l-le'? Whene is'i-{e'?

(02 marks)

{ii} What is the tonre of'heis son'? What was his son's decision?

{02 manks}
(iii) Explain the nieaning of the following phrases as used in the text
(a) fett desperate
(0X. mark)
{b} asked idiotically
(0L mark)
(iv) Explain the character of 'He' here.

(04 marks)

{2} The Prince an9 the Pauper .

The little prince contennplated the little pauper gravely a n'loment, then said:
'And prithee, why not? Who helpeth thern undress at night? Who attireth thern
when they rise?
None, sir, Wor.rldst have thenn take off their garrment and sleep without - Iike
the beasts?' .

'Their garment! Have they but one?'

'Ah good your worship, what would they do with more? Truly they have not two
bodies each.'
'lt is a quaint and marvellous thought! Thy pardon, I had not meant to laugh. But
thy good Nan and thy Bet shall [rave rairnent and lackeys enow, and that soon,
"too: my cofferer shall look to it. No thank me not; 'tis nothing. Thou speakest
well; thou hast an easy grace in it. Art learned?'
'l know not if I afil or not, sir. The good priest that is called Father Andrew taught
me, of his kindness, from his books.'

(i) What is the incident described here? Where does it take place?
(02 marks)
(ii) Who utter thesd words?
{02 marks)
( iii) Write the meanings of the following in your own words.
(a) Wouldst have them take off their garment

(b) have raiment and lackeys enow

(0L mark)
(iv) To which themes is this panagraph referrecl?

(04 rnarks)

-!}- 230156 - 9@A 686s . t0ogi6d (I.lI og) ag 06
(3) Bringing Tony FNorne

a*he bus stop, uar!

ffiil:r1',l:ff:k l3ugn
for rishts, but the
bus came
uv ,,sr,ii;:I*ffi:,T'[-J:::lv
. ou1 or,n" r"*
rra rs ;,,t
a i
* j :::i, lllii; li:::,": :' ;;.: *,
ol o," r"* _ ","ni
l[j;l r.o
rwo i n*,
two seats back"',':,il'":
roorand with a
:, r: : il T;"",|:.XH*
to beck in t'* ;;161"', * n ext e n r e re

'-'"tg each other with '

rhere was a nretatpote
d by

with a two - step foorboard
conductor rrrr,f:ff::nance on which rhe
We got in from
the rear ent'"ance
who are ,we, here? "'.'.,...

(,,) Where were they go;;;; (02 rnarks)

(,ii) Explain the

(a) emerging siowly
meanrngffi; r",";;;; ........ (02 marks)

. -.._ svvye uescffpti0n?

Faper: ll
Answer four question
_-._,ls selecting
one frorn each
and Fiction section _ poetr%
Drama, prose
Each question
carries tr5 rnarks (15x4=66


{Answer one guestlom}

1,. '.Nature is self _
tuffitient' Leave it alone"'
the poem, f''low vvLJ Emiry Dicl<inson
-." does
? ,rr ''rrrrv bring this idea in
*," .r"*r,.1;::ffifr:
: Gabrietokara
3. ?'rg,ffiy,7,- t!1noern,'T"he erown,s
i," his o"-,"",ff;:tffi:f
Hi. poem 'onee upom a Tirete'lriehii;i"rhl wfe,. Disctiss.
Discuss. hypocrisy in rnodern
4. 'lmpulsive acts tre

- !h.
5. Discuss t
how the Jrave
' - hunter was hunted
rhis statement
wirh rererence to

Huntsrnam,. beeause of his foorrshness

!n the poenr, ,Ttre


. Drama
(Answer one question)

5. Critically comment on the relationship between Yohyo and Tsu in the drama Twiltght
of a erane'.
7. Cornment'how Popova and Snnirnov cont!'ibute to Hurnour in the play, "[he Bea/.

{Answer one question)

8. The prose 'The Lalrore AttaeK shows how personal experiences teach us to
appreciate the difficulties of others. Discuss,
9. 'Happiness differs from person to person'. Elaborate this statement taking examples
from the short story, 'The Nlightingale amd the Rose,"
1.0. How are hurnan reactions to sudden panic. and disaster brought out in the prose
11. saki in The Lumben RooEm' pays.tribute to childhood inragination. Discuss.

Fietisn :

(Answer one question!

12. Discuss the relationshipbetween Jagan and Cousin from the first four chapters of
The Vendor of Sweets'.
13. Write a comment on th.e themes discussed in the first five chapters in the novel,
The Prince and the Pauper/.
14 .How did the life of the narrator change due to the adverse economic situation that
took place in his family? Discuss with reference to the novel, ,Bringing Tony Honre,

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