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Ky Anne Calimotan



Reflection Paper

Community Defense and Drug Awareness Program Fighting Against Violence and
Illegal Drugs

During the Drug Awareness seminar last February 18, 2023, they discussed about
the importance of drug awareness. Knowing where to look for assistance is
crucial. Children and teenagers who get drug education learn that all drugs,
whether legal and illegal, have the potential to be harmful and that a person’s
drug experience is influenced by variety of factors, including the person taking the
drug, and the environment.

On drug education, students should develop a solid understanding of the effects

of various chemicals and drugs on their bodies and minds.. There are typically
various phases to the courses, which give students access to information like a
free rehab hotline number for an emergency as well as what early drunkenness
symptoms to watch out for.

The ability of community defense and drug awareness programs to educate and
provide resources to individuals and communities is one of its most important
advantages. This program can assist individuals understand the risks and
repercussions of drug use and violence and offer them with the tools they need to
make better choices . They can also give people access to resources, including
counseling and support groups, that can help them beat addiction

In conclusion, it's critical to educate individuals about drug usage even at a young
age. The likelihood that people will want to use any substance decreases as they
learn more about it. Many people can avoid using drugs by being informed and
alert. Even if you don't use drugs, having knowledge about the indications of drug
use can help you recognize dangerous warning signs that you can't afford to

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