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Interviewer: Varun

Candidate: Pitam Singh

Position: Team Head HR

Date: 13-02-2024

I. Introduction

Interviewer: Thank you for joining us today, Pitam. We're interested in understanding

your perspective on performance management within your organization.

II. Overall Performance Management System Satisfaction

1. Satisfaction with System:

Interviewer: Are you satisfied with your organization's performance management


Candidate: Yes, I am. I find it transparent and appreciate the supportive

environment fostered by our team members. This combination encourages open

communication and collaboration.

III. Recent Changes and Their Impact

2. Implementation of Incentive System:

Interviewer: Can you describe any recent changes to your organization's performance

management system?

Candidate: Yes, we recently introduced an incentive system based on achieving

monthly targets.
a. Rationale:

This change aimed to motivate employees and ensure they complete their targets


b. Benefits:

The system has been successful in boosting individual performance and enhancing

overall team efficiency. Employees are more engaged and driven to achieve their


IV. Cultural Influences on Performance Management

3. Cultural Reflection in Performance Management:

Interviewer: How do your organization's culture and values influence its performance

management system?

Candidate: I haven't identified a specific cultural aspect directly reflected in the system.

However, the focus on transparency, teamwork, and individual motivation aligns

well with broader Indian values of collective effort and striving for improvement.

V. Challenges of Continuous Performance Management

4. Challenges of Continuous Performance Management:

Interviewer: What are some practical challenges you encounter with continuous

performance management?

Candidate: One challenge is the potential for employees using proxies to falsify their

field work locations. This can distort performance measurement as it relies heavily on

target achievement.
VI. Balancing Ratings, Outcomes, and Development

5. Focus on Ratings vs. Development:

Interviewer: My professor suggests that performance appraisals often prioritize ratings

and outcomes over development. Do you agree? How do you encourage development

in your team?

Candidate: While achieving targets is crucial, I don't fully agree. We do emphasize

development through various means, such as:

● Motivational meetings to address concerns and boost morale.

● Monitoring to identify potential issues like proxy usage.

● Guidance from top performers to share best practices.

● Clear communication about consequences and potential rewards.

VII. Methods for Providing Feedback

6. Methods for Providing Feedback Outside Formal Reviews:

Interviewer: What informal methods do you use to provide feedback to your team? Do

you find them effective?

Candidate: We regularly conduct motivational meetings to address concerns, offer

guidance, and provide feedback. Additionally, we monitor individual performance and

intervene if we suspect proxy usage. This combined approach has proven effective in

maintaining transparency and accountability.

VIII. Employee Input in Goal Setting

7. Employee Input in Setting Performance Goals:

Interviewer: How much input do your team members have in setting their own goals?

Do you believe this is better than top-down or bottom-up approaches?

Candidate: While goals are primarily top-down, the incentive system allows for some

individual flexibility. Employees can adjust their targets based on their personal needs

and capabilities, fostering a sense of ownership and motivation.

IX. Managing Poor Performers

8. Challenges and Strategies for Managing Poor Performers:

Interviewer: What are the biggest challenges you face when managing

underperforming employees? How do you handle these situations?


● Proxy usage, location falsification, and absenteeism.


● Motivational meetings to address concerns and encourage improvement.

● Peer mentoring from top performers to share best practices.

● Identifying root causes of underperformance and offering targeted support.

● Clear communication about expectations and potential consequences.

X. Peer Feedback in Performance Management

9. Role and Benefits of Peer Feedback:

Interviewer: Does your organization incorporate peer feedback? Do you believe it

would be beneficial?
Candidate: We don't currently use formal peer feedback. However, I see potential

benefits in creating a healthy competition and encouraging learning from each

other's successes. It could be worth exploring in the future.

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