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*Lessons for me from the book of 1st John 2:1-29*.

1- The word of the Lord is written to help me live a sinless life. Living without God's words is the
easiest way to inviting sin into my life.

2- We are actually not meant to commit sin whatsoever after we have received Christ. But should
one sin,know that Jesus Christ the righteous one is constantly a forgiving saviour. This means I don't
have a reason to continuously remain in sin.

3- The sacrifice of God through Christ is for me and everyone created by God. Salvation is not only
for Christian-Sinners but for *ALL*. A key note for those of me and those of us who are passionate
for souls.

4- *Knowing God is expressed basically by our live for Him through keeping His commandments*. I
don't love God if I am disobedient to spiritual instructions from God.

5- It's a claim to say I know God if I don't keep God's commandments.

6- The perfection of God's love in my life is carried out through my total obedience to His word

7- walking in the footsteps of Jesus is the greatest expression of my intimacy with the father.

8- God's word comprises of old and new commandments.

9- You can't live in light(Christ) and yet hate your brother( a fellow believer)!!! This is the greatest
lesson for me. Though it is difficult to express God's love in this manner but I must do all I can to live
this way.

10- Loving fellow believers is an expression of the lightlife we live.

11- God's forgiven grace has done a thorough work on me. My sins were *PERMANENTLY* forgiven.
I have no need to be afraid of my past sins once I have confessed them and have obtained God's
11- My relationship with God is a kind of an immortal one and thereby giving me victory over the evil

12- God's word is for those who have a relationship with the Father. Either children or adults.

Sons *know* the Father.

Children are *strong* and their hearts have a way of treasuring the word of God as they live in
constant victory over the evil one.

13- God's love in me shouldn't be shared with the world nor the things of the world.

14- Earthly love has nothing to offer my spirit man aside gratifying my flesh to go against the laws of

15- The end time is here and now. I am called to the knowledge of this truth about the end of time.

17- This are the seasons of the Antichrist!

They are already here and amongst us already and some of them came out from amongst us.

18- A major sign of the workings of Antichrist in me is the desire or attempt to want to leave the
community of true believers!!!

19- What makes me liar is fact that I deny Jesus. Denying Jesus Christ is a major expression of the
spirit of lies in me.

20- I know the truth about God's word!!!

21- What make me an Antichrist is simply denying the Father and the Son.

22- Rejecting Jesus is directly equals to denying the Father. Same as embracing Christ is embracing
the Father.

23- Keeping the word of God burning in my heart is an obligation and not a choice.
24- keeping God's word in my heart meant keeping a close fellowship with the Son.

25- The reason for God's words to us is to keep us away from the deceiver.

26- I have an anointing from the father and this anointing remains in me and the anointing is true.

27- Great anointing resides in me compared to that which is in the world.

28- God's anointing upon me teaches me all things.

29- the anointing will teach me things that are genuine and not counterfeit.

30- I am meant to remain in God as His anointing remains in me.

31- I can only be confident at His coming if I remain in Him to the point of his coming.

32. Living a righteous life is a major sign of God's fatherhood over me.

Love for God= obedience to his commandments.



Gaius Fire Danauta.

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