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Journal of Critical Reviews

ISSN- 2394-5125 Vol 7, Issue 13, 2020


1Li Zhenyu, 2Samsonova Tatiana Petrovna
1Teacher Of Piano At Shifeng University China, Graduate Student Of The Institute Of Theater, Music And Choreography Of The
Russian State Pedagogical University Named After A.I. Herzen Department Of Music Education And Education;
E-Mail: 931132369 @Qq. Com
2Doctor Of Philosophy, Candidate Of Arts, Head Of The Department Of Musical Disciplines Faculty Of Philosophy, Cultural

Studies And Art Of Leningrad State University Named After A.S. Pushkin, Professor Russian State University Named After A.I.

Received: 02.04.2020 Revised: 18.05.2020 Accepted: 03.06.2020

The article is devoted to the historical existence of music in China, which was determined by the convergence of philosophical and musical
aesthetic ideas into the spiritual context of the nation, which remained unchanged for many millennia. Modernity has made adjustments
to these aspects of national culture without violating their traditional foundations.

Keywords. Philosophy, music, traditions, culture, musical instruments, opera, singing, mutual influence, convergence.

© 2020 by Advance Scientific Research. This is an open-access article under the CC BY license (

INTRODUCTION aspect of spiritual life of the nation is either not considered at all,
China is a great multinational state with ancient culture, original or not enough attention is paid to this problem. An exception is Wu
art, philosophy and music. China has a long history and ancient Geng-Il's book "History of East Asian Music: China. Korea. Japan.
artistic traditions. China's philosophy has had a decisive impact on St. Petersburg - Moscow, 2011" [9], where the author plans to
the entire Far Eastern area. Chinese folk music has preserved its analyze the phenomena of the connection of music and philosophy
uniqueness, having travelled a long way from time immemorial to as a factor of convergence and an important component of the
the present, absorbing medieval folk traditions, while retaining spiritual life of the nation. Our article is an attempt to find new
the unique features of national culture in the form of theatre, nuances in the complex problem of reunification of music and
instrumental music and singing. Over the centuries, five philosophy in Chinese culture.
fundamental types of traditional music in China have gradually
emerged: folk songs; dance music; legend music; provincial opera; METHODOLOGY
and instrumental music. All musical genres and styles have Methods of historical, cultural studies, source, musical-theoretical
continued to exist and develop in China's musical life, gaining new and comparative analysis have been used in the article "Music and
fans on their way and becoming more and more popular and Philosophy in China, Past and Present". We followed the path of
famous around the world. For many centuries and millennia, the study from general to particular, trying to understand the object
musical art of China has been shaped not only autonomously, but in the context of its historical time and worldviews of different
also absorbed numerous directions of music in the regions of epochs.
Mongolia, India and Central Asia. Different nationalities living on
the territory of China have also contributed to the establishment MAIN PART.
of musical art of the great country [11]. The formation of music in China since archaic times was
influenced by philosophical and religious dogmas. In the books of
Aim of the research. To analyze the phenomenon of the Confucius times (c.551 B.C. - 479 B.C.) "Yueji" worked out
convergence of philosophy and music in the history of Chinese cosmological theory of musical life, defined its socio-political
culture. To show the importance of the philosophical component significance for the whole country. Music in ancient China was one
to the state of musical culture in modern China.. Short review of of the means of state management, upbringing of people and
the literature used. The volume of literature in Russian devoted to achieving universal necessary harmony; music was used as a
Chinese philosophy is quite extensive. Let us note such means of education and improvement of man. Music was believed
publications as: Yang Hin Shuin. Ancient Chinese philosophy. to establish a link between ethics and aesthetics. According to the
Moscow: vol. 1-2, 1972-1973; Chinese philosophy // teachings of Taoism, music helped to awaken the natural psycho-
Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. Beijing. 1989; Litvinova L.V. emotional reactions of man and to unite him with nature. The
Ancient Chinese Philosophy. Collection of texts in 2 volumes. teaching of Buddhists determined the supernatural birth of music,
Moscow: 1973; Lao Tzu. "Tao Tse Ching. Book of the Way and its which helped to understand the essence of existence, contributed
Virtue”. М.: 2019. to the spiritual development of man. The concept of "yue" defined
There is a separate block of literature dedicated to Chinese musical not only music, but also other arts, but also something "ideal" in
culture. Let us note such publications as: R.I. Gruber History of general, which can be characterized by the highest degree of
Musical Culture. M-L: 1941; Wang Yuhe. Chinese Contemporary organization. Confucianism developed a whole collection of ideas
Musical History 1840-1949. Beijing: People's Music Publishing that combined morality, ethics and aesthetics. "Music is the
House, 1994; Li Huangzhi. Musical China of Our Time. Beijing, fragrant flower of virtue. If you want to know how a country is
1997; N.G. Shakhnazarova Intonation " Dictionary" and the governed and what its morals are - listen to its music" - said the
Problem of National Ethos in Music. Moscow: 1966; Internet great Confucius in the VI century BC. [3, p.13]. Under the influence
resources: " Chinese Musical Art", " Music of Ancient China, " of Confucianism, a coherent set of court ceremonies was built, on
Traditional Music of China". However, it should be noted that in the basis of which the order of instrumental parts and vocal parts
the above mentioned literature the problem of interrelation and of Shang Shui was determined. The sound of musical instruments
convergence of philosophy and music of China as an important was maintained in strict harmony with the developed altitude

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scale, failure to comply with which, according to the Chinese, could phenomenon. This is the unchanging path of the sky. So in music,
entail both cosmological and socio-political negative in its rhythmic movement high and low sounds are harmoniously
consequences. As for musical instruments, there is a separate combined. Heaven and earth in their movement resemble the
subculture in the centuries. The first musical instruments: guqin wheel of a chariot, which makes a roundabout. It is noticed that
and bamboo flute appeared in China in the III millennium BC. the stars, sun and moon have different rhythms of motion, which
These musical instruments are considered the oldest in the world. rhythmically change each other four seasons of the year, when the
According to Chinese tradition, musical instruments are divided days are short or long - and this also has to do with great music.
by the material of the sounding element: bamboo, clay, wood, All bodies occupy certain places, and each of them has its own
stone, leather, silk, metal. In ancient China, separate classes of sound. Sound is generated by harmony, and harmony comes from
musical instruments were singled out: plunk (bells and stone matching the middle of opposite beginnings. This is how the great
plates), strings, bands and percussion (drums), both of which process, the movement of the world and the movement in the
were to sound in unison. Drum corresponded to midwinter (birth world are carried out, which is certainly relevant to music. Music
of Yang inside Yin), while at war is was a signal is essentially great because "music is what expresses the harmony
of the attack. For spring - the time of flowering - instruments were of heaven and earth, the harmony of Yin and Yang" [5, p. 298]
selected from bamboo, a very resilient plant. Silk string China's music, like everything in this amazing country, is built on
instruments were associated with summer, the time when silk the balance of "Yin" and "Yang", which embodies minor and major
cocoons appeared. Instruments made of metal, hardened liquids sounds the basic components of Chinese traditional music.
corresponded to autumn, which in the war announced the retreat. According to the ideas of Taoism, music was supposed to promote
In addition, drums traditionally symbolized the sky, bells and the manifestation of natural psycho-emotional reactions of man,
gongs - earth, stone instruments - water, wind - celestial bodies. merging him with nature. The Buddhist worldview emphasized
The most complete classification of instruments included eight the mystical beginning of music, helping to comprehend the
types of "sound sources" - stone, metal, silk (string instruments), essence of being, the process of spiritual perfection of man.
bamboo, wood, leather, clay and pumpkin [8]. Traditional Chinese Symbolic thinking in music reflected attempts to establish
music is also unimaginable without bells. They could be humming conformity of separate musical tones, musical instruments, types
and loud or barely audible and iridescent. The most common and genres of music with elements of the universe, social and
plucked instrument in Ancient China was qin, reminiscent of a political systems. Thus, in the system of lui-liu sounds of 12-step
seven-stringed harp. Guzheng, a Chinese zither, was also often sound system were associated with periods of the day, with the
present in the orchestras. The musician's special skill required position of the Sun and the Moon, with the months of the year, etc.
playing hutsin - a kind of violin with only two strings. One of the On its basis, the pentatonic was justified, the steps of which were
most amazing types of Chinese music is drum music. In ancient associated with five types of semantic intonation in the Chinese
times, drumming accompanied military parades and campaigns. language and identified with the five elements of nature, sides of
Very often a certain rhythm of drums was used to intimidate the world, the ranks of the social hierarchy, etc. In the V-III
enemies. Today the sound of drums can be heard during centuries B.C. two additional sounds were added to the
traditional Chinese holidays, when the procession of drummers pentatonics, thus forming a seven-step scale corresponding to the
turns into a real theatrical performance [11]. ancient Lydian way.
Each instrument was not just a means for the Chinese to extract Under the influence of Confucian doctrine, the developed system
certain sounds, but a personification of special elements of being. of court ceremonies was formed, which corresponded to the
The sounds of many instruments, which are played a due, seemed established sequences of vocal and instrumental compositions [2,
to reproduce the universe itself in the world of music. p.10].
Like everything in China, music is inextricably linked to Chinese Folk music is a separate layer in Chinese musical culture. As
philosophy. Many directions were formed by Buddhist and Taoist researchers note, the origin of folk music in China dates back to
monks and developed as part of religious doctrine. For example, the V century BC, with a work entitled "The Book of Songs" or
Confucian followers believed that music played a huge role in the "Canon of Poems" ("Shi Jing"), which describes the miraculous
political life of the country, it contributed to the unification of the songs, praises (Zheng-ya, Xiao-ya and others) and psalms of the
nation, its spiritual enrichment. In Taoism, music contributed to Sung. This collection contained 305 lyrical poems reflecting the
the fusion of man and nature, while Buddhists used music to grasp many facets of Chinese life.
the essence of the universe. Thus, for several millennia, music was The next stage in the development of traditional Chinese music is
an integral part of the Chinese people's life. Chinese music is characterized by the creation in the IV century BC of the song
characterised by gentle sounds reminiscent of a gurgling stream poetic school, which was founded by the first of the famous lyrical
or birds singing. Many medieval Chinese musicians specifically poets in Chinese history, Qiu Yuan. The most significant work of
imitated the sounds of nature, thus creating a harmony between Qiu Yuan was a collection called "Chu Tsi" ("Chu Strophes») [4].
music and nature. Unlike the same European music, Chinese "Chu Strophes" is a style of poetry created by poets in the kingdom
melodies are the melodies of one sound and its variations. of Chu, combined with the most ancient myths of southern folk
Musicians can play the same sound for several hours in different songs [7].
tones and on different instruments, and it will seem to you that During the Tang Dynasty (618-907) and Song Dynasty (518-618)
you hear a full melody of several different sounds. music continued to develop. Court composers wrote hymns, works
The essence of Chinese music is described in the ancient for the general and select public, and lyrical creations that praised
monument "Liu-shi Chun Qiu" (III century BC), in the chapter the Chinese people and the beauty of nature. In Chinese, the words
"Great Music". Characteristically, the music in this book is "music" and "beauty" are indicated by the same hieroglyphs,
presented in the context of life values: the basis of life granted by differing only in pronunciation. Chinese music developed in a
the sky, the values of relationships in which respect for closed environment, which created a special "closed" space,
themselves, i.e. human dignity, categories of justice, the concept of "codification", rare "conservatism" and an infinite variety of
the integrity of life and others. The chapter directly devoted to musical forms. Thousands of years ago, traditions were
"great music" gives a brief description of music as a process and transformed into genres that differed slightly from each other, but
expression of great harmony. According to the narrative, the music also paved the way for the unique phenomenon of the Beijing
originates from the faraway, its foundation is in the great Opera, which included singing, dancing, theatrical action,
beginning, in the great single Tao. Therefore, it is not by chance conversational dialogues, martial arts, acrobatics and elements of
that it was created according to certain rhythms and tones. The circus art. Each element of the Beijing Opera had a symbolic
great beginning gave birth to heaven and earth, and they - the meaning and hidden meaning. In the repertoire of the Beijing
constantly changing "Yin" and "Yang", which then fly up and down, Opera there were more than 1000 plots, at the moment only 200
then diverge, converge, connect with each other, forming a of them operate, the popular being "Trick with an empty fortress",

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others, having studied modern trends of European music of the XX 10. Зарождение и развитие китаиского музыкального
century, actively use them in their creative work while remaining искусства. Музыкальные инструменты. (Zarozhdenie i
committed to the traditional culture of their country. In many of razvitie kitayskogo muzykal'nogo iskusstva. Muzykal'nye
their works, they demonstrate the relationship between instrumenty). [Elektronnyy resurs]/ - URL:
philosophy and music, referring to ancient Chinese poetry, where
they show a deep connection with the general cultural national (data obrashcheniya: 02.03.2020).
traditions of China, the philosophy of human life and nature, the 11. Kitayskoe muzykal'noe iskusstvo (Chinese Musical Art).
psychology of a wide range of emotions in the movement of the [Elektronnyy resurs].–URL:
human soul, as in the vocal cycle "Five Poems by Li Qingzhao" by
contemporary Chinese composer Wang Jianzhong [6]. / (дата data obrashcheniya 28.02.2020)
12. Muzyka drevnego Kitaya (Ancient China Music).
CONCLUSION [Elektronnyy resurs].–URL:
Centuries-old history of Chinese music, in the process of its (data
emergence from the simplest, elementary, to the most complex, obrashcheniya 02.03.2020)
has developed a philosophy of musical culture, which over time, 13. Traditsionnaya muzyka Kitaya (China’s Traditional Music)
undergoing all kinds of transformations, has remained a [Elektronnyy resurs].–URL:
fundamental principle of construction and development of
musical art in China. The inextricable historical connection with naya_muzika_kitaya/ (data obrashcheniya 01.03.2020)
the present time leads to an understanding of the philosophical
meaning and significance of music in the life of the Chinese people.
Although the origins of music culture date back to ancient times,
Chinese music has not stopped its development and absorbs the
world's musical experience without losing the historical folk traits
of this great nation.

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