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1. Describe a difficult task that you completed at

work/study that you felt proud of
2. Describe a piece of good advice that you gave to
3. Describe an activity that made you feel tired
4. Describe a speech you gave or Describe a talk you
gave to a group of people
5. Describe a job that you think is interesting
6. Describe an important decision you made
7. Describe something that you did with someone/ a group
of people
8. Describe something you taught to your friend/relative.You should
9. Describe an activity you enjoyedin your free time when you
were young .
10. Describe a course that you want to learn / study you
would like to do in future/ something that you would
like to learn in the future
11. Describe an English class/lesson that you enjoyed
12. Describe a difficult thing you did and succeeded in.
13. Describe an important thing you learned, not at school
or college
14. Describe something that you have shared with others (or another
15. Describe a positivechange in your life
16. Descirbe something that helps you concentrate
17. Describe an activity you do to keep fit
18. Describe something that saves your time
19. Describe a difficult decision that you once made
20. Describe an ambition that you haven't achieved
21. Describe a resolution you made in the new yea
22. Describe a skill that you learned from older people
23. Describe a thing you did to learn another language
24. Describe a course that impressed you a lot.
25. Describe a rule that you don't like.
26. Describe an activity that you usually do that wastes your time
27. Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn
1. Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of You
should say: - What the task was (Report regarding financial performance of a bank) -
How you completed it - Why the task was difficult - Why you were proud of the
completion of the task.

The challenging task that I undertook was the preparation of a comprehensive report on the
financial performance of a bank. This task was assigned to me during my internship at a financial
consultancy firm.

To complete this task, I began by collecting and analyzing a vast amount of financial data,
including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements of the bank over a
specified period. I utilized various financial analysis tools and ratios to assess the bank's
liquidity, solvency, and profitability. Additionally, I conducted a thorough examination of
macroeconomic factors, regulatory changes, and industry trends that could impact the bank's
financial performance.

The difficulty of the task lay in the complexity of financial data interpretation and the need for a
nuanced understanding of the banking industry. Moreover, ensuring accuracy and attention to
detail was crucial, as the findings would be utilized for decision-making by both internal
stakeholders and potential investors.

I felt a sense of pride upon the completion of this task for several reasons. Firstly, the report I
produced provided valuable insights into the bank's financial health, offering actionable
recommendations for enhancing its performance. Secondly, the complexity of the task allowed
me to demonstrate my analytical skills and attention to detail. Thirdly, the positive feedback
received from senior colleagues indicated that the report was instrumental in supporting strategic
decision-making within the firm.

In essence, this challenging task not only tested my financial analysis capabilities but also
allowed me to contribute meaningfully to the organization's consultancy services. The successful
completion of the report reinforced my confidence in handling intricate financial tasks and
solidified my understanding of the intricate dynamics within the banking sector.
1. What are the things that make people feel proud? I think it depends upon their age. In our
childhood or youth, completing difficult or challenging tasks definitely makes us proud. For
example, achieving a top rank in a competition, securing admission in a good top ranked
university or winning a sports match. However, as people grow older, it is more about their
children’s achievements and they feel proud when their children achieve things in life.

2. Do people often feel proud of themselves when they complete a difficult task? Of course, yes.
I think human beings thrive on a sense of achievement. We feel proud when we complete
difficult tasks because we know that many others wouldn’t have been able to do them. Also,
completing difficult tasks means that our efforts did not go waste and seeing our efforts bear
fruits is one of the happiest feelings in the world.

3. What challenges do young people face today? Young people face many challenges today but
the biggest is certainly competition. Today, working hard is not enough and many fail despite
working hard because of the increasing competition. The second challenge is inflation and high
prices, which means affording things is challenging. Finally, today the youth have more
responsibilities. Due to increased life expectancy, they not only have to take care of their
children, but also their parents and grandparents. This means they have little time for relaxation
or hobbies.

4. How do young people handle difficult or challenging tasks? I think the internet has made life a
lot easier in this regard. There is ample information available on websites like Google and
Youtube on how to deal with problems. Moreover, young people also take advice from their
parents and grandparents, while dealing with problems.

5. What kinds of rewards do people receive from work? It depends upon the company. Firstly, in
some companies there are performance-based bonuses and incentives, which people get if they
achieve the set target. Secondly, people get motivation in the form of employer appreciation or
awards like employee of the month, which are hung on the wall for all to see.

6. What are the most difficult jobs that people do? There are many difficult jobs but I think the
most difficult job is working in the armed forces, the army, the navy or the airforce because they
have the greatest risk to life. Another job that I think is difficult is that of being a doctor or nurse
as even small mistake can cost the life of others.
2. Describe a piece of good advice that you gave to someone You should say: - Who you gave
the advice to (My friend Intisar) - What the advice was ( Pursuing higher studies in abroad after
graduation) - Why you gave the advice - And explain how he/she followed your advice.

I once offered valuable advice to my friend Intisar regarding the prospect of pursuing higher
studies abroad after her graduation. Intisar was uncertain about her career path and was
contemplating the idea of continuing her education in a foreign country.

The advice I gave her was to seriously consider the option of pursuing higher studies abroad,
emphasizing the potential benefits such as exposure to diverse academic environments,
networking opportunities, and the chance to broaden her perspectives. I suggested that this
experience could not only enhance her academic knowledge but also provide a unique cultural
experience that would be invaluable in personal and professional growth.

I gave this advice because I believed that studying abroad could open up new horizons for
Intisar, exposing her to different teaching methodologies, research opportunities, and a global
network of peers. Additionally, it could potentially increase her employability and provide a
competitive edge in the job market.

Intisar took my advice to heart and began researching universities and programs that aligned with
her academic interests. After careful consideration, she decided to apply to a renowned
university known for its excellence in her chosen field. With determination and hard work, she
successfully secured admission and embarked on her journey to pursue higher studies abroad.

I felt a great sense of satisfaction and pride in seeing Intisar follow through on the advice. She
later shared how the experience broadened her perspectives, allowed her to make international
connections, and contributed significantly to her personal and professional development.
Witnessing her success reaffirmed the belief that providing thoughtful advice can have a positive
impact on someone's life choices.

1.Do you think parents should give their children advice? Yes, parents should definitely give
advice to their children. Parents have more life experience and can guide their children to make
good decisions and avoid mistakes.

2. Should teachers give students advice? Yes, teachers can provide valuable advice to students,
especially on academic matters. Teachers help students learn and grow, not just academically but
also as individuals.

3. Do you think it is necessary for us to listen to friends’ advice? Listening to friends' advice can
be beneficial. Friends know us well and can offer insights or suggestions when we face
challenges or decisions.
4. How do people give young people and old people advice? People give advice to young and
old individuals in different ways. Young people may receive advice informally through
conversations, while older individuals might receive advice from professionals like doctors or

5. What are the areas in which people are more or less willing to accept advice? People are
generally more willing to accept advice in areas where they lack expertise or experience. For
example, they may be more open to financial advice from a financial advisor. However, in areas
where they feel confident, they might be less receptive to advice.

6. Have you ever received any advice from professional people,like a doctor, a lawyer or a
teacher? Yes, I have received advice from professionals like doctors and teachers. Doctors give
medical advice to maintain good health, and teachers provide guidance on education and
personal development. Such advice has been valuable in my life
3. Describe an activity that made you feel tired You should say: - When and where it took place
(Reaching on top of Keokradong hill on foot) - Why you took part in it - What the activity was -
And explain why it made you feel tired

The physically demanding activity that left me feeling exhausted occurred during a hiking
expedition to reach the summit of Keokradong hill. This challenging trek took place in the
Chittagong Hill Tracts region of Bangladesh.

I decided to participate in this expedition as I was drawn to the allure of conquering the highest
peak in Bangladesh and experiencing the breathtaking natural beauty of the Chittagong Hill
Tracts. Additionally, I sought to challenge myself physically and mentally, as I had heard that the
ascent was both arduous and rewarding.

The activity involved a strenuous hike through dense forests, steep inclines, and rugged terrain,
ultimately leading to the summit of Keokradong hill. The journey required enduring several
hours of continuous walking, navigating uneven paths, and overcoming various natural obstacles.

The physical exhaustion stemmed from the demanding nature of the hike. The steep ascents and
descents, coupled with the challenging trail conditions, placed a significant strain on my muscles.
The high altitude added to the difficulty, causing shortness of breath and fatigue. The physical
effort required to navigate through the rough terrain and maintain a steady pace for an extended
period contributed to an overwhelming sense of tiredness.

Despite the fatigue, reaching the summit was an immensely rewarding experience. The
breathtaking panoramic views from the top, the sense of accomplishment, and the connection
with nature made the exhaustion worthwhile. This activity not only tested my physical endurance
but also provided a unique opportunity for personal growth and a deeper appreciation for the
natural wonders of my country.

1. Does studying and learning make people tired today? Yes, studying and learning has become
exhausting because most students don’t study out of interest but out of compulsion. Most
people study to secure good marks rather than understanding concepts and gaining knowledge.
In other words, most students consider studying a chore today and hence, it makes them tired.
2. When do people usually feel tired? People usually feel tired when they work more than their
body or mind is used to. Every person has a different limit in this regard. For example, people
who have a sedentary lifestyle might feel tired even after walking 1 km, while for an athlete a 10
km run might be a warm up.
3. What do you think about striving for learning and striving for sports? In my case, I never had
to strive for learning. I was good at studies since my childhood and I picked up things pretty
quick. However, I had to strive for sports. It wasn’t easy. I remember I used to practice playing
for long hours after school and even then I failed. However, winning in sports was much
enjoyable as things didn’t come easy.
4. Do people have fewer holidays now than in the past? On the contrary, we have more holidays
now that in the past. Its just that we have so many household chores pending that we don’t feel
like they are holidays. The main reason for that is the change in family structure from joint to
nuclear. Earlier in joint families, the chores used to get shared and as such there was division of
labour. This meant that holidays were relaxing.
5. What are the differences between feeling tired after studying and after exercising? I think
one is mental tiredness and other is physical tiredness. Physical tiredness means our body might
not have strength to do physical chores but our brain might be fully alert. By contrast, mental
tiredness is all about our mind not being able to think properly due to being overworked or
stress. It might result in bad decision making.
6. How can people solve the problem that old people easily get tired? Firstly, old people should
take on mental jobs rather than physically demanding jobs. Secondly, old people should try to
remain physically fit and active by doing regular exercise and having a nutritious diet, so that
they don’t get tired easily. Finally, old people can take supplements like Calcium and Vitamin
pills to address the deficiencies that arise due to age
#4 Describe a speech you gave or Describe a talk you gave to a group of people - When and to
whom you gave the speech ( Presentation during my under-graduation in my class about
marketing strategy) - What was the speech about - Why you gave the speech - How did you feel
about it

The occasion I would like to describe is a presentation I gave during my undergraduate studies in
front of my classmates. The speech revolved around an in-depth analysis of a marketing strategy
employed by a well-known company.

The focus of the speech was to dissect the various components of the marketing strategy,
including target audience identification, competitive analysis, and promotional tactics. I chose
this topic as it aligned with our coursework, and I believed it would not only showcase my
understanding of marketing concepts but also provide valuable insights to my peers.

I gave the speech to fulfill an academic requirement, but beyond that, I saw it as an opportunity
to enhance my public speaking skills and share knowledge with my classmates. It was a chance
to demonstrate my comprehension of theoretical concepts and their practical applications in the
business world.

Initially, there were nerves and a sense of anticipation, as public speaking can be intimidating.
However, as I delved into the presentation, I began to feel more confident. The positive
engagement from my peers, evident through their questions and discussions, contributed to a
sense of accomplishment. The experience allowed me to not only impart information but also
foster a collaborative learning environment within the class.

In the end, I felt a mix of relief and pride. Relief that the presentation went smoothly and that I
effectively conveyed the key points, and pride in the positive response from my classmates. It
was a valuable experience that not only bolstered my academic standing but also boosted my
confidence in presenting complex ideas to a group.

1. Why do people get nervous when they speak in public? I think public speaking is the most common fear among
people. There are many reasons why people feel nervous when speaking in public. It may be due to lack of
confidence, lack of knowledge about the subject or the topic, hesitation due to the feeling that they are being
judged or it maybe because of shyness or an introvert nature. 2. How can they improve their public speaking skills?
Public speaking can be improved by gaining more knowledge about the topic or the subject. This will build up
confidence. It can be practiced with friends and family, who can help improve the speaking skills by giving
feedback. We can also make use of technology by recording our speech and replaying it. And getting a lot of
practice before the actual event helps improve the confidence to speak in front of public. 3. What different kinds of
speeches or lectures have you attended in your life? I have attended many kinds of speeches and lectures that in
my life. During my school and college years, I have attended various lectures delivered by my teachers or guest
speakers, about various topics and subjects. I have attended some motivational speeches about things like time
management, positive thinking, etc. There are many religious speeches that I have heard at the
Gurudwara/temple/church/mosque. I have also heard speeches from/by political leaders, usually right before
elections. I have attended speeches and lectures about social issues also, like drug addiction, female feticide,
dowry issue and many more. 4. What qualities (attributes) should these visiting speakers have? There are many
qualities/attributes required to be a good speaker, like confidence, in-depth knowledge about the topic, good
memory, ability to keep the audience engaged, which can be achieved through an interactive session, where
everyone in the audience is involved or maybe by adding a touch of humor. A good command on the language is
also a must and the person should speak clearly and confidently. 5. Why do you many people find it hard to give a
talk to young children? I think it is hard to give a talk to young children because they usually have a very short
attention span. They get distracted easily and it is important to keep them constantly involved and engaged during
the speech. They are not mature enough to know the facts and there are different strategies used to explain the
subject or the topic to them, for example, by telling a story that they can relate to and understand. 6. Why do you
think many people are nervous before they give a speech? (Same answer as for question 1) 7. Why do people give
speech to children? The main reason for giving a lecture or a speech to children is to teach them moral or social
values or to give knowledge about a particular topic or subject. It could also be used to motivate children to
perform better or maybe to become more organized.

8. Who makes people do so?

It could be the parents, the school/college management, local NGOs, government authorities, like the traffic police,
etc. 9. How media relates to the speech to children in school? Media plays a very important role in everyone’s life
these days. The speeches given to children in schools can be published in newspapers or broadcast on TV, which
further helps spread the message or awareness among other schools/educational institutions and the children. 10.
What benefits does the internet bring to communication? In my opinion, the internet brings numerous benefits to
communication, including instant connectivity and global reach, allowing people to connect and communicate
across vast distances. It facilitates real-time communication through various platforms, enables sharing of
information, fosters collaboration, and provides a platform for diverse voices to be heard and ideas to be shared.
11. Which one is better, being a communicator or a listener? I think that both being a communicator and a listener
are valuable skills, and their importance depends on the context and situation. Effective communication involves
both expressing ideas clearly and actively listening to others. Striking a balance between being an effective
communicator and an attentive listener fosters understanding, promotes meaningful connections, and enhances
overall communication effectiveness. 12. What qualities does a person need to have to be a good communicator?
According to me a good communicator should possess qualities such as clarity in expression, active listening skills,
empathy, adaptability, and the ability to convey ideas effectively. Strong verbal and nonverbal communication
skills, along with the capacity to understand and respond to the needs of others, are essential for effective
communication. 13. What kinds of people often give speeches? I think, various types of people give speeches,
including politicians, public figures, activists, educators, business leaders, and professionals in different fields. They
may deliver speeches at events, conferences, graduation ceremonies, or during public engagements to inform,
inspire, persuade, or entertain audiences. 14. How important is it to be a good listener when communicating?
Well, being a good listener is crucial in effective communication. It shows respect, fosters understanding, and
allows for meaningful engagement. Active listening helps build rapport, reduces misunderstandings, and promotes
effective problem-solving and collaboration
#5 Describe a job that you think is interesting. -What is it ? (Market Researcher) -Why do you
think it is interesting ? -How do you know it ? -What neccessary skills does it need?

One profession that I find fascinating is that of a Market Researcher.

The role of a Market Researcher is interesting to me because it involves investigating and

analyzing market trends, consumer behavior, and competitive landscapes to provide businesses
with valuable insights. This information is crucial for organizations to make informed decisions
about product development, marketing strategies, and overall business positioning.

I developed an interest in this field through a combination of academic exposure and practical
experiences. During my coursework in business and marketing, I encountered the importance of
market research in shaping successful business strategies. Additionally, I had the opportunity to
work on a project that involved conducting surveys and analyzing market data, which further
fueled my interest in the role of a Market Researcher.

The skills required for a successful career in market research are diverse. Firstly, analytical skills
are crucial for interpreting and making sense of data. Strong attention to detail is essential to
ensure accuracy in data collection and analysis. Effective communication skills are vital, as
market researchers often need to present their findings to both technical and non-technical
stakeholders. Proficiency in statistical analysis tools and research methodologies is also
important for gathering and interpreting data.

The dynamic nature of market research, where each project presents unique challenges and
opportunities, is what makes this job particularly intriguing to me. The ability to uncover hidden
patterns and trends in consumer behavior, and to contribute to the strategic decision-making
process of businesses, adds a layer of intellectual stimulation and real-world impact to the role of
a Market Researcher.
1. What jobs are popular among younger people in India? The most popular jobs among youth
nowadays are jobs in I.T and jobs in social media. Many youngsters have their own YouTube
and Instagram channels and they look it as a career rather than as a hobby. Besides that, many
are also taking up sports as a career because of successful sports leagues like IPL in cricket.

2. What are the differences between high-paid jobs and low-paid jobs in India? In India, mental
acumen is given much more importance than physical labour. So people with good academics
get much higher salaries than people who do physical labour like plumbers, carpenters and so on.
Secondly, in India status mainly comes from wealth, so high paid jobs are given more respect
than low paid jobs.

3. What is the proper time for young people to plan their future career seriously? I think the right
time for young people to plan their future is around the age of sixteen to eighteen. By this time,
they have studied different subjects and have a good idea about what interests them. Moreover,
by this age most children have become mature to take decisions after careful consideration rather
than based on their whims and fancies.

4. Which jobs have the highest salaries? I think artists like actors and singers earn the highest
salaries nowadays. In the traditional sectors, I think jobs in I.T and management have the highest
salaries on average. Finally, people can also earn a lot of money in commission based jobs like
sales, but the average salaries in sales are not that extreme.

5. Which jobs pay low wages but require a high level of skills? In my countries, there are jobs in
sectors like woodwork, plumbing and auto repair, which are highly skill based. However, their
pay scale is much less than they deserve. But, In recent years, there has been a change in this and
even people in such fields have started earning well.

6. Do you think it is important for secondary schools to offer career advice to students? I think
there is no harm in schools in offering career advice to students as students don’t have the
maturity or experience in determining what they should pursue. However, I also believe that
students should ultimately take the decision themselves
#6 Describe an important decision you made - What was the decision (Department selection
between law and finance, i selected finance) - When you made it - How you made the decision -
Why was it important.

One of the most pivotal decisions I made in my life was choosing the field of finance over law
for my academic and professional pursuits. I made this decision during my final year of high
school, a time when the pressure to select a career path was mounting.

In making this decision, I undertook a thorough self-assessment, considering my strengths,

interests, and long-term goals. I engaged in extensive research, attending career guidance
sessions, and seeking advice from professionals in both fields. I carefully weighed the pros and
cons of each option, taking into account factors such as job satisfaction, potential for growth, and
alignment with my personal values.

Ultimately, I opted for finance because I discovered a genuine passion for understanding and
analyzing economic trends, coupled with an affinity for numbers. The decision-making process
also involved reflecting on my skill set and acknowledging that my strengths, such as critical
thinking and quantitative analysis, were better suited to the finance industry.

This decision was of utmost importance as it shaped the trajectory of my education and career.
Finance has provided me with a dynamic and challenging environment, allowing me to
continually learn and adapt. It has opened doors to diverse opportunities and has been personally
fulfilling. Moreover, the decision underscored the significance of aligning one's career path with
intrinsic interests and strengths, reinforcing the notion that a well-informed decision at the outset
can significantly impact long-term success and satisfaction.

In conclusion, the decision to pursue finance over law was a pivotal moment in my life, and the
thoughtfulness and research invested in making that decision have proven to be invaluable. It has
not only defined my professional journey but has also instilled in me the importance of aligning
personal strengths and passions with career choices for sustained success and fulfillment.

An important decision you made with help of someone What was the decision (Department
selection between law and finance, i selected finance) When you made it Who helped you (my
cousin) How he/she helped you

------An essential decision I made with the assistance of someone close to me was the choice
between pursuing a degree in law or finance. This significant decision-making process unfolded
during my final year of high school when the pressure to determine my academic and
professional path was intensifying.

My cousin played a pivotal role in guiding me through this decision. Being someone with
experience in the finance industry, he offered valuable insights into the day-to-day realities of
both fields. We had numerous thoughtful discussions where he patiently listened to my concerns,
aspirations, and uncertainties.

He provided a comprehensive overview of the challenges and rewards associated with each field,
shedding light on the practical aspects that often go unnoticed in academic settings. Moreover, he
shared personal anecdotes and experiences, giving me a glimpse into the professional world
beyond textbooks.

His guidance extended beyond mere career advice; he encouraged me to reflect on my strengths,
interests, and long-term goals. Through probing questions, he helped me articulate my
motivations and preferences. Additionally, he shared resources, such as articles and books, that
enabled me to delve deeper into the intricacies of both law and finance.

Ultimately, his guidance helped me recognize that my analytical skills and passion for numbers
aligned more with the field of finance. His support was instrumental in providing clarity during a
time of uncertainty. I felt reassured in my decision, knowing that it was informed by both careful
consideration and the wisdom of someone experienced in the chosen field.

The decision to pursue finance, guided by my cousin's insights, has since proven to be a wise and
fulfilling choice, marking the beginning of a rewarding academic and professional journey. His
mentorship showcased the importance of seeking guidance from those with relevant experience
when making crucial life decisions.

. Do you always ask for help when making decisions? Yes, I mostly seek my parents’ or siblings’ advice
when making decisions. I feel that they understand me and are able to give me the best guidance and
suggestions. 2. Do you think teenagers are able to take decisions on their own? Today, the teenagers are
very well-informed and have a great exposure because of the access to technology. So, most of the
teenagers are able to take good decisions when it comes to small, everyday decisions. However, for the
bigger decisions like choosing a career path, they still need the experience and the guidance of their
elders. 3. Why some can make quick decisions and some cannot? Some people who can make quick
decisions are very clear about what they want and do not waste any time making decisions. They have a
clear, straightforward approach to things. However, there are some people who are not very quick at
making decisions, as they may be confused and have a lot of external factors which affect their decision
making skills. It could be because of a lot of and varied advice from family, friends, and relatives. Some
people may feel pressured due to personal circumstances and other societal constraints. So they take a
lot of time to decide on what to do or choose. 4. What should national leaders consider when they make
decisions? National leaders consider the public interests when they make decisions. They also consider
the future of the nation when making certain decisions. 5. Do you think children sometimes have to
make important decisions? Yes, children can sometimes have to make important decisions, especially as
they grow older and face various situations. These decisions could range from choosing extracurricular
activities, making educational or career choices, or even decisions regarding their personal values and
relationships. It is important for children to develop decision-making skills with guidance and support
from parents and mentors.
6. What important decisions do teenagers need to make after graduation? After graduation, teenagers
often face significant decisions such as choosing a career path, deciding whether to pursue higher
education or enter the workforce, exploring opportunities for further skill development, considering
financial responsibilities and managing expenses, and making choices regarding their living
arrangements and independence. These decisions can shape their future trajectory and require careful
consideration, weighing personal aspirations, interests, and practical considerations. Guidance from
parents, mentors, and career counsellors can be invaluable during this transitional phase. 7. Who can
children turn to for help when making a decision? Children can turn to various sources for help when
making a decision, including parents, teachers, mentors, and trusted adults in their lives. These
individuals can provide guidance, support, and advice based on their knowledge and experience, helping
children consider different perspectives and make informed choices. 8. Do you think advertisements can
influence our decisions when shopping?
Yes, advertisements can influence our decisions when shopping. They use persuasive techniques to grab
our attention, create desire for products or services, and shape our preferences. Advertisements can
impact our decision-making by highlighting benefits, appealing to emotions, and influencing our
perception of value, ultimately guiding our purchasing choices. 9. Do you think the influence of
advertising is good? The influence of advertising can have both positive and negative aspects. On one
hand, it provides information about products and services, helps create awareness, and supports the
economy. On the other hand, it can promote materialism, create unrealistic expectations, and
manipulate consumer behavior. It is important to be critical and make informed decisions when exposed
to advertising messages.
#7 Describe something that you did with someone/ a group of people You should say - What it
was? ( Hiking in keokradong hill) - Who you did it with? (friends) - How long it took you to do
this? - And explain why you did it together?

Certainly! Here's a sample response for an IELTS Band 9 speaking task:

One memorable experience that stands out in my mind is the hiking trip to Keokradong Hill, a
breathtakingly beautiful destination. I embarked on this adventure with a group of close friends,
creating a shared experience that left an indelible mark on our collective memories.

The hike itself was a challenging yet invigorating journey through lush landscapes and
picturesque scenery. We navigated winding trails, crossed pristine streams, and marveled at the
panoramic views that unfolded as we ascended the hill. The entire excursion took us two days,
allowing us to savor the natural beauty of the surroundings and relish the camaraderie among

The decision to undertake this journey together was deliberate, driven by the shared desire for
exploration, adventure, and the joy of creating lasting memories. Hiking to Keokradong Hill
required teamwork, encouragement, and a collective spirit to overcome challenges along the
way. The diversity of our skills and personalities complemented each other, making the
experience richer and more enjoyable.

Throughout the hike, we engaged in lively conversations, shared laughter, and provided mutual
support during the more arduous sections of the trail. The shared sense of accomplishment upon
reaching the summit fostered a deep bond among us, reinforcing the value of teamwork and

In essence, we undertook this hiking expedition not only for the physical challenge and the
chance to connect with nature but also to strengthen the bonds within our group. The shared
experience allowed us to appreciate each other's strengths, build resilience in the face of
difficulties, and create a treasure trove of shared memories that we continue to reminisce about.
This adventure epitomized the beauty of collective experiences, underscoring the significance of
shared moments in fostering meaningful connections.
1. How do you get along with your neighbors? I have a very good relationship with my neighbors as I
have known them for more than 10 years now. It almost feels like that they are part of our family now,
as we spend a lot of time at each other’s place. We support each other during both good and bad times.
Sometimes I think that our neighbors play a more important role in our lives as compared to our
relatives. 2. How do neighbors help each other? Neighbors can help each other in a variety of ways, such
as by lending tools or household items, watching each other's homes when one is away, assisting with
household repairs or projects, offering to take care of pets or children, and sharing gardening or cooking
tips. They may also look out for one another's safety and well-being, and provide emotional support
during difficult times. Additionally, neighbors may work together to improve the community through
volunteerism or organizing neighborhood events. 3. Do you think neighbors help each other more often
in the countryside than in the city? It's possible that neighbors may help each other more often in rural
or suburban areas compared to urban areas. The reason being that in rural or suburban areas, neighbors
may have a greater sense of community, and may be more likely to know each other personally, and
therefore be more likely to offer help when needed. Additionally, in rural and suburban areas, people
may have more opportunities to interact with each other, such as while working on shared projects or
participating in community events. 4. How do children learn to cooperate with each other? Children
learn to cooperate with each other through a combination of socialization, modeling, and direct
teaching. For example, they can learn cooperation by playing with other children, as they learn to share
toys, take turns, and work together to achieve a common goal. 5. Do you think parents should teach
children how to cooperate with others? How? Yes, I believe that parents play a vital role in teaching
children how to cooperate with others. Cooperation is an important life skill that is needed in a wide
variety of contexts, such as in the family, at school, in the workplace, and in the community. Children
learn by example, so when parents demonstrate cooperation and collaboration in their own
relationships and daily activities, children will learn how to do the same. Parents can also provide
opportunities for children to practice cooperation by setting up games and activities that require
teamwork. Additionally, parents can teach children the importance of listening to others' ideas and
opinions, compromising, and taking turns. 6. Do you think it's important for children to learn about
cooperation? Yes, it is very important for children to learn about cooperation. Cooperation is a key social
skill that is essential for success in many aspects of life. Children who learn to cooperate with others are
more likely to develop positive relationship and achieve academic success.
#8 Describe something you taught to your friend/relative.You should say: - What you taught
him/her? ( I taught my cousin how to ride a bike) - When it was? - How long it was for? - And
explain how you felt about it

One enriching experience in which I took on the role of a teacher was when I taught my cousin
how to ride a bike. This memorable event took place during the summer vacation a couple of
years ago, providing an ideal setting for the learning process.

The teaching session spanned over a weekend, allowing us ample time to cover the basics and
gradually progress to more advanced aspects of cycling. We started in a spacious and quiet
parking lot, where my cousin could gain confidence without the distractions of busy roads.

Teaching my cousin how to ride a bike was a deeply gratifying experience. Witnessing the initial
uncertainty on his face transform into a radiant smile as he mastered the art of balancing and
pedaling was immensely rewarding. The process involved patience, encouragement, and a shared
sense of accomplishment.

As a teacher, I felt a sense of responsibility to provide clear instructions, offer constructive

feedback, and create a supportive learning environment. It was a joy to witness the gradual
improvement in my cousin's skills, from wobbly beginnings to riding confidently on his own.
The bond between us strengthened as we celebrated each small achievement during the learning

Moreover, I felt a great sense of pride in being able to impart a skill that would stay with my
cousin throughout his life. The experience highlighted the joy of sharing knowledge and the
satisfaction that comes with contributing to someone else's growth and achievement.

In conclusion, teaching my cousin how to ride a bike was a fulfilling experience that not only
strengthened our relationship but also underscored the joy of facilitating someone else's learning
journey. The sense of pride and accomplishment associated with this teaching experience is
something I continue to cherish.
1. What are things that young people can teach old people to do? I think they can teach them anything
they are good at. However, if I had to pick something specific I would say the use of technology like how
to use mobile phone features, apps and computer softwares. 2. What skills can young people teach the
old besides technology? I think they can teach them the ability to change and adapt. Old people are
generally hesitant and unwilling to take risks and make changes but they are necessary to survive in
today’s world. They can also teach them how to take risks. 3. Why older people have problems in
learning new things? I think its about memory. I think people!s memory deteriorates with time and
people start forgetting things. For example, sometimes when I am teaching my mother, she forgets the
previous steps. However, when I repeat it once or twice, she picks it up. 4. Do you think showing is a
better way than telling during education? Of course. Its easier to remember things we see. I am not sure
why but I think our visual memory is far better. Moreover, there can be misunderstandings when telling
something as words can be interpret differently. 5. Do you think constant training is important for
people to study something? Yes, practice is the key to success. I remember I once watched a video
which said that if a person spends about 1200 hours on something, he can become an expert at it. I
couldn!t agree more. I remember I taught my mother how to use Microsoft Word and now she knows
about it more than me because she uses it much more. 6.) How can the young teach the old? I think the
best way way would be show them to do something rather than telling them what to do. Young people
need to be patient while teaching and remember that it takes the aged a little bit more time
#9 Describe an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were young You should say: -
What it was ( Cricket) - Where you did it - With whom you do this activity - And explain why
you enjoyed it.

During my childhood, one of my favorite activities in my free time was playing cricket. The
game became a passion that filled countless afternoons with excitement and camaraderie.

I would often play cricket in a vacant lot near my home, which we fondly referred to as our
"mini cricket field." The uneven ground and makeshift wickets added a charming rusticity to our
matches. This spot became a hub for neighborhood kids, and it was where the magic of cricket

The joy of playing cricket was amplified by the camaraderie with my friends. We formed two
teams, and the games were spirited and competitive. The laughter, friendly banter, and shared
enthusiasm created a sense of community that transcended the boundaries of the game itself.

What made cricket so enjoyable was not just the thrill of hitting boundaries or taking wickets but
also the strategic thinking and teamwork involved. It was a game that fostered both physical
fitness and mental agility. Additionally, the simplicity of the game allowed for easy participation
and inclusion, making it a favorite pastime for everyone in the neighborhood.

Cricket brought people together, teaching us the values of sportsmanship, cooperation, and fair
play. The shared victories and defeats created lasting memories, and the bonds forged on that
makeshift cricket field extended beyond the game itself. It was a source of joy, friendship, and
valuable life lessons that made those carefree afternoons truly special.

In summary, playing cricket in my free time during my childhood was not just a physical activity
but a holistic experience that blended competition, teamwork, and the joy of shared moments
with friends. The memories of those cricket matches remain etched in my mind as a cherished
part of my youth.
1. What do people in your country like to do when they are free? People do a lot of things during their
free time, most of the people like to gossip with each other or get in touch with friends and mobile.
Nowadays, most of the people use the mobile phones to listen music or watch videos whenever they are
free. 2. Do you think parents should make plans for their children? Yes parents should definitely make
plans for their children because if they are kept free then they will get bored and might create trouble
for others. Also the children can learn a lot of things if there parents plan their time 3. Do you think most
people are able to manage their free time? I think most people get very little free time these days so
they do not think about managing it. Everyone is very busy these days and people hardly get time to
relax so whenever they get free they like to do nothing 4. What is the difference between the things
people did in their free time in the past and the things they do nowadays? In the past there was hardly
any technology so people mostly did gossip during their free time whereas nowadays people have
access to lot of gadgets which keep them busy when they are free. 5. Is it important to have a break
during work or study? Definitely, I think our brains can only pay attention to something for a limited
time before getting distracted. Without a break, we lose our ability to concentrate and ultimately it
affects our productivity. 6. What kind of sports do young people like to play nowadays? Youngsters play
the same kind of sports as in the past like cricket, football, soccer, hockey etcetera. However, youngsters
today play less sports as compared to the past as they prefer electronic games. 7. Are they more
activities for young people now than 20 years ago? Without a doubt, yes. I think the coming of Internet
has opened up so many more avenues than in the past. For example, youngsters today have opportunity
to play electronic games with their friends online, spend time on social media. Even with regards to
traditional activities, like playing chess, they can play with so many people online, which was not
possible in the past. 8. Can most people achieve work life balance in India? On the contrary, I feel very
few people are able to do that. The increasing competition and long working hours mean that people
are finding it very hard to find time for their loved ones. 9. Do people have enough time for leisure
activities nowadays? No, I don’t think so. The increasing familial responsibilities due to nuclear families
and long working hours give people very little time for leisure activities. This lack of time is the biggest
time for the increasing stress in people’s lives.
#10 Describe a course that you want to learn / study you would like to do in future/ something
that you would like to learn in the future - What this course is (Fintech) - When you want to learn
it (MBA) - Where you can learn it. (University of Texas) - And explain why you want to learn it.

A course that has captured my keen interest for future study is Financial Technology, commonly
known as Fintech. I aspire to undertake this course as part of my Master of Business
Administration (MBA) program.

The ideal time for me to delve into the realm of Fintech would be during my pursuit of an MBA,
a stage where I aim to deepen my understanding of business dynamics and specialize in areas at
the intersection of finance and technology. This strategic decision aligns with my long-term
career goals, which involve contributing to and navigating the evolving landscape of financial

One of the prestigious institutions where I envision immersing myself in this transformative
course is the University of Texas. The university is renowned for its top-tier business school,
offering a comprehensive MBA program that integrates innovative courses, including Fintech.
The program's reputation for academic excellence and its emphasis on practical applications
make it an ideal environment for acquiring a nuanced understanding of the technological
disruptions in the financial sector.

The allure of Fintech lies in its potential to revolutionize traditional financial systems. By
learning the intricacies of blockchain, digital currencies, and data analytics, I anticipate gaining
the skills needed to navigate the complexities of the modern financial landscape. The course
would not only equip me with technical proficiency but also foster critical thinking, strategic
decision-making, and an entrepreneurial mindset – qualities essential in a dynamic field like

Moreover, Fintech is not just about technological innovation; it represents a paradigm shift in
how financial services are conceptualized and delivered. I am drawn to the idea of being at the
forefront of this transformative wave, contributing to the development of innovative solutions
that address real-world challenges in finance.

In conclusion, my desire to study Fintech as part of an MBA program at the University of Texas
stems from a profound interest in the intersection of finance and technology. I believe that this
course will not only equip me with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in the
financial industry but also empower me to be a catalyst for positive change in an increasingly
digitized world.
1. What’s the most popular thing to learn nowadays? Digital marketing is a very popular skill to learn
these days. Earlier companies mainly used print, TV, and Radio to reach consumers. Now corporations
worldwide use digital channels like websites, email, search engines, and social media platforms to reach
consumers. Digital marketing is one of the most in-demand skills, and there are many job opportunities
in this field. 2. At what age should children start making their own decisions? Why? Once children reach
high school, parents should let them make their own decisions. When they are younger, parents can
help them with their options and help them choose. But as they get older, parents should let them
decide and even let them face the consequences of their decisions. It’s a learning experience for them.
When the decisions are complex and complicated, like choosing a major, parents should advise but let
children make the final decision. 3. What influences young people more when choosing a course,
income, or interest? I think it differs from person to person. Some young people choose a career/course
based on the income and job opportunities in that field. They want to afford the necessities and give
their families a comfortable life. Some choose based on their interest, even if the area they choose is not
that high paying. They choose their happiness and passion over money. Sometimes, a person may be
very passionate about a career that also offers a big paycheck. 4. Do young people take their parents'
advice when choosing a major? Yes, most young people take their parents' advice when choosing a
major. They understand that their parents have more experience and want their children to be
successful. Their parents may have different views, and eventually young people should choose a major
they want. 5. Besides parents, who else would people take advice from? Students can also take advice
from teachers and school counselors. Teachers have closely worked with students and know their
strengths and weaknesses. School counselors can also help students decide on a career path. They can
help them narrow down their interests and capabilities and choose a major that will align with their
career goals. 6. Why do some people prefer to study alone? Some people prefer to study alone because
they can concentrate better when they are by themselves. They can also work at their own pace and
understand the concepts of one topic thoroughly before they move on to the next topic. 7. Should
schools teach both arts and science? Yes, schools should teach both arts and science. Both subjects are
important in school. Science and technology give us better life but arts tell us how to live that life. In
Science truths are proved and phenomena are explained. In art they are interpreted. Art makes people
enjoy life, gives people the pleasure of living from the mental level. That’s why both are important to be
taught in schools. 8. What kinds of courses are useful for university students? University students can do
any course according to their choice. All courses have their own importance. Some courses help in the
job market. Some are just for personal fulfillment.
9. Why do some students dislike studying at school? Some students dislike studying because of many
reasons. Firstly, they may just not be interested in studying. Secondly, the way of teaching may not be
good. Another important reason maybe that parents force them to study those subjects, which they do
not like. For example, the student may want to do commerce, but parents force him to choose medical
stream. 10. What school activities are good for schoolchildren? All curricular and extra-curricular
activities are good for children. They should study academic subjects as well as take part in sports, music
#11 Describe an English class/lesson that you enjoyed You should say: What was taught in the
class When did you take the class Where it was? What did the teacher do that made you enjoy it
I vividly recall a captivating English class that stands out like a beacon in my academic
journey. The course centered around modern American literature and took place at the
University of Chittagong during under graduation. The course convened twice a week, on
Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, in a charming classroom nestled within the humanities
building of our university campus.
Our erudite instructor, Professor Hasan, brought the class to life with a curriculum that
explored the works of iconic American authors such as F. Scott Fitzgerald, Toni Morrison, and
J.D. Salinger. The class timeline spanned from the Roaring Twenties to the present day, delving
into the cultural nuances and societal shifts reflected in the literature of each era.
What made this class particularly enjoyable was Professor Hasan's teaching style, which was like
a breath of fresh air. He employed a variety of interactive teaching methods. He tossed the
ball into our court with stimulating discussions, where students were encouraged to express
their opinions freely, fostering an environment where every voice carried weight.
One distinctive aspect was the incorporation of multimedia elements, such as film clips and
audio recordings, to contextualize the literature within the broader cultural landscape. Professor
Hasan's knack for connecting literature to real-world events made the material not only
intellectually stimulating but also relevant to our contemporary lives.
Furthermore, our assignments were like pieces of a puzzle that contributed to the bigger picture.
We had creative projects that allowed us to explore our own narratives inspired by the themes
discussed in class.
In addition to being a fountain of knowledge, Professor Hasan was approachable and always
ready to go the extra mile to help students grasp complex concepts. His passion for the subject
matter was infectious, igniting a flame of curiosity among the students.
In a nutshell, this English class wasn't just a walk in the park; it was a voyage through the
corridors of American literature, led by a captain who steered the ship with passion and finesse.

1.What are the benefits of learning a foreign language? There are many benefits of learning a foreign
language. Firstly, it helps students academically, as the skills they learn in one language like
comprehension and finding out the main theme of a paragraph can also be applied to their language.
Secondly, it opens up more opportunities in the future. For example, it can help students pursue higher
education in a foreign country. Similarly, a foreign language can help people secure a job in a company,
which deals with foreign clients. 2.What are the benefits of being a foreign language teacher? The main
benefit of teaching another language is that the person can enhance their knowledge of the language. I
think people learn much more about the language when they teach than when they study it. Secondly,
foreign languages also tend to get paid better and they might also get opportunities to travel abroad.
Finally, I feel the language classes have the most diversity in terms of age. I have seen people as old as
seventy learning French and German. So, it never gets boring teaching a foreign language as people get
to meet different people. 3.Will computers replace foreign language teachers in the future? I think
computers are certainly beneficial in helping students learn a foreign language. However, I do not think
computers can replace language teachers completely. Computers can help students improve their
grammar and pronunciation but they cannot help students develop or express ideas. Moreover, there
are cultural aspects to a language, which can be only taught by a teacher in my opinion. 4. Is grammar
the most difficult part about learning a foreign language? No, I don’t think grammar is the most difficult
part as there are certain rules of grammar. I think it is logical and so it can be learnt with practice.
However, pronunciation can be very tricky as I find there are no fixed rules to it. 5. Do you think
grammar is important in language learning? Yes, I think grammar is really important in language
learning. If the grammar is wrong, the sentence can give out a completely different meaning and it can
lead to misunderstandings and embarrassment. For example, I taught, and I was taught mean
completely different things, just the presence of was in the middle - changes the meaning completely
#12 Describe a difficult thing you did and succeeded You should say - What it was? - How did
you complete it? - Why it was difficult? - And how you felt about doing it?
Undertaking a challenging feat, I decided to give a presentation on the intricacies of the financial
market, a task that felt like diving into the deep end of the pool. Completing this task required a
combination of extensive research, effective communication skills, and the ability to simplify
complex concepts for a diverse audience.
To accomplish this, I first immersed myself in a sea of financial literature, online resources, and
market analyses. I needed to get a bird's eye view of the ever-changing landscape of financial
markets. It felt like drinking from a firehose as I absorbed information about stocks, bonds,
market trends, and economic indicators.
Crafting the presentation involved threading the needle between technical accuracy and audience
comprehension. I had to walk on eggshells to ensure that my explanations weren't too simplistic
for those well-versed in finance or too convoluted for those unfamiliar with the intricacies of the
market. It was like trying to hit a moving target.
The difficulty arose from the need to strike a delicate balance between depth and simplicity,
ensuring that my audience, which ranged from finance enthusiasts to novices, could grasp the
essence of the subject. Explaining concepts like bull markets, bear markets, and derivatives felt
like navigating a minefield of jargon.
Completing the presentation required not only mastering the content but also honing my
presentation skills. I practiced delivering the information with clarity and confidence, refining
my ability to engage the audience. It felt like learning to ride a bike; wobbly at first, but
gradually gaining balance with practice.
The actual presentation day was a rollercoaster of nerves and excitement. Standing in front of the
audience, I felt like a fish out of water, but as I delved into the material, the nerves transformed
into a focused energy. The audience's reactions, from nods of understanding to thoughtful
questions, felt like hitting the bullseye.
Successfully navigating the intricacies of the financial market during the presentation brought a
sense of accomplishment akin to hitting the jackpot. It was like crossing the finish line of a
marathon, knowing that the hurdles had been conquered. The positive feedback and engaging
discussions that followed reinforced the belief that the challenging journey was well worth the
In hindsight, this experience taught me that sometimes you have to dive in at the deep end to
swim. The difficulty wasn't just a stumbling block; it was a stepping stone that propelled me
forward. The presentation was not just a task; it was a voyage of personal and professional
growth, leaving me with a sense of achievement and a newfound confidence in tackling complex
1. What kinds of jobs require people to be confident? I think all jobs require a certain degree of
confidence but the ones which involve dealing with customers require a lot more confidence. For
example, if a salesperson is not confident enough then he will not be able to convince the customers
about the product he/she is trying to sell. 2. On what occasions should children be encouraged? How? I
think children should be encouraged in those situations where they feel hesitant in doing something
that is good for them. But also, the encouragement should be done to a certain limit, they should not
feel like something is being forced upon them. For example, we can encourage children to learn
something creative such as painting if they show interest in it. And to encourage them more, parents
can take them to a museum so they can develop their interest further 3. How do you help children stay
focused? There are many ways in which children can be helped. First of all, one can provide them an
environment which is free of distractions, like when they are studying, they should not be allowed to
use cellphones. Another way to help them focus would be to teach them about meditation in which they
have to focus on their breath or a single sound. 4. What challenges do young people face today? Well, I
think there are two main challenges that young people face these days. The first one is related to the
mind and mental health, nowadays everyone is aware of the rise in depression and suicide cases among
the youth. Another challenge faced by them is the ever-increasing competition in education or their
professional lives.
#13 Describe an important thing you learned, not at school or college. - When did you learn it? -
How did you learn it - Why did you think it was important to learn it - How you felt when you
learnt it

Certainly! Here's a sample response for an IELTS Band 9 speaking task:

One of the most crucial lessons I learned did not come from a formal educational setting but
rather from a challenging personal experience. I acquired this lesson during a period of
significant change in my life, approximately two years ago.

The learning process was experiential and unfolded as a result of navigating a major setback. I
found myself facing unexpected challenges and uncertainties, and it became apparent that
resilience and adaptability were indispensable virtues for overcoming adversity. Through trial
and error, I learned to embrace change, stay resilient in the face of difficulties, and adapt to
unforeseen circumstances.

This lesson became profoundly important to me as it provided a paradigm shift in my

perspective. I realized that the ability to adapt and bounce back from setbacks is a crucial life
skill that transcends traditional academic learning. It became clear that life is unpredictable, and
the capacity to navigate uncertainties with grace and determination is an invaluable asset.

The importance of this lesson extended beyond personal growth; it became a guiding principle in
my approach to challenges and opportunities. Understanding the significance of resilience and
adaptability influenced my decision-making, enabling me to confront difficulties with a positive
mindset and a willingness to learn and grow from each experience.

Upon realizing the importance of this lesson, I felt a profound sense of empowerment. The
newfound resilience allowed me to face subsequent challenges with a newfound confidence. It
transformed setbacks into opportunities for personal and professional development, shaping my
character in a positive way.

In conclusion, the most important lesson I learned, outside the formal education system, centered
around resilience and adaptability. This experiential learning, acquired through navigating
challenging circumstances, has become an enduring pillar in my approach to life. The
empowerment and growth that resulted from this lesson have profoundly impacted my
perspective and responses to the uncertainties that life presents.
1. What do children learn from their parents? Parents are children’s first teachers. They learn so many
things from their parents. They learn even the basic things like how to talk, how to eat, how to dress,
and how to behave from their parents. In fact, everything parents do in front of their children teaches
them something. 2. Are some children well-behaved because of their parents? Yes, I think parents are
responsible for their children’s behaviour to a large extent. However, they are not the only ones
responsible for their children’s behaviour, it also depends upon other factors like media and their
friends and teachers. 3. Is it necessary for adults to learn new things? Yes, I think life would be boring if
people stopped learning. Moreover, today life is changing so fast, that it is paramount to learn new
things to survive. My mother is a teacher. During covid times, when classroom education was not
possible, she had to learn and teach through Zoom. If she didn’t, she would have lost her job. 4. What
are the options for learning new things? Well, there are traditional methods of learning new things like
joining evening classes or asking a friend or relative to guide us or reading do it yourself books. Then,
there are the modern methods like watching YouTube channels or searching on google. There has never
been a better time to learn something new than today.
#14 Describe something that you have shared with others (or another person). - What you shared
- When you shared it - Who you shared it with - And explain why you shared it or how you felt
when you shared it.

One meaningful experience of sharing that stands out in my memory involves sharing a personal
project aimed at promoting environmental sustainability. I shared this initiative with a diverse
group of friends and acquaintances during a community gathering about six months ago.

The project I shared was centered around creating awareness about sustainable practices and
promoting eco-friendly habits in our community. It included organizing workshops on waste
reduction, planting trees in local parks, and initiating a community cleanup campaign. I believed
that by sharing this project, I could inspire collective action and foster a sense of responsibility
towards the environment.

The sharing took place during a community event, where people from various backgrounds and
age groups were present. I chose to share the project with a diverse audience to maximize its
impact and encourage a broad spectrum of participation.

The decision to share this initiative was driven by a desire to contribute to a cause I deeply care
about and to inspire positive change within my community. I felt a sense of responsibility to
share information that could empower others to make small but impactful changes in their daily
lives for the betterment of the environment.

Sharing this project was a gratifying experience. Witnessing the enthusiasm and interest it
generated among the audience reinforced my belief in the power of collective action. The sense
of camaraderie and shared responsibility that emerged from the discussion left me with a
profound sense of fulfillment.

In conclusion, sharing the environmental sustainability project was not just about disseminating
information but fostering a sense of community engagement and shared responsibility. The
positive reception and the potential for collective impact were immensely rewarding, making the
act of sharing a powerful and enriching experience.
Do people in your country (or, you) prefer to share public transport or do they (you) prefer to use
private transport? Well, it depends on the financial status of the people. Those who can afford,
like to use their own private transport.Others, prefer public transport. It also depends on the
availability and comfort of public transport. Ever since, the AC buses have improved their
frequency to Chandigarh, I prefer to travel on those than going by my car. 2. Do many people in
your country share their home with other or do they mostly live alone? Most people live in their
own home or live in a rented house. But they don’t share their home with anybody. Students
share apartments, if they study away from their home town. 3. Do you think there are any
advantages to sharing your home with other (non-family) people? If you can get along well with
other people, then there are advantages. But if there are conflicts, it can be a bad experience.
Advantages are that the expenses can be shared. So, it becomes cheaper. 4. Would you ever share
your food with someone else? Many times, I have shared my tiffin with my friends. Yes, I would
readily share my food with others.
#15 Describe a positive change in your life - What the change was - When it happened - How it
happened - And explain why it was a positive change

The positive change that significantly impacted my life was adopting a regular mindfulness
practice. This transformative shift occurred approximately two years ago when I was grappling
with heightened stress levels and a sense of overwhelm in both my personal and professional life.

The change unfolded gradually as I explored various strategies to manage stress. After
researching the benefits of mindfulness and meditation, I decided to incorporate a daily
mindfulness routine into my life. I started with just 10 minutes of meditation each morning,
focusing on my breath and cultivating present-moment awareness.

The positive change was realized through consistent effort and commitment to this practice.
Initially, it required discipline to carve out time in my busy schedule, but as the weeks passed, I
began to notice subtle yet profound shifts in my mindset and overall well-being. I became more
attuned to my thoughts and emotions, allowing me to respond to challenges with greater clarity
and resilience.

This change was undeniably positive for several reasons. Firstly, it provided me with a reliable
tool to manage stress and anxiety effectively. As a result, my overall mental health improved,
positively impacting my relationships and work performance. Secondly, the practice fostered a
sense of inner peace and contentment, enhancing my overall quality of life. Lastly, the newfound
mindfulness not only benefited me personally but also had a ripple effect on those around me,
creating a more harmonious and positive environment.

In conclusion, the adoption of a regular mindfulness practice was a pivotal and positive change
in my life. It occurred approximately two years ago, initiated by a desire to manage stress more
effectively. The change unfolded through consistent daily efforts and brought about numerous
benefits, including improved mental health, enhanced well-being, and positive impacts on
relationships and work. This experience underscores the transformative power of mindfulness in
fostering personal growth and resilience

1. Is your country changing rapidly? Yes, my country is changing rapidly. India is a developing
country and is changing day-by-day for the better. With the advancement of technology it is
stepping fast from a developing to a developed country. Change has always been happening, but
technology has hastened the process of change. 2. How is your country changing? I think my
country is changing in many ways. Firstly, I can see the effect of globalisation, people are
wearing western clothes, eating western cuisines and watching foreign shows more and more.
Secondly, people are also becoming modern in their thinking and views. Many wrong traditional
practices like dowry are losing ground. Finally, we are developing in infrastructure and facilities.
Many modern facilities like fast internet connectivity , subways are accessible to people today. 3.
Do you believe that the changes your country went through are positive?
For me, most of the changes have been positive. But I think this is also due to the fact that I am
optimist and I like to look at things from a positive side. Moreover, although I consider that most
of the changes have been positive, some have happened at a slower pace than I had hoped. 4. Do
you think change is good? Well change can be both good and bad. It really depends upon on the
change and why we are making the change. In the end, if we are changing for the right reasons,
to make our ourselves better, then change is definitely good. However, if we are being forced to
change or if we are developing negative habits like drinking, smoking due to stress or peer
pressure, I would consider it bad. 5. What are some of the major changes that usually occur in
people in their lives? I think changes occur throughout our life. First are the physical and
hormonal changes which occur when we go through puberty like developing facial hair,
deepening of voice and so on. Then, it is mental maturity, which occurs as we experience and
face different things. We learn how to deal with issues and face challenges. 6. Is it important for
people to make changes according to their surroundings? Yes, I think there is no problem in
changing according to surroundings as long we don’t feel like we are changing our identity
because of these changes. For example, when in a foreign country, it is perfectly fine to try out
foreign clothes and dishes. At the same time, if a person is a vegetarian, I wouldn’t consider it
fine to try non-vegetarian just to fit in.
#16 Descirbe something that helps you concentrate - What it is? - When you do it? - How did
you learn about it? - How it helps you concentrate?

One effective method that significantly enhances my concentration is the practice of the
Pomodoro Technique. The Pomodoro Technique involves breaking down work into intervals,
traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. This method helps me maintain
focus and sustain productivity.

I incorporate the Pomodoro Technique into my work routine whenever I need to concentrate on a
specific task or project. For instance, when faced with a complex assignment or a lengthy writing
task, I set a timer for 25 minutes and dedicate my complete attention to the task at hand. After
the timer rings, I take a short break of 5 minutes before starting another Pomodoro session.

I initially learned about the Pomodoro Technique through online productivity forums and articles
on effective study habits. Intrigued by its simplicity and the promise of improved concentration, I
decided to give it a try. Over time, I found that this technique not only helped me manage my
time more efficiently but also significantly boosted my ability to concentrate on the task without
succumbing to distractions.

The Pomodoro Technique is particularly effective in enhancing concentration for several

reasons. Firstly, the structured intervals create a sense of urgency, motivating me to make the
most out of the dedicated time. Secondly, the regular breaks prevent mental fatigue and burnout,
allowing me to approach each Pomodoro session with renewed focus. Lastly, the clear and
manageable timeframes make tasks seem more achievable, reducing the feeling of overwhelm
and increasing my overall productivity.

In conclusion, the Pomodoro Technique has become an indispensable tool in my quest for
enhanced concentration. I learned about it through online resources and integrated it into my
work routine for tasks that demand focused attention. This technique's ability to structure my
work, provide regular breaks, and instill a sense of accomplishment has made it an invaluable
asset in improving my concentration and overall productivity.
1. Is it important for children to learn how to concentrate? Yes, concentration is a very important
skill and it is required at a lot of stages in life, like exams and jobs. So children should practice to
do their tasks with full concentration. If someone lacks concentration then they find it difficult to
understand things. 2. What can employers do to help employees concentrate? There are lot of
ways in which employers can help their employees in concentrating. Firstly, they can provide
them a silent workplace environment. They can also organize meditation camps for their staff
and teach them some concentration techniques. 3. What kinds of jobs require higher
concentration at work? I think, doctors specially surgeons require a high concentration at work.
Other jobs are like drivers as they have to always concentrate on the traffic. 4. Have you ever felt
difficult to concentrate? Yes, sometimes I find it difficult to concentrate. The reasons are
sometimes internal or external. Internal factors like stress take away the peace of mind and it
becomes difficult to concentrate. Regarding external factors, sometimes people lose their
concentration because of loud noises. 5. What kinds of distractions bother you in life? There are
multiple distractions which affect me. The biggest one is my smartphone which keeps buzzing
constantly and takes my attention away from studies. Then sometimes my friends ask me to go
out with them and due to this I lose my precious study hour
#17 Describe an activity you do to keep fit - • What the activity is - • When and where you
usually do it - • How you do it - • Explain why it can keep your fit

One of the key activities I engage in to maintain my fitness is running. I typically incorporate
running into my weekly routine, usually in the early mornings, and I prefer to do it in a nearby
park with well-maintained trails.

The process of running involves putting on appropriate athletic attire and a pair of running shoes.
I start with a brief warm-up, including dynamic stretches, before gradually increasing my pace
into a comfortable running stride. I maintain a consistent pace throughout the run, and I conclude
with a cooldown session and static stretches to enhance flexibility.

Running is an effective fitness activity for several reasons. Firstly, it is a cardiovascular exercise
that elevates my heart rate, contributing to improved cardiovascular health. The rhythmic motion
of running engages various muscle groups, promoting overall strength and endurance.
Additionally, running in a natural outdoor setting, such as a park, provides a refreshing and
invigorating experience that positively impacts my mental well-being.

The regular practice of running helps me to stay fit by burning calories, promoting weight
management, and enhancing my respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The combination of
cardiovascular exercise and muscle engagement contributes to improved stamina and endurance,
allowing me to lead a more active and healthy lifestyle.

In conclusion, running has become a fundamental activity in my fitness routine. I choose to run
in a nearby park during the early mornings, following a structured routine that includes warm-up,
running, and cooldown sessions. This activity not only contributes to physical fitness by
enhancing cardiovascular health and muscle strength but also provides a mental boost through
the enjoyable outdoor experience.

What do old people in your country do to keep fit? Old people do a lot to keep fit. They do yoga,
go for walks, eat healthy food, avoid junk food and take proper food supplements. 2. What kinds
of sports are popular in India? India is a diverse country. All types of sports are popular such as
cricket, hockey, football, volleyball, tennis and so on. 3. Do you think young people should play
dangerous sports? Yes, they should if they want to. However, they should do so under proper
supervision and after undergoing proper training from licensed companies. 4. What else people
can do to keep fit besides sports? People can avoid fast foods and eat healthy and balanced diet.
5. What can parents do to make their children like sports? They can make them join sports
classes. They can act as role models. If they themselves play outdoor sports, their children will
automatically follow them. Even if they don’t play themselves, they can go out with their
children and watch them play
#18 Describe something that saves your time. You should say: - What is it? - When you usually
do it? - Why you do it? And explain how you think it saves your time? Follow IELTS band 9
speaking criteria.

One valuable time-saving practice in my daily life is using task management apps to organize
and prioritize my responsibilities. I usually engage in this activity at the beginning of each day,
typically during my morning routine.

The primary reason I use task management apps is to streamline and organize my workload
efficiently. By inputting and categorizing tasks, setting deadlines, and assigning priorities, I can
create a clear roadmap for my day. This proactive approach allows me to focus on the most
critical and time-sensitive tasks first, preventing last-minute rushes and ensuring that I allocate
time effectively.

Task management apps save me time by providing a centralized and accessible platform for all
my responsibilities. The ability to quickly glance at my to-do list and prioritize tasks based on
urgency and importance helps me make informed decisions about where to invest my time and
energy. Additionally, the reminders and notifications within these apps serve as prompts,
preventing me from forgetting important deadlines or tasks. This organized approach minimizes
the time spent on figuring out what needs to be done next, reducing stress and enhancing overall

In conclusion, the use of task management apps is a crucial time-saving strategy in my daily
routine. I incorporate this practice during my morning routine to set the tone for the day ahead.
The efficiency gained from having a structured task list allows me to prioritize effectively,
manage my time wisely, and ultimately accomplish tasks more efficiently.
1 What can people do to save time? People can do many things to save time. They can keep a
calendar and note down everything, they can plan things ahead, they can stop devoting time to
non-important decision like what to eat , what to wear and so on. However, I think the biggest
thing they can do is to stop multitasking as I feel people waste more time when they try to do
more things together. 2 Does technology help people save time? How and why? Yes and no.
Technology does save time as it provides us appliances like washing machines which take a lot
lesser to finish work. At the same time, people become addicted to mobile phones and computer
and they end up wasting time. 3 Do you think parents should be responsible for teaching children
to save time? I learnt saving time by watching my mother. She has a habit - she never sits idle.
She does something productive all day - like knitting, reading or gardening. So, I think parents
have a big role in teaching children how to manage time. At the same time, I feel teachers also
need to play a role- by helping children make a time table. 4 Do people who can manage time
well, become successful more easily? There is doubt in my mind that this is true. We all have 24
hours in day. All that matters is how we utilise these 24 hours. People who do it better become
successful because they are able to do more.
#19 Describe a difficult decision that you once made. You should say - What the decision was
( Choosing department between law and finance, i selected finance) - When you made the
decision - How long did it take you to make the decision - And explain why it was a difficult
decision to make

A significant and challenging decision I had to make was choosing between pursuing a career in
law or finance after completing my undergraduate studies. The decision-making process
unfolded during my final year of college, and it took me several months to arrive at a conclusion.

The decision was particularly difficult as both law and finance were fields that I was passionate
about, each offering distinct career paths and opportunities. Law appealed to my interest in
justice, advocacy, and the intellectual challenges of legal analysis. On the other hand, finance
attracted me with its dynamic nature, potential for quantitative analysis, and the opportunity to be
part of the business world.

The process of deciding between law and finance involved extensive research, consultations with
mentors, and introspective reflection. I attended career seminars, spoke with professionals in
both fields, and sought advice from professors. I also considered the long-term prospects, job
market trends, and the alignment of each field with my personal values and career goals.

The difficulty of the decision stemmed from the weight of its consequences on my future career
and life trajectory. I was torn between choosing a path that aligned with my passion for justice
and one that presented opportunities for financial growth and business involvement.
Additionally, there was a sense of uncertainty about making the "right" choice and the fear of
potentially regretting my decision in the future.

After months of deliberation, I eventually decided to pursue a career in finance. The decision
was based on a combination of factors, including the potential for career growth, my interest in
quantitative analysis, and the dynamic nature of the financial industry.

In conclusion, the decision to choose between law and finance was a challenging one that I made
during my final year of college. The extended decision-making process was marked by careful
consideration of personal interests, career goals, and long-term prospects. The difficulty arose
from the genuine passion I had for both fields and the significance of the decision on my future.
Ultimately, the choice to pursue a career in finance was made with the anticipation of growth and
fulfillment in that particular domain.
1. What decisions do people generally make in their daily life? We are always making decisions
in our life. People make decisions about small things like what to eat, what to wear, when to do
something, and what to watch. Our whole life is nothing but the millions of decisions we take
every day. 2. Which is easier, making a decision by oneself or making a decision after a group
discussion? It is definitely easier to make a decision after a group discussion because we have the
advantage of knowing different perspectives on the issue. However, I also believe that we should
not get influenced by others and listen to our gut feeling when finally making the decision. 3.
Why are many young people unwilling to listen to their parent’s advice? I think many young
people think that their parent’s thinking might be outdated for today’s time. Also, in general,
young people by nature have a problem listening to figures of authority. 4. Why do middle-aged
people tend to second guess their decision? I think second guessing has nothing to do with age.
We all tend to second guess our decisions when it’s a difficult decision and when we are not
confident about the decision. I think the best way to avoid second guessing or rethinking the
decision is to limit the choices and discuss it with close friends and family members.
#20 Describe an ambition that you haven't achieved - You should say: - What it is ( Pursuing
higher study in USA) - Why you haven't achieved it - What you did - And how you felt about it.

One unfulfilled ambition that I have is pursuing higher studies in the United States. The
aspiration to undertake advanced education in the USA is driven by the renowned academic
institutions, diverse learning environments, and the opportunity to engage with cutting-edge
research and innovation.

Regrettably, I haven't been able to achieve this ambition due to financial constraints. Pursuing
higher education in the USA is often associated with substantial expenses, including tuition fees,
living costs, and other miscellaneous expenditures. Despite being academically qualified and
having received admission offers from several reputable institutions, the financial aspect
remained a significant barrier.

To address this challenge, I actively sought out scholarship opportunities and explored various
avenues for financial aid. I applied to multiple scholarships, reached out to potential sponsors,
and considered part-time work opportunities. However, the financial gap remained substantial,
and securing adequate funding proved to be more challenging than anticipated.

I also explored alternative options, such as applying for loans or considering part-time work
during studies, but these solutions did not fully alleviate the financial burden. Despite my efforts,
I had to make the difficult decision to postpone my plans for pursuing higher education in the
USA until I could secure more stable financial support.

Feeling about this unfulfilled ambition is bittersweet. On one hand, there is a sense of
disappointment and frustration for not being able to immediately realize a dream that I have
worked towards for a long time. On the other hand, there is determination and optimism, as I
recognize that this setback is a temporary obstacle and not a permanent roadblock. It has also
fueled my commitment to continue seeking opportunities, building a stronger financial
foundation, and eventually realizing my ambition of pursuing higher education in the USA.

In conclusion, the unfulfilled ambition of pursuing higher studies in the United States has been
hindered primarily by financial constraints. Despite proactive efforts to secure funding, the
financial gap remains a significant challenge. The feelings associated with this unachieved
ambition are a mix of disappointment and determination, with the understanding that this setback
is a temporary delay rather than a definitive denial of my aspirations

1 What ambitions do children usually have? Children have many ambitions. The first ambition is
mainly about the profession- in childhood, everyone has an ambition to do something noble like
becoming a doctor or do something exciting like becoming a pilot or an astronaut. Then, children
also have an ambition of earning huge amounts of money. 2 Why are some people very
ambitious in their work? I think it’s just a part of their nature. They are ambitious because they
want to grow and achieve something in their life. They want to be known for their work. 3 Why
don't some people have dreams? I think everyone has certain dreams. It’s just that some people
are too lazy to work for their dreams. On the other hand, there are others who can do anything
for their dreams and it shows. 4 How do people balance work and life? I think everyone does it
in their own way. My mother switches off her work mobile phone after 5 PM. Some people do it
by taking regular breaks when they only focus on their family. I think it is something almost
every person tries to do and fails. In recent years, even governments are taking steps like limiting
work hours so people are able to do so.
#21 Describe a resolution you made in the new year - What is the resolution? - How will you
complete it? - How you feel about it? - Why you made this resolution?

One of my New Year's resolutions for this year is to study hard with the goal of securing
admission to a prestigious university abroad. This resolution is deeply rooted in my desire for
academic and personal growth, as well as the opportunity to experience a different culture and
educational environment.

To complete this resolution, I have developed a structured study plan that includes allocating
dedicated time each day for focused learning, seeking additional resources, and actively
engaging with my coursework. I am also planning to participate in extracurricular activities and
community service to enhance my overall profile for university applications.

I feel incredibly motivated and enthusiastic about this resolution. The prospect of studying
abroad represents a significant milestone in my educational journey, offering exposure to diverse
perspectives, fostering independence, and challenging me to step out of my comfort zone. While
the road ahead may be demanding, the potential for personal and academic development makes
the effort worthwhile.

The decision to make this resolution was driven by a combination of personal and academic
aspirations. I have always been fascinated by the prospect of studying in an international setting,
where I can broaden my horizons, develop a global perspective, and build a network of
connections that transcends borders. Additionally, pursuing higher education abroad aligns with
my long-term career goals and the desire to contribute to a global community.

In conclusion, my New Year's resolution to study hard and pursue education abroad is a
comprehensive commitment to academic excellence, personal development, and cultural
exploration. I plan to accomplish this resolution through a well-organized study plan and active
engagement in extracurricular activities. The positive feelings associated with this resolution
stem from the anticipation of growth and the alignment of my aspirations with the pursuit of
international education.

#22 Describe a skill that you learned from older people You should say makkarIELTS - What the
skill is - Who you learned it from - How you learned it - And how you feel about it

One invaluable skill that I learned from older people is patience. I acquired this skill primarily
from my grandparents, who, over the years, demonstrated remarkable composure and calmness
in various situations.

The learning process was gradual and occurred through observation and direct interactions with
my grandparents. They shared anecdotes about their life experiences, emphasizing the
importance of patience in navigating challenges and adversities. Additionally, I witnessed how
they handled day-to-day situations with a serene demeanor, whether it was dealing with
technological challenges or managing interpersonal conflicts.

My grandparents also actively encouraged me to practice patience in my own life. They provided
guidance on reframing situations, taking a step back to assess before reacting, and understanding
that some outcomes require time to unfold. Through their advice and modeling, I internalized the
value of patience as an essential life skill.

Feeling-wise, I am immensely grateful for having learned patience from my grandparents. It has
proven to be a crucial asset in my personal and professional life, allowing me to approach
challenges with a more measured and composed mindset. Rather than succumbing to immediate
frustration or impatience, I now recognize the power of waiting and allowing circumstances to
unfold naturally.

The acquisition of patience from older people has not only enhanced my emotional intelligence
but has also positively influenced my relationships and decision-making. I appreciate the wisdom
passed down to me and recognize the enduring impact of this skill in fostering resilience and a
more balanced perspective on life.

In conclusion, learning the skill of patience from my grandparents has been a transformative
experience. The lessons were imparted through observation, advice, and active encouragement. I
feel grateful for this skill, as it has become an invaluable tool in navigating life's challenges with
a calm and composed demeanor
1. What can children learn from their parents? Children learn by observing their parents, they are their role models
especially during early years. Parents can teach children important life lessons just by modeling good behavior
Respecting others, working hard, positive attitude, eating healthy, saving money, helping the needy are some life
lessons children can learn from their parents. 2. What knowledge can children learn from their grandparents?
Grandparents have years of wisdom that they love to share with their grandkids. Children can learn about the
history and growing up in times totally different from now. It is much more interesting to learn about history from
personal grandparent stories than books. Children can also learn practical skills like sewing, knitting, gardening,
baking which parents nowadays either don’t know or are too busy to teach. 3. What kind of help do you think older
people need? 1) Help with chores like laundry, grocery shopping, house cleaning, etc. 2) Having caring family
around so they don’t feel lonely is also helpful 3) Help with learning new technologies like smartphones 4) Older
people need good nutrition and healthy meals to stay fit 5) Regular doctor visits and tests to make sure everything
is ok with their health 6) Help with transportation if they can’t drive themselves 4. What skills can young people
learn from older people? Older people have years of experience and have seen both success and failures. Young
people can learn important life lessons from them. For instance, they can learn to appreciate the good times and
have the courage to face the bad times. They can learn that family matters the most and making time for loved
ones is very important. Elders can teach them the importance of saving money for emergencies and for their
#23 Describe a thing you did to learn another language You should say - What language you
learned - What you did - How it helped you learn the language - And how you felt about it .

The language I decided to learn was Spanish. To achieve this, I immersed myself in a
comprehensive language learning program that included a combination of self-study, language
exchange, and immersive experiences.

Initially, I enrolled in a structured online language course that covered the fundamentals of
Spanish grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Simultaneously, I dedicated time each day to
self-study, practicing with language learning apps, flashcards, and online resources. This laid the
foundation for my understanding of the language.

To complement my studies, I actively sought out language exchange partners through online
platforms and local language meet-ups. This provided me with the opportunity to converse with
native Spanish speakers, enhancing my speaking and listening skills. Engaging in regular
conversations allowed me to apply what I learned in a practical context, reinforcing my
understanding of the language's nuances.

Furthermore, I incorporated Spanish into my daily life by changing the language settings on my
devices, watching Spanish movies and TV shows, and listening to Spanish music and podcasts.
This immersive approach helped me develop an ear for the language, improved my
pronunciation, and increased my overall language proficiency.

As I progressed in my language learning journey, I began to feel a sense of accomplishment and

increased confidence in my ability to communicate in Spanish. The exposure to authentic
conversations and cultural elements through immersive experiences made the learning process
more enjoyable and meaningful. Over time, I found myself navigating Spanish conversations
with greater ease, and the satisfaction of being able to express myself in a new language was
incredibly rewarding.

In conclusion, my approach to learning Spanish involved a combination of structured study,

language exchange, and immersive experiences. The comprehensive strategy not only facilitated
a well-rounded understanding of the language but also instilled a sense of accomplishment and
confidence in my language skills
1. What difficulties do people face when learning a language? One of the challenges is the
phonological difference. There are some sounds that exist in one language but not in the other
language. Another difficulty is learning the grammar and the sentence structure of the new
language. 2. Do you think language learning is important? Why? Yes, I think language learning
is important as it develops skills such as communication and cultural awareness. Learning a
foreign language also opens all sorts of career opportunities. Learning new languages leads to
cognitive development. Bilingual and multilingual children do better in other subjects too. 3.
Which is better, to study alone or to study in a group? Why? It is better to study in a group. 1)
Students derive energy from being around other students and are motivated to study. 2) Concepts
that are hard to grasp by yourself are easier to understand from another person’s perspective. 3)
People usually procrastinate when studying alone but, in a group, one is accountable and must be
present. 4. What’s the best way to learn a language? There are many ways to learn a language.
There is no one best way. One must do a combination of things to get fluent in a language like
practicing daily on language learning apps like Duolingo, watching movies in the foreign
language, reading books and newspapers, having a tutor or a native speaker online to practice
with, and traveling to those countries.
#24 Describe a course that impressed you a lot You should say: - What the course was about
(Finance) - Where you took the course - What you did during the course - And explain why it
impressed you a lot

One course that left a lasting impression on me was an advanced finance course I took during my
undergraduate studies. The course focused on intricate financial concepts, investment strategies,
and risk management.

I took the course at my university, where it was offered as part of the finance curriculum. The
instructor was renowned for his expertise in the field, and the course attracted students with a
keen interest in finance.

Throughout the course, we delved into complex financial theories and models, analyzing real-
world case studies and engaging in practical applications. The instructor encouraged interactive
discussions, challenging us to think critically and apply our theoretical knowledge to solve
complex financial problems. Additionally, the course included guest lectures from industry
professionals, providing valuable insights into the practical applications of the concepts we were

What impressed me most about the course was its ability to bridge the gap between theoretical
concepts and real-world applications. The instructor's teaching style, combined with the practical
examples and industry perspectives, made the material more accessible and relevant. The course
not only enhanced my understanding of finance but also equipped me with practical skills that
could be directly applied in professional settings.

Moreover, the course fostered a collaborative learning environment where students with diverse
backgrounds shared their perspectives, enriching the overall learning experience. The
challenging nature of the course pushed me beyond my comfort zone, encouraging me to think
analytically and develop a deeper appreciation for the complexities of financial decision-making.

In conclusion, the advanced finance course impressed me significantly due to its comprehensive
approach, blending theoretical concepts with practical applications. The engaging teaching style,
real-world case studies, and industry insights contributed to a transformative learning experience.
The course not only expanded my knowledge in finance but also instilled a sense of confidence
and readiness to tackle complex financial challenges,
1. Why do some people have a better memory? The human brain is very complex, and it is very
difficult to understand why some people have a better memory than others. Part of the reason can
be genetics and some people are just born with better memory. But at the same, I think memory
is like a muscle and can be trained. People can use many techniques to train their memories to be
better. 2. Which can help people remember things better, words or photos? Yes, images are far
more memorable than words. We are all familiar with saying “a picture speaks a thousand
words”. Words are hard to remember because they're abstract and our brains can't easily latch
onto them. On the other hand, our brains store and recall images much more easily. 3. Can
technology help people remember things better? How? I don’t think that technology helps people
remember things better. In fact, relying on technology means we don’t need to remember very
much. We can just set reminders on our smartphones for everything and get an alert when it’s
time to do it. Also, internet has made information about any topic readily available to us. So we
don’t feel the need to remember information that can be easily found through search engines like
#25 Describe a rule that you don't like You should say: - What it is - Why you don't like it - How
others feel about the rule - And explain whether you've followed the rule

One rule that I find challenging is the long-hour class schedule in my school. The rule mandates
extended hours of continuous classes without sufficient breaks, and it is enforced to cover the
curriculum within a specific timeframe.

I don't particularly like this rule because it can be mentally and physically exhausting. The
extended class hours often lead to a lack of concentration and engagement, making it difficult for
students to absorb and retain information effectively. Moreover, the prolonged sitting can
contribute to feelings of fatigue and decreased productivity.

I've observed that many students share a similar sentiment about the rule. There is a collective
feeling of frustration and a desire for a more balanced and flexible schedule. Some students have
expressed concerns about the impact on their overall well-being, citing the importance of breaks
for mental rejuvenation and maintaining focus.

While the majority of students may not vocalize their displeasure openly, it is evident that the
rule is a point of contention among the student body. Some may reluctantly accept it as part of
the academic environment, while others actively seek ways to cope, such as using breaks to step
outside, socialize, or engage in activities that help alleviate the stress of long hours.

As for me, I have tried to adhere to the rule, recognizing the importance of staying on track with
the curriculum. However, there have been instances where I found it challenging to maintain
focus during extended classes. In such cases, I have taken short breaks discreetly to recharge
mentally, balancing the need to follow the rule with the practicality of sustaining optimal
learning conditions.

In conclusion, the rule of long-hour class schedules in school is one that I don't particularly like
due to its impact on concentration and well-being. While some students may reluctantly accept it,
there is a general sentiment of dissatisfaction among the student body. Despite my attempts to
adhere to the rule, I have found it necessary to take discreet breaks to maintain focus,
1. Why do schools make rules? Schools make rules to maintain discipline. They are the centres
of learning, where children are moulded into responsible adults. We all have to follow rules,
imposed by the government, as adults. So, schools start that process of obeying rules in
childhood only. 2. What’s the importance of obeying law? Without law, we would be living in
utter chaos. There would be crime everywhere and life would be difficult for the common man.
For example, if we don’t obey traffic rules, we would have many accidents. If there were no
property rules, people would make their houses anywhere and the whole city would be
unplanned. 3. What can parents and teachers do to help children follow rules? Parents and
teachers can be good role models for children. Children are copycats. If they see their elders
following rules, they will do it automatically. Just telling them to do something will not have that
much effect. 4. Is it a good thing to break rules sometimes? It is definitely not good to break
rules, but sometimes in case of emergencies, for example, if we have to make way for an
ambulance to pass, we may need to break rules. Sometimes, it is a matter of life and death. 5.
Why do some people say that rules are made to be broken? Some people say so because they
have a very callous attitude to life. They do not understand the importance of rules. They are lazy
and do not care about things. 6. Do you think children should follow all kinds of rules? Yes,
children should follow all kinds of rules. They should be made to understand that rules are for
their own betterment. Willingness to follow rules should be instilled in them. 7. Do you think it
is necessary for children to wear school uniforms? Yes, it is important for school children to
wear uniforms. Uniform instills a sense of discipline in children. It provides an identity to the
school. Uniform is also a social leveler. All rich and poor students came at the same level.
Uniform also provides security. If any miscreants come in the school, they can be recognized
from afar. 8 What are the rules students should follow at school? There are many rules that
students should follow. To name a few, they should respect their teachers and classmates. They
should not damage the school property. They should not cheat and finally, they should be
punctual and wear the school uniform. 9 Are the rules at school good or bad? Why? I think most
rules are good. The purpose of rules is to develop children into responsible adults. They teach
qualities like discipline and punctuality in them. I think good schooling is the key to a good
citizen and rules are a part of good schooling. 10 What rules should children follow at home?

I think every parent sets different rules at home. However, some rules which I think every child
should follow are to sleep and get up on time, to respect and listen to parents, to eat the food
made by parents on time and to help with household chores like cleaning and taking out the
trash, etc. 11 How are people punished when parking at a wrong spot? I think it really depends.
Sometimes, the car gets towed by the traffic authorities and people have to pay a fine.
Sometimes, some people puncture the tires if people park in front of their gates. Most times,
people just get a warning and are asked not to park there in the future.
#26 Describe an activity that you usually do that wastes your time - What it is - When you
usually do it - Why do you do it - And explain why you think it wastes your time.

One activity that I find often wastes my time is excessive scrolling on social media platforms,
especially on my smartphone. I usually engage in this behavior during my free time, whether it
be during short breaks, commuting, or even before going to bed.

The reason I find myself scrolling is primarily out of habit and the desire for a quick and
mindless distraction. Social media platforms are designed to be addictive, providing a constant
stream of content that caters to individual preferences. The ease of access and the endless variety
of posts make it tempting to scroll mindlessly, often leading to more time spent than originally

I believe this activity wastes my time for several reasons. Firstly, it can be a significant time sink,
with minutes turning into hours without any meaningful productivity. Instead of engaging in
activities that could contribute to personal or professional development, I find myself caught in a
loop of endless scrolling.

Secondly, excessive scrolling on social media can negatively impact my mental well-being. It
exposes me to curated content that may evoke feelings of comparison, inadequacy, or anxiety.
The constant barrage of information can also contribute to a sense of information overload and
mental fatigue.

Moreover, the time spent scrolling could be allocated to more meaningful pursuits, such as
reading, learning a new skill, or spending quality time with friends and family. Reflecting on the
time spent scrolling, I often feel a sense of regret for not using that time more productively.

In conclusion, the activity of excessive scrolling on social media is a time-wasting behavior that I
engage in during moments of leisure. While it provides a temporary distraction, it often leads to a
loss of valuable time that could be better utilized for more productive and fulfilling activities.
1. How do you balance work and life? I think balancing work and life is always a work in progress. We are always
doing it and it is not something specific. For example, if we go on vacation with the family, we come back and
spend extra time at work to make up for the pending work. Another rather unhealthy way, we achieve it is by
cutting down on our sleep hours, but it takes a big toll on our mental and physical health. 2. Will you continue
doing something when you are aware that it wastes your time? I think the adage ‘bad habits die hard’ would be
the best answer to this question. I think we do such things because we are addicted to them. I think it’s very hard
to give up on such activities and it requires a lot of willpower. However, the realisation that the activity is wasteful
is the first step, and once people have that it becomes easier to stop. 3. What kind of things make people
pressured? I think there are millions of things in today’s life that stress us- for example financial obligations,
unreasonable work deadlines, competition with others, and maintaining relationships. The pressure each puts
varies according to the stage of life- for example, competition stress is in the early stages when we are trying to get
into universities or trying to secure a good job and financial stress comes a little later when we have to manage the
expenses for the whole family. 4. Why do some people refuse to abide by the rules? I think there is a certain thrill
in breaking rules and doing whatever we want. In some ways, it is exhilarating and freeing to not care about the
rules and regulations. Actually, I think it is good as long as we don’t harm others because it prevents life from
becoming monotonous and boring.
#27 Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn (Riding a bike) You should say: - When
you learned it - Why you learned it - How you learned it - How you felt when you learned it

One skill that proved to be quite challenging for me to learn was riding a bike. I began the
process of learning this skill during my childhood, around the age of seven.

The primary reason behind learning how to ride a bike was the desire for independence and the
freedom to explore my neighborhood. Many of my friends were already proficient bike riders,
and I felt a sense of exclusion when I couldn't join them in cycling adventures. Thus, the
motivation was both practical and social, driven by the wish to enjoy the simple pleasures of
biking and to connect with my peers on a shared activity.

The learning process was a mix of trial and error, guidance from family members, and practicing
in a safe and open environment. My parents were instrumental in teaching me the basics, such as
maintaining balance, pedaling, and steering. I started with a small, beginner-friendly bike and
gradually transitioned to a larger one as my confidence and skills improved.

Learning to ride a bike was a rollercoaster of emotions. Initially, there was a sense of frustration
and even a bit of fear as I struggled to find my balance and coordination. There were numerous
falls and scraped knees, which tested my resolve to persist. However, as I gradually gained
control and started pedaling without assistance, a profound sense of accomplishment and
exhilaration swept over me.

The moment when I successfully rode a bike without any support was truly unforgettable. The
feeling of wind on my face, the freedom to explore on two wheels, and the sheer joy of mastering
a skill that initially seemed daunting left me with a profound sense of pride. From that point
forward, riding a bike became a cherished pastime, and the learning experience taught me the
value of perseverance and overcoming challenges.

In conclusion, learning to ride a bike was a challenging skill that I undertook during my
childhood, driven by a desire for independence and social inclusion. The process involved trial
and error, guidance from family, and gradual skill development. The overwhelming sense of
accomplishment and freedom upon successfully riding a bike without support made the learning
journey immensely rewarding
1. What skills do students need to master? Academically speaking, I think students need to master skills
like reading, math, and speaking. Non academically, I think skills like cooking, money management,
driving, and so on are skills that every student should possess. Also, in today’s world, everyone should
try to have computer skills. 2. Is it hard for students to learn new skills? On the contrary, I feel it is easier
for them to pick up new skills as they are young, and their minds can pick up and retain things better.
That is why, children are encouraged to learn many things like driving, swimming, foreign languages at a
young age. 3. It is hard for old people to learn new skills. I wouldn’t say it is hard for them either. But it is
not as easy as it is for children or kids to pick up new things. Old people might not be able to remember
things, so they might need to do things repeatedly for them to pick up on skills. 4. Is a good teacher very
important for students learning experience? Why? Yes, absolutely. Teachers are not only responsible for
teaching but also ensuring that children are motivated to learn things. Moreover, nowadays, children
are very impatient and lose focus easily. If the teacher is not able to grab and hold on to their attention,
he would not be able to teach anything.

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