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1. Describe an area of science (biology, robotics, etc.) that

you are interested in and would like to learn more
2. Describe an invention that is useful in daily life
3. Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to
4. Describe a time you used your cellphone/ smartphone to
do something important
5. Describe an invention that has changed how people live
1. an area of science (biology, robotics, etc.) that you are interested in and
would like to learn more about

You should say: -

Which area it is (Robotics)

- When and where you came to know this area

- How you get information about this area

- And explain why you are interested in this area.

Certainly! The area of science that has captured my imagination is robotics. I first encountered
the fascinating realm of robotics during my high school years when I stumbled upon a
documentary that delved into the intricacies of advanced robotics and artificial intelligence. The
idea of machines capable of performing tasks with human-like precision and efficiency sparked
my curiosity, and since then, I've been on a quest to delve deeper into this field.

I keep myself abreast of the latest developments in robotics through a variety of channels. I
regularly devour scientific journals, follow influential researchers and institutions on social
media, and participate in online forums dedicated to robotics enthusiasts. These sources not only
provide me with up-to-date information but also allow me to engage in discussions with experts
and fellow enthusiasts, creating a dynamic learning environment.

What draws me to robotics is the amalgamation of science and technology, bringing together
mechanics, electronics, and artificial intelligence to create machines that can mimic, and in some
cases surpass, human capabilities. Moreover, the evolving landscape of robotics presents the
opportunity to witness the convergence of science fiction with reality, like a dream coming to

The prospect of contributing to the development of robots that can enhance our lives, from
assisting in medical surgeries to exploring harsh environments, is a motivating factor for me. I
believe that robotics is at the forefront of shaping the future, and being part of this transformative
journey is not only intellectually stimulating but also a chance to be a pioneer in a field that is
constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation.

In a nutshell, my interest in robotics is not just about gears and circuits but about being part of a
technological revolution that has the potential to redefine the way we live and work. It's a field
where science meets the future, and I am eager to immerse myself in the intricate dance of wires
and algorithms that make it all possible.
 Oil the gears: This idiom can be used to suggest the need for smooth operation or
efficiency in a process, similar to ensuring that the gears of a machine are well-lubricated
for optimal performance.

Example: "Before launching the new project, make sure to oil the gears of our team

 Hit the reset button: This idiom signifies starting afresh or taking a new approach, much
like rebooting a computer or resetting a robotic system.

Example: "After facing setbacks, it's time to hit the reset button and come up with a new

 Cog in the machine: This idiom refers to a person who plays a small, essential role in a
larger system, similar to a single cog (gear) contributing to the overall functioning of a
Example: "Though he's just a cog in the machine, his contributions are vital to the project's

 Wired differently: Used to describe someone who thinks or behaves in a unique way,
this idiom draws an analogy to the intricate wiring of electronic circuits in robotics.

Example: "She approaches problem-solving differently; her mind is wired differently from the
rest of the team."

 In the pipeline: Similar to something being in development or upcoming, this idiom

alludes to the stages a robot or automated system goes through during production.

Example: "The new software update is in the pipeline, and we can expect improved functionality

 Turn on a dime: This idiom conveys the ability to change direction quickly and
smoothly, resembling the precision of movement in advanced robotic systems.

Example: "In today's fast-paced business environment, companies need to be agile and able to
turn on a dime."

 Byte the bullet: A play on "bite the bullet," this idiom is a nod to dealing with a difficult
or challenging situation, often encountered when programming or troubleshooting robotic

Example: "We'll need to byte the bullet and address the software glitches before the product
1.Why do some children not like learning science at school?

There are many reasons why some children don’t like learning science at school. The first
reason is that learning science requires a strong background in other subjects like math and
reading comprehension. So, for example if students face problems in math, they wouldn’t be able
to master science as well. Secondly, science also requires students to remember a lot of theories
and formulas.

2. Is it important to study science at school?

Yes, science is really important to learn at school. Science tells students how the world around
them works and functions. Moreover, science promotes rational and logical thinking, which is
really important in making us a calm and objective person.

3. Which science subject is the most important for children to learn?

I think it depends upon the children. Personally, I hated physics because it involved a lot of
3Dimagination and I was really bad at it. Some of my friends were bad at memorising formulas
and so they didn’t like Chemistry.

4. Should people continue to study science after graduating from school?

If they have an interest in science, they should certainly study about it. It can tell them about the
new inventions happening in the world. This can open up new business ideas and opportunities
for them. However, if they don’t have an interest in science, I don’t think they should force
themselves to read about it.

5. How do you get to know about scientific news? I think there are some newspapers which
publish the latest scientific news. For example, The Hindu newspaper. Another way could be to
subscribe to scientific journals.

6. Should scientists explain the research process to the public?

No, I don’t think explaining the research process would be beneficial. In
fact, I feel it would make scientific inventions even more boring. I think the
research process should be shared with other scientists, but there is no use
sharing it with ordinary human beings.
7. What’s the best invention in the past hundred years?
I think there are many inventions which have transformed our lives, but I
think the invention of the internet has had the maximum impact. Today, we
have endless information available at our fingertips and we can
communicate with anyone sitting anywhere.
8. What’s the influence of science on human life?
I think there are two main influences of science. First, science brings logic
and reasoning in human life. It reduces the impact of superstition and
makes us more open-minded and accepting of others. Second, science and
inventions have made our life much more comfortable as compared to the
9. What can individuals do for scientific research?
I think most science inventions happen accidentally. Individuals see a need
and they come up with an idea to address that need. That is how new
inventions take place. Individuals can also donate money to scientific
organizations to fund scientific research. 10. What influence can
international cooperation in science bring about?
There are main challenges to scientific research in today’s time, which is
the lack of funding and lack of access to information. International
cooperation can address both. If countries share funds and their
knowledge, scientific research will receive a boost
2. Describe an invention that is useful in daily life

You should say: What the invention is What it can do How popular it is Whether it is
difficult or easy to use And explain why it is useful.

One useful invention that has become an integral part of daily life is the smartphone.

A smartphone is a handheld device that combines the functionalities of a mobile phone with
various features, such as internet browsing, camera capabilities, and a wide array of applications.
Its popularity is ubiquitous, with a substantial portion of the global population owning and using

The device is incredibly versatile and can perform a multitude of tasks. It allows users to make
calls, send messages, access the internet, take high-quality photos and videos, listen to music,
navigate using GPS, and run countless applications for productivity, entertainment, and

The popularity of smartphones can be gauged by their widespread adoption globally. In many
parts of the world, smartphones have become an essential tool for communication, information
gathering, and entertainment. They come in various models, catering to different budgets and
preferences, making them accessible to a broad demographic.

The ease of use is one of the key reasons behind the widespread acceptance of smartphones.
Most smartphones feature intuitive touchscreens, simple navigation, and user-friendly interfaces.
Operating them typically requires only basic knowledge, and manufacturers continually strive to
enhance user experience through updates and innovations.

The smartphone's usefulness lies in its ability to streamline various aspects of daily life. It serves
as a communication hub, allowing instant connection with friends, family, and colleagues.
Additionally, it facilitates quick access to information, navigation, and entertainment on the go.
The availability of diverse applications addresses a multitude of needs, from productivity tools
for work to social media platforms for staying connected.

Moreover, smartphones have become integral in emergencies, providing quick access to

emergency services, navigation during crises, and the ability to communicate with loved ones.
The integration of various features into a compact and portable device has transformed the way
people manage their daily tasks, enhancing efficiency and convenience.

In conclusion, the smartphone is a highly useful invention in daily life due to its versatility,
accessibility, and ease of use. Its widespread adoption is a testament to its impact on
communication, information access, and overall convenience. The smartphone has
revolutionized the way people connect, work, and navigate their lives, making it an indispensable
tool for individuals worldwide.
1.What qualities do inventors have?

Inventors have a curious nature and a vision. They can think out of the box. They have patience
and keep experimenting till they can make something new.

2. Do you think only scientists can invent new things?

Not necessarily. Anyone can invent something. For example, if a person needs something badly,
he might invent that to meet his need. For example a chef may invent a new gadget to ease his
cooking style. During the covid pandemic, many tailors came out with masks, that would fit well
and yet not interfere with normal breathing. That is why it has been well said that necessity is the
mother of invention.

3. What inventions do you think should be improved?

All inventions need improvement. For example, even if there is a quality mouse trap and it
works just fine, you can bet that someone, somewhere is thinking about how it could work even
better. That's the heart of an inventor. Inventors are never satisfied with the status quo. They
constantly look for ways to make products safer, faster, smaller, more efficient, or better in some

4. Are there any other inventions that make the world better?

I believe all inventions have made the world better. The computer, the smart phone, the
automobile are just a few. The Xray, CT scan, MRI scan are all inventions that have
revolutionised the world.

5. Do all inventions bring benefits to our world?

In the right hands all inventions are beneficial, but in the wrong ands may cause havoc. The
internet can be used for good communication, but can also be used to plan terrorist activities.
Nuclear energy in the right hands can make the world a heaven, but in wrong hands may end the

6. Who should support and sponsor inventors, governments, or private companies?

The critical areas like defense and health should be under the government. All other areas
should be handed over to private companies. For example, private companies May
7. How has technology made our life easier? Different technologies have made our lives easier
in different ways. However, in effect most technologies reduce our labour and save us valuable
time, thus improving our quality of life considerably. They also in a way reduce our need on
others because we can do everything on our own.

8. Which invention do you think is the most useful at home? I think it’s very hard to choose one.
It really depends upon the person and their use. For example, I find dishwashers as very useful
because in my house, I have the responsibility of washing utensils. For my mother the answer
might be the vacuum cleaner as she is responsible for cleaning

9. Is it more difficult for old people to accept new technologies?

I think change is difficult for everyone and the difficulty increases with age because the time we
spend accustomed to something also increases as we grow older. I think rather than looking at it
as a problem, we should be focusing on ways to making it easier for our elders to accept them.

10. What can be done to help old people learn to make use of new technologies?

Many steps can be taken to encourage the use of new technologies. Firstly, these big technology
companies can organise seminars where older people can be taught about use of latest gadgets. I
remember when my mother first bought a laptop, she was offered a free two hour session on its
use for the whole week. At the end of the week, she knew many things, I didn’t. Secondly,
family members can also be helpful in helping their parents and grandparents when they are
finding something difficult.

11. Will our life be better if we live without technology?-- Technology has improved our life in
many ways but it has also brought many challenges. Life would certainly be simpler, but I
wouldn’t call it better. Moreover, I think we have become so accustomed to technology just the
idea of living without it is unfathomable

#3 Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use(computer). - When did you
get it? - What did you get it for? - How often do you use it? - How do you feel about it?

I acquired a new laptop about a year ago, and surprisingly, I find it rather challenging to use. The
primary purpose behind obtaining this computer was to replace my outdated model and to have a
more advanced device that could handle both work and personal tasks seamlessly.

Despite its modern specifications and promising features, using this laptop has been a source of
frustration. The issues primarily revolve around the operating system, which is significantly
different from the one I was accustomed to on my previous device. The transition has been far
from smooth, and adapting to the new interface and functionalities has proven to be a more
demanding task than I initially anticipated.
On average, I use the laptop daily for work-related assignments, research, and entertainment
purposes. However, the overall experience is marred by the constant struggle to navigate the
unfamiliar system. Tasks that were once straightforward on my old computer now require
additional time and effort due to the complexities of the new interface.

In terms of my feelings towards this laptop, it's a mix of disappointment and a sense of being
overwhelmed. While I appreciate the enhanced capabilities and performance, the learning curve
has been steeper than expected. This has led to a certain level of discomfort and apprehension, as
I often feel less efficient and in control when using the computer.

In conclusion, although the intention behind acquiring the new laptop was to improve my overall
computing experience, the challenges posed by the unfamiliar operating system have made it a
less-than-ideal choice. While I recognize the potential benefits of the upgraded technology, my
current sentiment is one of unease and a longing for the simplicity of my previous device.

1. What technology products or technologies are used by people now?

Our life is full of technology. In fact, we use technology from waking up to sleeping. A few
examples are all the kitchen gadgets, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, mobile phones,
laptops, cars and so on.
2. Why do large companies often produce new products? I think it is a game of constant one-
upmanship. Companies are trying to cram in more and more features trying to outdo each
other without really thinking about what is essential. For example, there are mobile phones out
there with more than 10 cameras.
3. Why are people so enthusiastic about buying newer iPhone models, even when nothing
many changes? I think the main reason is that the people want to show off that they own the
latest model. Moreover, I think buying something new makes it exciting. We don’t have the
same bonds with products we earlier did and thus its very easy to throw away the older model
for the newer one.
4. What changes has the development in technology brought in our life? I think our life has
changed tremendously. Some changes have had negative consequences, whereas others have
made our life better. On the negative side, socials bonds have become weaker as we don’t as
much time with each other as earlier. In addition, our life has become sedentary as there is
much less physical activity in our lives. On the positive side, we have much more options than
the past. We have faster transportation, better healthcare and better food options. So, I would
say its a mixed bag.
5.Has technology affected the way we study? How? Yes, to a certain extent. For example, there
are multiple modes of education like videos, audios, presentation and not just books.It has also
changed the way we search for information. However, it hasn’t completely replaced classroom
learning which is still the main mode of education all over the world.
#4 Describe a time you used your cellphone/ smartphone to do something
important You should say: What happened? When it happened How important
the cellphone/smartphone was And explain how you felt about the experience
In the midst of a hectic workweek, a critical project deadline loomed, and I found
myself away from my office computer. It was a Monday morning, and an
unexpected client request required immediate attention. Realizing the urgency, I
relied on my smartphone to access cloud-based collaboration tools and

The incident occurred during a lunch meeting, turning my smartphone into a

makeshift office. I reviewed and edited documents, communicated with team
members through messaging apps, and provided timely responses to client
queries. The smartphone transformed into a productivity hub, allowing me to
contribute to the project seamlessly.

The importance of my smartphone at that moment cannot be overstated. It

served as a portable office, enabling me to stay on top of work commitments
regardless of my physical location. It was a stark reminder of the phrase "bringing
work to your fingertips," showcasing the convenience and flexibility modern
technology offers.

Feeling a mix of accomplishment and gratitude, I marveled at the efficiency my

smartphone brought to my professional life. The experience reinforced the notion
that work is not confined to the office walls, and the right tools at your disposal,
like a smartphone, can turn any place into a productive workspace.
1 What do you usually do with a cellphone? I use my cellphone for many
purposes besides calling and chatting with my friends. I use it for playing games
like chess and Ludo, listening to music, watching videos, and for navigation.
Above all, I use it for photography.
2 What are the differences between young people and old people when using a
cellphone? Old people mainly use mobile phones for calling and to some extent
for chatting. However, young people treat mobile phones like a mini computer.
For most youngsters, their whole life nowadays revolves around the mobile
phone. They use it for entertainment, for studies, for clicking photos, for
shopping, for banking and so much more. The list is really endless.
3 Which one is more important, using a cellphone to make phone calls or to
read messages? I think it really depends upon the person. Some people like
chatting, for them it’s about sending and receiving messages, while for others it
is about calling.
4 Do you think there should be a law to stop people from making phone calls in
public? I think there might be emergency situations, where it might be
necessary to make calls. So I don’t support a ban on calling in public places but I
do think that we should encourage people to avoid calling as it can be really
disturbing. I consider audio calls as a sort of noise pollution and it has a serious
impact on our focus and concentration.
#5 Describe an invention that has changed how people live. You should say: -
What it is - How has it changed people’s lives - What benefits did it bring -
And explain if it is more important for older or younger people

Certainly, one of the most transformative inventions in recent history is the smartphone. The
smartphone is a multifunctional handheld device that combines the features of a mobile phone
with those of various other gadgets, such as a camera, music player, GPS navigation system, and

The impact of the smartphone on people's lives has been profound. It has revolutionized
communication by making it instantaneous and accessible anywhere, fostering a global
interconnectedness. Social interactions, business transactions, and information sharing have all
been streamlined, transcending geographical boundaries. The convenience of having a compact,
all-in-one device has replaced the need for multiple gadgets, reducing clutter and increasing

The benefits of smartphones extend beyond communication. They have facilitated access to an
abundance of information through the internet, enabling users to stay informed, learn new things,
and enhance their knowledge on various subjects. Additionally, smartphones have revolutionized
industries such as healthcare, finance, and education through the development of innovative

The smartphone's importance is not limited by age, as both older and younger generations have
embraced its capabilities. Older individuals benefit from simplified communication methods,
easy access to health resources, and the ability to connect with family and friends. For younger
people, smartphones serve as integral tools for socializing, learning, and navigating the digital
landscape. The younger generation has grown up in a world where smartphones are ubiquitous,
and these devices have become indispensable for their daily activities.

In conclusion, the smartphone stands as a remarkable invention that has changed the way people
live, fostering connectivity, efficiency, and access to information. Its impact spans across
generations, catering to the diverse needs and preferences of both older and younger individuals.

1. How has technology made our life easier? Different technologies have made our lives easier in
different ways. However, in effect most technologies reduce our labour and save us valuable
time, thus improving our quality of life considerably. They also in a way reduce our need on
others because we can do everything on our own.

2. Which invention do you think is the most useful at home? I think it’s very hard to choose one.
It really depends upon the person and their use. For example, I find dishwashers as very useful
because in my house, I have the responsibility of washing utensils. For my mother the answer
might be the vacuum cleaner as she is responsible for cleaning.
3. Is it more difficult for old people to accept new technologies? I think change is difficult for
everyone and the difficulty increases with age because the time we spend accustomed to
something also increases as we grow older. I think rather than looking at it as a problem, we
should be focusing on ways to making it easier for our elders to accept them.

4. What can be done to help old people learn to make use of new technologies? Many steps can
be taken to encourage the use of new technologies. Firstly, these big technology companies can
organise seminars where older people can be taught about use of latest gadgets. I remember
when my mother first bought a laptop, she was offered a free two hour session on its use for the
whole week. At the end of the week, she knew many things, I didn’t. Secondly, family members
can also be helpful in helping their parents and grandparents when they are finding something

5. Will our life be better if we live without technology? Technology has improved our life in
many ways but it has also brought many challenges. Life would certainly be simpler, but I
wouldn’t call it better. Moreover, I think we have become so accustomed to technology just the
idea of living without it is unfathomable.

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