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Simple past

Instructions.- write the senteces in pastilla tense

1. My father is a doctor

2. They arent here

3. Luisa is a Nurse

4. Is Mr Pérez a taxi drive?

5. Are you a student?

6. She isnt tired?

Present simple- affirmative and negative

Plays. Listen go
Play. Listens

1. I _______________ to the park at 6 o clock

1. He _____________ to bed at 10 o clock
2. They____________ videogames at night
3. Lalo ____________football
4. Mónica ___________ pop music
5. I _________to the radio

1. They don’t/ doesnt have lucha
2. Ana don’t /doesnt get up at 6 o clock
3. Samuel don’t / doesnt read horror books
4. I dont/ doesnt have a shower in the morning
5. Lucas and Robert don’t/ doesnt go shopping

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