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biomechanic trauma

injury/trauma : relatively big enough negative energy to human body
mechanism of injury
fractures can be displaced
• injury • injury force
• repetitive stress • muscle pull
• pathologic injury/fracture • gravity
injury force
• direct : the bone breaks at the point of impact, soft tissue usually
always damaged also
• indirect : the bone breaks at a distance from where the force is applied
fracture pattern by its force
injury in children
• fracture more common

• stronger periosteum ->

incomplete fracture

• dislocation are rare

1. first of all, “ DO NO HARM”
2. base treatment on accurate diagnosis & prognosis as hollistic
3. select treatment with specific aim ;
- relieve pain : RICE, immobilization, analgetik
- obtain & mantain position
- encourage healing
- restore function
4. make treatment Realistic & Practical
5. select treatment base on individual
Thank You

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