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1. I have ___ apple in my bag.

a) a b) an c) the
2. She wants to buy ___ new car. a) a b) an c) the
3. There is ___ interesting book on the shelf. a) a b) an c) the
4. We saw ___ amazing movie last night. a) a b) an c) the
5. ___ cat is sleeping on the windowsill. a) a b) an c) the
6. He is ___ only person I trust. a) a b) an c) the
7. Can you pass ___ salt, please? a) a b) an c) the
8. I need ___ advice on this matter. a) a b) an c) the
9. She has ___ umbrella in her bag. a) a b) an c) the
10. This is ___ best pizza I've ever had! a) a b) an c) the
11. I found ___ interesting website yesterday. a) a b) an c) the
12. I want ___ orange, please. a) a b) an c) the
13. He bought ___ new shirt for the party. a) a b) an c) the
14. ___ sun is shining brightly today. a) a b) an c) the
15. I need ___ new phone. a) a b) an c) the
16. Have you seen ___ keys anywhere? a) a b) an c) the
17. I read ___ interesting article in the newspaper. a) a b) an c) the
18. ___ computer on the desk is not working. a) a b) an c) the
19. I have ___ appointment with the dentist tomorrow. a) a b) an c) the
20. She is ___ excellent student. a) a b) an c) the
21. ___ moon is visible in the night sky. a) a b) an c) the
22. He wants to become ___ astronaut. a) a b) an c) the
23. Do you have ___ time to help me with this? a) a b) an c) the
24. I found ___ old coin in the garden. a) a b) an c) the
25. She has ___ beautiful garden in her backyard. a) a b) an c) the
26. ___ children are playing in the park. a) a b) an c) the
27. I bought ___ delicious cake for the party. a) a b) an c) the
28. Can I have ___ glass of water? a) a b) an c) the
29. He is ___ honest person. a) a b) an c) the
30. ___ Earth revolves around the sun. a) a b) an c) the
31. I need ___ information about this topic. a) a b) an c) the
32. She bought ___ new dress for the occasion. a) a b) an c) the
33. ___ coffee in the thermos is still hot. a) a b) an c) the
34. He is ___ expert in computer programming. a) a b) an c) the
35. I met ___ interesting person at the party. a) a b) an c) the
36. ___ wind is blowing strongly today. a) a b) an c) the
37. She wants to be ___ actress when she grows up. a) a b) an c) the
38. Have you seen ___ movie "Titanic"? a) a b) an c) the
39. I bought ___ shirt, but it doesn't fit me well. a) a b) an c) the
40. There is ___ interesting story in the newspaper today. a) a b) an c) the
41. I need ___ help with my homework. a) a b) an c) the
42. ___ stars in the sky are shining brightly. a) a b) an c) the
43. He has ___ dog that is very playful. a) a b) an c) the
44. ___ air in the mountains is crisp and clean. a) a b) an c) the
45. She wants to adopt ___ cat from the shelter. a) a b) an c) the
46. I saw ___ interesting documentary on TV. a) a b) an c) the
47. ___ rain started suddenly, and we got wet. a) a b) an c) the
48. He has ___ amazing talent for playing the guitar. a) a b) an c) the
49. I saw ___ old friend at the mall yesterday. a) a b) an c) the
50. ___ music playing in the background is soothing. a) a b) an c) the
51. She has ___ elephant as a pet. a) a b) an c) the
52. I need ___ assistance with my computer. a) a b) an c) the
53. He is ___ only student who scored a perfect grade. a) a b) an c) the
54. ___ sunsets in Hawaii are breathtaking. a) a b) an c) the
55. Can I have ___ piece of cake, please? a) a b) an c) the
56. ___ Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world. a) a b) an c) the
57. I saw ___ UFO in the night sky. a) a b) an c) the
58. She is ___ architect who designed the new building. a) a b) an c) the
59. I found ___ interesting fact in the encyclopedia. a) a b) an c) the
60. He wants to be ___ astronaut and explore space. a) a b) an c) the
61. Can I borrow ___ pen from you? a) a b) an c) the
62. We have ___ reservation at the fancy restaurant. a) a b) an c) the
63. I bought ___ used car for my son. a) a b) an c) the
64. ___ weather is perfect for a picnic. a) a b) an c) the
65. I saw ___ interesting documentary about space exploration. a) a b) an c) the
66. ___ friends I invited to the party all came. a) a b) an c) the
67. He is ___ only one who can solve this puzzle. a) a b) an c) the
68. I need ___ permission to access the restricted area. a) a b) an c) the
69. She is ___ excellent chef and cooks delicious meals. a) a b) an c) the
70. ___ love for animals led her to become a veterinarian. a) a b) an c) the
71. I bought ___ latest model of the smartphone. a) a b) an c) the
72. ___ car I wanted to buy was already sold. a) a b) an c) the
73. He is ___ actor who won an award for his performance. a) a b) an c) the
74. I need ___ motivation to finish this project. a) a b) an c) the
75. We are going on ___ vacation to the mountains. a) a b) an c) the
76. ___ river flows through the center of the city. a) a b) an c) the
77. She wants to adopt ___ dog from the animal shelter. a) a b) an c) the
78. I saw ___ interesting painting at the art gallery. a) a b) an c) the
79. ___ snow in the mountains is deep and untouched. a) a b) an c) the
80. Can I have ___ slice of pizza, please? a) a b) an c) the
81. He is ___ best friend I've ever had. a) a b) an c) the
82. I found ___ antique vase at the flea market. a) a b) an c) the
83. ___ noise in the room was deafening. a) a b) an c) the
84. I have ___ amazing idea for a new business. a) a b) an c) the
85. ___ movie we watched last night was a comedy. a) a b) an c) the
86. She wants to be ___ engineer when she grows up. a) a b) an c) the
87. ___ sky is clear, and the stars are visible. a) a b) an c) the
88. I need ___ break from work; I'm feeling exhausted. a) a b) an c) the
89. I saw ___ beautiful flower in the garden. a) a b) an c) the
90. ___ opportunity to travel abroad is exciting. a) a b) an c) the
91. He is ___ CEO of a successful company. a) a b) an c) the
92. I found ___ interesting article about space exploration. a) a b) an c) the
93. ___ guitar I bought is very expensive. a) a b) an c) the
94. She wants to adopt ___ kitten from the animal shelter. a) a b) an c) the
95. I need ___ advice on how to fix my computer. a) a b) an c) the
96. ___ happiness in life comes from small moments. a) a b) an c) the
97. I saw ___ interesting documentary about marine life. a) a b) an c) the
98. He is ___ only person who can solve this puzzle. a) a b) an c) the
99. ___ cat I adopted from the shelter is very playful. a) a b) an c) the
100. I have ___ important meeting later today. a) a b) an c) the
101. ___ water in the bottle is cold. a) a b) an c) the
102. She wants to buy ___ new house. a) a b) an c) the
103. We visited ___ museum in the city. a) a b) an c) the
104. ___ English language is spoken worldwide. a) a b) an c) the
105. He is ___ only child in the family. a) a b) an c) the
106. Can you pass me ___ salt, please? a) a b) an c) the
107. I need ___ break from work; I'm feeling tired. a) a b) an c) the
108. ___ coffee in the thermos is still warm. a) a b) an c) the
109. She has ___ amazing talent for playing the piano. a) a b) an c) the
110. I found ___ interesting website while browsing. a) a b) an c) the
111. ___ dog in the park is playing with a ball. a) a b) an c) the
112. We need ___ help to complete the project. a) a b) an c) the
113. I bought ___ pair of shoes yesterday. a) a b) an c) the
114. Can I have ___ slice of bread with butter? a) a b) an c) the
115. ___ tiger is a large carnivorous mammal. a) a b) an c) the
116. He is ___ expert in artificial intelligence. a) a b) an c) the
117. I need ___ advice on choosing a career. a) a b) an c) the
118. I found ___ interesting fact in the scientific journal. a) a b) an c) the
119. ___ rainbow appeared in the sky after the rain. a) a b) an c) the
120. She is ___ artist who paints beautiful landscapes. a) a b) an c) the
121. I saw ___ eagle flying high in the sky. a) a b) an c) the
122. ___ fish in the aquarium is colorful. a) a b) an c) the
123. I bought ___ bicycle for my nephew's birthday. a) a b) an c) the
124. Can I have ___ moment of your time? a) a b) an c) the
125. I found ___ interesting quote in the book. a) a b) an c) the
126. ___ traffic in the city is heavy during rush hour. a) a b) an c) the
127. She wants to be ___ astronaut and explore space. a) a b) an c) the
128. I need ___ stamp to mail this letter. a) a b) an c) the
129. ___ sun is setting in the west. a) a b) an c) the
130. He is ___ engineer who designs bridges. a) a b) an c) the
131. I bought ___ necklace for my sister's birthday. a) a b) an c) the
132. ___ information on the website is outdated. a) a b) an c) the
133. Can I have ___ cookie with my tea? a) a b) an c) the
134. ___ weather in this city is unpredictable. a) a b) an c) the
135. She has ___ amazing voice and loves to sing. a) a b) an c) the
136. ___ road to the mountain is steep and winding. a) a b) an c) the
137. I need ___ computer for my online classes. a) a b) an c) the
138. He is ___ actor who starred in many blockbuster films. a) a b) an c) the
139. ___ cat in the yard is chasing butterflies. a) a b) an c) the
140. I found ___ interesting app for learning languages. a) a b) an c) the
141. ___ moon is visible in the night sky. a) a b) an c) the
142. She wants to adopt ___ dog from the rescue shelter. a) a b) an c) the
143. ___ noise in the city can be overwhelming. a) a b) an c) the
144. I saw ___ old friend at the airport yesterday. a) a b) an c) the
145. I need ___ help with my homework. a) a b) an c) the
146. ___ lake in the national park is serene and beautiful. a) a b) an c) the
147. ___ cat on the roof seems stuck. a) a b) an c) the
148. I bought ___ new laptop for work. a) a b) an c) the
149. ___ food in this restaurant is always delicious. a) a b) an c) the
150. I saw ___ interesting documentary about ancient civilizations. a) a b) an c) the
151. She is ___ lawyer who specializes in criminal cases. a) a b) an c) the
152. ___ time we spend with loved ones is precious. a) a b) an c) the
153. I need ___ information about the upcoming event. a) a b) an c) the
154. ___ elephant is the largest land mammal. a) a b) an c) the
155. Can I have ___ moment to think about it? a) a b) an c) the
156. I found ___ interesting article in the science magazine. a) a b) an c) the
157. ___ baby in the stroller is smiling at everyone. a) a b) an c) the
158. I bought ___ new sofa for the living room. a) a b) an c) the
159. ___ mountains in the distance are covered with snow. a) a b) an c) the
160. He is ___ teacher who loves to inspire his students. a) a b) an c) the
161. I saw ___ amazing performance at the theater. a) a b) an c) the
162. ___ app on my phone is not working properly. a) a b) an c) the
163. She wants to adopt ___ puppy from the animal shelter. a) a b) an c) the
164. I need ___ ladder to reach the top shelf. a) a b) an c) the
165. ___ cherry blossoms in spring are a beautiful sight. a) a b) an c) the
166. I have ___ idea for a new invention. a) a b) an c) the
167. ___ music playing in the background is calming. a) a b) an c) the
168. ___ cat in the garden is chasing butterflies. a) a b) an c) the
169. He is ___ artist who paints abstract landscapes. a) a b) an c) the
170. I saw ___ interesting sculpture at the art gallery. a) a b) an c) the
171. ___ idea of traveling around the world excites me. a) a b) an c) the
172. I need ___ advice on planning my career. a) a b) an c) the
173. ___ owl is a nocturnal bird of prey. a) a b) an c) the
174. Can I have ___ piece of paper to write a note? a) a b) an c) the
175. ___ wind in the desert can be quite strong. a) a b) an c) the
176. I found ___ interesting quote in the book I'm reading. a) a b) an c) the
177. ___ road to success is often challenging. a) a b) an c) the
178. She has ___ talent for playing the violin. a) a b) an c) the
179. I need ___ new pair of shoes for the party. a) a b) an c) the
180. ___ rainbow after the rain is a beautiful phenomenon. a) a b) an c) the
181. He is ___ only person who knows the secret. a) a b) an c) the
182. I saw ___ interesting documentary about wildlife. a) a b) an c) the
183. ___ idea of starting a business is appealing. a) a b) an c) the
184. I have ___ dream of traveling to space one day. a) a b) an c) the
185. ___ sand on the beach is warm under my feet. a) a b) an c) the
186. I need ___ break from the daily routine. a) a b) an c) the
187. ___ child in the playground is laughing loudly. a) a b) an c) the
188. She wants to adopt ___ goldfish for her aquarium. a) a b) an c) the
189. ___ sunflower in the garden is blooming beautifully. a) a b) an c) the
190. I saw ___ interesting exhibit at the science museum. a) a b) an c) the
191. ___ cake on the dessert table looks delicious. a) a b) an c) the
192. He is ___ artist who creates sculptures from recycled materials. a) a b) an c)
193. I found ___ interesting article about space exploration. a) a b) an c) the
194. ___ forest is home to a variety of wildlife. a) a b) an c) the
195. I need ___ advice on how to improve my writing. a) a b) an c) the
196. ___ coffee in the thermos is still hot. a) a b) an c) the
197. ___ sunrise over the mountains is breathtaking. a) a b) an c) the
198. I have ___ appointment with the dentist tomorrow. a) a b) an c) the
199. ___ cat in the window is watching the birds outside. a) a b) an c) the
200. I found ___ interesting podcast about space exploration. a) a b) an c) the

1. B
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. C
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7. C
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9. A
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18. C
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29. B
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31. B
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34. B
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37. B
38. C
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40. B
41. A
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43. B
44. C
45. B
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48. B
49. A
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51. A
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54. C
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60. B
61. A
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63. A
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66. C
67. C
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72. A
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76. C
77. B
78. C
79. C
80. A
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82. A
83. C
84. A
85. C
86. B
87. C
88. A
89. B
90. A
91. C
92. B
93. C
94. B
95. A
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97. B
98. C
99. C
100. A
101. C
102. B
103. C
104. C
105. B
106. C
107. A
108. C
109. B
110. A
111. C
112. A
113. A
114. B
115. A
116. B
117. C
118. B
119. C
120. B
121. C
122. C
123. A
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125. C
126. C
127. B
128. A
129. C
130. B
131. A
132. C
133. B
134. C
135. B
136. C
137. A
138. C
139. C
140. A
141. C
142. B
143. C
144. A
145. B
146. C
147. B
148. A
149. C
150. B
151. A
152. C
153. B
154. C
155. A
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157. C
158. A
159. C
160. A
161. C
162. C
163. B
164. A
165. C
166. A
167. C
168. C
169. B
170. C
171. B
172. A
173. B
174. A
175. C
176. B
177. C
178. B
179. A
180. C
181. C
182. B
183. A
184. B
185. C
186. A
187. C
188. B
189. C
190. B
191. C
192. A
193. B
194. C
195. A
196. C
197. C
198. C
199. C
200. b

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