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(To Fulfill The Task Of The English Course)

Lecturer :
Diah Ayu Setianingrum, M.Pd

Arranged By :
Class A/4
Group 5
1. Adies Anggita Ramadhani 2011070058
2. Amini Misbah 2011070010
3. Anggi Kusumadia 1911070276
4. Chtyia Rahma Zaruli 2011070174
5. Frara Femilia 2011070230
6. Harisah Justin 2011070266
7. Ika Setioningtyas 2011070058


YEAR 2022

We thank God for the presence of Allah SWT, who has bestowed His grace and bounty.
So that we can finish this paper on time. Shalawat and greetings are always poured out to
our great Prophet Muhammad SAW, may he, his family, and his friends and followers
always receive intercession from Allah SWT. Amen. We have compiled this paper to
fulfill the assignment for the “ENGLISH” course which discusses “MEDIA TEACHING
SONGS”. In making this paper, we received assistance from various parties, therefore we
would like to thank all of them who we cannot say one by one. .

We realize that in the preparation of this paper there are still many shortcomings and
mistakes or far from perfection. For that, we really hope for constructive criticism and
suggestions for improvement in making the next paper. Hopefully this paper can provide
benefits for readers in general and for us in particular.


FOREWORD .......................................................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................... iii
CHAPTER I ............................................................................................................................ 1
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 1
A. Background ................................................................................................................. 1
B. Formulation of the problem ........................................................................................ 2
C. Objective ...................................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER II .......................................................................................................................... 3
DISCUSSION.......................................................................................................................... 3
A. Understanding Learning Media .................................................................................. 3
B. Early childhood education programs .......................................................................... 4
C. Definition of Song Media ............................................................................................. 5
D. The Importance of Song Media in English Learning ................................................. 6
E. Teaching English with Songs....................................................................................... 9
F. Examples of different types of songs ........................................................................... 9
CHAPTER III ....................................................................................................................... 14
CLOSING ............................................................................................................................. 14
Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 14
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................. 15


A. Background
Learning a language in everyone's mind says it's an easy thing, because they
assume that every day we use language. Learning a language is not only that we can
communicate with the language but also know and understand the meaning contained
in the word. Language is the sound used by every nation to express its meaning. So
language is an expression of sound produced by the movement of the tool and
captured by the ear. The phases of language development start with screams, shouts
and then systematic babbling through imitation and teaching. Early childhood
acquires language skills very quickly and almost effortlessly in the first three or four
years (Gleason, 1988).

According to Bjorklund (2005), the development of language skills is related

to speech development, the more capable people speak, the richer their language
skills, the richer the language skills make children more confident to speak. In the
pre-school period, language skills develop rapidly, along with the need for
socialization and children's curiosity. In fact, they are also easier to learn a language
other than their mother tongue, compared to adults. Thus, teaching English as a
foreign language is more appropriate if done as early as possible. The critical/sensitive
period for language learning is in early childhood, where the flexibility of the brain is
still very good. The development of language skills will underlie the ability to read,

English is one of the international languages that is widely studied in

Indonesia, even the government has used English in the education curriculum in
Indonesia from early childhood education, basic education, to higher
education. 1Given that English is a foreign language in Indonesia, of course, the
learning process requires appropriate and effective strategies and approaches. The
success of learning English in early childhood is strongly influenced by the ability of

Niswatin Nurul Hidayati, “Improving Early Childhood English Vocabulary With Picture Cards,” Al-Hikmah:
Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Islamic Education 1, no. 1 (June 20, 2017): 67–86.

a teacher to present an interesting and fun teaching and learning process for children.
Teachers must be able to create an atmosphere of learning from the ordinary or
ordinary classroom conditions to an extraordinary discovery experience. To build a
good atmosphere, a teacher must be able to build a lively and relaxed classroom
atmosphere so that students can receive the material well. Among the strategies for
teaching English to children that can be done by teachers is using songs. Songs are an
authentic source of language.

Songs are used as a technique/media in the process of learning English. This

is because there is almost no time limit in using song media to teach English, meaning
that students can use songs as language input as they like, whenever they want, both
inside and outside the classroom. They can sing the song anywhere, and anytime they
want. They naturally come into contact with English quickly and enjoy the process.

B. Formulation of the problem

1. What is the Definition of Learning Media?
2. What is the Definition of Early Childhood Education?
3. What is the Meaning of Song Media?
4. How Important is Song Media in Learning English?
5. How to Teach English Using Song Media?
6. What are some examples of song media?

C. Objective
The purpose of this paper is to find out the role of song media in teaching English
to increase early childhood vocabulary through fun and educative songs.


A. Understanding Learning Media

Learning media are everything that is used to convey messages and can stimulate
the thoughts, feelings, attention, and willingness of the learner so that it can encourage
the learning process. In other words, learning media can motivate students to
participate actively and be interested in participating in teaching and learning
activities properly. 2Learning media is an inseparable part of the learning process,
including early childhood learning. Media in the learning process can enhance the
learning process of students in learning which in turn is expected to enhance the
learning outcomes achieved.
There are three types of early childhood learning media that are usually used in
Indonesia, namely visual/graphic media, audio media, and projection media (audio-
visual). Visual/graphic media is media that can only be seen. This type of visual media
seems to be the most frequently used by teachers at early childhood education
institutions. Audio media, is media related to hearing. The message conveyed is
outlined in auditive symbols, both verbal and non-verbal. Projection media (audio-
visual), basically this type of media resembles graphic media, but the difference is
that graphic media can interact directly with the media message in question. Several
types of projection media are frame films, serial films, transparency media, opaque
projectors, microfibers, films, grlang films, television, video, etc.3Learning media has
an important role, namely:
1. learning will attract the attention of students so that it can foster learning
2. Learning materials will have a clearer meaning so that they can be understood
by students and allow them to master and achieve learning objectives.

Kasdi Kasdi and Dina Novita Wijayanti, “Effective English Learning through Children's Songs for Ibtidaiyah
Madrasah Students,” ELEMENTARY: Islamic Teacher Journal 4, no. 1 (January 26, 2017):
Hidayati, “Improving Early Childhood English Vocabulary With Picture Cards,” 73

3. teaching methods will be more varied, not merely verbal communication
through the utterance of words by the teacher so that students do not get bored
and the teacher does not run out of energy, if the teacher teaches at every
learning hour,
4. 4) students can do more learning activities because they do not only listen to
the teacher's description, but also other activities such as observing, doing,
demonstrating, acting, and others.

B. Early childhood education programs

Based on Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System
relating to Early Childhood Education, article 28 paragraph 1 reads "Early Childhood
Education is held for children from birth to six years and is not a prerequisite for
attending basic education". “Early age is a golden period of development (golden age)
whose success will determine the quality of children in their adult years. 4The purpose
of the Early Childhood Education program is to help children to be able to develop
their potential optimally through the provision of educational stimuli to assist proper
physical and spiritual growth and development, motor, intellectual, emotional, and
social so that children have readiness to enter higher education. carry on. The target
of the Early Childhood Education program is the community, especially children aged
0-6 years.

In accordance with Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National

Education System article 28 paragraphs (3), (4), and (5), the Early Childhood
Education Program in the formal education pathway is in the form of Kindergarten
(TK), Raudatul Athfal ( RA), Alqur'an Education Park (TPA) or other equivalent
form. Meanwhile, the Early Childhood Education Program in the non-formal way is
in the form of a Play Group (KB), Child Care Park (TPA), or other equivalent forms.
And for the Early Childhood Education Program on the informal education pathway
in the form of family education or education organized by the environment.

4, "The Impact of Character Education on Children's Academy," Pondok Ibu, April 2,

C. Definition of Song Media
According to Heinich et al., (2002: 9) states that the media is a means of
carrying information and sources of information. On the other hand, Daryanto
(2013:4), said that media is a tool used in learning activities. Based on the two
meanings above, the media is a tool to convey the content of the material. So that the
learning process using the media will be more effective. It is used to achieve the
objectives of the teaching and learning process. A pleasant learning process is one of
the factors that can support the success of a learning if learning is done in a fun way,
the material learned will be very easy to accept and understand. Learning media can
be used.

Songs are an important part of learning English because songs make students
more sensitive to sounds, and learning English is nothing but learning various types
of meaningful sounds. Songs can also make the class more interesting and lively.
When children like the song taught by the teacher, they will be happy and enthusiastic
to do it. And that's when, indirectly they are learning something9. 5

The success of the implementation of learning is highly dependent on how

teachers use learning media. Learning media is a medium that can foster student
learning activities. There are several learning media. One of the media used is song
media. With the song people will feel happy even should be a compensation to relieve
boredom or stress. Music and songs are also able to identify a person's character or
behavior. Based on this, songs can be used as learning media in the teaching and
learning process of English in schools to further increase students' interest in learning,
especially in subjects. learn foreign languages.

Songs are alternative media to facilitate language learning, especially in the

acquisition of new English vocabulary. Songs have a number of advantages. Expert
and practitioner in the field of language, Suwartono believes that the rhythm and
authenticity of songs can be used for language learning. Rhythm and tone bring joy

Sophya in Kasdi and Wijayanti, “Effective English Learning through Children's Songs for Ibtidaiyah
Madrasah Students,” 13

.6This advantage can be used by teachers as a fun learning tool for early childhood.
Song is a versatile medium for language learning. All the features in the song support
the learning process. All language skills (listening, reading, writing, and speaking)
can be taught using songs.7

Song is an introduction to a new language. Sophya (2013: 8) says that songs

are tools to help students learn English, especially those that can increase student
motivation. So, learning English using songs is suitable for YLs because it makes
them interesting in the learning process.

According to Hornby (1995:1133) a song is a piece of music with the words

sung. In contrast to the case according to Nurhayati (2009: 2) songs are the right
source, songs are a good means to help the process of learning English, songs are
believed to be able to motivate children in learning. Songs are an important part of
learning English because songs make students more sensitive to sounds. When the
children are taught by the teacher to like the song, they will be happy and enthusiastic
in learning English. So that through songs in learning activities can foster children's
interest to be happy and learn, even a child can make it easier to understand the
teaching material presented. "Songs can stimulate positive emotional attitudes
towards language learning (El-Nahhal, 2011:18)".

D. The Importance of Song Media in English Learning

Learning media in the learning process is used to convey messages/materials
in order to achieve the expected learning objectives. Media in the learning process has
two roles, namely:

1. Media as a tool in the learning process, the media is used to explain teaching
materials to be easily understood by students so that learning objectives can
be achieved.
2. Media as a learning resource, namely as a source of material used in the
learning process.

Suwartono Suwartono and Dewi Puji Rahadiyanti, “Using Song Media to Increase Student Participation
in Learning English Structures,” METAFORA 1, no. 1
Nurhayati, “Developing English Skills through Songs and Music,” nd, 278.

Songs are an excellent "tool" to help students learn English, more specifically
songs are believed to be able to motivate students during English learning. It can also
be said that songs are an important part of learning English because songs make
students more sensitive to sounds, and learning English is nothing but learning various
types of meaningful sounds. Songs can also make the class more interesting and
lively. When children like the song taught by the teacher, they will be happy and
enthusiastic to do it. And that's when, indirectly they are learning something.

The advantages of teaching English using songs as a learning resource

according to Brewster (2002:162) include:

1. First, the song is a linguistic resource. In this case, the song is a medium
for introducing a new language, as well as a medium for strengthening
grammar and vocabulary. Songs also represent language that students
already know in a new and fun way. Songs also allow for natural and fun
repetition of language. Songs can be used to develop all language skills in
an integrative way, including improving students' pronunciation skills.
2. Second, the song is an affective/psychological resource. Apart from being
fun, songs are also able to motivate students and at the same time foster a
positive attitude towards English. Songs are not something that is scary or
threatening to students. Even songs can help increase students' self-
confidence. As proof that they have mastered something in English,
students can proudly sing English songs in front of their parents.
3. Third, the song is a cognitive resource. Songs help make memory,
concentration and coordination. Students become more sensitive to rhyme
as a tool to interpret meaning. Fourth, songs can be a culture resource and
a social resource. Brewster et al (2002) also revealed that songs provide
tremendous benefits for learning pronunciation. Some important
pronunciation features such as stress and rhythm as well as intonation can
be practiced continuously and naturally through songs.

In addition, learning English with songs as a medium of learning can

motivate children to have more fun learning English. With songs, children become
happy and it is easier to understand the teaching material presented. The teacher's

ability to choose songs and create movements that are appropriate for the child's
developmental age will also have an impact on the success of the English learning
process in early childhood. Through songs and various learning activities,
educators can foster children's interest to be happier and more active in learning,
and can even make it easier for children to understand the teaching material
presented. Children are made happy, not bored, and interested in participating in
the learning process.

Of course, learning English through music and songs has its advantages
and disadvantages. Some of the advantages of teaching English using song media,

1. through songs will motivate children to have more fun learning English;
2. with songs children become happy and easier to understand the teaching
material presented. The teacher's ability to choose songs and create
movements that are appropriate to the child's developmental age will also
have an impact on the success of the English learning process in early
3. children are made happy, not bored, and interested in participating in the
learning process. Thus, singing is an activity that is very liked by

Unfortunately, language teaching cannot be relied on only from here, because

even though there are thousands of good English songs, learning through this medium
is still quite limited. From the Grammar side, many songs have the wrong Grammar,
and for accents, there are various kinds of songs with different accents, and the
learning process through music and songs regardless of the role of a mentor or mentor,
which in terms of education, is very important. However, other than that learning
English through music and songs is always a good choice for those of us who want to
find a fun option to learn a foreign language.

Thus the song is an activity that is very liked by children. In general, singing
for children functions more as a play activity than a learning activity or message

Engliana2 Fitri Senny Hapsari3 Miranti Ira, "Use of Children's Song Media in Developing Students' English
Vocabulary Ability in PAUD," Educational Scientific Journal Factor 2, no. 2 (November 19, 2015),

delivery. Singing can provide satisfaction, joy, and happiness for children so that they
can learn, mastering and encouraging children to study harder (Joyful Learning). By
singing songs, a child will be faster, and practice a teaching material presented by the
educator. In addition, children's ability to hear (listening), sing (singing), be creative
(creative) can be trained through this activity.

E. Teaching English with Songs

The PAUD curriculum is developed based on an integrated curriculum with a
thematic approach. The curriculum is organized through a topic or theme. Katz and
Chard (1989) cited by Soemiarti Patmonodewo (2003) set the criteria for choosing a
theme, namely: relevance, opportunity to apply skills, possible resources and teacher
interest.9Materials for developing the theme include:

1. Children's environment such as: home, family, school, games, self.

2. Environment: gardens, means of transportation, markets, shops, museums.
3. Occasion: August 17th, Mother's Day, wedding ceremony.
4. Place: Highway, river, historical place
5. Time: clock, calendar, and so on.(Sismanto:2007)

Learning by Singing is an activity that can bring its own fun for children,
it can also develop children's imagination and self-confidence, thus spurring
children to be more creative and dare to appear in public. The ability of children
to sing at an early age is usually based on their experience when listening to music
or hearing their parents and people around them sing. Based on surveys and
research, the more often children hear their parents or people around them sing
correctly and in accordance with the tone, the more likely the child will be able to
sing at the age of 2 years.

F. Examples of different types of songs

Various types of songs can be used according to our needs in the classroom. In
English nursery rhymes there are many types of songs. Songs can be categorized

Tarbiyah STAIN Kudus. Volume 1, Number 1, July-December 2013. 10-12

into alphabet songs, activity songs, fruit songs, animal songs, counting songs,
learning songs, and so on. People should know that not all songs are in English,
people can make learning resources. And here are examples of songs that can be
used in English classes, namely:
 Song Title "Alphabet Song"




Now I know my ABCs Next time wanna sing with me? 2X

 Song title: Head, Shoulders, Knees, Feet

The purpose of the song above is to learn about body parts, physical
movement, memorization, coordination and concentration, develop
vocabulary and present happy situations in class.

 Song title: Bingo
Lyrics :
There was a farmer had a dog and
Bingo was his name And
Bingo was his name
And BINGO was his name.
 Song title: Old Mc Donald had a farm
Lyrics :
Old Mc Donald had a farm ….. eieio
And on this farm he had some ducks ....eieio
With the quack quack here
And the quack quack there
Here quack there quack Everywhere is quack quack
Old Mc Donald had a farm …..eieio
 Song title: The Wheels on the Bus
Lyrics :

The wheels on the bus go round and round
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All through the town The wipers on the bus go “Swish, swish, swish”
The wipers on the bus go “Swish, swish, swish”
All through the town
The door on the bus goes open and shut
Open and shut, open and shut
The door on the bus goes open and shut All through the town
The horn on the bus goes “beep beep beep”
The horn on the bus goes “beep beep beep”
All through the town 2x
The money on the bus goes "Clink, clink, clink"
The money on the bus goes "Clink, clink, clink"
All through the town
The baby on the bus says, "Whoa, whoa, whoa!"
The baby on the bus says, "wow, woah, woah!"
All through the town
The people on the bus say, “Shh, shh, shh”
The people on the bus say, “Shh, shh, shh”
All through the town
The mommy on the bus says, “I love you, I love you, I love you”
The daddy on the bus says, “I love you, too”
All through the town
 Song title: “If you're happy and you know it
Lyrics :
If you're happy and you know it
Clap your hands ………………
If you're happy and you know it
Clap your hands ………………
If you're happy and you know it
Then your face will surely show it

If you're happy and you know it
Clap your hands.......... Clap clap
If you're happy and you know it
Stomp your feet (stomp stomp)
If you're happy and you know it
Stomp your feet (stomp stomp)
If you're happy and you know it
Then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it
Stomp your feet (stomp stomp)
If you're happy and you know it, Shout “Hurray!” (hooray!)
If you're happy and you know it, Shout “Hurray!” (hooray!)
If you're happy and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it,
If you're happy and you know it, Shout “Hurray!” (hooray!)
If you're happy and you know it, do All three (clap-clap, stomp-stomp,
If you're happy and you know it, do All three (clap-clap, stomp-stomp,
If you're happy and you know it, Then your face will surely show it If
you're happy and you know it, do All three. (clap-clap, stomp-stomp, hoo-


The activity of fostering English skills through the media of songs for early
childhood can provide a good stimulus for children as the object of coaching. Song media
is one of the right choices to use in teaching English to early childhood. This is because
through cheerful and fun learning, learning materials are easier for students to understand.

Therefore, the media of children's songs in English has a great impact in

developing English skills, especially English vocabulary for early childhood children.
The implementation of learning activities must be adjusted to the appropriate learning
objectives and media. So as educators, we are required to continue to improve and quality
ourselves in order to be able to provide material that is packaged in an interesting and fun
way using both learning media and learning methods to facilitate the achievement of
learning objectives.


Abdul Latif, and Hasbi Ali. Politics of law. Jakarta: Sinar Graphic, 2018.

Diana Andriana. Growth & Development & Play Therapy in Children. Jakarta: Salemba
Medika, 2011. Hidayati, Niswatin Nurul. “Improving Early Childhood English
Vocabulary With Picture Cards.” Al-Hikmah : Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood
Islamic Education 1, no. 1 (June 20, 2017): 67–86.


Department of Tarbiyah STAIN Kudus. Volume 1, Number 1, July-December 2013.

Ira, Engliana2 Fitri Senny Hapsari3 Miranti. "USE OF CHILDREN'S SONG MEDIA IN
Factors of the Scientific Journal of Education 2, no. (November 19,

Kasdi, Kasdi, and Dina Novita Wijayanti. "EFFECTIVE ENGLISH LEARNING

ELEMENTARY: Islamic Teacher Journal 4, no. 1 (January 26,

Nurhayati. “Developing English Skills through Songs and Music,” nd

"The Impact of Character Education on Children's Academy." Mother's Cottage, April 2,

Suwartono, Suwartono, and Dewi Puji Rahadiyanti. "USING SONG MEDIA TO

METAPHOR 1, no. 1


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