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With more and more modern technology, we can learn from home without
going to school. Online courses have brought us a lot of convenience for the
following reasons
 Firstly, online learning brings us many new experiences, such as how to
use software and websites, and also provides us with wider knowledge in
various fields and other useful knowledge so that we can learn more in
 Online learning is also becoming more and more popular because it is
very easy to learn. We don't have to spend a lot of time going to school
and dressing up.
 Another advantage of online learning is that we can learn actively. As
long as we have a computer or smart phone with Internet access, we can
study anytime and anywhere.
 Last but not least, online learning has some disadvantages, such as: Lack
of concentration in learning, heavy dependence on the Internet, and poor
learning interaction.
Overall, online courses are an effective form of learning for many people.

1. What are the disadvantages of online courses?
- Difficulty concentrating on studying
- heavily dependent on the internet
- poor interaction when studying
2. Are online courses beneficial to children?
- Active study time
- Deeper understanding of knowledge
- easily save lessons
Everyone has their own life dreams and interests. We should look for a new
hobby because it brings the following benefits:
 First, new hobbies make us more confident because they help us push our
limits and try to learn more to keep improving. The more we can control
ourselves, the more confident we become.
 Next, a new hobby can help us relieve stress and let go of negative
thoughts. When we focus on our hobbies, we stop thinking about many
other things and get excited and happy to be able to pursue our hobbies.
 Another benefit of new hobbies is that we can easily mingle with a lot of
people, because if we have the same interests, we can easily mingle,
which also helps in learning new things.
 Finally, we can avoid wasting a lot of time on bad habits because when
we have a new hobby, we don't stop pursuing the pleasure and attraction
it brings.
In general, new hobbies are very important to us. So find yourself a hobby.

1. What hobbies are common in your country?
- People in my country like playing football and volleyball
2. Can hobbies have any negative effects?
- Hobbies also have a negative effect when we spend too much time on
hobbies that neglect everything or have hobbies that adversely affect
many people.
3. Has modern life limited the time we spend on hobbies?
- Modern life does not limit the time we spend on hobbies, but we
balance our time appropriately so as not to affect ourselves as well as
Topic 3:
Nowadays, people prefer to use smartphones instead of TVs. However, people
should watch more TV for the following reasons:
 First, television helps us understand better. Just like reading, television
can provide you with new information and perspectives. You can learn
about different cultures, historical events and scientific concepts.
 Watching TV is also a great way to relax and relieve stress. Looking at
something interesting or calming can help us relax and let go of our
 Watching TV also helps us spend more time with our families. We can
share experiences and laugh while watching movies.
 Last but not least, watching TV also has some potential disadvantages
such as addiction or risk of exposure to harmful content, but also reduces
physical activity or eye problems.
In general, television can be both useful and harmful. Watch TV in moderation
to protect your health.

Follow-up questions:
1) How popular is watching television in your country?
→ Watching TV in my country is very popular. Everyone spends at least 2 hours
a day watching TV.

2) What effects can watching television have on children?

→ Watching television can have both positive and negative effects on children.
Children can learn new things, and develop language skills. But if they watch
too much they can get obesity and sleep problems.

3) How the TV programs different now from that 10 years ago?

TV programming has changed a lot in the past 10 years. Here are some of the
most significant changes: The increase in diversity of content, The increase in
popularity of superhero shows, The decline of scripted dramas, …
Topic 4:
Today's young people are more inclined to stay at home than to travel. However,
young people should travel more for the following reasons:
 First, be more confident and independent. Travel can help you take care
of your affairs from finding your way to booking accommodation and
meals or meeting new people or even experiencing new things.
 Additionally, travel is an effective way to improve your physical and
mental health. Travel can help reduce stress, improve mood, and
strengthen the immune system. It can also help you exercise more and eat
 In addition, we can also acquire new skills. Traveling can help you learn
new skills, such as language skills, cooking skills, or photography skills.
This can make you more versatile and improve your job prospects.
 Last but not least, of course, travel also has some potential disadvantages,
such as B. Risk of injury or illness, which may also be price or cultural
Overall, traveling can be a very rewarding experience, but it is important to be
aware of the potential risks and injuries

Follow-up questions:
1) Why do some people prefer to travel abroad rather than in their own
→ Because they want to visit new places in the world and experience their
culture or even just make new friends.

2) Do you think it is important to prepare before taking a trip to another

→ Yes, I think it is important to prepare before taking a trip to another country.
Because it makes the trip more fun, and convenient, or avoids problems such as
getting lost, getting sick, or being scammed.

3) Do you think it is safer to travel now than in the past?

→ Yes, I think it is safer to travel now than in the past. However, there are still
some risks related to travel, such as crime, and natural disasters, health.
Topic 5:
Today, the Internet has become an integral part of our lives. It is so important
for the following reasons:
 First, the Internet connects people all over the world. It can help people
improve their communication and knowledge or make new friends.
 Furthermore, the Internet has increased access to knowledge, enabling
people to find information on a wide range of topics.
 In addition, the Internet facilitates business growth by making it easier for
companies to reach global audiences or develop new business models.
 Last but not least, the Internet also has some potential disadvantages,
such as the risk of addiction or the possibility of being exposed to false
In general, the Internet is convenient, but it is also important to understand the
advantages and disadvantages of the Internet.

Follow-up questions:
1) Which websites are popular among your generation?
→ There are a lot of websites popular among my generation such as YouTube,
TikTok, Facebook, Instagram,…

2) Do you think all information on the internet is true?

→ No, I don’t think all information on the internet is true. Because The Internet
is a vast and ever-changing resource, it can be difficult to know what is true and
what is not.

3) How can people find reliable information on the internet?

→ They can consider the source, check the date or URL, look for the author, …

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