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Design Thinking



PRN - 23020341185
Says Thinks
I don’t think I am adequately Will I be able to convert my desired B
prepared for the entrance test school?
I feel the competition is way ahead of How will the GD/PI round be like?
me Should I take another year for
My mock scores are not increasing preparation?
I am very confused in my B school What are the colleges in can
choices realistically get into?
I have spoken to a few alumni of that Is this the right time to pursue an MBA
college degree?
I attended the aspirant outreach I will have to build a credible network!
program of SCMHRD This should land me a job as a Brand
I am hoping to build a strong network manager in HUL
amongst professionals I think MICA & SIBM are best for
Will the returns justify the high cost marketing specialization
of MBA
I am encountering fatigue in my
preparation journey

Does Feels
Researches different B schools
Lists down the entrance exams to Anxious about tests, deadlines, and
appear for and fills up the application the overall outcome.
forms Excited about the possibility of
Starts his preparation journey either attending their dream school.
through self study or a coaching Overwhelmed by the complexity and
institute demands of the application process.
Attends aspirant outreach programs, Hopeful about the future and the
Admission seminars, preparation opportunities that might come with a
strategy live streams. degree from a reputable B-School.
Connects with alumni and current Skeptical over their capabilities and
students to get actual insights of a B performance in the admissions
School process
Seeks recommendations from Overwhelmed on the entrance test
professionals and academicians day with the pressure of examination
Visits B School campus to gauge the Exhausted with multiple rounds of
infrastructure and campus life. group discussions and personal
Customer journey map (Airbnb)
Pre-booking Phase
Awareness and inspiration (Dreaming stage) - A potential guest may come to know
of a new untouched travel location through various social media posts,
advertisements run by Airbnb or through a word of mouth via friends

Research & planning - A potential guest starts with looking up the destination
online, researching the places to visit, planning the itinerary, looking up the costs,
local culture and places to experience the local cuisine.

Booking Phase
Decision making - After comparing various travel destinations the guest finally
filters down its choices and narrows down the stay options on Airbnb for their
travel duration
Preparation for trip - The guest prepares for the trip by packing, planning activities
using the explore section on the Airbnb app and possibly communicating further
with the host using the in app messaging service about arrival and key exchange

During Stay
Arrival & check-in - The guest arrives at the stay destination using the in-app
location services to guide the guests smoothly to their exact location, Meets with
the host to get the keys and understand the facilities and functioning of the stay,
alongside understand the local neighborhood, areas to explore and experiences to
During stay - The guest enjoys the Airbnb experience of living and exploring the
place like a local, The guest is always connected to the customer support team via
the app in case of any issues during the stay

Post Stay
Checkout and Departure - The guest checks out by the agreed-upon time handing
over the keys either on a location instructed or directly to the host & following any
further instructions from the host.
Review and sharing experience - A very important part of the Airbnb experience is
the customer review on the app since this is a community hence the guest’s review
if good helps other travelers to choose the Airbnb for their stay and if bad helps
the Airbnb customer team to understand and resolve the issue so as only the
highest quality of stays are onboarded on the Airbnb platform.
Design Thinking appproach
Empathize - Understanding Your Users
Primarily it is very important to understand who is your target audience.
Defining the ideal customer persona on the basis of skin type, concerns,
lifestyle, etc.
Getting insights on the market needs, pain points and frustrations. Conducting
user research through interviews, surveys, and focus groups can be vital in
understanding their skincare routines, pain points, and desired outcomes.
What existing products do the customers use, analyzing the market to
understand competitor products, their strengths and weaknesses, and any gaps
in the market.
Define - Framing the Problem Statement
Based on our research, formulating a clear and concise problem statement that
identifies the unmet need our product will address.
One example could be of a busy young professional with sensitive skin needing
a convenient and effective skincare routine that targets dryness and irritation.

Ideate - Brainstorming Solutions

Conducting brainstorming sessions to generate creative ideas for our product.
Considering aspects like formula, packaging, application method, brand identity,
and pricing.
Encourage wild ideas; prioritize quantity over quality at this stage.

Prototype - Developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Creating a basic version of our product, focusing on the core features that
address the user needs.
This could be a small batch of our formula in simple packaging.
Focusing on functionality and user testing.

Test - Gathering User Feedback

Distributing our MVP to a small group of target users.
Observing how they interact with the product and gathering their feedback on
the formula, packaging, and overall experience.
Using their feedback to iterate and improve our product before mass

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