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KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

 Write a letter to Inspector informing him about increasing
beggars’ number in town.
 You and your grandfather visit a hospital, hospital
management misbehave you. Write a complaint letter to CEO.
 Write a letter to supplier of printing machines making an
inquiry about the possibility of supplying two new machine
to your office as soon as possible.
 Write a letter to newspaper editor expressing your concern
about the increase in price of petrol and diesel that has
affected the common man.
 Assume that you are a trader. Write a letter to mayor of
city explaining the detail of losses due to collapse of
city drainage system and why the city government should
compensate. Also suggest possible solution in order to
avoid recurrence of similar situation in future.
 Write a persuasive letter to customer explaining the
reasons for inconvenience. Assume you have a business of
spray for the prevention of malaria. You received a
complaint from your customer few outdated sprays were
supplied in market.
 Write letter to area councilor requesting him to have the
street cleaned and relieve the residents from mental agony
by implement a well-planned garbage disposal system.
 Write a complaint letter for grill restaurant Lahore,
owner Mr. and Mrs. Ali. Some foreign friends came to your
restaurant. Management behavior was very bad. First we
waited for 50 minutes then cold soup was served. Other
items taste was also bad. You very disappointed and claim
your bill payment return.
 Memo to HR manager for hiring new employees.
 Write a memo to director explaining him the impact of
development and technology on business. Assume you are
sale manager.
 Write a memo to Manager to increase the imports of car
because prices are low now and will increase in future.

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

 Sleep deprivation
 Air pollution
 Is freedom of speech a human right?
 Obesity in children
 Unemployment
 Stress and its impact on health
 Impact of IMF support on economy of
 Organic food
 Water crisis
 Impact of distance learning
 Is fashion really important?
 Barrier of effective communication
 Causes and effects of high employ turnover
 Are smartphone destroying the generation?
 Effect of globalization on economy
 Consequences of paper money in Pakistan

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070


Lack of funds for development Living standard becomes low
Worst infrastructure High corruption
To stable its economy Inflation in overall country


Lifestyle choices Diabetes, Heart attack
Work obligations Hallucinations(seeing/hearing things
that aren’t there)
Sleep disorders Suicidal thoughts


Limit less eating of junk foods It makes people lazy
Lack of physical activities Heart and BP diseases
Due to genetic component Effects stomach badly


Melting of glaciers due to climate Water-borne diseases
Lack of infrastructure Loss in agriculture sector
Natural disasters e.g. Floods, Dangerous for aquatic life

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070


Advertisement purpose Unrealistic expectations
For research purpose Unhealthy sleep pattern
For spending time Lack of emotional connection


Deforestation Respiratory problems
Burning of fossil fuels in factories Acid rain
transportation Global warming (Depletion of Ozone


Increase in population High competition
Lack of skills It may lead youngsters to social
Technological change It may lead to health issues

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070



Many people believe that science and religion are contrary to each other. But this notion is wrong as a
matter of fact, both are complementary to each other. The aim of both these institutions is to explain
different aspects of life, universe and human existence. There is no doubt that the methods of science
and religion are different. The method of science is observation, experimentation and experience. Science
takes its recourse to progressive march towards perfection, the rules of religion are faith, intuition and
spoken word of the enlightened in general, while science is inclined towards reason and rationality,
spiritualism is the essence of religion.

In earlier times when man appeared on earth, he was over-awed at the sight of violent and powerful
aspects of nature. In certain cases, the usefulness of different natural objects of nature overwhelmed
man. Thus began the worship of forces of nature-fire, the sun, the rivers, the rocks, the trees, the snakes,
etc. The holy scriptures were written by those who had developed harmony between external nature and
their inner self. Their object was to ennoble, elevate and liberate the human spirit and mind. But the
priestly class took upon itself the monopoly of scriptural knowledge and interpretation to its own
advantage. Thus the entire human race was in chains.

Truth was flouted and progressive, liberal and truthful ideas or ideas expressing doubt and skepticism
were suppressed and their holders punished. In these trying circumstances the science emerged as a
savior of mankind but its path was not smooth and safe. The scientists and free thinkers were tortured.
This was the fate of Copernicus, Galileo, Bruno and others hut, by and by science gained ground.


According to the passage science and religion

a) Are contrary to each other

b) Have the same origin
c) Are supportive to each other
d) Have the same aim or controlling universe
e) Do not allow any deviation from their rules

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word flouted as used in the

a) Mocked
b) Nourished
c) Expressed
d) Deflated
e) Concealed

Which of the following statements is not true in the context of the passage?

a) Man worships the forces of nature

b) Methods of science and religion are different
c) Regimental religion got degenerated into orthodoxy
d) Galileo and Bruno were disciples of Copernicus
e) The holy scriptures were written by people who had tremendous inner strength

Why is it said in the passage that, “science emerged as a savior of mankind”?

a) Many great thinkers contributed to the progress of s

b) Science takes recourse to progressive march toward
c) Science is inclined towards reason and rationality
d) Man was bound in chains by religious orthodoxy
e) The tree thinkers and enlightened men were torture

According to the passage science and religion both

a) Rely on the spoken word of the enlightened

b) Emerged out of the tear of man
c) Emerged from the desire of man to worship the forces of nature
d) Employ different methods of enquiry
e) Work at the cross-purpose of each other

Which of the following statements is true in the context of the passage?

a) Science and religion are antagonistic to each other

b) Science encourages worshipping of nature
c) Religion is essential for external peace and harmony
d) Regimental religion was replaced by scientific principles
e) Science is essential for inner peace of mind

Why does man worship the force of nature?

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

a) The holy scriptures advocate the worship of forces of nature

b) The worship elevates and liberates the human spirit and mind
c) The worship makes man believe in faith and intuition
d) Forces of nature reach us spiritualism
e) None of the above

MCQS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10

Science and religion are complementary institutions with the aim to explain
different aspects of life, the universe, and human existence. Science relies
on observation, experimentation, and reason, while religion uses faith,
intuition, and the spoken word of enlightened individuals. In the past, people
worshipped natural objects, but the priestly class monopolized scriptural
knowledge and suppressed liberal ideas, resulting in chains for the human
race. Science emerged as a savior, but scientists and free thinkers were
tortured. However, science eventually gained ground despite opposition.

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

A tornado is born from a powerful storm called a supercell. Tornadoes have been reported in all states,
but most tornadoes happen in the central parts of America called “Tornado Alley.” In some supercells,
warm, moist air rises quickly into the atmosphere. Winds blowing at different speeds at different parts of
the supercell produce wind shear and cause a horizontal, rotating column of air. A funnel cloud will form
as the air column rotates faster and more tightly within the supercell. The rain and hail within the storm
cause the funnel cloud to touch the ground resulting in a tornado. The strength of a tornado is measured
by what’s called the Fujita scale. The weakest tornadoes (F0) feature winds of 40-78 miles per hour, while
the strongest tornadoes (F5) have winds of up to 318 miles per hour. All tornadoes can be devastating,
especially if they touch down in areas with lots of people. A tornado outbreak occurs when one storm
system produces multiple tornadoes. Some tornado outbreaks can result in the formation of dozens of
tornadoes over several states. One particularly powerful tornado outbreak occurred between April 25 and
April 28 of 2011, where a record 355 tornadoes in 21 states and Canada were recorded, including an F5
tornado that completely destroyed parts of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Much of the destruction was caught on
camera and broadcast across the country and internet. The same weather system produced hailstones
that measured 4.5 inches across in southern Virginia. 328 people were killed as a result of the outbreak,
which totaled over $11 billion in damages.


Which is NOT true about tornadoes?

a) Most tornadoes occur in North America in Tornado Alley

b) They only occur in some states
c) Tornado strength is measured on the Fujita Scale.
d) They are born from supercells

What states have never had tornadoes?

a) States outside of Tornado Alley

b) Alaska and Hawaii
c) All states have had tornadoes
d) The passage doesn't say

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

What causes the supercell to tilt downward toward the ground?

a) Warm air
b) Rain and hail
c) Lightning
d) Wind

When tornadoes are devastating?

a) When they register on the Fujita Scale

b) When they hit in Tornado Alley
c) When they hit areas with lots of people
d) When wind shear occurs

Which of the following would complete the analogy?

a) Supercell, Tornado
b) Hurricane, Ocean
c) Moon, Stars
d) Thunder, Rain
e) Cloud, Lightning

What is the theme of the first paragraph?

a) Wind Speed
b) The Fujita Scale
c) Historic Tornadoes
d) Birth and Strength of a tornado

Why does the author refer to the hailstones that hit Virginia as part of the tornado outbreak of April

a) To show how powerful and destructive the storms were

b) The show that tornado outbreaks often happen in the springing
c) To show that much of the damage was caught on camera
d) To show how long the storm lasted

What did paragraph two include that paragraph one did not include?

a) A specific instance
b) Tornadoes can form in distant locations
c) Information about Fujita Scale
d) Both A and C

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

Select all that are true about the Tornado Outbreak of 2011.

a) It devastated Tuscaloosa, Alabama

b) It produced a violent hailstorm in Virginia
c) It spanned two nations
d) It was both deadly and costly

MCQS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10

Tornadoes are formed from a supercell storm, and most occur in Tornado Alley.
Warm, moist air rises quickly, creating a rotating column of air that produces
a funnel cloud. The Fujita scale measures the strength of a tornado, with the
strongest having winds up to 318 mph. Tornado outbreaks occur when a storm
system produces multiple tornadoes, and in 2011, a record 355 tornadoes were
recorded in 21 states and Canada, resulting in 328 deaths and over $11 billion
in damages. The destruction was broadcast across the country, and the same
weather system produced hailstones that measured 4.5 inches in southern

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070


There are two types of diabetes, insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent. Between 90 and 95
percent of the estimated 13 to 14 million people in the United States with diabetes have non-insulin-
dependent, or Type II, diabetes. Because this form of diabetes usually begins in adults over the age of 40
and is most common after the age of 55, it used to be called adult-onset diabetes. Its symptoms often
develop gradually and are hard to identify at first; therefore, nearly half of all people with diabetes do not
know they have it. Someone who has developed Type II diabetes may feel tired or ill without knowing
why, a circumstance which can be particularly dangerous because untreated diabetes can cause damage
to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves. While the causes, short-term effects, and
treatments of the two types of diabetes differ, both types can cause the same long-term health problems.
Most importantly, both types of diabetes affect the body's ability to use digested food for
energy. Diabetes does not interfere with digestion, but it does prevent the body from using an important
product of digestion, glucose (commonly known as sugar), for energy. After a meal, the normal digestive
system extracts glucose from some foods. The blood carries the glucose or sugar throughout the body,
causing blood glucose levels to rise. In response to this rise, the hormone insulin is released into the
bloodstream and signals the body tissues to metabolize or burn the glucose for fuel, which causes blood
glucose levels to return to normal. The glucose that the body does not use right away is stored in the
liver, muscle, or fat.

In both types of diabetes, this normal process malfunctions. A gland called the pancreas, found just
behind the stomach, makes insulin. In patients with insulin-dependent diabetes, the pancreas does not
produce insulin at all. This condition usually begins in childhood and is known as Type I (formerly called
juvenile-onset) diabetes. These patients must have daily insulin injections to survive. People with non-
insulin-dependent diabetes usually produce some insulin in their pancreas, but the body's tissues do not
respond very well to the insulin signal and therefore do not metabolize the glucose properly—a condition
known as insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is an important factor in non-insulin-dependent diabetes,
and scientists are researching the causes of insulin resistance. They have identified two possibilities. The
first is that there could be a defect in the insulin receptors on cells. Like an appliance that needs to be
plugged into an electrical outlet, insulin has to bind to a receptor in order to function. Several things can
go wrong with receptors. For example, there may not be enough receptors for insulin to bind to, or a
defect in the receptors may prevent insulin from binding. The second possible cause of insulin resistance
is that, although insulin may bind to the receptors, the cells may not read the signal to metabolize the

Scientists continue to study these cells to see why this might happen. There is no cure for diabetes
yet. However, there are ways to alleviate its symptoms. In 1986, a National Institutes of Health panel of
experts recommended that the best treatment for non-insulin-dependent diabetes is a diet that helps one
maintain a normal weight and pays particular attention to a proper balance of the different food
groups. Many experts, including those in the American Diabetes Association, recommend that 50 to 60
percent of daily calories come from carbohydrates, 12 to 20 percent from protein, and no more than 30

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

percent from fat. Foods that are rich in carbohydrates, such as breads, cereals, fruits, and vegetables,
break down into glucose during digestion, causing blood glucose to rise. Additionally, studies have shown
that cooked foods raise blood glucose higher than raw, unpeeled foods. A doctor or nutritionist should
always be consulted for more information and for help in planning a diet to offset the effects of this form
of diabetes.


According to the passage, what may be the most dangerous aspect of Type II diabetes?

a) Daily insulin shots are needed for treatment of Type II diabetes.

b) Type II diabetes may go undetected and, therefore, untreated.
c) In Type II diabetes, the pancreas does not produce insulin.
d) Type II diabetes interferes with digestion.

Which of the following are the same for Type I and Type II diabetes?

a) Treatments
b) Long-term health risks
c) Short-term effects
d) Causes

According to the passage, one place in which excess glucose is stored is the?

a) Stomach
b) Insulin receptors
c) Pancreas
d) Liver

A diet dominated by which of the following is recommended for non-insulin-dependent diabetics?

a) Protein
b) Fat
c) Carbohydrates
d) Raw foods

Which of the following is the main function of insulin?

a) It signals tissues to metabolize sugar.

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

b) It breaks down food into glucose.

c) It carries glucose throughout the body.
d) It binds to receptors.

Which of the following statements best summarizes the main idea of the passage?

a) Type I and Type II diabetes are best treated by maintaining a high-protein diet.
b) Type II diabetes is a distinct condition that can be managed by maintaining a healthy diet.
c) Type I diabetes is an insidious condition most harmful when the patient is not taking daily insulin
d) Adults who suspect they may have Type II diabetes should immediately adopt a high-
carbohydrate diet.

Which of the following is mentioned in the passage as a possible problem with insulin receptors in
insulin-resistant individuals?

a) Overeating causes the receptors not to function properly.

b) There may be an overabundance of receptors.
c) A defect causes the receptors to bind with glucose.
d) A defect hinders the receptors from binding with insulin.

According to the passage, in normal individuals which of the following processes occur immediately
after the digestive system converts some food into glucose?

a) The glucose is metabolized by body tissues.

b) Insulin is released into the bloodstream.
c) Blood sugar levels rise.
d) The pancreas manufactures increased amounts of insulin.

Based on the information in the passage, which of the following best describes people with Type I

a) They do not need to be treated with injections of insulin.

b) They comprise the majority of people with diabetes.
c) Their pancreases do not produce insulin.
d) They are usually diagnosed as adults.

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

What is the closest meaning of the word “offset” in the final sentence of the passage?

a) Counteract
b) Cure
c) Soothe
d) Erase

MCQS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects the body's ability to use glucose
for energy. There are two types of diabetes, insulin-dependent (Type I) and
non-insulin-dependent (Type II), which have different causes, symptoms, and
treatments. Type II diabetes is the most common form and usually begins in
adults over 40. Patients with Type II diabetes produce some insulin, but the
body's tissues do not respond well to it, causing insulin resistance. Insulin
resistance can result from defects in insulin receptors or the inability of
cells to read the insulin signal. The best treatment for non-insulin-dependent
diabetes is a diet that maintains a normal weight and balances carbohydrates,
protein, and fat. A doctor or nutritionist should be consulted for a proper
diet plan to offset the effects of diabetes.

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070


There is a famous expression in English: "Stop the world, I want to get off!" This expression refers to a
feeling of panic, or stress, that makes a person want to stop whatever they are doing, try to relax, and
become calm again. 'Stress' means pressure or tension. It is one of the most common causes of health
problems in modern life. Too much stress results in physical, emotional, and mental health problems.

There are numerous physical effects of stress. Stress can affect the heart. It can increase the pulse rate,
make the heart miss beats, and can cause high blood pressure. Stress can affect the respiratory system. It
can lead to asthma. It can cause a person to breathe too fast, resulting in a loss of important carbon
dioxide. Stress can affect the stomach. It can cause stomach aches and problems digesting food. These
are only a few examples of the wide range of illnesses and symptoms resulting from stress.

Emotions are also easily affected by stress. People suffering from stress often feel anxious. They may have
panic attacks. They may feel tired all the time. When people are under stress, they often overreact to little
problems. For example, a normally gentle parent under a lot of stress at work may yell at a child for
dropping a glass of juice. Stress can make people angry, moody, or nervous.

Long-term stress can lead to a variety of serious mental illnesses. Depression, an extreme feeling of
sadness and hopelessness, can be the result of continued and increasing stress. Alcoholism and other
addictions often develop as a result of overuse of alcohol or drugs to try to relieve stress. Eating disorders,
such as anorexia, are sometimes caused by stress and are often made worse by stress. If stress is allowed
to continue, then one's mental health is put at risk.

It is obvious that stress is a serious problem. It attacks the body. It affects the emotions. Untreated, it may
eventually result in mental illness. Stress has a great influence on the health and well-being of our bodies,
our feelings, and our minds. So, reduce stress: stop the world and rest for a while.


Which of the following can result from long-term stress?

a) Bliss
b) Depression
c) Alcoholism

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

d) Whimsy

Choose the best answer to explain how alcoholism is caused by stress.

a) Alcohol is used to relieve stress

b) Alcohol is popular
c) Alcohol is a chemical
d) Alcohol is similar to medicine

Which of the following is not caused by long-term stress?

a) Bloating
b) Addiction
c) Anorexia
d) Alcoholism

Choose all of the answers that can complete this sentence: Stress can affect the respiratory
system by __________.

a) Causing stomach problem

c) Causing asthma
e) Class of carbon dioxide
h) Causing breathing problems

Symptoms of emotional stress include __________.

a) Feeling joyous
b) Feeling hungry
c) Feeling thirsty
d) Feeling tired

Which of the following is not a common problem caused by stress?

a) Physical problems
b) Anecdotal problems
c) Mental problems
d) Emotional problems

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

According to the essay, which of the following parts of the body does not have physical problems
caused by stress.

a) The arms
b) The stomach
c) The lungs
d) The heart

MCQS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10

Stress is a common cause of health problems and can have physical, emotional,
and mental effects. Physical effects include heart problems, respiratory
issues, and stomach aches. Emotional effects include anxiety, panic attacks,
and mood swings. Long-term stress can lead to serious mental illnesses like
depression, alcoholism, and eating disorders. Stress has a significant impact
on overall health and well-being. Reducing stress is crucial to prevent
potential health problems.

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070


Are organically grown foods the best food choices? The advantages claimed for such foods over
conventionally grown and marketed food products are now being debated. Advocates of organic foods –
a term whose meaning varies greatly – frequently proclaim that such products are safer and more
nutritious than others.
The growing interest of consumers in the safety and more nutritional quality of the typical North American
diet is a welcome development. However, much of this interest has been sparked by sweeping claims that
the food supply is unsafe or inadequate in meeting nutritional needs. Although most of these claims are
not supported by scientific evidence, the preponderance of written material advancing such claims makes
it difficult for the general public to separate fact from fiction. As a result, claims that eating a diet
consisting entirely of organically grown foods prevents or cures disease or provides other benefits to
health have become widely publicized and form the basis for folklore.
Almost daily the public is besieged by claims for “no-aging” diets, new vitamins, and other wonder foods.
There are numerous unsubstantiated reports that natural vitamins are superior to synthetic ones, that
fertilized eggs are nutritionally superior to unfertilized eggs, that untreated grains are better than
fumigated grains and the like.
One thing that most organically grown food products seem to have in common is that they cost more than
conventionally grown foods. But in many cases consumers are misled if they believe organic foods
can maintain health and provide better nutritional quality than conventionally grown foods. So there is
real cause for concern if consumers, particularly those with limited incomes, distrust the regular food and
buy only expensive organic foods instead.


The world “Advocates” in line 2 is closest in meaning to which of the following?

a) Proponents
b) Merchants
c) Inspectors
d) Consumers

In line 4, the word “others” refers to

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

a) Advantages
b) Advocates
c) Organic foods
d) Products

The “welcome development” mentioned in line 6 is an increase in

a) Interest in food safety and nutritional quality of the typical North American diet

b) The nutritional quality of the typical North American diet

c) The amount of healthy food grown in North America
d) The number of consumers in North America

According to the first paragraph, which of the following is true about the term “organic

a) It is accepted by most nutritionists.

b) It has been used only in recent years.
c) It has no fixed meaning.
d) It is seldom used by consumers.

The word “unsubstantiated” in line 13 is closest in meaning to

a) Unbelievable
b) Uncontested
c) Unpopular
d) Unverified

The word “maintain” in line 18 is closest in meaning to

a) Improve
b) Monitor
c) Preserve
d) Restore

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

The author implies that there is cause for concern if consumers with limited incomes
buy organic foods instead of conventionally grown foods because

a) Organic foods can be more expensive but are often no better than con ventionally
grown foods

b) Many organic foods are actually less nutritious than similar conventionally grown

c) Conventionally grown foods are more readily available than organic foods
d) Too many farmers will stop using conventional methods to grow food crops.

According to the last paragraph, consumers who believe that organic foods are better
than conventionally grown foods are often

a) Careless
b) Mistaken
c) Thrifty
d) Wealthy

What is the author’s attitude toward the claims made by advocates of health foods

a) Very enthusiastic
b) Somewhat favorable
c) Neutral
d) Skeptical

MCQS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10

The debate about whether organically grown foods are the best food choices is
ongoing. Advocates of organic foods claim that they are safer and more
nutritious than conventionally grown foods, but the scientific evidence
supporting these claims is lacking. Claims that a diet consisting entirely of
organically grown foods prevents or cures disease or provides other health
benefits are not supported by scientific evidence and are based on folklore.
Many organically grown foods are more expensive than conventionally grown
foods, and consumers may be misled if they believe that organic foods are
inherently better for their health. This is a concern, particularly for
consumers with limited incomes.

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070


Throughout human history the leading causes of death have been infection and trauma. Modern medicine
has scored significant victories against both, and the major causes of ill health and death are now the
chronic degenerative disease, such as coronary artery disease, arthritis, cataract and cancer. These have
a long latency period before symptoms appear and a diagnosis is made. It follows that the majority of
apparently healthy people are pre-ill. Many national surveys reveal that malnutrition is common in
developed countries. This is not the calorie or micronutrient deficiency associated with developing but
multiple nation micronutrients depletion, usually combined with calorific balance or excess. The incidence
and severity of Type B malnutrition will be shown to be worse if newer micronutrients groups such as the
essential fatty acids and flavonoids are included in the surveys. However, the pharmaceutical model has
also created an unhealthy dependency culture, in which relatively few of us accept responsibility for
maintaining our own health. Instead, we have handed over this responsibility to health professional who
know very little about health maintenance or disease prevention. Based on pharmaceutical thinking, most
intervention studies have attempted to measure the impact of a single micronutrient on the incidence of
disease. The classical approach says that if you give a compound formula to test subjects and obtain
positive results, you cannot know which ingredient is exerting the benefit, so you must test each
ingredient individually.
So do we need to analyze each individual's nutritional status and then tailor a formula specifically for him
or her? While we do not have the resources to analyze millions of individual cases. There is no need to do
so. The vast majority of people are consuming suboptimal amounts of most micronutrients, and most of
the micronutrients concerned are very safe. Accordingly, a comprehensive and universal program of
micronutrient support is probably the most cost-effective and safest way of improving the general health
of the nation.


Type B malnutrition will be worse if:

a) Micronutrients groups are included
b) Fatty acids and flavonoids are included
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

To know the ingredient is exerting the benefit

a) Give compound formula to test subjects
b) Test each ingredient individually
c) Study the impact of single micronutrients
d) None of these

After analyze each individual's states than:

a) Classical approach starts
b) Maintain the health and disease prevention
c) Tailor a formula
d) None of these

National surveys reveal:

a) Malnutrition is common
b) Long latency period
c) Both a and b
d) None of these

Pharmaceutical model created:

a) Incidence of disease
b) Nutritional status
c) Unhealthy dependency culture
d) None of these

To improve general health of nation:

a) A comprehensive program
b) Universal program of micronutrient
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these

What does classical approach say?

a) You must test each ingredient individually

b) Who know very little about health maintenance or diseases prevention
c) A diagnosis is made
d) All of the above

Which of the following are the micronutrients groups?

a) Essential fatty acids

b) Flavonoids
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these

MCQS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070


Modern medicine has successfully tackled infections and trauma, with chronic
degenerative diseases like coronary artery disease, cancer, arthritis, and
cataract now being the primary cause of ill health and death. Malnutrition,
which is often a combination of multiple micronutrient deficiencies and
calorific imbalances, is prevalent in developed nations, with newer
micronutrient groups like essential fatty acids and flavonoids making matters
worse. While the pharmaceutical model has created a culture of dependency, a
comprehensive and universal program of micronutrient support can improve the
health of the majority of people, who consume suboptimal amounts of
micronutrients, and most micronutrients are safe.
Severe storms happen in low-pressure weather systems. Warm, wet air begins rising into the air. The
higher it rises, the cooler it becomes. Water vapor in the air forms drops. This process is called
condensation. The drops join together to form clouds. Precipitation in the form of rain, sleet, snow or hail
falls down to Earth’s surface. Conditions must be very specific for a thunderstorm to develop. Even so,
thunderstorms remain the most common kind of extreme weather. Before a thunderstorm can develop,
there have to be three conditions present. First, the air has to be full of moisture. Next, there must be
either an approaching cold front or an intensely heated piece of Earth’s surface sending warm air up
quickly. Finally, the warm air that rises must be warm enough to stay warmer than the air it passes
through. When these conditions are met, the moisture in the rising air condenses. Clouds form, and a
storm begins. A cold front happens when cold air is moving near the surface of Earth, and it pushes warm
air up very quickly. This is often the beginning of a thunderstorm. Clouds form, and heavy rains begin
falling. Opposite electrical charges inside storm clouds separate. This causes lightning to flash towards
Earth. Lightning has enough energy to heat the air all around it. This sudden burst of heat is what causes
the noise we know as thunder. Thunderstorms often bring disasters with them. This can be in the form of
floods, fi res caused by lightning, damage from hailstones or strong winds, and even tornadoes. A tornado
is a spinning mass of air over land that can destroy virtually everything in its path. A blizzard is a
combination of strong winds and extremely low temperatures. Snowfall increases until it is so heavy it is
difficult or impossible to see. People can become lost in the snow and freeze to death. Homes can be
covered over with snow, trapping people indoors. A hurricane is the most powerful storm known on Earth.
It forms over warm ocean waters off the coast of the tropics, becoming a gigantic swirling mixture of air
and water. It can grow to between 100 and 900 miles wide. Wind speeds can average 75 miles per hour
or more. Hurricanes do the most damage to coastal cities because they quickly lose their strength as they
move over land. Hurricanes are so large and powerful that their swirling clouds can be seen from space


What kind of weather system encourages a thunderstorms to develop?


MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

Why does thunder usually occur during storms that have lightning?

What is one of the conditions necessary for a thunderstorm to develop?


Name one danger associated with blizzards.


Which kind of extreme weather do you think would be the most difficult to face? Why?

01 A Low-pressure weather system.
02 Because thunder is the sound made by a lightning flash.
03 Example of correct answer: The air must be full of moisture.
04 Example of correct answer: People can get lost in the blizzard and
freeze to death.

Severe storms such as thunderstorms, tornadoes, blizzards, and hurricanes can
cause disasters. To develop a thunderstorm, the air must be full of moisture,
there must be an approaching cold front or heated surface, and the warm air
must remain warmer than the air it passes through. When these conditions are
met, the moisture in the rising air condenses, forming clouds and a storm.
Thunder and lightning occur due to opposite electrical charges within storm
clouds. Tornadoes, blizzards, and hurricanes can cause destruction, with
hurricanes being the most powerful and able to reach up to 900 miles wide
with wind speeds averaging 75 mph or more. Hurricanes cause the most damage
to coastal cities.

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070


Fruit flies are tiny insects that are attracted to ripe or rotting fruits and vegetables. The flies not only eat
the fruit, they also lay their eggs there. A single fruit fly can lay up to 500 eggs on the surface of a piece of
fruit. Within eight days, the fruit flies that hatch from these eggs are full adults that can then lay their own
eggs. As you can see, what might start out as a small fruit fly problem can become very large very quickly?
Although there is a chance fruit flies can carry germs on to your food, this is not very likely. Fruit flies are
annoying, but they probably will not hurt you. Because they are such a nuisance, however, most people
want to get rid of these pesky bugs as quickly as possible. Some people use pesticide sprays on the fruit
flies. Although this will kill the flies, it will also spread harmful poison all over your kitchen. Luckily, there
is also a completely safe way for you to get rid of fruit flies in your house. The first step is for you to remove
all fruits or vegetables from your counter. Store these items in the refrigerator or in sealed containers.
Clean up any spilled juice or bits of food that might be on the floor. Take out the trash and empty the
recycling bin. Wash any dirty dishes that are in your sink. Doing all of these things will stop new fruit flies
from finding food or places to lay their eggs. Next, make a trap to catch all of the remaining fruit flies in
your house. First, fill a small bowl with a few tablespoons of vinegar. Then, put a piece of very ripe or
rotting fruit into the vinegar. Cover the bowl very tightly with a sheet of plastic wrap and poke a few very
small holes in the wrap with a fork. If all goes according to plan, the flies will enter the trap through the
holes but will be unable to fly back out. This trap will catch all of the remaining fruit flies. You can either
kill these flies or release them outdoors. Fruit flies can be a pest, but they do not have to make you crazy.
With a little effort, you can get existing flies out of your house and prevent new ones from taking over
your kitchen.


Why are fruit flies so called?

a) They live in only ripe fruits.

b) They thrive on fruits.
c) Their young ones grow on fruits.
d) They prefer to eat only rotting fruits.

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

A single fruit fly can lay up to

a) 5000 eggs in every fruit.

b) 500 eggs under the fruit.
c) 500 eggs.
d) 500 eggs per week.

As used in paragraph 3, a nuisance is something that

a) Bothers you
b) Can be dangerous
c) Grows fast
d) Is very small

According to the passage, why should you not use pesticide spray to kill fruit flies?

a) Most sprays do not actually kill all of the fruit flies

b) Buying sprays can get expensive if you need to use a lot of them
c) The sprays take too much time to work
d) It can be dangerous to use them in your kitchen

It takes about a week

a) For the fruit flies to lay eggs.

b) For the eggs to hatch.
c) For the hatched fruit flies to grow fully.
d) For the hatched fruit flies to eat the fruit.

Most people want to get rid of fruit flies because

a) They spoil the food.

b) They consume the whole fruit.
c) They carry germs.
d) They annoy people.

In reading this passage, we learn that fruit flies

I. Die immediately after they lay their eggs

II. Can grow into adults after only 8 days III.
III. are mostly harmless

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

a) I only
b) I and II only
c) II and III only
d) I, II, and III

Based on the information in the penultimate (next-to-last) paragraph, we can understand that the
author thinks that

a) some people do not mind having fruit flies in their house

b) some people do not like killing insects
c) fruit flies do not like vinegar
d) making a fruit fly trap can be difficult

MCQS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10

Fruit flies are tiny insects that are attracted to ripe or rotting fruits and
vegetables. They can quickly become a nuisance as they lay up to 500 eggs on
the surface of a single piece of fruit. While they are not likely to harm
humans, their presence can be annoying. Using pesticide sprays can spread
harmful poison, so it is better to remove food sources and make a trap. To
catch the remaining fruit flies, fill a small bowl with vinegar and add a
piece of ripe fruit, then cover the bowl with plastic wrap and poke small
holes. The flies will enter the trap but won't be able to fly back out. This
trap can be used to get rid of existing flies and prevent new ones from taking
over your kitchen.

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070


Women empowerment refers to making women powerful to make them capable of deciding for
themselves. Women have suffered a lot through the years at the hands of men. In earlier centuries, they
were treated as almost non-existent. As if all the rights belonged to men even something as basic as
voting. As the times evolved, women realized their power. There on began the revolution for women
empowerment. As women were not allowed to make decisions for themselves, women empowerment
came in like a breath of fresh air. It made them aware of their rights and how they must make their own
place in society rather than depending on a man. It recognized the fact that things cannot simply work in
someone's favor because of their gender. However, we still have a long way to go when we talk about the
reasons why we need it.

In other words, women from all over the world have been rebellious to reach the status they have today.
While the western countries are still making progress, third world countries like India still lag behind in
women empowerment. In India, women empowerment is needed more than ever. India is amongst the
countries which are not safe for women. There are various reasons for this. Firstly, women in India are in
danger of honor killings. Their family thinks it is right to take their lives if they bring shame to the
reputation of their legacy.

Moreover, the education and freedom scenario is very regressive here. Women are not allowed to pursue
higher education. They are married off early. The men are still dominating women in some regions like it's
the woman's duty to work for him endlessly. They do not let them go out or have freedom of any kind. In
addition, domestic violence is a major problem in India. The men beat up their wife and abuse them as
they think women are their property. More so, because women are afraid to speak up. Similarly, the
women who do actually work get paid less than their male counterparts. It is downright unfair and sexist
to pay someone less for the same work because of their gender. Thus, we see how women empowerment
is the need of the hour. We need to empower these women to speak up for themselves and never be a
victim of injustice.

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070


Women want to be empowered so that...

a) They can travel alone.

b) They can decide for themselves.
c) They can dominate their spouses.
d) None of the above.

Non-existent means same as...

a) Someone who will not go.

b) Someone who hate women.
c) Someone who hate men.
d) Someone who is not present.

How did women realize the need to be empowered?

a) They were suffering because of men.

b) Not capable of deciding for themselves.
c) No voting rights.
d) All of the above.

The expression 'a breath of fresh air' means same as...

a) They are comfortable breathing.

b) They removed the pollutants from the air.
c) They experienced a refreshing change.
d) All of the above.

When women were empowered they realized

a) Interdependence
b) Independence
c) Oppression
d) Suspension

The phrase 'a long way to go' implies...

a) Long journey to reach the empowerment building.

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

b) A lot of hurdles to be overcome to gain empowerment.

c) To take the opposite choices which men take, to be victorious?
d) To not worry about male gender any more.

Read the two opinions and then choose the right option.

 Opinion 1: all countries have history of ill-treating women.

 Opinion 2: the western countries never ill-treat their women.
a) Opinion 1 and opinion 2 are correct
b) Only opinion 1 is correct.
c) Only opinion 2 is correct.
d) Opinion 1 and 2 are incorrect.

Women from all over the world have been rebellious to reach their Status, today Means.

a) Women deserve to be ill-treated because they have always been timid.

b) Women deserve to be ill-treated because they are too wild.
c) Women have fought for their recognition to be treated the way they are today.
d) Women are rebellious because they want to dominate men.

Women in India are in danger of honor killing" this means...

a) They are killed because they bring shame.

b) They are killed if they marry anyone other than their own caste.
c) They are killed because of their legacy.
d) They are unsafe so they are killed.

Domestic violence is a major problem in India.

a) Women are exploited as if they are their property.

b) Women speak too much in their domestic place.
c) Women must be disciplined through violence.
d) All of the above.

MCQS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

Women empowerment refers to making women capable of making their own decisions
and being aware of their rights. Women have faced discrimination and
oppression throughout history, and women empowerment is a necessary step
towards equality. While progress has been made in western countries, third
world countries like India still have a long way to go. In India, women face
challenges such as honor killings, lack of education and freedom, domestic
violence, and unequal pay. Women empowerment is crucial in empowering women
to speak up against injustice and establish themselves in society.

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070


In China, New Year's Day is on the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar. The date may differ
each year. It is at the end of January or in early February. People return home to China from all over the
world to celebrate the day. In other countries, people who live in big cities in areas called Chinatown also
celebrate. The Chinese New Year is also called the Spring Festival. It is from the ancient tradition which
marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring with a celebration. It is the start of a new growing
cycle on the Earth. Family and friends get together.

The event is full of colorful decorations and traditions. Chinese New Year is over 4,000 years old. Their
celebration starts on New Year's Eve. A big party is held on the next day. The entire event last15 days.
After the 15 days, the Lantern Festival occurs at the time of the first full moon. The families start getting
ready for the event two weeks ahead of time. They clean their houses to get rid of all the bad luck which
has accumulated in the previous year. After the celebration person cannot clean a room for several days
or he might sweep out the good luck which has come in. Cleaning up also means apologizing to friends
and paying off bills. Red and gold are the Chinese colors. Banners in these colors are hung everywhere as
decorations with wishes for good luck written on them. For the Chinese, red and gold are lucky colors.
Red symbolizes life and happiness. Gold symbolizes riches. Food must be prepared ahead of time because
it is unlucky to use a knife during the New Year's festival. A knife may cut off all the good luck for the New
Year. People decorate their houses with some of the lucky plants. Orange trees, pussy willows and
mandarin trees are several which are bought. A celebration can only begin after the family pays respect
to their dead relatives. On New Year's Eve, the families go to the temple to pray for good Jack in the
coming year. They carry food or incense to try to please the Spirits of the dead. Chinese red and gold
lanterns are hung all around the towns. Firecrackers are also a big part of the celebration. They are lit
outside businesses and houses to scare away bad spirits. They are also a part of the big parades. A lion
performance is acted out by two people. One nods the head and one the body of the lion. The performers
put on acrobatic stunts. The lion actors run along the streets accompanied by drums, gongs and cymbals.
Their purpose is to bring goodwill to all. A “Laughing Buddha” goes along with the lion actors. He teases
the lion and makes him fall down and roll around. People standing along the road place red envelopes
into the lion's mouth. They contain money which is a donation for whatever martial arts school is putting
on the show. Sometimes a business hangs a head of lettuce from the ceiling. The actor in the lion outfit
has to reach up and pick off the red envelope from inside the lettuce. Then the lion spits out the leaves to
spread good luck. At the end of the performance, a scroll pops out of the lion’s mouth carrying a message
of good luck. The usual colors for the lion outfit are red, green and gold.


Which of the following are China’s lucky colors?

a) Red and black
b) Red and gold
c) Red and green
d) Red and white

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

What is another name for the Chinese New Year?

a) Winter Party
b) Fall Festival
c) Spring Festival
d) Summer Festival

Which of the following is the reason the families clean their houses to get ready for the New Year?
a) To make room for the holiday tree
b) To sweep out the old bad luck.
c) To prepare for company
d) To honor their ancestors

Which of the following is in the red envelopes winch people put in the lion's mouth?
a) Candy
b) Flowers
c) Money
d) Good luck messages

Which of the following should not be used during the New Year's festival?
a) Rats
b) Rice paper
c) Knives
d) Metal plates

Which of the following it’s inside the lettuce heads which the businesses hang outside their shops?
a) Toys
b) Candy
c) Fortune cookies
d) Red envelopes

MCQS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
PASSAGE B C B C C D - - - -

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is celebrated on the first day of the lunar calendar,
marking the end of winter and the beginning of spring. It is a 15-day event that involves cleaning homes,
decorating with red and gold banners and lucky plants, preparing food ahead of time, and praying to
dead relatives for good luck. Firecrackers and lion performances are also part of the celebration. The
lion performers put on acrobatic stunts and collect red envelopes filled with money for donations. The
festival ends with the Lantern Festival on the first full moon of the year.

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070


Ocean water plays an indispensable role in supporting life. The great ocean basins hold about 300
million cubic miles of water. From this vast amount, about 80,000 cubic miles of water are sucked into
the atmosphere each year by evaporation and returned by precipitation and drainage to the ocean.
More than 24,000 cubic miles of rain descend annually upon the continents. This vast amount is
required to replenish the lakes and streams, springs and water tables on which all flora and fauna are
dependent. Thus, the hydrosphere permits organic existence. The hydrosphere has strange
characteristics because water has properties unlike those of any other liquid. One anomaly is that water
upon freezing expands by about 9 percent, whereas most liquids contract on cooling. For this reason, ice
floats on water bodies instead of sinking to the bottom. If the ice sank, the hydrosphere would soon be
frozen solidly, except for a thin layer of surface melt water during the summer season. Thus, all aquatic
life would be destroyed and the interchange of warm and cold currents, which moderates climate,
would be notably absent. Another outstanding characteristic of water is that water has a heat capacity
which is the highest of all liquids and solids except ammonia. This characteristic enables the oceans to
absorb and store vast quantities of heat, thereby often preventing climatic extremes. In addition, water
dissolves more substances than any other liquid. It is this characteristic which helps make oceans a great
storehouse for minerals which have been washed down from the continents. In several areas of the
world these minerals are being commercially exploited. Solar evaporation of salt is widely practiced,
potash is extracted from the Dead Sea, and magnesium is produced from sea water along the American
Gulf Coast.


The author’s main purpose in passage is to

a) Illustrate the importance of conserving water

b) Describe the properties and uses of water
c) Compare water with other liquids
d) Explain how water is used in commerce

The phrase “this vast amount” in line 4 of paragraph 1 refers to

a) 80,000 million cubic miles of water
b) 24,000 Square miles of rain
c) 24,000 cubic miles of rain
d) 300 million cubic miles of water

The word “replenish” in paragraph 1 can best replaced by.

a) Fill again
b) Replace
c) Evaporate
d) Form

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

According to the passage, fish can survive in the oceans because.

a) Evaporation and condensation create a water cycle
b) There are currents in the oceans
c) They do not need oxygen
d) Ice floats

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a characteristic of water?

a) Water can absorb heat
b) Water is good solvent.
c) Water contracts on cooling
d) Water expands when it is frozen

MCQS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
PASSAGE B C A D C - - - - -

The hydrosphere is essential for sustaining life on Earth, holding 300 million cubic miles of water, with
80,000 cubic miles evaporating and returning each year through precipitation and drainage. The unique
properties of water, such as expanding upon freezing and having a high heat capacity, enable aquatic
life to thrive and climate to be moderated. Water also dissolves more substances than any other liquid,
allowing the oceans to store minerals washed down from continents, which are being commercially
exploited in several areas worldwide.

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070


A very important world problem, if not the most serious of all the great world problems which affect
us at the moment, is the increasing number of people who actually inhabit this planet. The limited
amount of land and land resources will soon be unable to support the huge population if it continues
to grow at its present rate. In an early survey conducted in 1888, a billion and a half people inhabited
the earth. Now, the population exceeds five billion and is growing fast - by the staggering figure of 90
million in 1988 alone. This means that the world must accommodate a new population roughly equal
to that of the United States and Canada every three years! Even though the rate of growth has begun
to slow down, most experts believe the population size will still pass eight billion during the next 50
years. So why is this huge increase in population taking place? It is really due to the spread of the
knowledge and practice of what is becoming known as "Death Control". You have no doubt heard of
the term "Birth Control" - "Death Control" is something rather different. It recognizes the work of the
doctors and scientists who now keep alive people who, not very long ago. Would have died of a variety
of then incurable diseases. Through a wide variety of technological innovations that include farming
methods and sanitation, as well as the control of these deadly diseases, we have found ways to reduce
the rate at which we die - creating a population explosion. We used to think that reaching seventy
years old was a remarkable achievement, but now eighty or even ninety is becoming recognized as the
normal life-span for humans. In a sense, this represents a tremendous achievement for our species.
Biologically this is the very definition of success and we have undoubtedly become the dominant
animal on the planet. However, this success is the very cause of the greatest threat to mankind.


What does “it” refer to in line 4?

a) Important world problem
b) Increasing number
c) Limited amount of land
d) Huge population

This is the very definition of success’ paragraph 3 refers to:

a) Increasing life span to 80 or 90
b) Reaching 70 years old
c) Having a normal life span
d) Technological innovations

Which of the following is closest in meaning to eighty or even ninety normal life span for humans?
a) On average, people now live to be over eighty.
b) We should recognize that people now live to between eighty and ninety on average
c) Now a days it isn’t normal for people to die younger than eighty

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

d) Average life expectancy is increasingly being considered to be eighty or more.

The main purpose of paragraph 2 is:

a) To put forward the argument that world population has to be reduced.
b) To give a brief history of the growth in world population.
c) To emphasize how quickly the world population is rising.
d) To stress how large the world population is now.

In paragraph 3, which of the following is not given as a reason for a reduction in death rates?
a) New Hospital
b) Better hygiene
c) Improved food production
d) Better control of fatal diseases.

MCQS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
PASSAGE D C D D A - - - - -

The world's rapidly increasing population is a critical problem as the limited land and resources cannot
sustain such growth. The population has already surpassed five billion and is increasing by 90 million
annually. This surge is due to the widespread adoption of "Death Control," which has improved
healthcare, farming methods, sanitation, and the control of deadly diseases. Consequently, people are
living longer than ever before, with eighty or ninety becoming the norm. While a remarkable
achievement, this population explosion poses the greatest threat to humankind.

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070


A survey of 8,000 people by the UK Institute of Personnel and Development found that one in three people
work more than 48 hours per week and claim to be addicted to their jobs. One in six people work more
than 60 hours a week and three-quarters of employees currently work overtime but only one-third gets
paid for 5 it. Work holism can be described as the inability to stop working. Whether you are in the office,
at home, in bed, or socializing, if you find that you cannot stop thinking about work or talking about work
then it is very likely that you are or you are about to become a 10 workaholic. Until recently many people
described work holism as a respectable addiction, and half thought that it was an excellent trait. However,
the condition is now recognized as a serious problem and many theories have been offered to try and
better 15 understand what motivates the workaholic. Some theories see it as 8 strategy to hide underlying
emotional problems such as anxiety, low self-esteem, depression and obsessive-compulsive traits. Some
scientists define a workaholic as a person whose need to work has become so excessive that it disturbs
(upset) physical health, 20 personal happiness, interpersonal relations or the ability to function socially.
Thorne and Johnson identify two types of workaholics: the active and the passive. Active workaholics work
simply for pleasure of working. They have energy for working longer hours and they believe that such hard
working brings special rewards. On the other hand, passive workaholics are driven (motivated) to work by
insecurities, fear or paranoia until overwork becomes a habit, damaging the balance of their lives almost
without them realizing it. Workaholics are often stressed. Studies show that Japan has the 30 € targets
number of workaholics worldwide and overwork is responsible for 10,000 deaths there each year. The
Japanese even have a word for death by overwork “Karoshi”. Physical or mental exercise such as positive
thinking, relaxing meditation, or spiritual comfort from family and friends can all help to overcome work


The main idea of this passage is

a) People in the UK are addicted to work but don't aid for it
b) Work holism is a respectable addiction
c) Work holism is a serious problem all over the world and should be identified and treated
d) Physical and mental exercises are important to treat work holism.

Working overtime in the UK is

a) Cause of accidents
b) Not paid for majority of employees
c) Overpaid for all employees
d) Or all employees

A workaholic is a person who

a) Is absent from work every week

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

b) Thinks about holidays while at work

c) Has family problems
d) Cannot stop working

Work holism may be a way of hiding

a) Social drinking

b) Addictive habits
c) Personal happiness
d) Emotional problems

Workaholics who work out of fear and insecurities are

a) Active workaholics
b) Passive workaholics
c) Damaging the balance of their lives
d) Both B and C

MCQS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
PASSAGE B C D D B - - - - -

According to a survey by the UK Institute of Personnel and Development, one in three people work over
48 hours a week and one in six people work over 60 hours a week. Work holism, described as an
addiction to work, can negatively impact physical health, personal happiness, interpersonal
relationships, and social functioning. Workaholics can be driven by insecurities, fear, or a desire for
pleasure. Japan has the highest number of workaholics worldwide, with overwork responsible for
10,000 deaths per year, known as "Karoshi". Strategies to overcome work holism include exercise,
positive thinking, relaxation, and support from family and friends.

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070


Rapidly increasing environmental pollution has created a deep sense of awareness among the masses of
the urgent need to safeguard our habitat. Among the different types of pollution affecting our cities, only
air and water pollution have received adequate attention of the environmentalists. The concern for noise
pollution, which has reached alarming proportions in a number of important cities of the world, including
Karachi, has been minimal. It is because of this apathy that the average noise level in Karachi far exceeds
the safe level of 55-60 decibels. In certain areas of the city, the noise levels during the day- time, have
been recorded in excess of 100 decibels. Empirical studies reveal that excessive noise levels pose a grave
threat to human health and cause a number of complications. In a well-researched study on the impact
of high noise-levels on human beings, it has been established that consistently high level of noise not only
damages the ear drums, but also causes nausea, severe body pains and hypertension which lead to
nervous breakdown and ulcers.

The real cost of noise-induced loss to industry is considered to be far greater than that of most other
occupational hazards. Declining productivity among workers in certain industries, such as stone
crushing, heavy steel and metal stamping and aeronautical engineering is attributable to high noise
levels which adversely affect the mental and physical health of the workers. Workers exposed to high
intensities of noise for prolonged periods are often found to be irritable and tense and prone to react
violently even to minor differences or disagreements. Extended periods of eight hours of daily exposure
to high levels of noise can cause life-long deafness.

With growing environmental awareness, some countries in Europe are beginning to take the problems
of noise most seriously. In the Netherlands, zoning regulations prohibit the construction of housing
projects in areas which have high levels of noise pollution, like main highways or airports. In addition,
construction of anti-noise surface-porous asphalt roads reduces traffic noise by up to 5 decibels. In the
major cities of Pakistan, three-wheeler rickshaws and buses plying with defective silencers are the
worst offenders. Besides, mechanical workshops in the residential areas also contribute to the menace
of noise pollution. The citizens must take serious note of the threats posed by noise pollution.


Give a suitable title to the passage.

a) Environmental pollution in Pakistan

b) Hazards of noise pollution in Karachi

c) Environmental pollution; Pakistan vs. Foreign countries

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

d) How noise pollution affects industrial workers

What are the three types of pollution mentioned in the above passage?

a) Environmental pollution, air pollution and soil pollution

b) Thermal pollution, water pollution and noise pollution
c) air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution
d) Noise pollution, soil pollution and industrial pollution.

Identify four types of dangers posed to human health by noise pollution as stated in the passage.

a) nausea, body pain, hypertension and damage to ear drums

b) Life-long deafness, ulcers, body pain and cancer

c) Damage to ear drums, nervous breakdown, body pain and lung cancer

d) Body pain, nausea, deafness and asthma.

Noise pollution affects industrial workers by:

a) Making them grouchy, headstrong and quiet.

b) Making them violent, shrewd and relentless.

c) Making them less productive, irritable and mentally and physically ill.

d) Making them ruthless, argumentative and autonomous.

According to the passage, which types of vehicles and industries create the most noise on the roads
and residential areas of Pakistan?
a) Construction industry, inter-city transport and airports
b) Industries in the residential area, heavy duty bikes and three wheeler rickshaws
c) Buses with defective silencers, tinted cars and CNG rickshaws
d) Three wheeler rickshaws, buses with defective silencers, and mechanical workshops.

MCQS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
PASSAGE - - - -

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

Noise pollution is a major concern in Karachi, with average levels exceeding the safe limit of 55-60
decibels, and reaching over 100 decibels in some areas. High noise levels have been linked to a range
of health problems, including damage to the ear drums, nausea, severe body pains, hypertension,
nervous breakdowns, and ulcers. The cost of noise-induced loss to industry is significant, with declining
productivity and adverse effects on the mental and physical health of workers. Some European
countries have taken action to address noise pollution, including prohibiting construction in noisy areas
and using anti-noise surface-porous asphalt roads. In Karachi, three-wheeler rickshaws, buses with
defective silencers, and mechanical workshops in residential areas contribute to the problem. It is
important for citizens to recognize and address the threats posed by noise pollution.

Fiasco Blunder Blessing
Foremost Champion Minor
Hasty Agile Slow
Lean Bare Chubby
Culinary Delicious Inedible
Sparkle Brilliance Sluggishness
Bitter Harsh Mild
Confined Immoveable Free
Abeyance Deferral Action
Enormous Huge Tiny
Virtue Charity Evil
Loneliness Alone Crowded
Massive Huge Tiny
Bash Insult Praise
Trigger Activate Block
Resolve Boldness Indecision
Breach Break Bridge
Intimate Affectionate Unfriendly
Curb Barrier Encouragement
Eminent Renowned Common
Discount Allowance Addition
Conspicuous Apparent Hidden
Innocent Safe Guilty

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

Wrath Offense Love

Defend Avert Attack
Sincere Natural Disingenuous
Native Real Acquired
Adaptation Refitting Disagreement
Regret Apology Welcome
Antinomy Contradiction Confirm
Adhere Attach Repel
Vague Unclear Clear
Affluence Bounty Scarcity
Virtually Implicitly surely
Amplify Add Compress
Substantial Ample Unimportant
Appreciable Tangible Negligible
Nebulous Cloudy Clear
Mitigate Allay Increase
Lucid Clear Ambiguous
Scatter Divide Collect
Sturdy Solid Weak
Obstacle Hurdle Aid
Stiff Brittle Easy
Paltry Wretched Considerable
Evaluate Measure Ignore
Obsolete Ancient New
Brisk Active Slow
Zealous Rabid Apathetic
Generic Universal Branded
Miserable Suffering Happy
Drowsy Dreamy Alert
Confiscate Swipe Give
Shrewd Intelligent Fool
Abundant Liberal Rare
Fidelity Faithful Disloyal
Compel Bulldoze Block
Prevalent Common Rare
Impeach Blame Acquit
Barren Arid Fertile
Perpetual Permanent Temporary
Enormous Huge Little
Dilemma Puzzle Solution
Sea Surf Land
Foe Enemy Friend
Stubborn Balky Complaint

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

Impressive Vital Ordinary

Courteous Respectful Rude
Dutch Aide Neglect
Succinct Pithy Lengthy
Disobey Resist Conform
Hypocritical Affected Sincere
Poverty Beggary Wealth
Generous Kind Stingy
Cramped Ache Release
Sharp Active Dull
Glitter Brightness Dullness
Angular Staggered Flat
Cook Bake Cease
Dispatch Hurry Delay
Far Long Near
Acquirement Creation Failure
Precise Actual Inaccurate
Violation Abuse Obedience
Isolation Confine Integrate
Settle Achieve Prolong
Substantial Ample Tiny
Effectively Persuasive Futile
Louden Roaring Soft
Considerable Ample Tiny
Reduce Minimize Increase
Rigid Hard Soft
Passionate Steamy Cold
Seize Fasten Relinquish
Sharp Acute Blunt
Redemption Retrieval Giving
Bitter Harsh Mild
Ordinance Canon Informality
Courteous Civilized Rude
Acid test Confirmation Contradiction
To flag on dead horse Enthusiasm Apathy
Profound Wise Stupid
Vitriolic Hateful Sweet
Discrimination Injustice Impartial
Inspired Urge Dissuade
Exploit Feat Treat fairly
Paltry Cheap Substantial
Throw cold water Discourage Motivate
At the eleventh hour Too late Early

MR. KASHIF ALI BWCS 0324-7087070

A slap on wrist Punishment Pardon

Foe Enemy Friend
Despair Pain Joy
Abundance Bounty Scarcity
Array Supply Mess
Glib Vocal Taciturn
Sparkle Flash Inertia
Impolite Moody Polite
Cease Close Begin
Impediment Blockage Help
Hypothesis Reason Disbelief



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