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I. Translate the following passages in English.

(10 points each)

1. Letter to a friend.

元気? ぼくは元気だけど、すごくいそがしいよ。さ来週他大せつ なしけんがあるから、夜おそくまで勉
強しなければならないんだ。 それに毎朝五時ごろおきて、プールに水えいのトレーニングに行 くよ。
それがおわったら、シャワーをあびて、うちに帰ってから 朝ごはんを食べる。そして、母が学校まで
車でつれて行ってくれ るので、やっと間にあう。昼休みに友だちとバスケットボールを したり、バン
ドのれんしゅうをしたりする。おん楽の先生はすご くきびしいよ。土曜日に、近くに住んでいるそ母
に会いに行く。 おこづかいをもらうために、そ母の車を洗う。でも日曜日に町に 出かけて、友だちと

2. Vacation Friend
先月、日本の姉妹校から私たちの学校に、生とが 20 人来まし た。ホストファミリーの家に
ホームステイしながら、英語の勉強 をしたり、りょ行したりしました。
英語のじゅぎょうの時は、オーストラリア人の生とといっしょ に日本のことやオーストラリ
アのことを話しました。いろいろな ゲームもして楽しみました。
学校に行かない日は、どう物えんや町に行ってあそびました。ど う物えんでは、見たことが
ないどう物がたくさんいたので、しゃ しんをたくさんとりました。2 週間はとてもみじかか
ったですが、 私たちも日本について、いろいろならうことができたので、来て くれてとて

3. Publishing House
やら大衆受けやらコンプライアンスやらに一切縛られずに自由に発表できるだろ。 締め切りがないから自分

II. Translate the following in Nihongo. (10 points each)

1. Paper making

Everyone knows that paper is made from trees. But when one looks at trees, one
cannot imagine that something so soft and fragile as the paper is made is so hard
and strong. Plant materials such as wood are made of fibers known as cellulose. It is
the primary ingredient in paper making. Raw wood is first converted into pulp
consisting of a mixture of Cellulose, lignin, water and some chemicals. The pulp can
be made mechanically through grinders or through chemical processes. Short fibres
are produced by mechanical grinding. The paper produced in this way is weak and
is used to make newspapers, magazines and phone books.

2. My Hobby

Gardening is my favourite hobby. I own a small plot of land next to our house. I
cultivate gardening there. Every day, I spend half an hour gardening. After returning
from my morning walk, I go to my garden with a spade and a bucket of water. I
prepare the soil, prune the plants, and water them. I also use insecticides and
fertilizers. My heart leaps with joy when I see the plants swaying in the wind. I feel
heavenly pleasure as I watch them grow day by day.

III. In 300 words, recall how do you enjoy your summer vacation as a child. (30
Key Answer

1. Jiro-kun,
How are you? I'm fine, but I'm very busy. I have another big day to attend next week,
so I have to study until late at night. Also, I wake up around 5 o'clock every morning
and go to the pool for water training. After that, I took a shower, went home, and
had breakfast. Then, my mother takes me to school by car, so I finally make it in
time. During my lunch break, I play basketball and play band with my friends. The
music teacher is very strict. On Saturday, I go to see my mother who lives nearby. I
wash my mother's car in order to get an allowance. But on Sunday, I went out to
town and ended up spending all the allowance I got with my friends.

2. Last month, 20 students came to our school from our sister school in Japan.
While staying with a host family, I studied English and went on vacation.
During English lessons, we talked about Japan and Australia as well as the lives of
Australians. We had fun playing various games.
On the days when I didn't go to school, I went to Domonoenya Town and played. At
the food store, there were many things I had never seen before, so I grabbed a lot of
food. Although the two weeks were very hectic, we were able to learn a lot about
Japan, so we were very happy that they came.

3. In addition to the publishing recession, the number of novels published is

decreasing year by year, so even writers who have been active for a long time should
become novelists or create a Kakuyomu account and post their works, but why is
there no one doing it? What? Of course, you will definitely not be able to submit
works that have already been published due to publishing contracts, but if it is a
new work, you can freely publish it without being bound by deadlines, public
reception, or compliance. There are no deadlines, so you can post irregularly at your
own pace. You can write as much as you want in the genre you originally wanted to
write without worrying about how it will be received by the masses.


芸をやっています。私は毎日 30 分をガーデニングに費やします。朝の散歩から戻った後、

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