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NIM: 23110377



Alhamdulillah, praise the presence of God Almighty who has given His grace and
gifts to the author so that he can complete the task of this business proposal well.
Shalawat and greetings we convey only to our characters and examples of the
Prophet Muhammad SAW.

The author's goal is to make this business proposal to give an overview to

investors the business that I will make. The completion of the business proposal
made by the author, through many processes, obstacles, obstacles and everything
the author can go through thanks to the support of various parties so that the
author can complete this task quite well. Therefore, on this occasion, the author
expressed his deepest gratitude to the parties who have helped the making of this
business proposal.

Sando is a two-layer bread that contains various fillings such as fruit, cream, or
katsu. This food belongs to a unique food group known as yōshoku or Japanese
food inspired by Western food. There are many types of sando, there are katsu
sando, fruit sando, tamagl sando and salad sando. My focus here is fruit sando
where Fruit sando is one of the popular sando variations in many places. The fruit
and cream fillings in this sando provide a unique taste of delicious sweet and
Usually fruit sando contains pieces of fresh fruit such as strawberries, bananas,
peaches, oranges, kiwi, to pineapple. Later the fruit pieces are coated with a thick
cream that adds to the deliciousness of this sando
In the sando menu that I made, for the beginning I will make 3 menus, namely
sando filled with grapes, oranges and strawberries with a soft cream, which will
make my product become very interested by millennials who love viral food.


Mealtime which means meal time or can be interpreted as "time to eat". I gave
this name with the intention that buyers can be interested just by reading my brand
name, especially if they see my cute and attractive logo.

Meal has the same meaning as food, but meal is special for food that has been
cooked or that has been served. meal also means food that is specific to humans
not for other animals or animals. The use of the word sando in this brand so that
people are interested and curious what sando really is even though sando is only
Japanese which means sandwich

At the top there is a picture of my own product, namely a sandwich wrapped in

cream with a fresh fruit filling that adds flavor. Then below it there is the name of
the brand itself which is "Mealtime sando" as I have explained above the meaning
of the name of the logo. Then there is a picture like the symbol of the sun, where I
hope my efforts can be a glimmer of hope for me. I really hope that this business
can run smoothly and flood orders in the future so that I can add more menus and
improve product quality.
For now I don't have a store and temporarily produce from home because I sell
online and only sell one product. With careful consideration, I decided to rent a
shop if this business in the future has a good profit and is already known to many
I'm targeting my product for millennials who are looking for viral food. I think
young people now don't want to be out of date, especially about food. But apart
from millennials, this food can also be enjoyed by children and parents because of
its soft texture so it is easy for anyone to eat.
The price will be charged is the price that is estimated to be affordable by the local
communty. After careful consideration, we finally set an initial price for the
product offered. We consider this price to be in accordance with the quality we
provide. In the future, price will be adjusted according to further developments.
No. Menu Price
1. Our beloved grape Rp 10.000
2. Live like a strawberry Rp 10.000
3. Orange in the sky Rp 10.000

The strategies that I will apply to this business include:
1. Create cinematic photos and videos to upload to social media to make them
look more attractive and attract customers.
2. Uploading instastory every day so that people who are initially not interested
end up seeing and there is a feeling of wanting to buy.
3. Create a simple but cute logo that will become iconic in my brand.
4. Make a variety of menu names that will be an attraction so that the menu in
mealtime does not look boring.
5. Using quality ingredients and fresh fruit so that customers are satisfied with the
products offered.
The competitor is the other party that will be a competitor for the business being
run. I feel that those who will be rivals in this business are other viral food
vendors such as tanghulu, tteokbokki, and others. But I believe, with the concept I
use and the consistency I have, I can become a reliable competitor in this culinary
No. Item name Amount Unit price Total price
1. Mixer 1 190.000 190.000
2. Bowl 3 15.000 45.000
3. Plastic wrap 2 30.000 60.000
4. Spatula 2 10.000 10.000
5. Baking pan 3 7.000 21.000
6. Freezer 1 2.000.000 2.000.000
7. Scissors 2 10.000 20.000

Total 2.346.000


(For one week)
No Item name Amount Unit price Total price
1. White bread 14 12.000 168.000
2. Whipping cream 7 30.000 210.000
3. Grape 7(kg) 25.000 175.000
4. Orange 3(kg) 30.000 90.000
5. Strawberry 7(kg) 35.000 245.000

Total 888.000

For operational costs, namely electricity and water I estimate about
Rp.300.000 for one months

For the profit that I get, I have to calculate the expenses first. at a price of
10,000 per pcs, then I will get a turnover of 200,000 per day. then in 1
week I get a turnover of 1,400,000 then 1,400,000 I will reduce with the
capital I need for 1 week. for the cost of production for 1 week it costs
888,000+, the cost of electricity and water is about 50,000 per week then
the cost I spend for one week is 938,000. So, 1,400,000-938,000=462,000.
With this calculation, the profit I get is 462,000 and if you multiply it by 4
weeks the profit I get for 1 month is 1,848,000.
The calculation above is that if my product is sold out according to the
target, but if it is possible and by looking at the existing situation, then I
will increase production every day if this business runs smoothly. All the
calculations above are hypotheses that I made during this effort. If the
future situation is not as expected, it will be recalculated and devise a new

I will do promotions on social media (instagram, tiktok, whatsapp, and facebook)
according to the selling method I choose, namely through online media. Because
my target market is millennials, I feel that the promotions I do will be successful
and get the attention of many people. With the quality of the ingredients I have,
I'm sure the loyal customers will like my product and it can be an advantage for
me because the customer will tell the people around him that my product is a
quality product and can be enjoyed.
In the material, it can be concluded that the "Mealtime sando" business
proposal is a culinary business that focuses on bread processing. This fruit sando
is a snack made from white bread wrapped in sweet cream and then given fresh
fruit in it. This business was chosen because it has a profitable business potential
and is easy to make because it does not use stoves and also materials that are not
too complicated.
The "Mealtime sando" business has a vision to produce and sell food that is
healthy, halal, delicious, quality, and different from other foods. The company's
mission includes the use of fresh and halal quality ingredients, good cooperation
between producers and consumers, service with good ethics, and prioritizing
quality in everything that is done.
This business has a promotion strategy that includes online marketing through
the official website and social media. In terms of branding, the "Mealtime"
business has an attractive logo with a simple but cute design that is the main
attraction for this brand. The addition of a little pink will add a sweet impression
in making the kni logo.
The target of this business buyer covers all circles, both the lower, middle, and
upper class. The price is affordable for all people. This business also aims to
develop ideas, creativity, and innovation, as well as provide an entrepreneurial
experience for beginners.
Thus, the "Mealtime sando" business has the potential to succeed because it
presents delicious products, has a broad target market, has a clear vision and
mission, and is supported by a good promotion strategy.
Here are some suggestions that can be given for the "Queen Banana"
1. In-depth market research: Conduct comprehensive research on the market,
including analysis of consumer trends, taste preferences, and buying habits. This
will help you better understand the target market and identify opportunities that
can be exploited.
2. Product development: Continue to innovate and develop products to maintain
the attractiveness and uniqueness of the "Mealtime sando" product. In addition,
provide a variety of flavors that are interesting and according to consumer tastes.
3. Effective marketing strategy: Take advantage of social media and online
platforms to expand marketing reach. Create attractive and visual content that is
attractive to introduce products and attract consumers.
4. Quality and consistency: Ensure product quality remains consistent and meets
established standards. Good quality will help build customer trust and maintain
their loyalty.
5. Customers as a priority: Focus on customer satisfaction by providing good
service and being responsive to their feedback and feedback. Provide a pleasant
and positive experience to customers.
6. Collaboration and partnership: Consider forming partnerships with other
parties, such as food stores, cafes, or culinary events, to expand distribution and
increase market reach.
7. Continuous evaluation and improvement: Perform periodic evaluations of
business performance, identify strengths and weaknesses, and make necessary
improvements. Adapt to changing markets and consumer needs to remain relevant
and competitive.
It is important to have a solid business plan and conduct regular monitoring
of business development. With the right combination of strategy, good
management, and focus on quality and customer satisfaction, the "Mealtime
sando" business has the potential to succeed and develop.

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