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Revision Day -1

Source Analysis -

1. Read the sources given below and answer the questions that follow:

Source 1:

"Recent demographic studies reveal that approximately 60% of young individuals, upon
completing their education in rural areas, opt to relocate to urban centres or even abroad.
This substantial migration trend raises concerns about the diminishing attachment to
cultural roots. Families, on average, cope with the separation for around 8 to 12 months,
navigating the challenges of maintaining familial bonds across distances.
Data from a nationwide survey conducted last year indicates that nearly 40% of the young
population who move away do not return to their villages. This raises significant questions
about the return on investment in education, as the country may not fully benefit from the
skills and knowledge acquired by these individuals. A decade ago, when the retired teacher
had been working, statistics from his class reflect a staggering 52% migration rate to cities,
illustrating the persistence of this trend over time.
Television programs promoting urban lifestyles contribute to shaping the mindset of young
people, with surveys indicating that 70% of respondents found city life portrayed as exciting.
Notably, in a recent interview conducted by Professor Maine, a renowned economist,
findings from his research affirm that students studying in different countries demonstrate a
25% increase in interest toward diverse cultures. While these statistics shed light on the
challenges faced by rural communities, they also underscore the potential for educational
experiences abroad to broaden cultural perspectives."

Extract from a newspaper article on Brain drain from developing countries.

1. Identify two concerns expressed by the retired teacher regarding young people
and their connection to their culture. [2]

0. ‘Young people do not care about their culture.’ Identify the arguments in support of
this statement from the above source. [4]

0. ‘Students who study in a different country show greater interest in other cultures.’
Discuss the above statement. You should include information from the text to support your
opinion. [ 6 ]
1. Use of statistics
2. Examples
3. Other supportive points

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