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Beginning of Term I Examinations

P.3 Religious Education

Name: ……………………………………………………………………….……..Stream:……………
School: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...
1. Name the Holy book for Christians.
2. Who was the youngest Uganda martyr?
3. Name the church symbol.

4. On which day do Moslems go for prayers?
5. Name the place of worship for Christians.
6. ____________________________________ was the mother of Jesus
7. A group of people related by blood marriage or adoption is
called ______________________________________________________
8. Who heads a school?
9. Write R.E in full.
10. A family is headed by _______________________________________
11. Draw a bible.

12. God created _______________________________ on the first day.

13. Who was the earthly father of Jesus?
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14. I use my __________________________________ for walking.
15. In which town was Jesus born?
16. Give one example of domestic animals.
17. Write one natural source of light.
18. Who baptized Jesus Christ?
19. “Let the little children come to me,” who said those words?
20. Write one name for the Moslems.
21. (a) Jesus had ___________________________________ apostles.
(b) List any four apostles of Jesus Christ.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
(iii) _________________________________________________________
(iv) _________________________________________________________
22. (a) Give two sources of water.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
(b) Write three uses of water to man.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
(iii) _________________________________________________________
23. Mention any five things which were created by God.
(i) _____________________________ (ii) __________________________
(iii) ____________________________ (iv) _________________________
(v) _________________________________________________________
24. Mention any two roles of the following:
(a) Father:
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(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
(b) Mother:
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
(c) Children:
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
25. (a) A true insect has ___________________________________ legs.
(b) List any four examples of insects.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
(iii) _________________________________________________________
(iv) _________________________________________________________
26. (a) Mention any four books found in the bible.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
(iii) _________________________________________________________
(iv) _________________________________________________________
(b) Who was the wife of Abraham?
27. Match people and their work.
Teacher works in a shop.
Doctor preaches the word of God.
Policeman treats sick people.
Pastor keeps law and order.
Shopkeeper teaches pupils.

28. (a) Mention any four basic needs of man.

(i) ____________________________ (ii) __________________________
(iii) ___________________________ (iv) __________________________

(b) We become members of God’s family after

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29. (a) Give any four examples of people who need our help (the
(i) ____________________________ (ii) ___________________________
(iii) ____________________________(iv) __________________________
(b) How can you care for the sick person? (give one)
30. (a) Give three traditional places of worship.
(i) ___________________________ (ii) ____________________________
(iii) _________________________________________________________
(b) Draw these places of worship.

church mosque
31. (a) Mention any four examples of the Uganda martyr.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
(iii) _________________________________________________________
(iv) _________________________________________________________
(b) Name the place where the Uganda martyrs were killed.
32. (a) Mention any two names for Christians.
(i) ____________________________ (ii) ___________________________
(b) ______________________________________ is the way of telling
the truth to others.
(c) Give any two ways of being honest to others.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________________
*****GOD BLESS*****

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