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Group name: Transflow - Group 11 Class: AI1701

Course: EXE101 Lecturer: Vuong Tieu Oanh


1. Cù Thị Phương Nga 4. Dương Quốc Khánh

2. Phạm Trịnh Huyền My 5. Dương Minh Hoàng

3. Hồ Phúc Hưng 6. Đinh Quốc Đạt


1. Internal Audit 3
Current market size: 3
Customer in Vietnam 3
Rivals 4
2. External Audit 5
3. SWOT Analysis 8
1. Survey analysis 9
2. Interview 24
3. Target customers 25
4. Customer Personas 26
1. Main Value 27
2. Unique Selling Points 27

1. Internal Audit

Current market size

The price per chapter is 20,000 VND based on the valuation of recruitment posts in
translator groups. In the market, there are approximately 40 or more websites offering
translated story products. The average monthly demand for one translation unit (1 website) is
180 chapters.

=> MARKET SIZE: The market size is estimated to be around 144 million per month.

Target: Capturing 5% of the market, which is approximately 7.2 million per month.

Customer in Vietnam
1. Type of customer:
There is a wide range of customers that yearn for the localization of manga in their
own language. Customers ranging from:
- Individual manga/anime enthusiasts, those who are actively engaged in online
communities and fan translation groups, seek out for wider please and titles beyond
official translation in bookstores
- Small fan translation groups: These groups usually combine the first customer type
into a small group that have enough skill to translate and redraw manga chapters.
- Big publishers and distributors: These customers are usually the big team from local
publishers, they are often professional or possess high skill in translation, redrawing
and typesetting.
2. The need of machine translation apps:
For enthusiast individuals, official translated manga may not cover the wide range of
titles due to the publish and distribution law in Vietnam, while new titles from Japan, Korea
or China keep releasing new chapters, or volumes monthly or even weekly. Waiting for their
desired title to get permission to publish and distribute in Vietnam is a lengthy and tedious
process, so these individuals usually take the work on themselves and use machine translation
apps to satisfy their crave to know the next development of their favorite titles.
For small fan translation groups or publishers: the rise of popularity in manga/anime
in Vietnam comes with the rise in demand for manga with local language. These small groups
usually use machine translation apps to cover up the lack of translators or to address the
demand for timely publication of weekly or biweekly releases of new chapters.
Machine translation apps also come in handy when talking about cost-efficiency and
time saving. Learning a whole new language or acquiring official licenses takes time, money
and determination for understanding and fluently translating foreign language to local
language. The same thing can also apply to hiring professional translators, which can usually
take up a huge amount of money and weeks just to finish one chapter, months for a whole

volume. Machine translation apps can make this feasible by taking less time and cost less
money to translate manga chapters.
3. Attitudes of customers toward machine translation manga:
Vietnamese manga enthusiasts are often eager to access the latest content quickly.
This attitude makes them more receptive to machine translation, even with its potential
imperfections, as it allows for a faster release of translated material. Vietnamese readers may
be willing to accept the fact that machine translation has its own limitations when it comes to
manga translation. Translating from Japanese, Chinese or Korean, which are few of the
hardest languages when it comes to vocab and grammar, to Vietnamese need to be correct in
vocabulary while also need to capture the meaning, or to be specific the essence of the scene
is a challenging task that even human translator have a hard time to accomplish. Some
communities often accept machine translation as a tool for fast translation and then refine the
translation later before final publish.

4. The trend of using machine translation in manga translation:

Vietnamese manga fans are likely to participate in online communities and forums
where machine-translated content is shared and discussed. This trend reflects the
community-driven nature of manga translation in Vietnam.
Another trend is to integrate machine translation into manga reading platforms or
apps, which help readers to choose other languages different from the localized language


1. IchigoReader
2. Yandex
3. Scan-translator
4. IsManga

- What these translation apps have done:

● Translate from Japanese into the desired language
● Automatically delete old text and add translated text to the image

- What these translation apps haven’t achieve:

● Still translated word by word, the tone is not natural, sometimes using words that do
not fit the context
● You can't adjust the font, just push the text into the bubbles, there's no variety in fonts
● The inpainting process is not beautiful but sometimes leaves text from the original
● The entire folder cannot be included for translation

2. External Audit

Political factors:

● In the realm of political dynamics, one discernible aspect is the manifestation of

cultural discordance among nations. Concurrently, disparities in political policies
across countries may result in incongruities. A noteworthy instance is the
phenomenon colloquially referred to as the "cow tongue line." Despite its apparent
inaccuracies, this concept may persist, underscoring the imperative for meticulous
scrutiny and verification of content to ensure accuracy and mitigate misinformation.

Economic factors:

● Cost of development: The startup should conduct a detailed cost-benefit analysis to

understand the long-term financial implications of developing and maintaining the AI
application. Exploring potential partnerships or seeking government grants for
innovative projects might be avenues to mitigate development costs.
● Pricing strategy: In addition to deciding on a pricing model, the startup should also
assess the affordability and willingness of target audiences in different regions to pay
for the translated manga. Offering tiered pricing or special promotional packages may
enhance market penetration.
● Market competition: The economic landscape should also account for competition
within the AI translation space for creative content. Analyzing competitors' pricing,
features, and market share will aid in refining the startup's own strategy and
identifying unique selling points.

Social factors:

● Cultural differences: Beyond translation accuracy, the startup should invest in
cultural adaptation to make the manga resonate with diverse audiences. Collaborating
with cultural experts or localizing certain elements within the translated manga can
enhance its appeal and relevance.
● Community engagement: Building a community around the AI-translated manga
could be crucial for its success. Creating forums, social media groups, or feedback
mechanisms where users can express their preferences and concerns can foster a sense
of ownership among the audience.
● Inclusivity: The startup should be mindful of diverse representation in the translated
manga. Ensuring that characters and storylines are culturally sensitive and inclusive
can contribute to a positive reception in different markets.

Technological factors:

● OCR model: The OCR model is essential for recognizing text in manga images. The
startup should ensure that the OCR model can accurately recognize text in different
fonts and styles.
● Translate model: Our startup should explore the use of Large Language Models
(LLMs) to improve the accuracy of the translations. LLMs are neural network models
that can learn from large amounts of data and generate high-quality translations. For
example, researchers from the University of Tokyo have developed a machine
translation system called Mantra Engine that uses LLMs to translate manga into
different languages.
● Inpainting model: The inpainting model is used to remove the original text from the
manga image and replace it with the translated text. The startup should ensure that the
inpainting model can produce high-quality images that are visually appealing.

Environmental factors:

● Energy consumption: Developing and running an AI application requires significant

energy consumption. The startup should consider how to minimize the environmental
impact of the application.
● Sustainability: The startup should consider how to ensure the sustainability of the
application. For example, using renewable energy sources or recycling hardware.

Longer version by Khanh

In the intricate journey of developing an AI application for manga translation, a
comprehensive examination of a myriad of factors becomes imperative. The multifaceted
nature of this endeavor spans political, economic, social, technological, and environmental
dimensions, each requiring a nuanced approach for successful navigation.
Within the political sphere, the discernible manifestation of cultural discordance among
nations emerges as a significant consideration. The divergent political ideologies and policies
across countries introduce potential incongruities, exemplified by the intriguing "cow tongue
line" phenomenon. Despite its apparent inaccuracies, this concept serves as a poignant
reminder of the necessity for meticulous scrutiny and verification of content to ensure

accuracy and counteract the spread of misinformation. The intricate interplay between
political dynamics and cultural nuances emphasizes the need for a sophisticated
understanding of the global political landscape.

Economic considerations unveil a labyrinth of challenges and opportunities for the startup.
Conducting a thorough cost-benefit analysis becomes paramount to grasp the intricate
financial implications associated with the development and maintenance of the AI
application. Exploring potential partnerships and seeking government grants for innovative
projects represent strategic avenues to alleviate the burden of development costs. Crafting an
effective pricing strategy requires a deep dive into the nuances of regional markets, taking
into account the affordability and willingness of diverse target audiences to pay for translated
manga. The incorporation of tiered pricing structures or special promotional packages is an
additional layer to enhance market penetration. Moreover, a meticulous analysis of market
competition within the dynamic AI translation space is crucial for refining the startup's
strategic positioning and identifying unique selling points.

Social factors further contribute to the complexity of the venture. Beyond translation
accuracy, the startup must address the rich tapestry of cultural differences to ensure that the
translated manga resonates authentically with diverse audiences. Investing in cultural
adaptation becomes not just a strategic move but a cultural imperative. Collaborating with
cultural experts and localizing specific elements within the translated manga emerges as a
key strategy to elevate its appeal and relevance. Concurrently, building a vibrant community
around the AI-translated manga is crucial for its long-term success. Establishing forums,
social media groups, or feedback mechanisms where users can actively express their
preferences and concerns fosters a sense of ownership among the audience, transforming
them from passive consumers to engaged participants. Furthermore, inclusivity is paramount,
both in terms of character representation and storyline sensitivity, contributing to a positive
reception across varied cultural contexts.

The technological frontier is a cornerstone of this ambitious project. The Optical Character
Recognition (OCR) model, essential for accurately recognizing text in manga images,
demands meticulous calibration to handle diverse fonts and styles. Leveraging Large
Language Models (LLMs) for translation, as demonstrated by the Mantra Engine developed
by researchers from the University of Tokyo, emerges as a cutting-edge strategy to enhance
translation accuracy and quality. The inpainting model, responsible for seamlessly replacing
the original text with translated text in manga images, must ensure not only accuracy but also
the production of high-quality visuals that are aesthetically pleasing and maintain the artistic
integrity of the original work.

In addressing environmental considerations, the startup must grapple with the significant
energy consumption associated with developing and running an AI application. Adopting
eco-friendly practices, such as minimizing energy consumption or utilizing renewable energy
sources, becomes a moral and strategic imperative. Moreover, the startup's commitment to

sustainability should extend to considerations of hardware recycling, aligning its practices
with responsible environmental stewardship.
In conclusion, the journey of developing an AI application for manga translation is a
symphony of interconnected factors, each playing a distinct yet harmonious role in the
project's success. Navigating this intricate landscape demands not just technical prowess but a
holistic and adaptive approach that embraces the diversity of global politics, economies,
societies, technologies, and environmental concerns. The startup's ability to weave these
considerations seamlessly into its development strategy will ultimately determine the success
and resonance of its AI-translated manga in a dynamic and ever-evolving world.

3. SWOT Analysis


● Accurate Translation: The app has the capability to translate languages accurately
and efficiently.
● User-Friendly Interface: The interface is simple and easy to use, enabling users to
quickly leverage its features.
● Support for Multiple Languages: The app supports multiple common languages
based on user demand.


● Multilingual Translation Capability: Difficulty may be encountered in translating

rare languages or languages with complex grammatical structures.
● Complex Narrative Structures: Challenges may arise when translating complex
narrative structures, intricate wordplay, or culturally specific storytelling techniques,
requiring careful consideration to convey the intended meaning accurately.
● Internet Connection Requirement: The app may require an internet connection to
function, which could pose challenges for users without internet access.


● Expand Language Support: Seize the opportunity to expand the list of supported
languages to attract a more diverse user base.
● Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI): Utilize AI technology to enhance
translation capabilities and app performance.
● Develop Cross-Platform App: Integrate with other platforms such as web and app to
increase the app's accessibility.
● Collaboration with Comic Authors and Translation Groups: Collaborating with
comic creators and translation groups to better understand the unique artistic language
of each work.


● Competition from Other Apps: New translation apps may emerge, creating
competition and reducing market share.
● Changes in Language Policies: Changes in language policies of countries may affect
the app's ability to provide translation services for those languages.

-> Our product selling point:


1. Survey analysis
Contribute to assisting businesses in evaluating potential customer files, identifying
unwarranted shortcomings in similar services, and making improvements. Develop a plan
focusing on services that align with the preferences and common needs of customers.

Understanding User Needs:

Purpose: To find out the main factors that comic book readers care about when choosing
translation software or services.
Benefits: Provide detailed information about readers' needs, interests, and expectations,
thereby creating quality software products or translation services that meet the right

Evaluate the Quality and Utility of the Software/Service:

Purpose: Measure the quality and utility of comic translation software or services.
Benefits: Provides information about the pros and cons of current products, helping the team
develop, improve and optimize products.

Determining Priorities in Choices

Purpose: Identify the most important factors for translators and translation hirers when they
choose comic translation software or services.
Benefits: Helps teams focus on developing important features and services, thereby
improving competitiveness and attracting customers

Grasping Trends:
Purpose: Analyze trends and trends in choosing comic book translation software and services.
Benefits: Provides insight into the market's development direction, helping the team predict
and adapt to fluctuations in story translation demand in the market

Measuring Satisfaction and Attitude:

Purpose: Measure user satisfaction and attitudes toward current comic translation software
and services.
Benefits: Provides important information about satisfaction and reviews from both sides,
helping to build a better translation system and maintain customer loyalty.

Link survey:
Time: 24 - 28/1
Number of survey participants: 121 people
Collect surveys in manga enthusiast groups, group translated manga, ...

Collecting Survey Results and Analysis

Question 1:

Purpose: To understand the level of interest in the survey/industry and business product of the
company between different genders. This is valuable for product marketing suitable for each

Analysis: Among the 121 survey participants, there were relatively small differences in ratio
between men and women, in which other genders account for an insignificant proportion.
About 52.1% of women expressed interest in the survey on factors affecting the decision to
choose Manga translation software, men accounted for a slightly lower percentage, 45.5%.
The chart shows that interest in translating comics is relatively evenly distributed among both
men and women.

Conclusion: Level of interest in the survey product/industry and business of companies do

not differ significantly between genders.

Question 2:

Purpose: Surveying people's interest in manga translation based on age shows clear results
age group distribution of survey participants.

Analysis: The age group from 18-25 years old accounts for the majority with 78.5%. This is
the dominant age group in the survey, reflecting a focus on college students and young adults,
as well as their interest in manga translation work. The age group "under 18 years old"
accounts for 11.6%, and are high school students. However, the relatively modest
participation of this group can be explained by factors such as busy study hours and limited
language and technical abilities. The age groups "26 - 35 years old" and "over 35 years old"
had a lower survey participation rate. This is suitable for common interests across these age
groups, where people tend to invest in higher-quality jobs.

Conclusion: The main customer segment accounts for 78.5% (ages 18-25) in accordance with
the survey results. Gather and Analyzing data from this key audience is an objective and
reliable basis for your research and customer targeting effort.

Question 3:

Purpose: To grasp the quantity, understand the structure of the comic book translation market
and the need for translation search as well as how the need for finding translation support
tools is distributed.

Analysis: After the survey, the data showed that the number of people who directly translate
is nearly double the number of people who hire translators (62% and 38%). However, the
group realized that the number of people renting translation services is quite large, so the
groups that we publicly surveyed have a large number of people renting translation services,
which means there are more opportunities to make money when those people hire translation
services. This person hired translation services using our software

Conclusion: Data analysis shows that direct translators account for the majority, possibly
because they have cost benefits and deep knowledge. However, service providers still play an
important role, especially in responding quickly and flexibly to diverse market needs. The

team will consider a strategy for integrating both groups to optimize translation performance
and quality in the comic book translation industry.


Question 4:

Purpose: To grasp the translator's purpose of translating stories so that they can easily deduce
the needs and desires of potential users, indirectly shaping marketing strategies and
optimizing products and services.

Analysis: After surveying the data, we see that ⅔ of most people translate for work purposes,
nearly half translate comics for entertainment purposes and more than ⅓ translate stories for
the community. ⅕ The purpose of the respondents translating stories is to improve their
translation or foreign language skills.

Conclusion: The predominant use of translation services for work-related purposes among a
significant majority of respondents underscores a promising market potential for service
providers like us. This finding indicates that a considerable portion of translators are actively
engaged in professional endeavors where accuracy, efficiency, and quality are paramount. As
such, these individuals are likely to prioritize access to reliable translation tools and resources
that can enhance their productivity and streamline their workflow and they are more likely to
spend money to buy products that enhance their performance.

Question 5:

Purpose: The purpose of asking users whether they have used software that integrates
multiple fields is to gauge their familiarity with multifunctional software solutions. This
question helps assess the user's comfort level and experience with tools that combine
functionalities from different domains. Understanding their prior exposure to integrated
software can provide insights into their potential receptiveness to our product, which aims to
seamlessly translate manga by integrating various features and capabilities.

Analysis: Most of the user haven’t use any app that can do multiple fields, only about ⅙ of the
user that ever use the app that integrate multiple fields. ⅚ of the users only work with the app
that specializes in only one field.

Conclusion: It also highlights the potential opportunity to introduce users to the benefits of
integrated software solutions like ours, which seamlessly translate manga by combining
various features and capabilities. The decentralized specialize app opens an opportunity for a
throughout workflow.

Question 6:

Purpose: to know which fields users mostly use the app to support. To know which areas we
can compete in, and which areas we must do better than our competitors.

Analysis: Most people use software in the field of translation and text processing with 82.7%
of users using automatic translation software and 40% of users using text processing
software. A small number of users use redraw and quality control software.

Conclusion: The use of redrawing and quality control software is still relatively low. This
shows that our competitive advantage lies in the areas of translation and word processing,
where we can focus our efforts to outperform our competitors. Additionally, the word
processing segment has the potential to grow and innovate to better meet user needs and

Question 7:

Purpose: To analyze what users are most interested in when choosing supporting translation
software, thereby making decisions on how to form the software for the project

Analysis: The items that many people pay special attention to are translation quality,
language diversity and software price. The remaining items received an average rating.

Conclusion: When creating translation software, it is necessary to consider the above factors
simultaneously to ensure a comprehensive solution, meeting diverse needs in translation and
text processing, especially providing translation quality. Good, meets the requirements of
accuracy and naturalness along with affordable prices to suit all customers.

Question 8:

Purpose: The question has the purpose of assessing the level of consumer satisfaction with
services on the market.

Analysis: Satisfaction level 3 accounts for 55.4% and level 2 accounts for 35.1% which can
be considered a good sign because users of other translation software on the market are still
facing many outstanding problems. , affecting the experience as well as the translation quality
is not yet complete and optimal.

Conclusion: Analyzing the level of diversity and factors can provide a basis for improving
service quality and create a detailed guide for future team translation software improvement

Question 9:

Purpose: The question provides additional information to better understand the specific
factors evaluated in the level of satisfaction so that the team will use it as a basis to optimize
services and strengthen relationships with customers. row.

Analysis: The factors that customers are not satisfied with when experiencing translation
support software are quite high (mostly over 40%), of which the most prominent are
accuracy, naturalness and the software does not integrate many areas. area.

Conclusion: In addition to the important issue of accuracy and naturalness when translating,
the team will set up software that integrates all the steps needed to translate story files. From
there, customers will optimize their time and effort, with just one click of a button and the
story file will be completely translated.

Question 10:

Purpose: collect user opinions about the appeal of a software that supports the process of
translating comics.

Analysis: High Acceptance (70.7%): High acceptance shows that there is demand and
expectation from the comic translation community. Low Consideration (29.3%): Although
some people are still hesitant, this rate is still quite low, possibly due to many doubts (the
biggest possibility is about price and accuracy)

Conclusion: shows that there is a strong demand from the comic translation community for a
supporting software. Expect massive adoption that can lead to success if the software meets
user expectations. Consideration can open up opportunities for further research and
development to eliminate complications or better understand specific needs.


Question 4:

Purpose: collect information about the decision to hire translators to better understand the
organization's selection strategy.

Analysis: There is an equal distribution in both directions and the direction of translation
from start to finish is still slightly higher. We can see that the choice to recruit individual
segments is likely due to forced situations, because it is difficult to find personnel who know
how to do all the steps, so we have to recruit individually. Shows that the current situation of
translating comic books for hire is still rudimentary, done by yourself without much software

Conclusion: Shows that this is a bright spot for the group's translation software, promoting
convenience, speed, and ease, not requiring much time to recruit comic translation support
areas. Avoid unexpected situations when working between people.

Question 5:

Purpose: to determine the level and need to complete comics that the tenant expects within a
period of one week.

Analysis: In a week, the number of chapters that need to be completed is over 30, accounting
for the largest proportion of 60.9%, showing the need to recruit quite a lot of personnel to
complete this number.

Conclusion: The large number of chapters that need to be translated shows the potential of
this project. If you approach the customer base properly, you can receive a large number of

Question 6:

Purpose: Identify the stage that requires the most resources to optimize products and optimize
costs for customers

Analysis: Besides the main need of translation, renters pay great attention to the quality
control aspect of the translation's content, even content quality control requires an investment
of time, greater effort

Conclusion: Determining clearly which steps the tenant really needs to invest in the most
helps the product focus on perfecting to effectively solve that need with optimization and
saving more resources for the tenant. Tenant

Question 7:

Purpose: To analyze what users are most interested in when choosing who to hire to translate
stories, thereby making decisions on how to create software for the project

Analysis: All items were mostly rated as very important by survey respondents. Shows the
relatively high and comprehensive requirements of translation hirers when they pay to use the
service. And the two aspects that show the deepest concern and also affect the story reader's
experience the most are the accuracy and naturalness of the words. Redraw has the lowest
average interest level which shows that the renter is focusing more on the content aspect of
the story as there may be times when a mistake in visual finishing may not be something that
affects them too much. much to the quality of the series and the user experience

Conclusion: When creating translation software, it is necessary to consider the above factors
simultaneously to ensure a comprehensive solution, meeting diverse needs in translation and
text processing, especially providing translation quality. good, meeting the requirements of
accuracy and naturalness along with affordable prices to be suitable and competitive with
those who are being hired to translate.

Question 8:

Purpose: The question has the purpose of assessing the level of consumer satisfaction with
services on the market.

Analysis: Satisfaction level accounts for 54.3% and very satisfaction accounts for 17.4%This
can increase the pressure on the team, as it needs to provide better service to improve quality
and customer experience, to compete with the comic book translation services currently
available on the market.. The level of satisfaction in terms of numbers is very high BUT
almost 100% of survey participants chose 2 or more aspects of dissatisfaction with current
products/services, which shows that reality There are still many aspects that the group's
products can exploit and show advantages AND in today's market, most service renters do
not have alternative products, so it is difficult for them to compare. When comparing
products with each other, they are not clearly aware of their satisfaction with the product they
are using.

Conclusion: Give the team a clearer view of the current comic translation market, creating
motivation to launch the most optimal, perfect product with a more favorable price to be

Question 9:

Purpose: The question provides additional information to better understand the specific
factors evaluated in the level of satisfaction so that the team will use it as a basis to optimize
services and strengthen relationships with customers. row.

Analysis: Looking at the lowest number first, we can see that the accuracy and naturalness of
words is relatively good when completed by humans, BUT it is also the reason for the
remaining 3 aspects. Satisfaction is not high. The majority of people who are not satisfied
with the translation experience is quite high (mostly over 68%), with the highlight being the
price and slow completion time.

Conclusion: Unsatisfied aspects will be the basis for the team to exploit and promote superior
points compared to existing products on the market, and that is also the superior point when
technology is applied. The team will also try to produce a product with a level of perfection
in terms of content and vocabulary equivalent to the level of perfection when using a

Question 10:

Purpose: determine the translation hirer's priorities and expectations regarding important
factors when choosing a service or support facility.

Analysis: There is not too big a difference between the two options. Many people, instead of
having a software to translate stories themselves, still choose to work with humans because of
greater credibility and certainty. Someone ensures translation quality, image quality and also
makes it easier to control.

Conclusion: Opens up opportunities for the group, because the group can do services, receive
their services to receive compensation. This allows the group to have a higher income,
instead of just providing software and charging a fee.

Question 11:

Purpose: collect user opinions about the appeal of a software that supports the process of
translating comics.

Analysis: High Acceptance (70.7%): High acceptance shows that there is demand and
expectation from the comic translation community. Low Consideration (29.3%): Although
some people are still hesitant, this rate is still quite low, possibly due to many doubts (the
biggest possibility is about price and accuracy)

Conclusion: shows that there is a strong demand from the comic translation community for a
supporting software. Expect massive adoption that can lead to success if the software meets
user expectations. Consideration can open up opportunities for further research and
development to eliminate complications or better understand specific needs.

Notable Contributions and Suggestions:

“If there is such software, I hope the price will be reasonable.”

"I'll consider it because I'm still a student so I'm not ready to pay a lot to translate the

“I need to finish the trans a lot, so using the software myself is difficult to control, so if you
guys can help me complete it completely, it will be ok. We can discuss prices via email:”

Conclusion: There are many opinions that pay attention to price and cost when using the
software, from there the team will calculate and give the most reasonable price to reach many
users. And there was a friend who was interested in the optimization of this automatic
translation software project and left his contact information. This is the group's first support
on the startup path.

2. Interview

Case 1:
Bạn giới thiệu một chút về bản thân? Mình là Hoàng Anh Tuấn sinh năm 2001 và
hiện đang là freelancer. Mình học và làm nhiều việc cùng một lúc chủ yếu là design và dịch
truyện tranh. Thu nhập trung bình của mình là 15tr
Bạn đã từng dịch hay tham gia thuê chưa? Mục đích bạn dịch là gì?. Mình đã có niềm
yêu thích về truyện tranh 4,5 năm trước và cũng trên một cương vị người đọc truyện tranh thì
mình thấy thị trường Việt Nam dịch truyện tranh vẫn còn rất màu mỡ. Trước kia mình có biết
một số ngôn ngữ nên đã tự dịch truyện để cho mình đọc, sau khi tìm hiểu trên các hội nhóm
dịch thuật mình đã quyết định tham gia vào dịch thuật truyện tranh và chủ yếu dịch thuê để
kiếm tiền
Bạn đã sử dụng phần mềm tích hợp nhiều lĩnh vực hay chưa? Mình chưa dùng các
phần mềm tích hợp để giúp ích cho việc dịch thuật truyện tranh nhanh hơn. Vì mình dịch
bằng cơm nên là thời gian để hoàn thành một chap truyện nó khá là lâu nên mình cũng mong

muốn là trong tương lai sẽ xuất hiện một phần mềm hoặc một app nào đó có thể hỗ trợ dịch
thuật truyện tranh nhanh hơn, tiện lợi hơn để có thể tiết kiệm thời gian.
Những yếu tố bạn chưa hài lòng với các ứng dụng dịch thuật bạn đang sử dụng. Hiện
tại mình chỉ đang dùng google dịch hỗ trợ dịch thuật nên mình thấy bất tiện trong cái hoàn
cảnh dịch, nhiều lúc dịch chưa sát nghĩ và văn phong của truyện. Thứ 2 là mình dịch bằng
cơm nên khi mình dịch xong mỗi bong bóng truyện thì lại điền vào cái bong bóng đấy nó
cũng mất rất nhiều thời gian.
Bạn có góp ý gì cho dự án về phần mềm dịch truyện tranh tự động của chúng mình
không? Khi mình nghe các bạn giới thiệu tới dự án này thì mình rất là thích cái dự án này nếu
như có đc phần mềm dịch thuật truyện tranh như vậy thì mình tiết kiệm được rất nhiều thời
gian. Mình mong muốn sẽ có một phần mềm dịch truyện tranh trước hết là phải đúng nghĩa
và sau đó là tự động hoá các bước nếu làm đc như thế thì quá tuyệt luôn ạ

Case 2:
Bạn giới thiệu một chút về bản thân? Mình là Đào Hải Minh sinh năm 2003 và hiện
đang làm việc cho một nhà hàng. Hồi xưa mình cũng đã từng dịch truyện vì sở thích cũng
như đã từng dịch truyện cho một bên thứ ba rồi. Thu nhập của mình vào khoảng dưới 10 triệu
Bạn đã bao giờ là người thuê dịch chưa? Mình thì mình chưa bao giờ thuê dịch cả,
hầu hết mình đều tự dịch truyện của mình thôi. Do mình dịch cũng chỉ là sở thích nên không
đặt nặng việc kpi hay gì cả.
Bạn đã sử dụng phần mềm tích hợp nhiều lĩnh vực hay chưa? Mình thì mình chưa
dùng các phần mềm tích hợp để giúp ích cho việc dịch thuật truyện tranh nhanh hơn. Mình
mới sử dụng các công cụ hỗ trợ dịch thuật như là google dịch hay deepL để hỗ trợ mình dịch
còn công cụ chỉnh ảnh thì mình cũng đều chỉ sử dụng các tool cơ bản như brush hay eraser
Những yếu tố bạn chưa hài lòng với các ứng dụng dịch thuật bạn đang sử dụng? Việc
mình dùng các phần mềm chỉnh sửa ảnh để hỗ trợ cho việc dịch thì mình chỉ dùng các phần
mềm cơ bản do nhiều công cụ khá là lằng nhằng nên mình mong muốn một công cụ giúp
mình chỉnh sửa văn bản dễ dàng hơn.
Bạn có góp ý gì cho dự án về phần mềm dịch truyện tranh tự động của chúng mình
không? Mình cũng chỉ mới nghe về dự án của các bạn và cũng chưa được trải nghiệm sản
phẩm nên việc đưa ra góp ý là khá khó, mình thì mình chỉ tâm niệm rằng nếu mà phần mềm
nào mà có khả năng đo được độ tự nhiên trong văn bản và độ tự nhiên cao thì nó sẽ tốt hơn là
một phần mềm có độ chính xác nhưng lại dịch đúng theo kiểu google dịch.

3. Target customers

This target group is characterized by multidimensional factors such as age, gender,

geography, occupation, income and user psychology. Below is a more detailed description of
this group:

​ Age: 18-25 years old

● This group is mainly young people, in their adolescence and early adulthood.

​ Gender: Any
● The group is evenly distributed among men and woman, showing no
significant dominant from any gender in translating.
​ Geography: Urban
● This group often lives in urban areas, where amenities and a favorable work
environment are available.
​ Occupation: People who directly translate stories and people who hire them to
translate stories
● Including people who directly translate stories and people who need to
translate stories for work and entertainment purposes.
​ Income: Income belongs to the lower class, lower middle class
● This group has below average income, demonstrating the need for value
solutions and reasonable costs.
​ Psychographic:
● Hobbies and Interests (Interest): Translate stories for work and entertainment.
● Needs: Ensuring translation quality.
● Desires: Prioritize a software that ensures translation quality, language, and
reasonable price.
● Attitude: Translators are not satisfied with current products due to lack of
functional integration and low accuracy, and tenants do not clearly understand
the available services.
​ Behaviour:
● Product Loyalty: High
● Seeking Benefits: Naturalness and fit of words in context, accuracy of words
and intonation.
● Usage Status: Never used integrated software.
● Usage Level: High (more than 60% of respondents need to translate more than
30 chapters/week).

This group requires a story translation application to provide not only high translation quality
but also integrate features and functions to meet the diversity of users' needs and desires.

4. Customer Personas

Customer Portrait

​ Name: Linh
​ Age: 22 years old
​ Gender: Female
​ Geography: Living in Hanoi
​ Occupation: Do direct story translation work and sometimes hire story translators for
entertainment and work purposes.
​ Income: Student with low income (3,000,000 VND)
​ Interest

● Pay special attention to translation quality to have the best reading experience.
​ Desire:
● A high-quality story translation application, ensuring the accuracy and
naturalness of words.
● Price must be reasonable.
​ Attitude:
● Not satisfied with products on the market due to having to use many different
apps during the translation process
● Seek innovation and improvement in the story translation experience.
​ Behavior:
● Never used integrated software before.
● Use the story translation application daily with high usage, especially when
needing to translate more than 15 chapters/week.
● Be loyal to the product when you feel it meets your requirements.



1. Main Value

Fast and Effective Translation: Experience translating comics with high speed and
performance. Our automated software ensures quick conversion from a variety of source
languages to target languages without losing quality.
Precision Quality: Committed to translation quality with accuracy in preserving the original
and adapting to the language and culture of the target audience. Furthermore, the naturalness
of the words will be enhanced.

2. Unique Selling Points

Translation From Start to Finish: Enjoy flexibility with the ability to translate entire comics
from start to finish. No need to wait, no limit on length, bringing maximum convenience to

User Friendly and Easy to Use: The user interface is friendly and easy to use, allowing users
of all levels to explore and enjoy the features without needing in-depth knowledge of
languages or technology.

Integrating New Technology: Built on the latest technology platform, providing features such
as automatic translation and automatic correction

Automation and Time Saving: Let our software help you save time with a fully automated
translation process. Integrated tools reduce effort and speed up your work. No need to
translate through a lot of software, no need to recruit a lot of human resources, you only need
our software.

Supports Multiple Languages: Translate and understand comics from many different
languages, providing a diverse and rich experience, meeting most needs of comic translation


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