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BSHM- 1-4D

what do you think is the most important trait of a politician.

For me, what important on being a politician is concerned on his/her constituents, a politician must
protect and care on their community. In addition to this, politician's reforms are well-prepared for the
betterment of our country or their constituents, and the most important thing is that they do not take
advantage of others, or should we say that the politician was not involved in corruption or
squandering of the funds that are saved. Lastly, the politician should not care only at the beginning of
their term, we need the care until the end of their term. Because it his duty to make the betterment of
the community until the end of their term. He/she must also concern about the poor people in needs
on how to help them or lift them out of the poverty that our country brings. Many people want to have
a good leader who will lead our country to flourish and thus improve the country.

as a youth what support can you give to have a clean and honest election.
As a youth the support that we can give is to vote for the right candidates that can truly help us. Youth
can also help to give a clean and honest election by: Participation of young people in representative
democracy: standing for or voting in elections or membership of political parties.
Participation of young people in participatory structures: promoting the involvement of more young
people in structures, such as youth organizations or issue-based NGOs or volunteering.
Participation in debate: on youth or community issues; opinion-shaping through written press or youth
radio, participating in online discussion fora, writing, or following blogs.
Seeking information and learning about democracy: participating in simulations of political processes,
attending training, or learning at school, engaging in youth organizations.
and to make sure that there’s a fair election when all votes have the same power and are counted in
the right way. Elections that are free and fair are critical for democracy. They make certain that the
people choose their representative. Fair elections entail ensuring that everyone can register to vote
and vote in person or electronically. It also means that people are free to vote without fear of being
persecuted. Voters should be able to obtain all of the same and accurate information. There should
be no fraud in voting. All votes should be counted correctly, and the public should be informed of the
correct results.

3. What is a chater change? Do we need to have a chater change? Explain

4. Do you a agree that sanggunian kabataan official be exempted to take NSTP. Explain your answer.

5. if you give a chance to run on national position what position you will choose and why?

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