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The evening of this year has been a script written in italics mostly.

To define it
as a space in time I understand will be a mortal sin. Am in no awareness of what
this big mast of the universe means to say to me and as we ride away in silence,
you and I both know that this is all new to our friendship.

This silence may choke me to death if it must. I am still unsure if I will make out
a sentence without hesitating, I have every line repeating in my head but for so
many reasons beyond me, my utterance is lost. The heavyness in my head right now
won't let me take my gaze away from this window. Before my eyes are episodes
between you and I from all these years of knowing you and never in this history
have our drives been this wordless.

I wouldn't want to be disturbed in thought either.

I know for sure, there is no artery under the sun that tells the godliness crafted
in the way your lips have caressed mine all night. You took me out of a spell and
breathed life inside me, with just the touch of your warm ripe melting lips. You
used my lips like a spread canvas, nourishing every curve and line on them with
strokes of your hungry passion, that you've hidden inside you for close to a decade

Am speechless.

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