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Giving advice
We use should or shouldn’t to give somebody advice and to
say what is or isn’t the right thing to do.
You look tired. You should have some rest.
He shouldn’t drive so fast. He’ll have an accident one

I think you should …
We often say I think … should … to give somebody advice.
I think you should buy a new pair of shoes for the party.
I think we should go home; it’s very late.
Note that in a negative sentence, we often say I don’t think…
I think you shouldn’t call her now; she’s very upset.
I don’t think you should call her now; she’s very upset.
We often say Do you think … should … to ask for advice.
Do you think I should look for another apartment?

Time to practise)
You have a great job; you .... (change) it.
You ... (drink) so much coffee; it's bad for your blood
The government ... (help) people in need.
It's an incredible film. You ... (watch) it.
It's a very dangerous area. Tourists .... (go) there.
I think I ... (apply) for a new job.
You ... (go) to that restaurant. The food is terrible.
When someone does you a favour, you .... (say) thank you.
He ... (study) more if he wants to pass his exam.
Children ... (drink) sugary drinks. It's not very healthy.

Get: phrasal verbs

Get: phrasal verbs



Forming Good Habits: A Key to Success

1. Start Small: Trying to change too much at once can be overwhelming. Start
with small, manageable habits, like drinking more water or taking a short walk
every day.
2. Be Consistent: Consistency is key to forming a habit. Try to do your new habit
at the same time or in the same place every day.
3. Set Clear Goals: Knowing why you want to develop a new habit can help you
stay motivated. Set clear, achievable goals for yourself.
4. Track Your Progress: Keep track of your progress to see how far you've come.
This can help you stay motivated and identify areas for improvement.
5. Reward Yourself: Celebrate your successes, no matter how small. Rewards can
help reinforce the habit and make it more likely to stick.

Forming Good Habits: A Key to Success

6. Stay Positive: Changing habits can be challenging, but try to stay positive.
Remember that every small step is a step in the right direction.
7. Don't Give Up: It's normal to have setbacks. If you slip up, don't be too hard on
yourself. Get back on track and keep moving forward.
By developing good habits, you can improve your life in many ways. Whether it's
eating healthier, exercising more, or being more productive, forming good habits
can lead to a happier and more fulfilling life.

1. What role do habits play in our lives?
2. Why is it important to start small when trying to develop a new habit?
3. How can consistency help in forming a new habit?
4. Why is it important to set clear goals when developing a new habit?
5. How can tracking your progress help you develop a new habit?
6. Why is it important to reward yourself when trying to form a new habit?
7. How can staying positive help you develop a new habit?
8. What should you do if you experience a setback while trying to form a new


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