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Personal Interview Dos and Don’ts


1. Research the Company: Understand the company's mission, values, culture, and recent developments.

2. Practice Common Interview Questions: Prepare responses to common interview questions related to your
experience, skills, and goals.

3. Dress Appropriately: Wear professional attire that is suitable for the company culture and industry.

4. Arrive Early: Aim to arrive at least 10-15 minutes early to the interview location.

5. Bring Necessary Documents: Carry extra copies of your resume, references, portfolio, and any other relevant

6. Maintain Good Body Language: Sit up straight, maintain eye contact, and offer a firm handshake.

7. Be Polite and Courteous: Greet everyone you meet with respect, including receptionists and other staff

8. Listen Attentively: Pay close attention to the interviewer's questions and respond thoughtfully.

9. Ask Questions: Prepare insightful questions about the company, role, team dynamics, and future opportunities.

10. Show Enthusiasm: Express genuine interest in the role and company throughout the interview.

11. Highlight Achievements: Provide specific examples of your accomplishments and how they relate to the

12. Be Concise: Keep your responses clear and concise, avoiding rambling or going off on tangents.

13. Stay Positive: Maintain a positive attitude even when discussing challenges or past experiences.

14. Express Gratitude: Thank the interviewer(s) for their time and the opportunity to interview.

15. Follow Up: Send a thank-you email or note within 24 hours of the interview to express appreciation and reiterate

16. Be Authentic: Be yourself and let your personality shine through in your responses.

17. Emphasize Transferable Skills: Highlight how your skills and experiences are relevant to the role, even if they
come from different industries.

18. Showcase Problem-Solving Abilities: Discuss how you have overcome challenges or resolved issues in previous

19. Demonstrate Flexibility: Be open to discussing potential adjustments to your role or responsibilities.

20. Clarify Doubts: If you're unsure about something, don't hesitate to seek clarification during the interview.

21. Research Interviewers: If possible, learn about the background and roles of the individuals interviewing you.

22. Stay Calm Under Pressure: Handle unexpected questions or situations calmly and confidently.
23. Be Professional in Responses: Avoid speaking negatively about past employers or colleagues.

24. Articulate Career Goals: Discuss your long-term career aspirations and how the role fits into your career

25. Showcase Teamwork : Provide examples of successful collaborations and teamwork experiences.

26. Demonstrate Adaptability: Highlight instances where you successfully adapted to changes or learned new skills.

27. Quantify Achievements: Whenever possible, quantify your achievements with specific metrics or numbers.

28. Express Willingness to Learn: Emphasize your eagerness to acquire new knowledge and skills relevant to the

29. Follow Instructions: Pay attention to any instructions provided during the interview process and follow them


1. Don't Arrive Late: Punctuality is essential and arriving late reflects poorly on your reliability.

2. Don't Interrupt: Allow the interviewer to finish speaking before responding to questions.

3. Don't Use Filler Words: Minimize the use of filler words such as "um," "uh," or "like" during the interview.

4. Don't Speak Too Fast: Speak clearly and at a moderate pace to ensure your responses are easy to follow.

5. Don't Criticize Former Employers: Refrain from speaking negatively about previous employers or colleagues.

6. Don't Lie or Exaggerate: Be honest and transparent about your skills, experiences, and accomplishments.

7. Don't Be Overconfident: Confidence is good, but arrogance can be off-putting to interviewers.

8. Don't Be Distracted: Avoid distractions such as checking your phone or fidgeting during the interview.

9. Don't Focus Solely on Salary: While compensation is important, don't make it the primary focus of the

10. Don't Be Casual: Maintain a professional demeanour and avoid being overly casual or informal.

11. Don't Discuss Personal Issues: Keep the conversation focused on your professional qualifications and

12. Don't Ramble: Keep your responses concise and relevant to the question being asked.

13. Don't Avoid Eye Contact: Maintain eye contact with the interviewer(s) to convey confidence and attentiveness.

14. Don't Display Negative Body Language: Avoid slouching, crossing your arms, or exhibiting closed-off body

15. Don't Overwhelm with Information: Provide enough detail to answer the question without overwhelming the

16. Don't Express Desperation: Avoid appearing desperate for the job or overly eager to please.
17. Don't Assume Familiarity: Address interviewers with appropriate titles and maintain a professional tone.

18. Don't Use Jargon Unnecessarily: Keep your language clear and accessible, avoiding unnecessary technical

19. Don't Discuss Controversial Topics: Steer clear of discussing controversial or sensitive topics unrelated to the

20. Don't Make Excuses: Take responsibility for any past mistakes or shortcomings and focus on what you've

21. Don't Focus on Weaknesses Exclusively: If asked about weaknesses, discuss how you've worked to improve or
mitigate them.

22. Don't Exaggerate Credentials: Be honest about your qualifications and avoid exaggerating your skills or

23. Don't Express Impatience: Avoid appearing impatient or disinterested, even if the interview runs longer than

24. Don't Be Rigid: Be open to feedback and demonstrate a willingness to adapt to new ideas or approaches.

25. Don't Interrupt the Flow: Allow the conversation to flow naturally without interrupting or forcing topics.

26. Don't Focus Solely on Yourself: Show genuine interest in the company, its culture, and the team you'll be
working with.

27. Don't Forget to Follow Up: Send a thank-you note or email promptly after the interview to express appreciation.

28. Don't Burn Bridges: Even if the role isn't a fit, maintain professionalism and leave the door open for future

29. Don't Lose Confidence: Maintain confidence in your abilities and value, even if the interview doesn't go as

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