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### 1.

Difference between Micro and Macro Nutrients (5 marks)

### 2. Zinc and Selenium Food Products and Benefits (5 marks)

- **Food Sources:** Beef, poultry, seafood (especially oysters), dairy products, nuts, seeds,
and whole grains.
- **Benefits:**
- Supports immune function.
- Facilitates wound healing.
- Necessary for proper growth and development.
- Important for DNA synthesis and cell division.

- **Food Sources:** Brazil nuts, seafood (tuna, shrimp, salmon), meat (beef, lamb, turkey),
eggs, and grains (wheat, rice).
- **Benefits:**
- Acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from damage.
- Supports thyroid function.
- Boosts immune system.
- May reduce the risk of certain cancers.

### Part- B
Nutritional Psychology: Understanding the Relationship between Nutrition and Psychology

Nutritional psychology explores the intricate relationship between dietary patterns, nutritional
status, and psychological well-being. This interdisciplinary field investigates how food
choices, nutrient intake, and dietary habits influence mood, cognition, and mental health.

**1. Impact of Nutrition on Mental Health:**

- **Nutrient Deficiencies:** Inadequate intake of essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty
acids, B vitamins, and minerals can contribute to mood disorders such as depression and
- **Gut-Brain Axis:** The gut microbiota plays a crucial role in regulating mood and
behavior through the gut-brain axis. Imbalances in gut bacteria can affect neurotransmitter
production and influence mental health.
- **Inflammation:** Poor dietary choices and obesity can lead to chronic low-grade
inflammation, which has been linked to depression, cognitive decline, and other mental
health issues.

**2. Psychological Factors Affecting Eating Behavior:**

- **Emotional Eating:** Emotional states, such as stress, sadness, or boredom, can trigger
overeating or unhealthy food choices as a coping mechanism.
- **Cognitive Influences:** Beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions about food and body image
can influence dietary habits and nutrient intake.
- **Social Context:** Cultural norms, social pressure, and environmental cues shape eating
behaviors and food preferences.

**3. Nutritional Interventions for Mental Health:**

- **Dietary Recommendations:** Promoting a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole
grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can support mental well-being.
- **Supplementation:** Certain supplements, such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and
probiotics, may have beneficial effects on mood and cognition.
- **Therapeutic Diets:** Dietary interventions like the Mediterranean diet or the DASH diet
have shown promise in improving mental health outcomes and reducing the risk of mood

**4. Behavioral Strategies for Healthy Eating:**

- **Mindful Eating:** Practicing mindfulness during meals can enhance awareness of
hunger cues, reduce emotional eating, and promote healthier food choices.
- **Behavioral Therapy:** Cognitive-behavioral techniques can help individuals identify and
challenge negative thought patterns related to food and eating behaviors.
- **Goal Setting:** Setting realistic and achievable goals for dietary changes can enhance
motivation and adherence to healthier eating habits.

Nutritional psychology highlights the bidirectional relationship between nutrition and
psychology, emphasizing the importance of considering both dietary factors and
psychological aspects in promoting mental well-being. By addressing nutritional needs and
psychological factors, individuals can optimize their overall health and quality of life.

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