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RES SUPPLEMENT FOR DS ~ EQPT AND PERS COSTS A supplement on approx eqpt and pers costs is issued on pink pages to Staff College DS only. Contents are: Subject Page Introduction Ds 1 Fon and Unit Costs DS 2-3 Eqpt Costs Ds 4-7 xi ‘RESTO PART VIII - ORBAT FOR STAFF COLLEGE EXS 1985 Introduction Sect 1 - 1 (UK) Corps 1 (UK) Corps, Corps Tps and Possible TA Rfts 1 Armd Div 2 armd Div 3 Armd Div 4 Inf Div 1 arty Div Sect 2 ~ Misc RCZ and Comm Z Units and UK Based Inf Bde Assigned to 1 (UK) Corps Mise RCZ and Comm Z Units 16 Inf Bde Sect 3 - UKMF, Ltd War and IS Forces 17 In€ Bae 18 Inf Bde 63 Gurkha Bde 3 Cdo Bde Sect 4 - Addi Units 801 - 804 805 and 806 807 and 808 809 - 810 811 - 813 814 815 and 816 817 818 and 819 820 a21 822 823 and 824 RESTD- PART VII ~ SOVIET GROUND FORCES AIDE MEMOIRE Part VII will be issued in early 1985 to Staff College DS and students only. ix Abbreviations Mil Symbols -RESEB- PART VI - ABBREVIATIONS AND MIL SYMBOLS British Army Encode List Sect Encode List Sect Encode List Sect Letters Encode List Sect Examples Subject Introduction to Abbreviations Encode List Sect 1 ~ Regts and Corps of the 2 3 4 Regts and Corps of the TA Ranks, Appts and Branches National Distinguishing Common Abbreviations viii Page 600 601 ~ 603 604 - 606 607 - 611 ell 612 - 625 626 - 631 -RESTD PART V - COMMS DIAGRAMS Editor's Note. At the time of going to press insufficient information was available about PTARMIGAN to show it in the SOHB. Such information will be shown in the Communication Precis EBL. Subject Page Fan Comms Corps Trunk System (BRUIN) 500 Div Trunk Comms (BRUIN) 501 Armd Div HQ Radio 502 Armd Bde HQ Radio Comms 503 Inf Bde HQ (BAOR) 504 Inf Bde HQ (UKMF) 505 Arar Comms Armd Regt Type 57 506 Armd Recce Regt (BAOR) 507 Armd Recce Regt (UK - NATO Role) 508 Arty Comms Fd Regt (ABBOT and M109) 509 AD Bty (JAVELIN) 510 Hy Regt (1110) 511 Fd Regt (FH7O) 512 Engr Conms BAOR Div Engr Comd, Div Engr Regt and Sp Sqn 513 Amph Engr Regt 514 Armd Engr Regt 515 Engr Regt (UK) 516 Inf_Comas Mech Bn 57 Inf Bn Type A (SAXON) 518 Avn Comms AAC Regt BAOR ~ Type A 519 Log Comms ‘Tpt Comms in Armd Div 520 Med Comms in Armd Div 521 Sup Comms in Armd Div 522 Maint Comms in Armd Div 523 Pro Comms in Armd Div 524 Conms HARRIER Comms 525 vit Engr Landing Strips/ LPs/Dzs Comms PART IV - STAFF REF DATA Subject Fd Engr Planning Yardsticks Prep and Marking of Hel LP/LS HARRIER Sites Size of DZs for Men and Eqpt Mov Planning Data Mil Load Cls (MLC) Definitions of Important Log Terms Corps Log Units Comm Z Log Units Outline Div Log System Outline Log Layout for Gen War showing: Tpt Resources Aval A System of Air Log Sp Individual Manpower REts CASEVAC and Sup of Med Eqpt Budfin in the Fd Armd Replacement Org Sup of Vehs (other than Armd Replacement: Stages of Veh and Eqpt Repair and Rec Armd Div REME Layout Distr of Sups (incl C Sups) Sup of Engr Stores Some Log Planning Factors Second Line Loading Scales Load Tables ~ POL, Water, Rat, Def Store: Tpt Planning Data Load Tables - Anmo Org and Gon of Dumping Dumping Calculations and Examples Metric Conversion Table Glossary of Comms Terms NATO Subj Indicator System Sig Message Addresses vi Page 400 - 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 and 411 and 410 412 413 - 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 and 432 433 434 435 and 437 438 and 440 and 442 43 436 439 441 Wpn Ranges and Capabilities Veh Characteristics Ac Details Air Drop Eqpt Amph Craft -RESTD. PART III - EQPT CAPABILITIES Subject Max Ef{ Range of AFV Wpns Particulars of Guns and Hows Frontages and Safe Distances Nuc Arty AD Arty Loc Eqpts Inf Wpns - Alloc Inf Wpns - Description Surv and Ni Fighting Eqpt - Passive Devices Active Devices AFV Details B Veh Characteristics C Veh Characteristics Armd Engr Eqpt Army Hels Army Hel Wpn Systems RAF Fixed Wing Ac RAP Hels Air Drop and Hel Cargo Eqpt mph Shipping and Craft CNR and RR Eqpt 322 323 and 302 304 305 308 310 312 316 324 325 to 327 BG (BAOR): Possible Components PART II - STAFF TABLE iv Resource Int TA REST. Subject org and Allotment of RCT Units Manning and Vehs of RCT Units RAMC Units Summary of RAMC Units RAOC Units Summary of RAOC Units REME Units Summary of REME Units REME Sp in the FCZ RMP Units RAPC Units PCS RE ‘CRHU RPC Units Theatre Int and Sy Resources in War TA Orgs adi Page 42 and 43 44 45 46 and 47 48 49 50 SL 52 53 54 EY 54 55 56 57 to 59 Manpower Tgts Fons and Fun HQs Aror Arty Comms Inf “REST STAFF COLLEGE SOHB 84: INDEX PART I - ORGS Subject MPT as at 1 Apr 83 Acad Div HQ of Armd Div HQ of Armd Div: Summary of Arms, Sves and Atts Gars in BAOR Inf Div (Assigned to BAOR) HQ of Armd Bde Inf Bde (Assigned to BAOR) HQ of Inf Bde (Assigned to BAOR) Inf Bde (UKMF) HQ of Inf Bde (UKMF) Inf Bde (Worldwide Tasks) HQ of Inf Bde: Summary of Arms, Svcs and Atts cdo Bde RM Armd Regt Type 57 Armd Recce Regt (BAOR) Armd Recce Regt (UK - NATO Role) Armd Recce Regt (UK - Home Def) Armd Del Regt Terminology used in Orgs Arty Div Armd Div Arty Inf Bde and UK Based Arty Orgs Div Engr Regt (BAOR) Engr Regt (UK) Indep Cdo Sqn RE Corps Engrs BAOR: Summary Corps Engr Regt (BAOR) Amph Engt Regt (BAOR) Armd Engr Regt Armd Div HQ and Sig Regt Inf Div HQ and Sig Regt Inf Bde HQ and Sig Sqns Mech Bn Inf Bn Type A (SAXON) Inf Bn Type B In Role Para Ba cdo RM SAS Regt AAC BAOR and Sqn AAC (UKLF) ed 18 19 and 20 21 and 22 23 and 24 25 26 and 27 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 aL STAFF COLLEGE SORB Contents. This handbook is divided into 8 parts: a. Part I. orgs. b. Part II. BG Staff Table. e. Part IIL. Eqpt Capabilities. 4. Part Iv. Staff Ref Data. e. Part Vv. Comms Diagrams. f£. Part VI. Abbreviations and Mil Symbols. g- Part VIT. Soviet Ground Forces Aide Memoire (issued separately). he Part VIII. ORBAT for Staff College Exs. 2. Page Nos. Blocks of page nos have been allotted to each part of the SOHB for ease of ref and revision. Part I has been allotted nos 1-199, Part II 200-299 and so on. 3. Orgs. Orgs shown rep current estbs, or those be implemented in the near future. Some remain under discussion and may be subj to further change. No attempt is made to specify the composn of all British Army fmns. Div orgs vary; those shown are rep examples for use in Staff College exs, unless specified otherwise in ex papers. 4. Sy Cl. Some data is generalized for sy reasons. Sy GL. 5. Use of SOHB Outside the Staff College. Students may retain SOHB on completion of Army Staff Courses and some copies are issued externally. It is emphasised that, while useful for gen ref, SOHB is authoritative for Staff College purposes only. Detailed info must be checked with appropriate staff branches efore being used as a basis for decision making.

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