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LMHI Publication devoted to Hahnemannian

Vol. 1, Issue 1, February 2020

Edited by Dr. Renzo Galassi M.D.

Published by LMHI – Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis

THE LIGA LETTER • Vol. 19 • Review 2013 • 1


• No. 1 / Issue : 1
• Pictures: Archive & Web
• Editor: Dr. Renzo Galassi (Italy)
• Team: Dr. Altunay Agaoglu (Turkey), Dr. Gustavo Cataldi (Argentina), Dr. Daniel C. Cook
(USA), Dr. Ulrich D. Fischer (Germany), , Dr Andrea Flores Sanchez (Mexico), Dr. Pietro
Gulia (Italy), Dr. Klaus-Henning Gypser (Germany), Dr. Josè Matuk Kanan (Mexico), Dr.
Bernardo Merizalde (USA), Dr. Aditya Pareek (India) Dr Bernhard Zauner (Austria) .
• Editorial Support: Dr. Daniel Cook
• Lay Out & Design : Evin Turkay (LMHI Secretariat)
• Publisher: LMHI
• Internet:
• Contact:
• Frequency: three times a year

The articles reflect the opinion of the authors, not necessarily that of the editors or
publishers. All contributions and illustrations are protected by copyright. Any duplication,
translation, transfer to electronic data carriers or any other use requires the approval of
the editors.
The author is responsible for the protection of data privacy, especially with regard to the
medical history and information of patients.
No liability is assumed for unsolicited manuscripts. The publishers and editors reserve the
right to make any necessary changes and reductions after consultation with the author.
The Guideline for Authors can be consulted at the editorial office and is available to
The editor/publisher accepts no liability for information on dosage and therapeutic
instructions. Every user is required to research the information or consult a specialist.
No liability is assumed for printing errors.
There is no financial compensation for the articles published. If the report is paid for, this
will be stated. All authors are obliged to disclose conflicts of interest.
In principle the journal will not publish papers that have been simultaneously submitted
to other journals.

Vol. 1 , Issue 1 2
Index to The Homoeopathic Physician n.1, 2020
Some words from the Editor Dr. Renzo Galassi (pg. 4)
Editorial of the LMHI president Dr. Gustavo Cataldi (pg.5)
Intro to Homoeopathic Physician n.1, by the Editorial Board. (pg.6)
• Samuel Hahnemann on his 265th birthday,by Dr. K.H.Gypser (pg. 7)
• Hahnemann’s examination, submitted and translated by Dr. Ulrich Fischer (pg.10)
• Visit to Hahnemann in Köthen, by Dr. Ulrich Fischer (pg.11)
• Treatise on the effects of Coffee, by Dr. Renzo Galassi (pg. 13)
• A clinical case of Hahnemann, by Dr. Ute Fischbach Sabel (pg. 22)
Clinical cases
• A case from the experience of Dr. Will Klunker, by Dr. Bernhard Zauner (pg. 26)
• Clinical Experiences, by Dr. Renzo Galassi (pg 28)
• Multi-centre PROVING, by Prof. Ashley Ross (pg. 31)
Quiz Corner
• Quiz corner, by Dr. Pietro Gulia (pg. 38)
• Solutions of the Quiz corner of LMHI News n 25, by Dr. Pietro Gulia (pg. 40)
Next Congress
• LMHI world congress 2020, Izmir, by Dr. Altunay Agaoglu (pg.42)

Editorial Board

Dr. Altunay Agaoglu, Turkey Dr, Gustavo Cataldi, Argentina Dr. Daniel Cook, USA

Dr. Ulrich Fischer, Germany Dr. Andrea Flores Sanchez, Mexico Dr. Renzo Galassi, Italy

Dr. Klaus-Henning Gypser, Dr. Jose Matuk Kanan, Mexico

Dr. Pietro Gulia, Italy Germany

Dr. Bernhard Zauner,

Dr. Bernardo Merizalde, Dr. Aditya Pareek, India Austria

Vol 1, Issue 1 3
Some Words from the Editor, Dr. Renzo Galassi

Dear readers, dear colleagues, when I proposed to give our scientific publication a new title and
especially this kind of title, “The Homoeopathic Physician”, it was only for the immense respect
and love I have for the old American Masters of the Homeopathic Golden Age.
Now sitting and writing a few lines for this editorial, I feel a great emotion, because I realize that
this name, the Homoeopathic Physician, is part of the best history of our Medicine, and the
responsibility to offer our community a magazine with this title obliges us to try to follow the high
standards of the old one.
Of course, nowadays there are not geniuses like the stalwarts of that time, so we can’t reach that
altitude, but our aim is to give a tool, especially to the younger colleagues, highlighting the basic
rules of our Medicine, left to us first by Hahnemann and successively put in practice by a number
of fantastic prescribers, many of whom arrived from Germany, with most of them living in the
area of Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, Ann Arbor, Cleveland and small towns nearby.
Our idea is to give different topics in every issue: 1) History of our Medicine, dedicating every
issue to a special author and his teachings, 2) Clinics, offering new or older studies and analyses of
clinical cases, 3) Research and Drug Provings, 4) Pharmacy, 5) Application of our Medicine in the
field of Veterinary medicine or Agriculture, 6) Tips and findings concerning Materia Medica, 7)
Philosophy of Homeopathy and Organon, 8) the Quiz Corner to train our young colleagues and 9)
The goal, I realize, is very ambitious, but we will try, with your help and contribution, to do our
best. Every colleague who is interested in Hahnemannian Homeopathy is invited to contribute
articles, advice or simple feedback, positive or negative.
The only requisites we ask of contributors, will be to adhere to the principles of the Organon and
follow the same rules in the Constitution of the International Hahnemannian Association, which
you will read in the following article: “Invitation to the reader”.
This does not mean that we want a schism in the homeopathic world, but that, since one can easily
find both in the publishing companies and on the web homeopathic publications about the new
approaches and methodologies of our Medicine, we want to give a “Home” to the true Classical
Homeopathy, such as Hahnemann created it and such as the first good followers preserved it.
A special thank to the editorial board for the effort to accept this new challenge and in particular
to Dan Cook of Dallas, who helps us with the review of the English style.
I do hope that we will be guided in this effort by our immortal predecessors from Heaven or the
place where they are resting for the Eternity.
Sincerely yours, Renzo Galassi

Vol 1 , Issue 1
Editorial of the LMHI President

It is an honor for me as President of the LMHI to inaugurate a new

cycle of our journal, now with the illustrious name The
Homoeopathic Physician, which takes up the ideals of that
publication that began in February 1881 after the death of
Constantine Hering (1800 – 1880), and which was carried out by
prominent homeopaths of that golden age of American
I congratulate the working group of the Newsletter Secretariat and
especially its secretary, our dear Renzo Galassi, for the initiative
and the excellent work they are doing.
The name of the journal evokes the condition of being a
"homeopathic doctor", to whom its articles are directed.
Dr. Gustavo Cataldi
There is the question: what does it mean to be a homeopathic doctor?
In this same issue you will find what Hahnemann (1755 – 1843) thought about who could be
considered a true homeopathic doctor: one who could adequately answer the questionnaire he
composed, which we include in this issue.
These questions refer to the defense of the inalienable principles that he had discovered, and which
he saw threatened by the arrival of adherents to the new method who subverted the essence of his
The American homeopaths of the time when The Homoeopathic Physician was founded, as well as
their inspiring teacher, Constantine Hering –who was mentioned in that first issue as the
"American Hahnemann"– faithfully maintained those Hahnemannian principles.
The founder of the School where I studied, a man who is also Honorary President of the LMHI,
Tomás Pablo Paschero (1904 – 1986) added in his teaching the conviction that the homeopathic
doctor should guide the patient in his healing process, and enable the patient to leave a selfish vital
attitude (manifestation of vital imbalance) and open up to his fellows in a giving attitude.
In this way, we can affirm that the true homeopathic doctor must not only have the knowledge of
the technique and mastery of the science of homeopathy, but also of the art of treating his patient
with a proper approach to humanistic medicine.
This means that the homeopathic doctor should not only train to know how to detect the most
characteristic symptoms, but also understand their meaning as a whole of the chronic disease in
the patient.
While research must be encouraged to show that homeopathy is a medical science, it should not be
forgotten that its practice is also an art, and that the true homeopathic doctor must rely on these
two aspects (science and art), which actually come from a single source.
I do not doubt that The Homoeopathic Physician will continue the legacy of the masters and that
those who read carefully the different articles published in each issue will have more tools to be
able to declare ourselves as true homeopathic doctors.

Let's welcome this renewal and the initiative that has driven the Newsletter Secretariat!

Vol 1, Issue 1
Invitation to the Reader, by the Editorial Board
We introduce this worldwide homeopathic journal, sponsored by LMHI, with a title that is new
and yet old: The Homoeopathic Physician. It recalls one of the most famous, revered, and classic
homeopathic journals of America. Started in 1881 in Philadelphia after the death of Constantine
Hering to carry on his understanding of homeopathy, The Homoeopathic Physician began with a
memorial to Hering by Adolph Lippe and an article on Organon Paragraph 153 by Dr P. P. Wells of
More than 170 different homeopathic journals were published for shorter or long periods of time
in bustling America between 1850 and 1914, but three stand out for their authors and
contributions, universally recognized still today for their essential instruction and clarification of
homeopathy: Hahnemannian Monthly, Homoeopathic Physician, and Transactions of the
International Hahnemannian Association.
The two journals, Homoeopathic Physician, and Transactions of the International Hahnemannian
Association, were begun in the same year, 1881, probably the high point of homeopathy in
America. The International Hahnemannian Association was a membership group that aimed to
closely follow the precepts of Hahnemann and the Organon. Its annual meeting consisted of
lectures and discussions, which were transcribed and bound as Transactions for its members,
who included H.C. Allen, Cyrus Boger, Eugene Nash, Edmund Lee, Adolph Lippe, E. W. Berridge,
James Kent, J.B. Bell, W. J. Guernsey, R. R. Gregg, and Wm Wesselhoeft. When these great
homeopaths were not practicing or preparing lectures for the IHA meeting, they were often
writing articles for The Homoeopathic Physician. The staff and contributors to both publications
were overlapping.
The impetus for The Homoeopathic Physician were words of Hering that served as the opening by-
line of every issue of the journal: “ If our school ever gives up the strict inductive method of
Hahnemann, we are lost, and deserve to be mentioned only as a caricature in the history of
The IHA clarified and expounded on this in the resolutions that rallied and united its members,
and were the reason they founded this organization. They are the spirit of this present journal:
• The Organon is the anchor and our reliable guide in therapeutics
• A homeopathic physician adheres to the law of similars, the totality of the symptoms, the single
remedy, and the minimum dose of the dynamized drug – these tenets practiced together, not
selectively or singly.
• The mixing of two or more medicines is non-homeopathic
• Treatment that suppresses symptoms by the toxic action of the drug is not homeopathic
• Testing medicines on the healthy is the basis of the Materia Medica.

This journal will offer logical arguments and clinical proof to establish these principles, and
confirm the natural law that homeopathy expresses – “that law which has never failed its editors
in the sick room,” proclaimed the original Homeopathic Physician in the first pages of its first
issue in 1881.
So please read on! the English reviewer of
all the texts…

Dr. Dan Cook of

Dallas, Texas, USA
Vol 1, Issue 1
Samuel Hahnemann on his
During the last years people
worldwide remember the
265th birthday,
end of World War I one Dr. K-H. Gypser, Glees,
hundred years ago, but
forgetting the 265th Germany
birthday of Samuel
Hahnemann who was the Hahnemann took the remedy in overdoses as
greatest physician mankind an experiment, poisoned himself, so to speak,
has ever seen. and then experienced symptoms that were
But why does Hahnemann deserve this usually present in untreated patients with
superlative? Because his 27,000 printed pages of Malarial fever. Should, according to his
work already exceeded the publication volume of assumption, the healing power of the cinchona
bark in cases of malarial fever consist in the
other doctors during his lifetime? Or because he
fact that it can cause similar phenomena in
recognized the importance of the side symptoms healthy people?
that are still ignored by traditional medicine With this the basic idea was born, which he
today? Or because he discovered Mercurius elaborated further in the following. Similar to
solubilis, a more harmless remedy for syphilis the actual healing ability of the cinchona bark,
therapy? No - but because he created a completely he now examined other established medicines
new, comprehensive medical-therapeutic of his time - also on his family members - and
procedure in its foundations and practical carefully noted the resulting symptoms. While
instructions. If contemporary medicine has not yet resuming his practice, he soon treated the first
treated him with the attention he deserves, it is patients according to the principle of
because its representatives mostly come from a similarity: If he found their symptoms among
tradition of thought limited to natural science and those of a medicine tested as described above,
thus Hahnemann's discovery, i.e. homeopathy, he administered it to the patient and observed
becomes a problem case for them rapid improvement or, not infrequently, even
What motivated the already well-known physician healing of the suffering.
to open himself to a fundamentally different In the beginning, however, he was still
therapeutic approach? The considerable suffering from excessive agravations, which he
uncertainty regarding the predictability of the soon found to be due to excessive dosage. This
treatment result, i.e. it was not possible to know is linked to his second major discovery, namely
in advance whether the applied therapeutic the so-called drug potentiation: In order to
measures would lead to a cure or not. This insight alleviate this initial increase in symptoms, he
plunged him into a deep crisis, in the course of reduced the drug dose. What could be more
which he gave up medical practice and turned to obvious than to convert all drugs into soluble
literary works. When translating the chapter on form and then dilute them in a later
Chinese bark in W. Cullen's (1710 - 1790) Materia standardised ratio? When applying the
medica, which incidentally had been appointed to dilutions, he noticed that, as expected, the
the Chair of Chemistry at the University of initial aggravating effect decreased, but not the
Edinburgh in the year of Hahnemann's birth, he healing effect. While it was initially necessary
had the first inkling in 1790 of how he could be to shake the solutions to ensure good mixing,
sure of the result of the treatment in advance, as Hahnemann later discovered that the shaking
far as it concerned pharmacology and not surgery: itself contributed to an increase in the
China officinalis was established in the treatment effectiveness of the medicine despite the
of Malarial fever.. mathematically decreasing concentration of
the original substance. Thus he called his
remedies, which he later produced in the ratio
of one remedy to one hundred solvents,

Vol 1, Issue 1
With the drug proving on healthy persons, the This was followed by an unstable period of
choice of a drug according to similarity of travel, which led him to Hettstett, Dessau,
symptoms and the corresponding application of Gommern, Dresden, Leipzig, etc., filled with
the drug, he had succeeded in discovering an medical and literary activities and an
efficient and side-effect free healing method increasing interest in chemistry. In Dessau he
which can be considered for the treatment of married Johanna Henriette Leopoldi-ne
curable diseases which are in principle accessible Küchler (1764 - 1830) in 1782. Around 1785 he
to drug therapy. The untheoretical, simple basic withdrew from medical practice until the
approach is astonishing: The physician is not discovery of homeopathy, about which he first
dependent on epoch-dependent interpretations of made public statements in 1796 in Hufeland's "
the respective illness, as the history of medicine Journal der praktischen Arzneikunst ".
has richly offered until today (organ- or cellular Hahnemann's first systematic writing on
pathological, bacteria-, virus- or gene-related or homeopathy appeared in 1805 with the
psychological), but he stays with regard to the "Heilkunde der Erfahrung" and also 200 years
choice of remedy with what is primarily and ago the "Fragmenta de viribus
directly given in the case of illness, namely the medicamentorum" as a list of the medicines he
symptoms themselves. Their totality forms the proved. His main work, the "Organon", was
actual being sick, i.e. the restriction of the human published in its first edition in 1810, which was
being with regard to his or her quasi natural followed by four more and translations into 15
possibilities of execution. If he has carefully and languages during his lifetime. In June 1812 he
in detail compiled the symptoms, compared them habilitated at the University of Leipzig and
with the corresponding medicine produced on lectured on homeopathy for almost a decade.
healthy people, dosed them appropriately and During this period, he published his six-volume
removed obstacles to healing, healing follows "Reine Arzneimittellehre", to which drug
according to the law. provings by students who had in the meantime
Even if the principle of similarity is already been won contributed. After a series of
alluded to in Paracelsus and in the Hippocratic disputes with the Leipzig pharmacists, who
writings, the decisive point remained hidden from resented him for preparing his own medicines,
them, namely the insight into the lawfulness of he moved to Anhalt-Köthen in 1821, where
the healing process and, as a prerequisite, into the Duke Friedrich Ferdinand (1769 - 1830)
systematic proving of drugs on healthy people. So granted him freedom of dispensing and
Hahnemann could also say: "Similia similibus appointed him Court Councillor the following
curentur." (Similar diseases shall be cured by year. It was here that Hahnemann achieved
similar ones).The life of Christian Friedrich international renown and his work reached
Samuel Hahnemann began on 10 April 1755 in maturity with the publication of the four-
Meissen. His father, a porcelain painter at the volume "Die chronischen Krankheiten" (1828 -
famous manufactory, made him attend the 1830). Five years after the death of his first
princely school St. Afra of the city, which had wife, he married the French woman Marie
already produced Gellert, Lessing and Schelling. Melanie d'Hervilly (1800 - 1878) and moved to
His medical studies, which he earned through Paris in June 1835. There he looked after
tutoring and translations, led him to Leipzig in clients from various European countries as
1775. From 1777 he received his practical training well as Paganini or the Rothschilds. He died on
at the hospital of the Barmherzige Brüder in 2 July 1843 and his grave is in the Père
Vienna under Joseph von Quarin (1733 - 1814), Lachaise cemetery.
personal physician to Empress Maria Theresa. "I
owe to Quarin what can be called a doctor in me", At this point there is the opportunity to point
he said later. After a stay in Hermannstadt (Sibiu) out some world-historical data or data relevant
he received his doctorate in Erlangen on 10 for Ho-moeopathy:
August 1779.

Vol 1, Issue 1
• 235 years ago Bönninghausen (1785 - 1864) One of the curiosities of history is why, as
was born and things stand, homeopathy plays an
• 215 years ago Jose Nunez (1805 - 1879), insignificant role in health care in its home
founder of homeopathy in Spain was born; country. The scientific understanding of the
• 190 years ago Hahnemann completed the world and human beings is not able to
first edition of "Chronic Diseases" and comprehend anything beyond numerical
homeopathy reached France as well as Spain; calculability. Max Planck (1858 - 1947), for
furthermore Hahnemann published a largely example, said: "Only what can be measured
unknown greeting² to the assembly of the is true." Since Hahnemann's potencies do not
"Association for the Homeopathic Healing correspond to this understanding of truth,
Art" (Vereins für die homöopathische whereby one repeatedly uses the Lohschmidt
Heilkunst) founded in the previous year, number to show that a C30 cannot contain
which deals with two adjuvant measures in anything effective, the natural science that
the treatment of old chronic local diseases: 1. dominates thinking categorically rejects
Application to the skin with a local plaster of homeopathy. References to the unmistakable
pitch and lark turpentine, applied to healthy healing successes or the fundamental
skin, after which an itchy rash develops, and problem of calculation (e.g. two bricklayers
2. application of mesmerism. This greeting need three days to build a wall; do one
ends with the following lines: "Finally, I wish million bricklayers do this work in the
that every homeopath who wishes to be millionth time?) remain unheard. Even
worthy of this high profession and thus also recent studies from non-homeopathic circles,
to enjoy the blessings that come from the which show that molecular solutions tend to
faithful practice of this unique art of healing, build molecular conglomerates of increasing
never disgrace himself by adding any cohesive forces with increasing dilution, are
allopathic method, but rather perform this ignored. In the end, the question remains,
divine art purely and sincerely, with regard will society be able to afford to continue to do
to as many moments of illness as possible, by without homeopathy on a broad front in the
means of the most authentic homeopathic face of the constantly growing costs of
remedies, always only in a dilution of a medical technology, which is becoming
million times the potentised and in the increasingly inhumane, and a flood of drug-
smallest dose of one, two, at most three of related damage - all due to the decline in
the finest straws moistened with it, and scientific thinking? A few words of Mahatma
never presuming to force healing in a shorter Gandhi (1869 - 1948) may easily be thought-
time by giving larger doses or by changing provoking:
the medicine more quickly, and thus harming
"I bow to his [Samuel Hahnemann's] art and
the sick person and his good reputation,
the Herculean work he has done. The
without being able to make up for the
memory of him shakes us awake and tells us
missteps by late repentance.“
to follow him. But his opponents hate the
• 140 years ago C. Hering (1800 - 1880) died, existence of the principles and practice of
the IHA was founded, and Kent converted to homeopathy, which in fact performs a
homeopathy; T.F. Allen's (1837 - 1902) greater percentage of cures than any other
"General Symptom Register" was also treatment method and is undoubtedly safer
published and with it he completed his and more economical.”

²Archiv fuer die homöopathische Heilkunst 9(1830), 3, 72-79 9

Vol 1, Issue 1
«Exam Questions For Homeopathic Physicians»
by Samuel Hahnemann, Köthen, June 20, 1834

1) What kinds of procedures does the genuine 8) Why does the true physician never prescribe
(homeopathic) physician follow to clearly a remedy for one single symptom (for one
perceive what is to be cured in every case single health problem) of his patient ?
of disease (knowledge of disease, 9) After prescribing successfully a small dose
indication) ? of a remedy (respecting the similarity of the
2) Why does a homeopathic physician always most important, singular and peculiar
need more information than just a name of symptoms of the patients with the drug
a disease, to be able to cure his patient ? proving symptoms of the selected remedy),
Why does a homeopathic physician e.g. when will be the most proper time to repeat
never prescribe China off. just because a the remedy ? What kind of criteria does the
patient tells him that he has a fever (as it homeopathic physician use to decide which
is common in allopathy) ? remedy will follow ?
3) How does the true homeopathic physician 10) Why can it not be allowed for pharmacists
perceive what is curative in medicines to give homeopathic remedies directly to
(knowledge of medicinal powers) and in patients?
which pathological conditions they will be
curative ?
4) Why it is an intolerable situation for a true
physician if several single remedies are
mixed up in one prescription (complex
remedies) and prescribed for a certain
disease ?
5) Why are all varieties of bloodlettings
(including leeches and cupping glasses) Submitted and translated By
unacceptable for a true physician ? Dr. Ulrich Fischer
6) Why does the true physician refuse the
allopathic procedure of prescribing Opium
against all kind of pains, also against
diarrhea and sleeplessness ?
7) Why does the homeopathic physician
prepare gold, lead, Lycopodium clavatum,
salt and other substances by triturating
them for hours with an indifferent
substance like sugar of milk ? And why
does he shake one small part of this
photo by Renzo Galassi
powder dissolved in a mixture of alcohol
and distilled water, which is called
potentization ?


Vol 1, Issue 1
„Some Impressiones of a traveling Homeopath“

Visit of Dr. Griesselich in the house of Hahnemann, Köthen, 1832

Griesselich describes Hahnemann with the fiery He considered e.g. the agreement concerning
behaviour of a young man. It was hard to the fundaments of homeopathy as very
believe that he is 77 years old. He was small, important to defeat the attacks of the allopathic
quick in his movements. Every movement colleagues. He critized here and there the
expressed life and was full of energy. His eyes tendency of publishing more and more books on
revealed the scientist within tho his features homeopathy, but insisted in giving everybody
were sharp. His speech was fiery and fluent and free space to gain experience with the purpose
often directed against his adversaries. He to correct eventually what has already been
showed an excellent memory and returned discovered (including his own experiences). But
easily after many excursions to different topics, he rejected everything published on pure
to the original theme. When he talked about presumptions.
friends and enemies or about science and Hahnemann talked with me also about patients
philosofy he talked without breaks, got warm, he was unable to cure- especially he named
started sweating, had to take of his little hat Ascites, pathologies related to Gonorrhoea and
and had to wipe of the sweat. He often had to certain types of intermittent fevers which
have his big pipe relighted. For that purpose showed a big variety of symptoms.
the whole day a candle was burning on the I also had the chance to admire Hahnemanns
table. And don´t forget the beer – over the whole case taking. He explored every detail and
day a big –covered- glas of beer was found on documented it inmediately in his book which
the table. He didn´t drink wine. His way of was a protocol for continuing documented
living was quite simple, not at all fancy, cases. When I was visiting Hahnemann here in
patriarchal. Hahnemanns talks often had this house- he was working and experimenting
something polemic and critical. They were not about the “Chronic Diseases”. And the most
all directed exclusively against allopathic important information I got from Hahnemann
colleagues but also against his homeopathic was a change in the strategy concerning the
colleagues. He even critized work and attitudes repetition of remedies in chronic diseases.
of friends. Often he demanded more agreement Different to earlier statements Hahnemann
under the homeopaths for the approach of considered now the frequent repetition of
common goals. remedies in chronic diseases as a major
progress. He told me that “ the sick nature can´t
resist the frequent impulses of the remedy, it
has to progress…”
Vol 1, Issue 1 11
This means Hahnemann did not wait any more We also talked about diet. I heard from
until the effect of the remedy, e.g. Calcarea Hahnemann that he follows basically the
carbonica, stopped acting. He repeated the recommendations he gives us in his books of the
remedy every 7, 8 or 14 days, administering “Chronic Diseases”. His recommendations were
only a few globuli each time. not as rigorous as I thought. Hahnemann
explained that the diet has to be adapted
We talked a lot about Psora. (You might individually to the needs of the patient as we do
remember that Hahnemann wrote the “Chronic it with his remedy.
Diseases” here in Köthen, in this house) The diet has to be adapted to the personality as
Hahnemann expressed his opinion that the well as to the disease of the patient.
origin of the chronic –non-veneric diseases are Hahnemann had the opinion that we should
caused by an earlier scabies allow the patient everything that:
infection. He also insisted that the transfer from 1.has not a specific relationship to the patient´s
diseases similar to Psora from parents to diseases (e.g. no spicy herbs for urinal
children is possible (with other words he diseases), 2. has no relationship as antidot to
accepted a “psoric”genetic disposition). the given remedy ( no wine with Nux vomica)
and 3. is not able to alter the nervous system in
We talked about different acute events like an a way that our remedy stops to act (coffee!).
unhealthy mode of living, taking cold, physical When ever it was possible Hahnemann was very
and mental over exertion or an acute grief rigorous with the prohibiting of coffee. He
which can be able to awake latent Psora and recommended green tea. But he admitted that
develop chronic diseases related to Psora. he has seen cases where Nux vomica did a good
Hahnemann at that time was involved in an job in patients with regular coffee consumation.
intense discussion with Hartmann (one of his
students), because Hartmann published an Hahnemann talked finally about the need of a
article which mentioned that there exist other homeopathic hospital under direction of an
types of non-veneric chronic diseases which are experienced homeopathic colleague. It is
not related to Psora. Hahnemann was specially absolutly not sufficient, he said, to have an
upset that Hartmann didn´t prove his hypothesis homeopathic department inside of an allopathic
by showing new facts and developments in clinic because too many obstacles from the
practice. Discussing these topics Hahnemann allopathic colleagues impide a successful
expressed his displeasure with angry and homeopathic work. A very critical exchange of
impatient gestures and facial expressions. letters between Hahnemann and Hufeland from
that time show that Hahnemann had the opinion
I also talked with Hahnemann about drug that Hufeland has not undertaken every effort
provings. He explained that lately he used the to succeed in this aspect.
30 th potency for all his drug provings. All those
colleagues with major doubts with his method
he recomended to take a few days Natrium
muriaticum C 30 (10-12 globuli each dose) and
“then he should tell me that he doesn´t feel Submitted and translated by Dr. Ulrich
sick…” Hahnemann said. Fischer

Vol 1, Issue 1 12
An old lecture on Hygiene by our Master C.F.S.
Hahnemann. By Dr. Renzo Galassi
Dear Colleagues, dedicating So that, in addition to other articles by
this first issue of the and about Hahnemann, I propose the
Homoeopathic Physician to reading of this small treatise on the
the memory of the founder
effects of coffee, written by him in 1803.
of our Medicine, Samuel
Hahnemann, I think that You can object that 1803 is a very early
it’s very important to date in the medical life of Hahnemann and
consider his important maybe afterwards he changed opinion.
advice as regards our daily But this is not true, because Hahnemann
practice. In § 3 of the 6th in the introductory volume on the
edition of the Organon he treatment of the Chronic Diseases (many
gives us the conditions to
years later) treats again the subject in the
be followed in order to be
“a true practitioner of the chapter about diet and mode of life, using
healing art” and after the following words:
four basic conditions he puts a fifth one: the “What is the most difficult part of the
knowledge of the obstacles to recovery, as you can read treatment, is to regulate the drinks of the
below: “If the physician clearly perceives what is to be patient. Coffee has pernicious effects upon
cured in diseases, that is to say, in every individual both body and soul ; they may be found
case of disease (knowledge of disease, indication), if he enumerated in my little work, (Wirkungen
clearly perceives what is curative in medicines, that is des Kaffees, Leipsic, 1803.) Unfortunalely
to say, in each individual medicine (knowledge of coffee has become so necessary to the so-
medicinal powers), and if he knows how to adapt, called civilized nations that, unless the
according to clearly defined principles, what is homoeopathic physician interdicts the use
curative in medicines to what he has discovered to be of coffee once for ever during the
undoubtedly morbid in the patient, so that the recovery treatment, he will find it just as difficult to
must ensue—to adapt it, as well in respect to the abolish the use of that beverage as it is
suitability of the medicine most appropriate according difficult to eradicate superstition and
to its mode of action to the case before him (choice of prejudice. Young people of twenty and even
the remedy, the medicine indicated), as also in respect thirty years, may be deprived of it at once,
to the exact mode of preparation and quantity of it without any injury. Persons of a more
required (proper dose), and the proper period for advanced age ought to be persuaded to
repeating the dose;—if, finally, he knows the obstacles abstain from the use of coffee little by
to recovery in each case and is aware how to remove little, taking a little less of it every day ;
them, so that the restoration may be permanent: then most of them will be found willing to leave
he understands how to treat judiciously and rationally, off the use of that beverage at once, and
and he is a true practitioner of the healing art.” I have they do so without experiencing any
to say, after so many years of practice and teaching, disagreeable consequences, except perhaps
that this last sentence of Hahnemann is often for the first two or three days. Even as late
overlooked by Homeopathic practitioners in the as six years ago -I was under the
clinic and, unfortunately, in their own life. impression that coffee might be permitted,
in a small quantity, to old people, in case
they should find it difficult to give it up.

Vol 1, Issue 1 13
But I am now convinced that the protracted use of coffee He was a contributor of several
does not make it harmless, and that the physician who Homeopathic periodic and was the editor
is bound to take care of the best interests of his patients, of the department of Materia Medica in
ought to insist upon their depriving themselves of coffee the Western Observer. He worked hard for
altogether. If they have the necessary confidence in their many years, he visited Europe, especially
physician, they will all conform to his reasonable wishes Austria, where he attended as an assistant
with great readiness. Roast rye or wheat smell and taste to the work of the famous Dr. Adam
very much like coffee, and procure a beverage which is Politzer. Though offered several
now much used by both rich and poor people in different professorship, he declined them all,
countries.” So, considering the abuse that nowadays preferring to labor in his practice making
our society is doing with coffee, I consider advisable the homeopathic treatment of ear and eye.
to read the following pages and follow the instructions In the last years of his life he turned his
of Hahnemann both for our patients and, why not, for attention to railroads and was the first
ourselves. president of Chicago, Indianapolis and
Louisville Railroad. He died in San
The writing was translated in 1875 by a very good
Francisco, after 3 days’ illness of
American doctor, William Lamottine Breyfogle, of
Louisville, Ky. The following is his short biography:
I have cut some parts from Hahneman’s
article, so as not to give you too long an
article, but I have tried not to change the
sense of the paper.

Good reading, the editor.


This TREATISE was written and
published by Dr. Hahnemann, in Dresden,
in I803. It was then translated by E. G.
De Brunnow into the French language in
1824. It is from this latter the present
translation is made. I regard this little
treatise as invaluable, not only by reason
He was born in 1845 and started to study medicine at of its being the only treatise on this
the age of eighteen. He graduated after 3 years, 1866, subject, but for the thorough, conclusive,
at the Homeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. and satisfactory manner in which the
He started working in New Albany, Indiana, and there subject has been presented.
he found himself engaged in a very active practice. In
Through the assistance of my friend, Mr.
that city he found time and energy to publish his great
work entitled: Breyfogle’s Homeopathic Epitome. In James B. James, of New Albany, Indiana, I
1868 he moved to Louisville, Kentucky, where he am enabled to present as accurate a
devoted his attention to the cares of a large and translation as the construction of the two
increasing practice. languages will allow.

With these few remarks I commend the

work to the careful study of the medical

Vol 1, Issue 1 14
Samuel HAHNEMANN. Written in Leipzig in 1803, with SUBSTANCE.
the title:”Der Kaffee in seinen Wirkungen…”
All medicaments, given in large doses,
make a disagreeable impression on the
sensibilities of a healthy person. No one
ever smoked tobacco for the first time
without experiencing some disgust; no
healthy person, with equal certainty, ever
took with pleasure pure and unsweetened
coffee for the first time. It is nature
herself that admonishes by this of the first
violation of the laws of health; it is herself
that exhorts us not to despise trivially the
preserving instinct of life.
To enjoy perfect health and a long life, we should only
make use of purely nutritive food, free from irritant By continuing the use of these medicinal
and medical particles; our beverages should likewise products (a usage to which we are
be only moistening or both moistening and nutritive,
enslaved by fashion and the force of
but equally free
from the above mentioned particles, such as pure example), the habit, by degrees, dispels
spring water or milk. the disagreeable sensations which they at
So far as seasonings which flatter the taste are first produce in us. These things finally
concerned, there are but three, common salt, sugar, please us, that -is, the disgust which they
and vinegar, which, employed in small or moderate at first caused us becomes less striking by
quantities, have been recognized as harmless and fit
their continued use, and, on the contrary,
for the humaft body. All other ingredients which we
call spices, as well as all beverages spirits the agreeable effects which they
or similar to alcohol, partake more or less of the apparently produce upon our organs
nature of medicaments. The more they resemble these insensibly become necessities. The vulgar
last, and the more frequently and copiously they are man seems to find happiness in artificial
introduced into our bodies, the more do they become necessaries, and by degrees attaches to
equivocal and injurious to our health and opposed to their satisfaction a sensual pleasure.
It is especially dangerous to make dietetic and Having once become sick, as it were, by
frequent use of purely medicinal substances endowed the continual use of these medicinal
with great strength.
products, it may be, too, that our instinct
Wine was the only purely medicinal beverage of the
ancients; but the Greeks and Romans, wiser than requires them as palliatives, to assuage,
ourselves, never partook of it without having first at least momentarily, the evils which they
mixed water with it copiously. Modern times have produce themselves from time to time.
introduced the use of many other medicinal beverages That they may understand this better, I
and luxuries, such as smoking tobacco and snuff, beg my readers to pay attention to the
brandy, several kinds of irritant beers, tea, and following remarks. All medicaments
produce two quite opposite states in the
Medicinal products are substances which do not
nourish our bodies, but alter its state of health; but human body: the primitive effect which
every such alteration is a condition opposed to manifests itself when the remedy begins
nature, that is, a species of disease. to operate, and the secondary effect which
appears only after the lapse of several
hours, when the primitive effect has

Vol 1, Issue 1 15
Most medicaments cause disagreeable and painful But the secondary effects, which manifest
sensations to a healthy person, as well in their themselves only insensibly after the lapse
primitive as in their secondary effects; both cause of several hours, produce exactly the
trouble in the organism, though in a different
contrary of all this, that is, a disagreeable
manner, and even a continued use of these objects
will never produce agreeable effects in a healthy man. sentiment of our existence, an oppressed
There are but few of the medicinal substances, chosen activity, a species of paralysis of
by a refined and pleasure-seeking world as dietetic theanimal, natural, and vital functions.
objects, that, so far as their primitive effects are
concerned, form an exception to the above mentioned If anyone not accustomed to coffee
rule. They have, then, the remarkable virtue of should take a moderate portion of it, or if
producing a species of artificial augmentation of the someone who is accustomed to this
ordinary state of health, and of exciting almost none beverage should take an immoderate
but agreeable sensations, while the disagreeable portion of it, he will experience during
results of the secondary effects remain insignificant
the first hours a more active sentiment of
for some time, supposing, at all events, that the
person in question makes a moderate use of above his existence; the pulse is higher and
named substances, that he enjoys pretty good health, more frequent, but also softer. His
and that in other respects, he leads a life conformable cheeks assume a circumscribed redness
to nature. which does not insensibly vanish in the
Among that small class of medicinal products forcibly adjacent parts, but presents itself apart
received among the number of our dietetic luxuries,
like a red spot. The forehead and the
coffee is also found, the effects of which, agreeable as
well as disagreeable, are still considerably unknown. palms become humid; he feels more heat
The inordinate use of this beverage at almost all than before, and this sensation causes
hours of the day, the difference in its quality and him an agreeable uneasiness. The heart is
quantity, finally its general. use in all classes of agitated in a voluptuous palpitation, as it
society, of all ages and of the most varied is on occasions of great joy; the veins of
constitutions, make it very difficult for the observer the hands swell. By touching him
to abstract the true effects of coffee from this chaos
externally one also observes a
of phenomena, and to deduce therefrom pure and
certain results. It is like a writing attached to a supernatural heat; however, this heat
swiftly revolving target; however distinct the never becomes ardent, even after taking
characters and words may be in themselves, a large portion of coffee, but it rather
everything becomes confounded and illegible even to passes into a general sweat.
the best eyes.
It is only by continued, exact, and sincere The presence of mind, the attention, the
observations, removed as far as possible from all sympathies are more active than in the
illusions; it is only by carefully referring the regular and natural condition of the
phenomena to their causes, that one can succeed in body. It seems to the person in question
discovering the nature of the most important of
that all the objects which surround him
beverages, that of coffee. The primitive effect of
coffee consists, in general, of an increase more or less have received a seducing appearance;
agreeable of vital activity; the animal functions, everything seems to be covered with a
natural and vital (as they are called), are found gay varnish and shines with an infinitely
during the first hours in a state of artificial agreeable luster, especially if the portion
perfection. of coffee has been greater than usual.

Vol 1, Issue 1 16
During the first hours one sees on the lips of the We take coffee and we feel nothing more
coffee drinker self-complacency and a satisfaction of the painful sensations of hunger and
with everything that surrounds him; and this is just thirst. Real coffee drinkers are almost
what elevated coffee to the rank of a social beverage.
ignorant of natural hunger and thirst; this
Every agreeable sentiment, which is communicated to
one's self, rises rapidly to the degree of enthusiasm is especially the case with women who
(though but for a short time). All vexatious take no exercise in the open air, which
recollections are effaced from the memory; all deprives them of an advantage which
disagreeable sensations are silenced during this annihilates, at least from time to time, the
species of enchanting fever. Man, in a regular and vexatious consequences of this beverage.
healthy condition, should experience agreeable and The body is thus cheated out of its food
disagreeable sensations alternately; the wise
and drink by a sort of illusion, and the
organization of our nature demands this. But during
the primitive effects of this medicinal beverage all is cutaneous vessels are, at the same time,
but pleasure, and even the corporal functions, which, forced, in a manner contrary to nature, to
in a natural state of health, are accompanied by rude absorb from the air as much moisture as
and almost painful sensations, now operate with an the organism absolutely needs for its
astonishing facility and even with a species of existence. This is the reason that
professional coffee drinkers discharge
Whoever no longer lives in the primeval simplicity of
nature will well experience, during the first moments much more liquid through the urinary
after awakening (especially when it has taken place duct than they have actually swallowed. It
earlier than usual), a certain physical and mental is thus that we refuse the body the
dullness; the sentiment of existence will be less enjoyment of its prime necessities; it is
active, the head heavy, the limbs somewhat dull and thus, thanks to the divine beverage, that
less agile than usual; rapid movements require we insensibly approach the state of the
efforts, and thought is sluggish.
blessed. What a beautiful foretaste of
But coffee almost instantaneously dispels this
disagreeable and natural sensation, this uneasiness of transfiguration in this world below!
body and mind; we suddenly revive.
The Supreme Preserver of our days also
Having finished our daily task, nature also desires us
to be fatigued; a disagreeable sensation of languor in ordained that, after satiating ourselves
our physical and natural forces now renders us with food, a short interruption should
morose and obliges us to give ourselves up to intervene in our affairs, and that we
necessary sleep and repose. But let us take coffee, should give a little rest to our bodies and
and this state of moroseness and inactivity, this minds, that the important function of
disagreeable lassitude of body and mind, will digestion might quietly begin. The
suddenly disappear; an artificial vivacity will succeed
disagreeable sensations which arise from
the desire of sleeping, and we wake in spite of nature.
In order to live we need food, and nature obliges us to pursuing an opposite course should
seek it through hunger, a gnawing sensation in the induce us not to violate said law. Wishing
stomach, joined to a tormenting desire for food, to a to make physical efforts immediately
quarrelsome humor, to debilitation, etc. In like after meals, a certain stupor of body and
manner thirst, an equally wise institution of nature, is mind, an oppressive weight in the region
a very inconvenient sensation; for, besides a
of the stomach, a sort of disagreeable
languishing desire for liquids, which our bodies need
to repair their losses, we experience also a parching compression of plenitude and tension in
dryness in the throat and mouth, a dry heat of the the abdomen, etc., remind us that the time
body which somewhat hinders respiration, a certain to taste repose is at hand.
uneasiness, etc.

Vol 1, Issue 1 17
In like manner, if we wish to make mental efforts, a The primitive effect of this beverage, more
dullness of the intellectual forces follows than all other artificial means, also excites
immediately, the head becomes dull, the limbs are the sexual instinct, which the refinement
cold, while the face is warm, and a disagreeable
of our age has placed in the rank of
compression of the stomach, joined to an
inconvenient tension of the abdomen, still increases. principal pleasures. […] The simple and
For it is but too certain that the efforts of the mind, honest man, in considering the moral and
made when digestion begins, are still mare opposed physical condition of those persons,
to nature and more pernicious than physical labor. recognizes therein everywhere the
But coffee rapidly banishes this lassitude of body and opposite of nature, and the stamp of an
mind, as well as the inconvenient sensations in the irregular excitement. He observes an
abdomen. This is the reason that refined sybarites
exaggerated gaity or sentimentality which
take this beverage immediately after meals, and they
fully enjoy the above mentioned effects. They recover far exceeds the nature of its object, a
their good humor and feel as light as if their stomachs tenderness almost convulsive or an
contained but little or nothing at all. extreme sadness, or sallies which surpass
Nature also desires that the evacuation of the the limits of reason, or contortions of the
excrement should be made with a certain effort, and muscles of the face, which degenerate into
she forces us to it by pains and very inconvenient
true caricatures, instead of a mild smile, a
necessities which suppress all agreeable sentiments
of life until the necessary function is little irony, a moderate affliction or
in operation. But the refining spirit of this century compassion. Even the muscles of the
has also provided for this inconvenience and has also remainder of the body now exhibit an
sought to elude this natural law. It is coffee that extraordinary mobility contrary to nature.
accelerates and aids the work of digestion in an […]
artificial manner, which, in the ordinary order of
things, would only take place in the course of several Man in his natural state must make some
hours. For the intestines, being excited by the effort to recollect things long since passed;
primitive effect of this beverage, have a more rapid but immediately after taking coffee the
peristaltic movement: they convey their contents
memory's magazine spreads itself, so to
more promptly toward the anus. But as the aliments
cannot be sufficiently digested in so short a time, and speak, upon the tongue -and imprudent
as the chyle cannot be sufficiently modified in the chit-chat and the revelation of important
stomach, nor sufficiently absorbed by the absorbents secrets are but too often the result.
of the intestinal canal, the mollified mass passes Moderation and just bounds are
through the intestines so that the body does not everywhere exceeded. […]
receive one half of its nourishing particles, and
reaches the orifice still in a semi-fluid state. Oh, the The ballet dancer, the improvisator, the
excellent digester! Oh, the admirable method of juggler, the boatman, the banker of a
correcting nature! Pharoah bank, the modern virtuoso-
The primitive effect of coffee also incites the anus to
physician with his extraordinary rapidity,
open and close more rapidly
during the evacuation, so that the same takes place and the fashionably omnipresent physician
almost without effort and more frequently than who wishes to make ninety visits in a
among those who do not take this beverage. single morning -all these people
It is thus that coffee diminishes and almost necessarily need coffee.
annihilates the disagreeable sensations analogous to
the wise organization of our bodies, so that we do not Let us abandon to these people their
perceive, nor even suspect, the sad consequences excitants opposed to nature, with all the
which result therefrom. vexatious consequences which result
therefrom for their own health and for the
good of others.[…]

Vol 1, Issue 1 18
Finally, what could, like it, banish the torments of This regimen requires that we take none
hunger and thirst, remove sleep from fatigued but simple aliments, easily digested,
members, and produce an artificial wakefulness, purely nutritive, mild, and little seasoned,
while the entire creation of our hemisphere are
as well as beverages equally innocent; that
tasting the sweets of repose in the quiet
shades of night! much sobriety be exercised in the use of
It is thus that we conquer the wise institutions of said enjoyments;that the air of apartments
nature, but to our great detriment. be frequently renewed; finally, that all
After a few hours, the primitive effect of the coffee passions be moderated with wisdom. […]
being passed, an opposite state, the secondary effect, The secondary effect is similar to the
insensibly follows. The more the former has been uneasy state in which they find themselves
marked and agreeable, the more will the latter be
before taking coffee, but it is a little more
sensitive and disagreeable.
I shall, however, state beforehand that the noxious severe.
consequences of this medicinal beverage are not
The primary effect of this medicinal
similar for each individual.
beverage, that is, the totality of this vital,
Our bodies have such an excellent organization that a exalted, and artificial activity having
few faults against diet become almost imperceptible, disappeared after a few hours, a desire to
if in other respects we lead a life conformable to sleep, joined to yawnings and a greater
nature. In this way, for example, the peasant and the inactivity than that of the
journeyman in Germany
ordinarycondition, insensibly follow; the
take brandy, a very injurious beverage in itself,
almost every morning; but if they take it in small motions of the body become more difficult,
quantities they, nevertheless, reach a very advanced and the extreme serenity which reigned in
age. Their health suffers but little from it, for their the mind during the few preceding hours
good constitutions and the healthy mode of life which now passes into a gloomy, downcast
they lead in other respects, overcome the injurious humor. While the digestion and secretion
effects of this beverage to such an extent that they of the aliments had been artificially
suffer very little from it.
accelerated during the first hours after
If the father of a poor family of journeymen or taking coffee, painful flatulency and a
peasants takes a few cups of weak coffee instead of slower and more difficult secretion now
brandy, the result will be the same. The vigor of his follow than in the preceding condition. If
body, the violent exercise which he gives his limbs, the persons in question had been
the pure air which he inhales every day in abundance, penetrated with an agreeable heat by the
all this removes the sad consequences of the beverage primary effect of the coffee, this artificial
in question, and his health suffers but little or not at
fire now becomes insensibly quenched;
they become chilled and have cold hands
But the noxious effects of coffee become much more and feet. All external objects appear to
evident among those persons who do not enjoy the them less agreeable than before.
advantages of the above-mentioned favorable
circumstances. It is true that some persons spending The sexual desires, excited during the first
their time in sedentary occupations, and even some hours, now become the more feeble and
men of a feeble complexion, fixed for the most part to lax. Their bad humor increases, and they
their rooms by sedentary pursuits, enjoy a sort of are more easily vexed. The natural
health, provided they observe in other things
appetite is replaced by a kind of canine
a regimen suitable to their situation.
appetite, easily satisfied, and yet food and
beverages load their heads and stomachs

Vol 1, Issue 1 19
They have more difficulty to recover sleep, which is Anguish and flying sensations of heat are
more feeble, and on awaking they are more sleepy, their daily ailments, and unilateral and
more sad and melancholic, than they usually were nervous headache are theirs by preference.
before they become acquainted with coffee. But they
repeat the use of this injurious palliative, and, behold!
all the pains of which I have spoken are dissipated! Little infractions of regimen, as well as
A new artificial life begins, with the only difference
vexatious passions, cause them painful
that the happy period this time is a little shorter than
the first. The use of coffee must then be more sufferings of the chest, stomach, and
frequently repeated, or it must be made stronger and abdomen, known under the false
stronger, if it is to excite anew the vital functions for denomination of cramps. The menses
a few hours. never take place without pain, and do not
It is thus that the bodies of the inhabitants of occur at their regular periods, or else they
chambers continually degenerate more. The injuries are less copious than usual, and finally
caused by the secondary effects of coffee enlarge and
they become quite trifling in quantity. […]
take such deep roots that even more frequent and
stronger repetitions of this palliative can no longer The act of coition sometimes causes pains.
dissipate them, not even for a few hours. […]
The skin now becomes more sensitive to cold, and, in
general, to the influence of much air, even when it is Men suffer from painful hemorrhoidal
not cold; digestion becomes more difficult, the difficulties, and nocturnal pollutions. The
evacuations are often delayed several days; flatulence genital faculty insensibly dies away in both
causes agonies and a number of painful sensations. sexes. The natural energy which a healthy
The constipation of the abdomen alternates only with couple exercise in the act of coition is
diarrheas, and not with natural stools. Sleep comes
reduced to a futile result. Men become
only with difficulty, and rather resembles a slight
sluggishness which does not refresh. On awaking, the impotent, women sterile or incapable of
persons in question have the head much engaged, a suckling their children. […]
drowsy imagination, and a sluggish memory; the
movement of the limbs is much constrained, and their No irregularity of diet occasions more
hearts are filled with an oppressive sadness, which easily and more certainly the decay of the
darkens the aspect of the beautiful nature which teeth than the coffee debauch. Coffee,
surrounds them. […] grief, and the abuse of mercury, are the
most active destroyers of this ornament of
It would be difficult for me to describe all the evils the mouth, this necessary organ of distinct
which lurk among the generation of coffee bibbers,
language and of an intimate amalgamation
under the name of debility, or that of nervous or
chronic diseases, evils which enervate humanity and of the saliva and the food. The confined air
cause it to degenerate in body and spirit. […] of chambers and the nocturnal repletion of
the stomach also contribute thereto.
Even trivial causes (which scarcely make any
impression at all on healthy men unaccustomed to the But coffee alone is capable of destroying
use of coffee) cause a headache to the female coffee the teeth in a very short time, or, at least,
drinker; often also toothache almost unendurable, to make them black and yellow. The
and generally nocturnal, accompanied by redness of incisors are especially attacked by it.[…]
the face, and finally producing swelling of the cheeks;
sometimes also tearing and cutting sensations in After children, coffee, as I have said, has
different parts of the body, now in a single side of the the most injurious influence over women
face, then in this or that member. and literary persons, for the occupations
of both oblige them to follow a sedentary
life in the air of chambers. Those artisans
whose trade is sedentary are joined to
these two classes of persons.
Vol 1, Issue 1 20
It is certain, as has been stated above, that much
exercise and an energetic activity in the open air are
the best means to attenuate the injurious effects of
coffee; however, they do not suffice in the end. […]
The principal means for curing sufferings caused by
coffee is to discontinue its use; the exercise taken in
the open air will accomplish the rest. […]

Convinced by the results of a long experience and by

the observations of very many years, I have just
depicted the daily use of coffee as very injurious, and
as the surest means of relaxing and attenuating our
physical and moral energies. […] It will be found that
the so-called beneficial effects which coffee drinkers
attribute to this beverage, to justify their habit, are
nearly all reducible to palliative reliefs against certain
sufferings. Now, the continual use of a palliative
medicament being a very injurious thing, the daily
and dietetic use of such a thing is, without
contradiction, the most pernicious of all.

If I esteem the virtues of coffee; I do so only in

relation to its medicinal employment. This enjoyment

1. In the properly curative application of this

substance against chronic diseases, the symptoms of
which have a great resemblance to the primary
effects of coffee.

2. In its palliative application against evils recently

engendered, which are eminently dangerous, and
which resemble very much the secondary effects of
this remedy.

Such is the rational and wise use of this medicinal

substance, of which very few persons know the true
value, but of which millions of men make a fatal

Vol 1, Issue 1 21
Directly from Hahnemann’s practice: clinical case, from the
book «Clinical Journals of Hahnemann»
by Dr. Ute Fischbach Sabel
After having read and studied Hahnemann's writings However, the reaction to this remedy was
with their fabulous structure of medicine, it is negative, so in June she gets Calcarea and
interesting to see how he acted in practice. in July again Calcarea, and then Silicea. At
To this purpose, a cross-sectional study of the clinical the end of August, the father reports that
journals that Hahnemann used to make his notes the girl is fine and didn’t suffer any more
during his practice has been carried out. epileptic seizures. Peters’ 18-year-old
Around 1819, the master began his studies in depth of nephew also had epilepsy and suffered
the Psora. He intensively investigated the patients' from dizziness. His first visit was in April,
history of skin rashes, other diseases and the which may indicate that his uncle has told
respective therapeutic measures taken. He specifically him about the positive effects of
marked the symptoms that he considered to be Hahnemann's treatment. He received
representative of Psora in his patients. He applied Sulphur (April) and Calcarea (May) which
Sulphur with great frequency, in an attempt to did not cause a substantial improvement.
eliminate Psora and obtain a clear picture of the In July, Hahnemann prescribed him Silicea
healing remedy the patient needed. twice, which reduced the frequency of
In this article, a case from D34, a clinical journal dizziness and epileptic seizures, but not
registered in 1830, is presented. The Peters family their intensity. Peters’ son, Carl (11 years
(father, two daughters, a son and a nephew) are being old), suffered from diarrhea, depression
treated by Hahnemann. In the 1830s (D34), and headache, although Hahnemann
Hahnemann mainly used the 30C potency and considered him the healthiest of the family.
imposed several weeks or months of waiting before On the first visit in June he received
he switched to another remedy. In the patients Sulphur and then Silicea. At the end of
referred to, 30C was the potency used. June, despite his frequent urge to defecate,
he says he is more animated and less tired.
Background He no longer talks about headache.
In March 1830, Father Peters and his daughter Agnes Below the case of the second daughter of
consulted Hahnemann. The father could hardly walk, Peters (Hannchen, 12 years old) will be
because his feet were bent and he had severe cramps. described thoroughly. Transcript of the
He also suffered from constipation and great first visit (07 April 1830)
weakness, because of previous treatments. In the Headache attacks that start with images
months of March to August, he received in like snakes in front of eyes or like a net on
chronological order: Sulphur (March), Lycopodium the side; then she can't read properly. For
(May), Sepia (June), Arsenicum (July) and Phosphorus this she had received artemisia cina. It is
(August). Although the constipation and weakness did worst in the sunlight. These images in front
not improve, the patient felt better and began to walk of the eyes last ½ hour, afterwards a sore
again. His 6-year-old daughter Agnes was suffering and prickly headache in temples presents.
from epileptic seizures after having had measles. She has to lie down.
Three days after receiving Sulphur in March, the girl The headache lasts ¾ - 1 hour and then she
suffered a very serious seizure and had panic attacks gets very tired and has to sleep for a long
with fear she was going to die. However, after this time. After waking up, she no longer has
episode, she had no more attacks. She returned in headache.
May, where Hahnemann prescribed her Lycopodium These episodes appear every 8 to 14 days
for respiratory problems, diarrhea and because she from the morning on.
was hitting other children. She has always been constipated or had
diarrhea with two bowel movements a day
She can only eat little even with things she
likes; she must also vomit

Vol 1, Issue 1 22
Transcript of the first visit (07 April 1830) 1. Reduction of the daily coffee dose (as in
this case): Hahnemann was aware that
Headache attacks that start with images like snakes in with an excessive consumption of coffee, it
front of eyes or like a net on the side; then she can't was impossible for the patient to stop it
read properly. For this she had received artemisia abruptly. Thus, patients had to gradually
cina. It is worst in the sunlight. These images in front reduce the number of cups or, if they drank
of the eyes last ½ hour, afterwards a sore and prickly it black, mix it with milk. It also should be
headache in temples presents. She has to lie down. mentioned that in Hahnemann’s time,
The headache lasts ¾ - 1 hour and then she gets very children drank regularly coffee (as well as
tired and has to sleep for a long time. After waking beer) in order to avoid the possibly
up, she no longer has headache. contaminated water. So it is not surprising
These episodes appear every 8 to 14 days from the that the girl drank coffee.
morning on. 2. Reduction of alcoholic drinks and
She has always been constipated or had diarrhea with especially wine: hard alcoholic drinks, like
two bowel movements a day cognac, had to be stopped and wine had to
She can only eat little even with things she likes; she be mixed in equal parts with water. In the
must also vomit case of beer, Hahnemann didn’t impose any
A lot of problems with the nose, no air passing restrictions.
through 3. Diet: one recommendation that he
Many freckles usually made to wealthier people was that
Prescription: She has to stop drinking coffee; 28 they should not eat meat at dinner,
doses and in nº1, two globules of Sulphur especially no duck or pork.
Remarks [by U.F.S.]: 4. More exercise: in patients who had not
On this first visit we find following symptoms, which sufficient movement, the recommendation
could be repertorised: was to walk at least one hour a day.
Headache: worse in sunlight; better after sleep; 5. Others: during the treatment, patients
sleepiness after headache had to avoid taking herbal infusions, no
Visions, illusions matter how harmless they may seem to
Constipation alternating with diarrhea them, as well as the use of spices,
Vomiting from minimal excess diet perfumes, etc. Transcript of the second
Nose, obstructed visit (11 May 1830)
Freckles She received on April 7th 28 doses, in the
Hahnemann gave her Sulphur and the instruction to first one, Sulphur; therefore 34 days after
stop drinking coffee. In the period of 1830 first dose
Hahnemann almost always prescribed Sulphur at the The discomfort in front of her eyes (like
first visit, when the patient's history made him think snakes) has disappeared
of a psoric condition as the origin of the patient’s On April 13th, severe headache
ailments. On 24th again severe headache that lasted 1
He also gave them other recommendations/orders, hour and then she slept deeply
for example: On May 5th another headache but less
intense; each time it was accompanied by
She no longer has had constipation or
diarrhea, although much flatulence and a
swollen abdomen were present
Rhinitis was almost always there, but no
sneezing; right nostril free, she can breathe
Sometimes tearing pains in the knee after
Prescription: 28 doses and in nº15 two
globules of Calcarea carbonica 30C

Vol 1, Issue 1 23
Remarks: Transcript of the fourth visit (07 July
As we can see, Hahnemann is interested in knowing 1830)
the exact evolution and if new symptoms have She received Calcarea on May 11
appeared. He also controls the time during which She only had very mild episodes of
Sulphur has been acting (34 days). On the first visit, headache and less frequently; she is still
the patient received 28 numbered sachets, from not eating much
which she presumably had to take one each day. Only Nose is fine; knee pain is gone
the first sachet contained Sulphur, while the others Prescription: 28 doses (without
were only with placebo. medication)
Hahnemann was aware that the patients were used to Remarks:
taking a lot of medication and that they needed This time, it is noted that the patient has
something to cover the long intermediate periods. had very mild attacks and seems to be
That is why he frequently resorted to placebo. progressing favorably. As there is no talk of
mendations/orders, for example: bowel movements, flatulence or swollen
abdomen, these seem to have disappeared.
Transcript of the third visit (09 June 1830) The nasal obstruction has completely
She received 28 doses, in nº 15 Calcarea carbonica receded.
30C Hahnemann specifically mentions the
Right after the dose she suffered a severe episode of disappearance of the knee pain (a symptom
headache that didn't last long and afterwards she that had not been mentioned at the first
slept: the next day another episode and then no more visit). This type of symptom can be
Only one time a tearing pain in the knee fortuitous or appear throughout the
She often leaves food on the plate and eats little, now treatment, as a symptom of the remedy
bowel movements are fine; no more flatulence, but itself and, therefore, is of value for the
still swollen abdomen study of the Materia Medica. As he only
No obstruction in the right nostril mentions it without additional comments,
Prescription: 28 doses (without medication) he gave it a value of fortuitous symptom.
On the previous visit, Hahnemann had given her the Transcript of the fifth visit (28 July
same amount of numbered sachets, but only number 1830)
15 contained Calcarea. Received on 11 May Calcarea
When the patient told him that just after the first She has had two episodes of severe
dose she had had a strong episode of headache, headache; face pale and loss of vision, as if
Hahnemann knew that it could not be due to Calcarea. darkness in front of her eyes and then
During these long intervals of administration, it was strong headache; she had to lie down and
very important for the doctor to know how long the slept (from 7.00 to 12.00) afterwards
remedy was acting so as not to give the next one too headache disappeared
soon. This was the reason why Hahnemann did not Prescription: 14 doses and in nº1 two
introduce Calcarea until no. 15. Presumably, he globule of Sepia
expected Sulphur would still continue acting for a few Remarks:
days. Hahnemann considered the effect of
Hahnemann had many of his patients keep a diary, in Calcarea was now concluded and that the
which they noted down the sachet intake and the initial symptoms have returned. In many
immediately after perceived effects. In this way he occasions, when this happens, he consulted
could accurately assess the patient's progress. the Repertory or the Materia Medica to
check which remedy could be most suitable
for these symptoms. If we consider the type
of headache with its modalities, Sepia is a
suitable remedy.

Vol 1, Issue 1 24
Transcript of the sixth visit (10 August 1830) Bibliography:
Clinical Journals of Hahnemann by
After Sepia she has not had any more episodes of Dr. Ute Fischbach Sabel
pallor and blindness; slight headache on a few
occasions; she has always been very obstinate A detailed study of Hahnemann's medical
Prescription: 28 doses (without medication) journals, preserved at the Institute for
Remarks: the History of Medicine of the Robert
Even though the family Peters continued consulting Bosch Foundation (Stuttgart, Germany),
Hahnemann, the girl Hannchen didn’t return, which provided interesting information about
may indicate that she was better and had stopped the master's practice: case intake,
because of no more episodes of headache. prescriptions and hygienic measures. In
addition, concrete historical-social data
Conclusions could be established with regard to
The study of Hahnemann's clinical journals allows us patients, fees and other physicians who
to see how he acted in practice. It provides important were connected with Hahnemann.
information on his evolution in terms of potency,
prescription frequencies, the type of symptoms he Biography
assessed, etc. It also demonstrates that all his Faculty of Medicine in the University of
theoretical writings are based on many years of Barcelona (Spain)
experience and previous observations. Studies of Homeopathy in Augsburg
The case presented by this girl had a favorable Doctorate in Mainz (Germany)
evolution. In the complicated cases of the rest of the Private practice in Barcelona (Spain)
Peters’ family, improvements can also be noted. Member of AMHB, LMHI and ECH
However, this is not always the case. Hahnemann
treated very complicated cases of epilepsy, gout,
syphilis, etc. in which he was not always able to
achieve absolute success, but every case led him to
advance both on a practical level and in the study of
the Materia Medica and the theoretical bases of

Vol 1, Issue 1 25
A clinical case of the late Dr. Will Kunkler,
Heiden, Switzerland
Introduction Medical history

Will Klunker, born in Three vaccinations against smallpox, rubella

Munich in 1923, is and whooping cough; sinus operation in
regarded as the founder 1966, because infections spreading from
of the definition of there were suspected at that time; the
genuine homeopathy, infections continued without improvement.
and as a great protector Bronchopneumonia in 1976; in recent years,
of the homeopathy increase in respiratory infections, up to
practiced by Samuel several times a month. Frequent antibiotic
Hahnemann. therapies.
He began his medical activity in the years after
1950 at dermatological clinics in Munich and
Yellow sputum every morning. Dyspnea on
Zurich. Instead of accepting a position as a
physical exertion, especially when running or
senior physician in Zurich, he decided to take
walking uphill. Awake every night from
up homeopathy and studied under Jost Künzli
suffocating asthmatic coughing fits. Sleep is
and Adolf Voegeli. He was also strongly
severely disturbed, she has to sit up and walk
influenced by Pierre Schmidt. He ran his
around, although this doesn’t really improve
practice in Heiden, a small town in eastern
her condition.
Switzerland. In addition to being a prolific
author on homeopathy, and serving as editor of
Full Intake of Symptoms
the Zeitschrift für klassische Homöopathie
Panic in crowds. Extreme lack of bodily
from 1981 to 1985 - he was also very active as
warmth. Great aversion to bathing, which
a lecturer and instructor. Furthermore,
worsens her condition. Metallic taste in the
Klunker was extensively involved with the
mouth. Striking to the examiner are the cold
philospohy of Martin Heidegger.
wet hands despite the summer heat on the
day of the consultation. No other
Klunker died in March 2002 in Heiden.
Homeopathy in a case of congenital
1) MIND; FEAR; crowd; in a (K 43) Ars, calc,
W. Klunker
From " Revue belge d` Homoeopathie " 1987/2
(K1345) Calc, SULPH
The patient L. M., born in 1940, suffered from
3) GENERALITIES; BATHING, washing; agg.
bronchiectasis since birth, which led to more
(K 1345) CALC, SULPH
and more unpleasant complications with
4) GENERALITIES; AIR; draft; agg. (K 1344)
increasing age.
7) TASTE; METALLIC (K 424) ars, calc, sulph
(K 1181) Ars, Sulph

¹The information in brackets (e.g. K43) refers to the page number in the Kent´s
Vol 1, Issue 1 repertory, 6th American Edition 26
Choice of the remedy Summary
Arsenicum album, Calcarea ostracum and
Sulphur come out from the repertorization. Neither the symptoms, nor the remedy, nor
Considering the constant suppression of her the course of this treatment are interesting.
infections by antibiotics, which complicated This case is notable only because homeopathy
her health condition, I decided to start could cure a patient of a congenital
treatment with Sulphur. irreversible disease with such severe
limitations. The chronic development of her
Course of treatment condition, which was getting progressively
17 July 1976: Sulphur C200 worse despite allopathic treatment, changed
16 August 1976: Dyspnoea, coughing and immediately after taking the homeopathic
sputum decrease gradually without any remedy, which proved repeatedly effective
particular initial reaction. For the first time in during the course of the treatment, and
years the patient can sleep without being ended in cure.
woken by her asthma. Despite a slight
worsening at the end of this period I wait and
see. Translation from the French: Sabine Simma
15 September1976: Sleep without problems,
white sputum. No colds or infections. The Editing and translation:
asthmatic complaints have decreased but tend
to relapse. Sulph 1M, one dose.
18.October 1976: no infection, no dyspnoea,
except when climbing. General well-being.
24 November 1976: She is doing very well.
Only shortness of breath during climbing.
Strong cold that heals spontaneously. Sulphur Dr. Bernhard Zauner
22 February 1977: "Great condition". The
dyspnea has clearly decreased.
21 March 1977: Chesty cough for two days, she
can still easily go upstairs and uphill.
5 April 1977: relapse with shortness of breath,
dry cough, whistling inspiration, thick green
sputum. Sulphur XM
Dr. Daniel Cook
27 May 1977: coughing fits occasionally during
the night
6 July 1977: Good condition, except for some
short attacks of dyspnea. Sulphur LM.
23 August 1977: Some shortness of breath, but
good general condition
26 September 1977: Nothing special. The
patient got married.
14 November 1977: Some shortness of breath
for three days, otherwise great condition.
5 January 1978: Return of breathing
difficulties. Sulphur LM.
24 February 1978: Feels very well. Made a ski
outing of 15 km.
19 April 1978: "Excellent"
12 June 1978: Still no complaints.

Vol 1, Issue 1 27
Clinical Experiences, by Dr. Renzo Galassi.
The boyfriend talking of her says that she is
reserved, obstinate and scared after the strong
3 years ago, earthquake we had few months before. But it
March 2017, was a common symptom of all of us living in
among other our area.
visits, my If we go to Hahnemann – Chronic diseases 2nd
secretary let edition under Alumina we find the following
enter in my symptoms:
office two «572» – “After a troublesome pressure in the
young people, hypogastrium and long continued urging, the
a girl 17 years old and her boyfriend 21 years stool ensues slowly and only by straining the
old. They told me that they wanted my help for abdominal muscles; all the bowels seem inactive
their “bowels diseases”. I was curious to hear from lack of the peristaltic motion; stool not
something more about the bowels problems so hard (aft. 2 d.). «573» - The rectum is inactive,
I invited the girl to start talking. as if it lacked the power to evacuate the faeces,
She told me that since childhood she has been and lacked the peristaltic motion; the stool is
suffering from terrible CONSTIPATION, she soft and of thin formation, and can only be
only can pass stools every 3-7 days. The stool evacuated by a great exertion of the abdominal
can be of different aspect, soft, perfect muscles (aft. 16 h.). «574» - The rectum is as if
normal, or knotty, but the common paralyzed (2d d.).
characteristic is the absence of stimulus and a «1143» - Shudderings one after another, in the
great effort to evacuate them. evening (2d d.). [Hb.]. «1144» - Every other
This situation started as soon as she left the day, feverish shudderings over the whole body,
mother’s milk. With the weaning she started toward evening, without thirst, with lack of
with this constipation and notwithstanding appetite, sleeplessness and restless tossing in
several means and therapies proposed by the bed. [S.].” The choice was for Alumina a 10M
allopathic specialists, she never could evacuate Korsakovian single dose was prescribed.
naturally more often than 3-7 days.
Both father and mother are in perfect health, Going to the boyfriend, he started saying he
no constipation and nothing special, no had exactly the opposite situation of his
disease, in the past history. girlfriend.
The patient only suffered of recurrent He said that after a Mononucleosis, 3 years
tonsillitis in the childhood and she received a before, he started with DIARRHOEA, every
lot of antibiotics, 5 years ago she had a light morning 3-4 times as soon as he finishes
case of Herpes Zoster, solved naturally. Her breakfast, and then again diarrhea every time
diet is correct, she drinks enough, but when he has a meal. In the past he had a perfect
she feels too constipated she takes some evacuation, but now this diarrhea is torturing
laxatives to “help her bowels”, she says. him and preventing him to go out in the
Trying to find more symptoms helpful for the morning because every hour he has to sit in the
prescription, nothing worthy appeared, apart bathroom for stools.
from some irritability before Menses that are He had to leave his work as gardener, that he
regular, with only occasionally pain. loved so much and now he can work only in the
Sleep is good, but, with a very peculiar afternoon in a furniture factory.
symptom: “every time she goes to bed in the He also has diarrhea if he has to do something
evening to sleep, she feels chills for the first important, for example go out with friends, or
30-45 minutes”. to a disco. He feels anxiety of anticipation and
after a while he has abdomen pains and

Vol 1, Issue 1
The girlfriend says that normally he is very The boyfriend, who comes again together with
quiet and generous with everybody, but since her, reports that after the ascending doses of
the beginning of this complaint he started to be Arsenicum he feels much better, the diarrhea
irritable, with a tendency to be critical with subsided soon after the beginning of the
her or his loved ones, but mainly anxious for therapy and now he evacuates once a day, the
every trifle, and very anxious during the night, stools are more solid, without any pain and
with moments of sadness thinking about his also the energy is better. He only has soft
disease. He has fear of a severe disease and stools if he goes with friends to eat in a
that he will never recover. The parents are in a MacDonald’s or to drinks too much bier.
very good health condition and nothing The anxiety is better, he only feels some
especial has to be mentioned. difficulties with his memory. Eats everything
In this case, we can see, apart the physical without problems.
symptoms, the most important ones being The girlfriend says that he looks very good,
“Diarrhea after eating” and “Pain in Abdomen only every now and then some anxiety starts.
before diarrhea”, that the patient had a The prescription was Arsenicum Album 6
CHANGE of attitude after the beginning of the LM/Q in water, 1 teaspoonful every week for 4
complaint. We can take into account the months.
following symptoms: Irritability; Censorious;
Anxiety -- during night, anticipating events, 3rd visit November 2017
about health, fear of disease and despair about The girl says that in the next 4 months there
recovery. was only one day she couldn’t evacuate,
It is a very rich group of symptoms, especially otherwise regularly every morning, after
NEW mind symptoms, that make the breakfast. She is really surprised of the result,
prescription very easy. because she feels a natural stimulus to
The prescription was Arsenicum Album 1 evacuate.
LM/Q, one dose daily in water for 9 days, She had menses regular, only once was very
followed by the 2LM/Q 9 doses and 3LM/Q painful, but she called me and with one dose of
again 9 doses in water and potentized each Magnesia Phosphorica 30 C the pain subsided
time. in a few minutes.
Recently taking cold in a day of cold wind, she
2nd visit May, 2017 felt burning throat and pain on swallowing,
The girl reports that after 2 days from the dose with a feeling of coryza and stoppage of nose.
of Alumina, she started evacuating daily as The mood is very good.
never happened over the last 15 years. The If we go the Hahnemann’s Chronic Diseases,
stools are soft and she can evacuate without we find the following symptoms:
any effort. She says to be very happy for this. «367» “Throat – burning pain as of soreness in
Only says that the last week she couldn’t the throat (during and) even when not
evacuate one day and it was the first time in swallowing, in the evening, several days in
two months. The menses is normal, the mood succession. «719» – the nose is stopped up.
good. «723» – Catarrh with sneezing and obstruction
of the nose, the whole day”.
I prescribed Alumina 100M Korsakov, single Considering again the similitude, I prescribed
dose. Alumina 6 LM/Q, to be taken every 10 or 15
days for the next 5-6 months.

Vol 1, Issue 1
The boyfriend, says that he is fine, no more
anxiety, no more diarrhea, he is also happy
because the old company of his former work as
a gardener, his passion, called him to ask if he
wants to start again working with them. Soon
he will decide.
The girlfriend describes him as a healthy
person now, maybe only a little accelerated
and that he started again to take care of the
garden of the house, with satisfaction.
I continued Arsenicum 6 LM/Q once a month
for the next 6 months

4th visit July 2018

They come later than the 6 months, they say

because they feel both perfectly well.
Their bowels now are working well, not too
scanty for her nor too much for him.
They are happy and well as it has to be,
considering their young age.

No prescription, only the request to inform

me by phone every 3-4 moths. They did so only
to say that they are in perfect health condition.

Conclusions: these are two simple cases, but

with annoying symptoms. We can say, without
too much speculation as regarding the nature
and origin of their complaints, or without a
deep analysis of their psychological condition,
but simply following Hahnemannian’s rules
and Materia Medica, they found fast and easily
the solution of their diseases.

Could any allopathic drug do a better service to

these two young people?

Vol 1, Issue 1
In 2014, the harmonised LMHI-ECH The multi-centre proving sought to explore
Homeopathic Proving Guidelines were the reliability of a proving methodology that
presented to the international homeopathic was aligned to the LMHI-ECH Harmonised
community in a plenary session of the 69th Proving Guidelines (2014). What made the
Congress of the LMHI in Paris. The proving unique was that it would be
Homeopathic Proving Guidelines arose from a implemented simultaneously in five countries,
deliberate and focused resolution by the two across both hemispheres and within
international groupings to collaborate towards geographically and culturally diverse prover
the formulation of a single reference text that populations. The proving methodological
would provide a summary of best-practice in investigation was framed by the following
current proving methodology, and to serve as research questions:
both a reference to journal editors, regulators 1. To what extent does the implementation of
and ethical review boards and to homeopathic a single defined proving methodology produce
researchers wishing to explore proving an internally coherent data set?
methodology within an increasingly regulated 2. To what extent is such a proving data set
clinical research environment (specifically in bound by the temporal, cultural and linguistic
terms of ICH-GCP Guidelines). The 21-page idiosyncrasies of the proving population?
document is focused upon various elements of 3. What is the relationship of data derived
proving design, but by first-intention restricts from a scientifically rigorous modern proving
itself to exploring the various nuances of a to existing knowledge on the homeopathic
modern ‘Hahnemannian’ proving methodology1. application of the proving substance?
Through the application of a distinction 4. What is the impact of homeopathic potency
between ‘required’ components and on the quality and nature of proving data?
‘recommended’ components, the Guidelines
provide a broad flexibility, but nevertheless 3. THE LOCATION OF THE STUDY
imply a training of what at the time were The study was conducted simultaneously in
diverse global methodologies towards a more South Africa, Italy, Mexico, Argentina and
focused mean. The implicit challenge of the India. The study had a Director in South
Guidelines formulation was to improve the Africa, Co-director in Italy and three Proving
‘standardisation’ of the methodology Co-ordinators in Mexico, Argentina and India.
sufficiently to allow for more ease of The locations of each site and the respective
comparison and incorporation of different Co-ordinator were:
proving experiments without compromising the
fundamentally ‘artistic’ character of the proving Prof. Ashley Ross [Durban, South Africa]
experiment itself. Dr Gustavo Dominici [Verona, Italy]
The immediate reception of the Homeopathic Dr Rosario Sánchez Caballero
Proving Guidelines was extremely positive, and [Mexico City, Mexico]
there was a general sense that the attempt to Dr Agustín Salinas[Buenos Aires, Argentina]
‘regularise’ diverse proving methodologies Dr Tarkeshwar Jain [Jaipur, India]
around a single set of guidelines was a timeous
and necessary development.

Vol 1, ıssue 1 31
The homeopathic drug proving of REMEDY X • The proving was conducted by 30 Proving
took the form of a triple-blind, placebo- Supervisors (6 in each of the 5 participating
controlled study. Sixty provers (12 provers at sites), co-ordinated by one of five respective
each of five sites) were recruited by Proving Co-ordinators (who themselves
advertisement and word of mouth, selected served as a Proving Supervisor);
against defined inclusion criteria, and 20 • The proving substance (REMEDY X) was
percent of the subjects received a blank prepared by Gudjons GmbH, Augsburg,
(placebo) in a random manner. The 60 provers Germany according to Methods 6
are divided into five equal groups of 12 provers, (Triturations by hand) and a modification of
with each group supervised by six experienced Method 8 (Liquid preparations made from
proving supervisors (i.e. two provers per triturations), as specified in the German
supervisor). Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia (GHP)2;
• Verum/blank globules were prepared
The provers and the 30 Proving Supervisors according to the method described below [see
(including the Proving Co-ordinators) were not section], and 45 globules of each of the
aware of the name nor nature of the substance respective test substance [verum (in one of
being proved, the potency of the proving two potencies) or blank/placebo] were
substance, nor whether a prover was assigned randomly assigned to 75 prover numbers (5
the proving substance (in either of two sets of 15, of which each included 9 x
potencies) or a blank/placebo. Randomisation C30/30c; 3 x C200/200c; and 3 x
into five sets for each of the participating sites blank/placebo);
was conducted by the manufacturer and the • 60 prover volunteers were recruited by
allocation of proving sets to respective word of mouth from homeopathic
participating co-ordinators was retained by the practitioners, homeopathic students and other
manufacturer until unblinding. prior proving participants;
• Each Proving Supervisor conducted
As an additional ‘internal’ control, all provers interviews in which prospective provers will
were required to record their state for one be screened for suitability, and checked
week prior to commencing the verum/placebo against the inclusion criteria;
globules. All provers recorded their symptoms • The provers attended a pre-proving training
in an assigned journal in a prescribed manner. course, conducted by the respective Proving
Such recording was completed at least once Co-ordinator, and in the presence of the
daily. Data derived from journals and case respective Proving Supervisors, during which
histories were edited and collated and, in some the procedure of homeopathic proving was
cases, translated into English. Proving explained to them;
symptomatology (derived from journals, case • The provers were guided through an
histories and post-proving group discussion) Instructions to Provers document and signed a
was reformatted and classified according to Consent form; • Each prover was
standard materia medica and repertory allocated a prover code (01-15), and was
conventions. provided with a personal copy of the
Instructions to Provers document, an
appropriately numbered journal and a list of
contact numbers for the Proving Supervisor
and Proving Co-ordinator;
• Each Proving Supervisor supervised a
maximum of two provers;
• At scheduled times, a thorough case history
and physical examination of each prover were
completed by the respective Proving

Vol 1, ıssue 1 33
• The provers commenced recording their • Data was presented in traditional Materia
symptoms at least three times daily for one Medica and Repertory formats. At this point
week prior to taking the proving substance.; the identity and potencies of the proving
• On completion of the pre-proving week, the substance was revealed to the Proving
prover commenced taking the assigned globules Director.
for a maximum of 5 globules, three times daily,
for three days (a maximum of 9 doses), or until 5.1 The Proving Substance
the first symptoms appeared, whereupon no The substance used for the preparation of
further doses of the proving substance were the homeopathic potency for use in the
taken. The prover continued to record their triple-blind placebo-controlled
symptoms throughout. The researcher was in homeopathic proving (REMEDY X) was
daily telephonic contact with each prover; selected, in consultation with the
• Telephonic contact frequency was daily manufacturer, by Dr Renzo Galassi
initially, reducing to two to three times weekly, (President of Honour of the LMHI) who
then weekly after the second week (i.e. days 1, was independent of the study. The
2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, 21, 28); selection of the proving substance was
• If no symptoms had been noted after the limited to homeopathic remedies that have
fifteenth dose, the prover ceased to take any a tradition of use within homeopathic
further doses, but continued to record as practice, but that are previously
previously; incompletely- or unproven.

1 7 1 2 3 2
→ 8

Administration phase

≤ 9 doses
30c/200c (5 globules)


Telephonic 1 2 3 5 7 1 1 2 2
contact 0 4 1 8

Table 1: Tabular Representation of Proving Schema

• The proving was considered complete on the 5.1.1 Potency
28th day after commencement of the
Administration phase; The 30th and 200th Hahnemannian potency of
• Journaling will continued for a post-proving REMEDY X was utilised in this international
observation period of one week, to ensure no homeopathic proving.
recurrence of proving symptoms;
5.1.2 Preparation and Dispensing of the
• The respective journal was recalled, and a
Proving Substance
post-proving case history and physical
examination were conducted on the prover;
• All journal data was electronically
• The proving substance (REMEDY X) was
transcribed verbatim using MS Word, and prepared by Gudjons GmbH, Augsburg,
English translation was effected and recorded Germany according to Methods 6 (Trituration
in parallel MS Word documents; of insoluble substances) and a modification of
• Extraction and collation of journal data will Method 8 (Liquid potency from trituration), as
be effected manually; specified in the German Homeopathic
Pharmacopoeia (GHP), First Supplement

Vol 1, ıssue 1 33
• The manufacturer prepared 75 vials of Although recruitment of provers was
verum/blank according to a secret conducted on a purely voluntary basis,
randomisation schema, identifying which set is cognisance was taken of the need for a
allocated to each of the five participating sites, representative male to female ratio, and a
and stored such allocation until unblinding; reasonable spread of provers across the age
• The additional three vials in each set was held range (18 – 65 years).
in reserve, to be administered to provers who
may have be required to replace provers who The verum/blank distribution ratio was 48/12
withdrew from the study prematurely or if (80% verum/20% blank) according to an
other local incidental circumstances necessitate independent random allocation. Provers were
the replacement of an allocated vial. aware of the presence and likelihood of
receiving blank/placebo, but details of the
5.1.3 Dose and Posology specific allocation was known only to the
manufacturer until all data had been collected
• The provers took 5 verum/blank globules and processed.
sublingually for a maximum of three times daily
for three days, or until the first symptoms 5.2.2 Criteria for the Inclusion or Exclusion
appeared (whichever occurred sooner); of a Subject
• The prover ceased to take the globules as soon
The prospective prover:
as they or the Proving Supervisor noted the
onset of proving symptoms;
• was between 18 and 65 years of age;
• There was no repetition of the dose after the
• was in a general state of good health with no
onset of symptoms;
major physical or mental pathology determined
• The proving substance was taken on an empty
on the case history and physical examination;
stomach and with a clear mouth. Neither food
• had given written informed consent, willing
nor drink was taken for a half-hour before or
to comply with the requirments of the proving;
after administration of the proving substance;
• The dosage and posology was clearly explained
• was competent and had signed the Consent
to each prover in the pre-proving training
Form. The prospective prover was not
course, and was presented in writing in an
considered if:
Instructions to Provers document], a copy of
• he/she was/had been on any homeopathic
which will be provided to each prover for
treatment within the preceding six weeks prior
reference and safekeeping at home.
to the run-in phase, e.g. single remedy,
combination products, internal use, external
5.2 The Prover Group
use, any other proving drugs;
• there were other medical treatments
5.2.1 Sample Size and Demographics
(conventional or herbal products) in use or
planned that are likely to interfere with the
The proving was conducted on 60 healthy
proving drug;
subjects, as 12 healthy provers in each of five
• he/she had undergone surgery within the
international sites in Italy, Mexico, Argentina,
preceding six weeks prior to the run-in phase;
India and South Africa. In keeping with the
• he/she had participated/had been
Guidelines, the prover sample consisted of a mix
participating in a conventional clinical trial
of individuals thoroughly acquainted with
within the preceding six weeks prior to the
homeopathic principles, as well as those with no
run-in phase;
formal homeopathic background but prior
• she was pregnant or breast feeding, or
experience in proving participation. Provers
intending to conveive during the research
were recruited by word of mouth from amongst
practising homeopaths, homeopathic students,
• therapeutic interventions were in use, or
as well as other persons with prior proving
planned or anticipated for the period of the
participation experience.
proving, the influences of which might effect
the reliability of the proving data, e.g. surgery,
dental treatment, conventional medical
treatment, additional homeopathic products; or
Vol 1, ıssue 1 34
• the lifestyle in use or planned for the period • maintain their usual habits;
of the proving, • store the proving powders in a cool, dark
the influences of which might effect the place away from strong-smelling substances,
reliability of the proving data, e.g. use of electrical equipment and cellular telephones;
recreational drugs; he/she consumed more than • avoid any medication (including antibiotics),
two measures of alcohol per day, 10 cigarettes vitamin and mineral supplements, herbal or
per day or more than three cups of coffee per homeopathic remedies; and to
day; or any major life changes planned or • consult their doctor, dentist or hospital in
change of his/her usual habits the event of a medical emergency, and to
contact their supervisor as soon as possible
5.2.3 Randomisation thereafter.

Twenty percent of provers (12 provers) were 5.2.5 Monitoring of Provers

randomly assigned to the blank/placebo group.
The remaining eighty percent (48 provers) The prover and their respective Proving
constituted the verum group. Within the verum Supervisor were in daily telephonic contact
group, 36 provers were assigned the C30/30c for the beginning of the proving (days 1 to 3),
potency, and 12 provers the C200/200c potency. with contact frequency decreasing across the
first two weeks (days 5, 7, 10 and 14) to
Five sets of 15 vials each (9 x C30/30c, 3 x become weekly contact (days 21 and 28) for
C200/200c and 3 x blank/placebo), the duration of the proving.
corresponding to prover numbers 1 – 15 were
numbered according to the randomisation The purpose of these contacts was to:
schema. Each of the five sets (independently
randomized) was allocated to a specific proving i) ascertain when the proving substance began
site, and recorded in the randomization list. The to act, so that the prover could be instructed
record of the schema, and allocation of sets to to cease taking any further doses;
respective site was stored by the manufacturer ii) ensure that the prover recorded accurately,
until all data had been collected, and unblinding and did not neglect to record a symptom; and
was required for differentiation of respective to
sets of data. iii)ensure the safety of the prover by closely
monitoring for any reaction which may need
An additional three vials was provided in each to be antidoted (by an existing homeopathic
set as a reserve (i.e. 12 + 3 vials per set), to be remedy, or another necessary intervention).
administered to provers who may be required to
replace provers who withdrew from the study 5.3 The Case-history and Physical
prematurely. Examination

5.2.4 Lifestyle of Provers during the Proving 5.3.1 Case-history

The provers were advised to: Each prover who complied with the Inclusion
criteria, had attended the pre-proving training
• avoid antidoting factors such as camphor and workshop, and had read, understood and
menthol, and to cease their use for two weeks signed both the Consent form and the
prior to administration of the proving powders; Instructions to Provers documents, had a
• practice moderation with respect to work, scheduled appointment with the assigned
alcohol, smoking, exercise, diet and sexual Proving Supervisor for completion of a
expression; standard homeopathic case history and
general physical examination. The purpose of
the case-history was to ascertain and clarify
the baseline status of each prover prior to
administration of the proving substance.

Vol 1, ıssue 1 35
5.3.2 Physical Examination Individual provers were monitored
telephonically by their respective Proving
The general physical examination included Supervisor to confirm the onset of proving
physical description, assessment of vital signs, symptoms (where these occurred), that the
cursory overview and system specific methodology was being implemented
examination (as relevant to the case-history). correctly, and that the prover’s interests were
being protected. Provers journalled at least
5.4 The Duration of the Proving once daily for the duration of the proving.

5.4.1 Pre-proving Training Workshop 5.4.4 Chronology

Prior to commencement of the proving proper, The prover was requested to note the time
the Proving Co-ordinator at each site presented elapsed between the commencement of the
a pre-proving workshop that was attended by proving and the appearance of each symptom.
the 12 identified provers and the 6 Proving This was recorded in the DD:HH:MM format,
Supervisors. This workshop was held in advance as proposed by Sherr3, where DD are the
of the start of pre-proving observation of the number of days since commencement of the
provers. proving (day one was designated 01), HH are
the number of hours, and MM the number of
At this workshop, the Proving Co-ordinator minutes.
elaborated the concept of homeopathic proving,
and explained the structure and objectives of The top of each page of the prover’s journal
the research project, and the details of was marked with the appropriate day code.
journaling and supervisor contact. The Proving After 24 hours, the minutes became
Co-ordinator then took provers through the redundant, and were represented by XX. After
Instructions to Provers document, and they two days the hours became redundant and
were afforded an opportunity to pose questions were indicated similarly by XX. In instances in
and seek clarification on any aspect of the which the time was insignificant or unclear
process. At this time the Proving Co-ordinator the symptom was marked XX:XX:XX. The
also provided provers with their respective actual time of the day was included only if it
prover numbers and journals. 5.4.2 Pre- was definite, significant and causal to the
proving Observation symptom. All irrelevant time data was erased
in the initial extraction.
Each prover commenced recording his/her
symptoms at least three times daily for one 5.4.5 Post-proving Observation
week prior to taking the proving substance, as
an internal control. The proving was considered complete on the
28th day, or two weeks after the
5.4.3 Commencement of Proving disappearance of the last proving symptom,
where this preceded the 28th day. Journaling
On completion of the week of pre-proving was continued for a post-proving observation
observation and journaling, each prover period of one week, whereupon the respective
commenced taking 5 globules for a maximum of journal was recalled, and a post-proving case
three times daily for three days, or until the history and physical examination was
first symptoms appeared, whereupon no further conducted on the prover. The purpose of the
doses of the proving substance were taken. If no post-proving case-history and physical
symptoms were noted after the ninth dose, the examination was to confirm the return to the
prover ceased to take any further doses, but pre-proving state, and to confirm the
continued to journal as previously. disappearance of any ‘cured symptoms’.
Although the duration of the individual
prover’s reaction to the proving substance
was unable to be predicted, the broad
prediction of duration will be approximately
42 days, as set out below:
Vol 1, ıssue 1 36
Pre-proving observation (1 week) 7 days The determination of whether an adverse
Proving period (approx. 4 weeks) event or its treatment/management might
[variable] 28 days affect the reliability of the proving data was
Post-proving observation (1 week) 7 days determined by the Proving Co-ordinator, who
was able to withdraw the prover, as described
approx. 42 days
5.4.6 Withdrawal from the Study
The proving methodology described in detail
A prover was able to withdraw their consent to in this paper is wholly-compliant with the
participate in the study at any time and without harmonised LMHI-ECH Guidelines for
any prejudice. In addition, a Proving Supervisor, Homeopathic Provings (2014) and represents
in consultation with the respective Proving Co- the methodology adopted in the first rigorous
ordinator, was able to withdraw a prover, if, multi-centre proving of a single homeopathic
based on their clinical judgment, it was in the remedy in five countries spanning both global
best interest of the prover or the reliability of hemispheres, five nationalities, three
proving data. A prover who withdrew, or was languages and a range of social frameworks.
withdrawn from the proving at any stage, was In the next issue we will describe the
not able to be re-admitted into the proving, and processing of the proving data and the derived
all data related to the prover was excluded from materia medica.
subsequent analysis. The following criteria were
applied in consideration of withdrawal:
• Prover withdrew his/her consent (for any References:
• Prover was unable or unwilling to follow the 1)Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica
proving procedures; Internationalis-European Committee for
• Therapeutic interventions which could Homeopathy, 2014. Homeopathic Proving
possibly affect the reliability of the proving data Guidelines. Available at:
e.g. surgery, dental treatment, conventional
medical treatment, additional homeopathic meopathic-proving-guidelines-pdf.pdf.
products; 2)Benyunes S, 2005. German Homoeopathic
• (Severe) disturbance of health including inter- Pharmacopoeia. First Supplement ed.
current illness, which made further Stuttgart: Medpharm GmbH Scientific
participation in the homeopathic proving Publishers.
inadvisable and/or which affected the reliability 3)Sherr J, 1994. The Dynamics and
of the proving data; Methodology of Homoeopathic Provings. West
• Personal circumstances that suggested a lack Malvern: Dynamis Books.
of compliance of the prover;
• Strong disturbing external factors, which
affected the reliability of the proving data
e.g. major change of the lifestyle.

5.4.7 Management of Adverse Events

Were an adverse event to occur, the appropriate

treatment/management of the respective prover
by the Proving Supervisor, in consultation with
the Proving Co-ordinator, was to be determined
and implemented, according to the individual
clinical and other needs of the prover.

Vol 1, ıssue 1 37

Dr. Pietro Gulia

Medico-Chirurgo Omeopata

QUIZ CORNER … for our

younger colleagues.

1) Clinical case n.1 – A cold and humid May in 4) According to Hahnemann (who first
Rome. Man, 42-yrs old; in the past Thuja proved it) are Matricaria chamomilla and
and Sulphur cured many warts on his hands Chamomilla romana officinalis the same plant
and feet. He has got an hard cough since and the same remedy? (see Hahnemann’s
few days. He prescribed himself Bryonia Materia Medica Pura)
and, later, Spongia tosta: no improvement 5) According to A.Lippe ( Keynotes and Red
Dry cough, but in the morning he Line Symptoms of Materia Medica) a
expectorates yellow, sour catarrh. He now symptom contra-indicates Chamomilla:
and then feels sour taste in mouth. No which one? a) Mental calmness; b) peevish
fever, but he feels very weak. He desires from contradiction; c) redness of left and
warm drinks except coffee because, right cheek.
according to him, coffee and its odor make 6) Clinical case n. 3. Twenty-five years ago
him coughing. Cold air aggravates his cough … A lanky, hypochondriac, 25-yrs old clerk.
and he dislikes cold air. The remedy is … He phoned and reported: “Sleeplessness since
2) Quoted from Hahnemann’s Chronic ten days, I can’t sleep a wink; as soon as I put
Diseases (second edition): “ 12 Hastiness; myself to bed I feel restless, toss and turn,
everything she does she cannot accomplish compelled to get up. In the night my mind is
fast enough; but it fatigues her exceedingly clear, many thoughts crowd into my mind and
– 22 Too great an inclination to joke – 73 I can’t get rid of them, they are not
Sensation in the frontal region, as if the disagreeable thoughts! “ Really, the tone of
brain were loose and falling to and fro – 113 his voice was not sad, nor anxious nor
Sensation as if the face was stretched and worried, (as he often was), on the contrary it
as if the white of an egg was drying on the seemed excited and cheerful. He was
skin; 169 Bread tastes bitter like bile, and prescribed Phosphorus, which helped him in
presses heavily in the stomach – 228 the past, but useless now. Few days after an
Coldness in the stomach (soon after a new useless dose of Ignatia, I examined him. He
dose) – The remedy is … reported a new symptom: he could no more
3) Clinical case n.2 – A strong, 38-yrs old man; heavy tolerate noises or the odor of the coffee he
smoker. A Sunday afternoon: violent pain from the third had the habit to drink in the morning: they
inferior left molar tooth. The pain began on day before, immediately gave him nausea and headache.
worsened in the night (he could not sleep) and now is The question rang out: “What happened in
very intense and shooting; the pain now and then is so
your life, what changed?” “Doc, I won a lot
agonizing he knocks his head against the wall. He took
of money in the state lottery … a month ago …
a few pills of Nimesulide without relief. His face is
grayish and anxious; he is going through hours of only you know it!”
anguish, despaired, beside himself with pain, walking What remedy restored his sleep and calmed
up and down, he groans and screams with pain; he his excitement?
even fainted from pain. An ice cube on the molar eases
a bit. The remedy is …

Vol 1, ıssue 1
7) Quoted from Leaders in Homoeopathic
Therapeutics by E. B. Nash: “All senses more
acute; reads fine print easier; smell, taste and
touch acute; unusual activity of mind and body;
full of ideas, quick to act, no sleep on this
account, etc - Headache, from over-mental
exertion, thinking, talking; one-sided, as from a
nail driven into the brain; as if the brain were
torn or dashed to pieces; < in open air”. If you
are not sure, please use the Repertory and you
will find the remedy.

8) Clinical cases n.1 and 2 remind us how

important are modalities in selecting the right
remedy. Could you remember in which aphorism
Hahnemann points out the modalities are
indispensable “to determine the exact character
of the symptom “ (a clue: read the proving
guidelines in Organon 6th ed. from aph. 105 to
aph.145: once you have found the aphorism,
read it carefully).

9)The problem of dose is important in our

clinical practice: “Here the question arises, what
is this most suitable degree of minuteness for
sure and gentle remedial effect; how small, in
other words, must be the dose of each individual
medicine, homoeopathically selected for a case of
disease, to effect the best cure?” In this way aph.
278 begins. How does Hahnemann state we
must to face and solve the problem of dose?

10)In Aph 110 and 278 Hahnemann warns us of

avoiding serious mistakes in making proving
and in determining “for every particular
medicine, what dose of it will suffice for
homoeopathic therapeutic purposes and yet be so
minute that the gentlest and most rapid cure may
be thereby obtained …”.. What mistakes?

Vol 1, ıssue 1
QUIZ CORNER … for our younger colleagues.
(to be published in The Homeopathic Physician n. 1)
1) Clinical case n. 1 = FACE – Cracked, Mouth, 5) From Nash: GENERALS – Weakness,
corners of; Cracker, Lips; MOUTH, Itching - tremulous – Trembling, internally –
scarlatina, during – Palate – Discoloration, Haemorrhage, orifice of the body, from - SKIN
Tongue, red - Papillae of tongue, erect - Papillae – Ecchymoses – GENERALS - odor of the body,
of tongue, erect, strawberry tongue – NOSE; sour – Sourness – MOUTH – Apfthae, Gums,
Itching – Chapped - Boring in nose with fingers – Palate – Bleeding, Gums, easily – Ulcers,
Picking, Nose. The remedy is Arum triphyllum painful – Odor, offensive = Sulphuric acidum.
30 CH, two granules on his tongue; five granules
in 250 ml of water; a teaspoon of the solution 6) Aph 144: “From such a Materia Medica
every 3 hours, plus method. Terrific everything that is conjectural, all that is mere
improvement, completely cured in 24 hrs. assertion or imaginary should be strictly
excluded (warning); everything should be the
2) Clinical case n.2 – MIND – Rest, desire for; pure language of nature carefully and honestly
Spoken to, being, aversion; Answering, aversion interrogated (= recommendation)”.
to answer. GENERALS – Lie down, desire to; This recommendation reminds me of a famous
Warm, desire for warmth – Warm, becoming, Galileo’s sentence: “The experiment is to ask
amel; COUGH, Night, midnight, after; FACE – Nature a question …”.
Discoloration, pale; MIND – Ailments from,
mental exertion – from, disappointment The 7) Aph. 6 – “The unprejudiced observer …
remedy is Phosphoric acidum 200 K , plus takes note of nothing in every individual
every 5 hrs: >>> in 36 hrs, cough calmed disease, except the changes in the health of the
quickly, physical and mental improvement. body and of the mind (morbid phenomena,
accidents, symptoms) which can be perceived
3) Chronic Diseases (2nd edition) – Antipsoric externally by means of the senses; that is to say,
Medicines): SLEEP – Sleepiness, morning, he notices only the deviations from the former
afternoon, evening; eyed closed; Yawning, healthy state of the now diseased individual,
sleepiness during; frequent – Sleepiness, dinner which are felt by the patient himself,
after – Falling asleep, talking - Falling asleep, remarked by those around him and observed
talking, dinner, after ; Falling asleep, writing - by the physician.”
Deep, writing - Sleepiness evening early;
morning - Waking difficult, morning – 8) Aph 6, again: “The unprejudiced observer -
Sleepiness, weariness, with. The remedy is well aware of the futility of transcendental
Phosphoric acidum. speculations which can receive no confirmation
from experience …”.
4) From Lippe: MOUTH - Inflammation – Pain,
burning – Salivation, profuse – Mucous 9) China – Kali carbonicum
membranes, excoriation – Discoloration,
Tongue, Red – Papillae of Tongue, erect – FACE
– Swelling, Submaxillary glands – Excoriation,
Mouth, corners of – THROAT – Pain, rawness;
sore. MOUTH, Pain, sore – Bleeding; Odor,
putrid = Arum triphyllum

Vol 1, ıssue 1
10)Aph 81 – note 2: “How many improper
ambiguous names do not these works contain,
under each of which are included excessively
different morbid conditions, which often resemble
each other in one single symptom only, as ague,
jaundice, dropsy, consumption ecc.. which are
represented as diseases of a fixed and unvarying
character, and are treated, on account of their
name, according to a determinate plan! How can
the bestowal of such a name justify an identical
medical treatment? And if the treatment is not
always to be the same, why make use of an
identical name which postulates an identity of
treatment? …
From all this it is clear that these useless and
misused names of diseases ought to have no
influence on the practice of the true physician,
who knows that he has to judge of and to cure
diseases, not according to the similarity of the
name of a single one of their symptoms, but
according to the totality of the signs of the
individual state of each particular patient,
whose affection it is his duty carefully to
investigate, but never to give a hypothetical
guess at it … “

Vol 1, ıssue 1
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June 26, 2020

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