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1. Paul McCartney has always used his middle name. What is his real first name?

a. John
b. !James
c. Justin
d. Jack

2. By what name is Carlos Estevez better known?

a. !Charlie Sheen
b. Ricky Martin
c. Joaquin Phoenix
d. Bruno Mars

3. Which actress married Michael Douglas in 2000?

a. Pam Ferris
b. Ruth Jones
c. Sara Sugarman
d. !Catherine ZetaJones

4. When was Elvis Presley born?

a. April 17, 1938
b. July 18, 1940
c. !January 8, 1935
d. December 13, 1931

5. How tall is Tom Cruise?

a. 5prime; 4Prime;
b. 5prime; 5Prime;
c. 5prime; 9Prime;
d. !5prime; 7Prime;

6. What is generally considered to be William Shakespeare039;s birth date?

a. July 4th, 1409
b. !April 23rd, 1564
c. September 29th, 1699
d. December 1st, 1750

7. What was the name of Marilyn Monroe039;s first husband?

a. !James Dougherty
b. Joe Dimaggio
c. Arthur Miller
d. Kirk Douglas

8. Nikki Diamond portrayed which Gladiator in the 1992 TV show

a. Falcon
b. !Scorpio
c. Nightshade
d. Jet

9. Lady Gaga039;s real name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta.

a. False
b. !True

10. In which of these TV shows did the chef Gordon Ramsay not appear?
a. Hotel Hell
b. !Auction Hunters
c. Hell039;s Kitchen
d. Ramsay039;s Kitchen Nightmares

11. Which American celebrity died in 1977 playing golf in La Moraleja, Madrid?
a. Elvis Presley
b. Charlie Chaplin
c. Groucho Marx
d. !Bing Crosby

12. Which of these celebrities was not a member of the Jackson 5?

a. Tito Jackson
b. !Bo Jackson
c. Jermaine Jackson
d. Marlon Jackson

1. The Pythagorean theorem states that the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the
product of the squares of the other two sides.
a. !False
b. True

2. In Roman Numerals, what does XL equate to?

a. 15
b. !40
c. 60
d. 90

3. The proof for the Chinese Remainder Theorem used in Number Theory was NOT
developed by its first publisher, Sun Tzu.
a. !True
b. False

4. What is the alphanumeric representation of the imaginary number?

a. !i
b. n
c. e
d. x

5. How many sides does a heptagon have?

a. 6
b. 5
c. !7
d. 8
6. In Topology, the complement of an open set is a closed set.
a. !True
b. False

7. How many sides does a trapezium have?

a. !4
b. 5
c. 3
d. 6

8. Which of these numbers is closest to the total number of possible states for an
army standard Enigma Machine?
a. 1.58 x 1024
b. 1.58 x 1022
c. 1.58 x 1018
d. !1.58 x 1020

9. How many books are in Euclid039;s Elements of Geometry?

a. 8
b. 17
c. 10
d. !13

10. Which of the following mathematicians made major contributions to game theory?
a. !John Von Neumann
b. Carl Friedrich Gauss
c. Leonhard Euler
d. Stefan Banach

1. Which of the following bones is not in the leg?

a. Fibula
b. Patella
c. Tibia
d. !Radius

2. The moons, Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania and Oberon orbit which planet?
a. Jupiter
b. !Uranus
c. Venus
d. Neptune

3. Which is the longest bone in the human body?

a. Fibula
b. Scapula
c. !Femur
d. Ulna

4. How many legs is it biologically impossible for a centipede to have?

a. 26
b. !100
c. 74
d. 50

5. How many officially recognized dwarf planets in the solar system are named after
Polynesian deities?
a. 5
b. !2
c. 0
d. 1

6. Alzheimer039;s disease primarily affects which part of the human body?

a. Heart
b. Lungs
c. Skin
d. !Brain

7. Who developed the first successful polio vaccine in the 1950s?

a. Frederick Robbins
b. Thomas Weller
c. !Jonas Salk
d. John F. Enders

8. An atom contains a nucleus.

a. !True
b. False

9. The human right lung has how many lobes?

a. 2
b. !3
c. 4
d. 1

10. Which is the most abundant element in the universe?

a. Oxygen
b. Helium
c. Lithium
d. !Hydrogen

11. How many protons are in an oxygen atom?

a. Four
b. !Eight
c. Two
d. Six

12. Who discovered the Law of Gravity?

a. Charles Darwin
b. !Sir Isaac Newton
c. Galileo Galilei
d. Albert Einstein

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