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Envomed Essential Information – May 23

The Envomed 80 is a revolutionary system for on-site treatment of medical and infectious waste.
Below you will find some essential information about the Envomed 80 and some attached

The Envomed 80 is designed to operate on-site, in a hospital or clinic.

It contains a powerful 4-shaft shredder and a chemical disinfection system.
It is a unique solution because it uses a chemical disinfectant of hydrogen peroxide and peracetic acid. We
call it "Biocetic 45".

The entire disinfection process is carried out in a liquid phase, so that the homogeneity of the
process is 100% guaranteed.

Unlike other common waste treatment systems, the Envomed 80 does not use a heat treatment
method as used in microwaves, autoclaves or friction devices.

The device is relatively small and does not produce noise or unpleasant odor. It is very safe and easy
to operate.

Installation is simple - all you need is a ventilated small room (3 x 5 m) with electricity, water,
compressed air and drainage as shown in this picture:
The disinfection system achieves a spore reduction of 6-logs (6-log = 99.9999% reduction).

The waste is completely sterilized (according to STAATT level IV), so it can be safely placed in the
normal household waste with the rest of the hospital's waste.

Due to the fine shredding process of the Envomed 80, the volume of waste is reduced to about 20%
of the original volume, which is a great advantage.

The cost of treating 1 kg of infectious waste is less than 0.5 US$

The Envomed 80 can treat up to 240 liters of waste per hour, so one machine can treat all the
infectious waste of a hospital with 300to 400 beds in an 8-hour shift.

It can handle a wide variety of biological infectious waste: sharp medical instruments such as
needles and syringes, used dressings, plastic containers, gloves, dialysis filters, contaminated
medical instruments, samples from examinations such as blood, urine or stool, human tissue, etc...

The unit is not intended to handle chemicals, cytotoxic drugs, or radioactive material.
Here are some examples of waste that can be treated with the Envomed 80:

medical sharps such as needles and syringes

used bandages or other dressings

Plastic SHARP containers

Gloves, Masks Etc.

dialysis filters

contaminated medical tools

samples from tests like blood, pee, or stool

human tissues

Here is a summary of the key benefits of Envomed 80:

- Proven disinfection performance with all required approvals

- 6-log reduction (alignment with STAATT level 4)

- High performance relative to size

- On-site treatment - avoiding risks to the environment and public health.

- Liquid residues can be safely disposed of via the sewer system

- Suitable for a wide range of medical wastes

- Sterilization validation can be easily performed by the user

- No noise, unpleasant odor or emissions

- Safe to use

- Easy to operate and maintain

Envomed is a relatively new technology on the market. We have installed machines in Israel,
Sweden, Finland, the UK, and prior to a pilot in Singapore and the Philippines. Interest in this
solution has increased significantly in recent months due to the cost and environmental benefits that
the Envomed 80 offers compared to available alternatives.

And another important thing is that the trader or distributor can also supply the disinfectant
(Biocetic) on a permanent basis, so it is not a one-off deal, but also generates a fixed income over a
long period of time.
Technical And Financial Data:

• One Cycle contents: 80 liters or 8 kg of waste

• Hourly output: 3 cycles = 240 liters or 24 kg per hour.
• In one daily shift (8 working hours) the machine treats 1,900 liters or 190 kg in 24 cycles
• Cycle duration – 18 minutes
• Each cycle contained 40L of water and 300ml of Biocetic
• 1 machine can treat the equivalent of the waste generated by a 300-400 beds hospital in 1 shift
• 1 operator can operate up to 3 machines in parallel
• The cost of treating 1 kg of infectious waste is less than 0.5 US$

More features

• The machine has an integrated scale that displays the waste weight.
• Each Biocetic container has a unique RFID tag to ensure its authenticity.
• We have a "cloud" database that collects all the information about the machines and makes
it available to the customer or the regulator

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