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Osteogenesis Imperfecta

A Pediatric Orthopedic
Jeanne M. Franzone, MDa,*, Suken A. Shah, MDa,
Maegen J. Wallace, MDb, Richard W. Kruse, DO, MBAa

 Osteogenesis imperfecta  Brittle bones  Extremity deformity  Spine deformity

 Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a genetic connective tissue disorder characterized by low bone
density, fractures, spine and extremity deformity, and several nonorthopedic manifestations.
 Medical management includes nutrition, adequate vitamin D and calcium intake, and activity and
may include the use of bisphosphonates or other anabolic agents.
 Care should be managed by a cohesive multidisciplinary team.
 The orthopedic care of patients with OI includes fracture care and management of spine and
extremity deformity with a goal of maximizing each individual’s developmental and functional

BACKGROUND OI.6,7 The genes COL1A1 and COL1A2 code

for type I collagen, which is a heterotrimer con-
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), also known as taining two a1 chains and one a2 chain that
brittle bone disease, is a genetic connective tis- form a triple helix and is a significant component
sue disorder characterized by low bone density, of the extracellular matrix in bone, helping to
fractures, spine and extremity deformity for provide its strength. This may be likened to an
those with a severe form of the disease, and analogy that type I collagen serves a role similar
other extraskeletal manifestations.1,2 It is genet- to that served by a reinforcing bar in concrete.
ically and phenotypically heterogeneous with a An issue with the quality of type I collagen may
wide range of clinical severity. cause a more moderate or severe form of OI,
The term osteogenesis imperfecta was coined whereas an issue with the quantity of type I
by William Vrolik in the 1840s.3,4 The widely used collagen may cause more mild forms of OI.8
Sillence classification was initially described in The disease severity may vary even among family
19795 and identified four primary types of OI: members carrying the same mutation.
Type I: Mild, nondeforming A clinically distinct form of OI, OI type V,
Type II: Lethal perinatal was identified in Montreal with patients de-
Type III: Severe, progressively deforming monstrating calcification of the forearm inteross-
Type IV: Phenotypically variable with white eous membrane, hyperplastic callus, and an
sclera autosomal-dominant inheritance not associated
with collagen type I mutations.9 In 2006, a reces-
In the early 1980s, type I collagen mutations sive form of lethal OI was reported to be caused
were first associated with autosomal-dominant by a mutation in CRTAP, a gene that encodes a

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Nemours Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, 1600 Rockland Road,
Wilmington, DE 19803, USA; b Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Chil-
dren’s Hospital and Medical Center, 8200 Dodge Street, Omaha, NE 68114, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Orthop Clin N Am 50 (2019) 193–209
0030-5898/19/ª 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
194 Franzone et al

protein that plays a role in the post-translational CLINICAL MANAGEMENT

modification of collagen.8 The past decade has
witnessed the recognition of an expanding num- There is currently no cure for OI. Children are
ber of recessive forms of OI responsible for initially evaluated for the frequency of fractures
approximately 15% of cases of OI caused by mu- and the presence of long bone deformity.
tations in genes encoding proteins involved in Bone density may be part of the diagnostic eval-
the synthesis or processing of type I collagen. uation and is also followed on a regular basis.
Some investigators have supported the creation The mainstays of the medical management of
of a new numbered type of OI associated with OI include nutrition and activity. Adequate
each of these genetic causes, with a list of 18 amounts of calcium and vitamin D are essential
types and counting (Table 1).2 Others have pro- for optimizing bone health in the setting of OI.
posed a more clinically based approach in which Vitamin D and calcium levels must be followed
each of the newly identified recessive types is as part of the medical management of patients
incorporated into a clinical Sillence type based with OI and supplementation doses adjusted
on the phenotypic presentation.10 The designa- accordingly.
tions of mild, moderate, and severe may also Bisphosphonates are a class of antiresorptive
be used on a clinical basis. Although the diag- drugs shown to increase bone mass, improve
nosis of OI is a clinical one, knowledge of the un- vertebral size and shape, and potentially reduce
derlying genetic cause helps the pediatric the frequency of fractures in patients with
orthopedist better understand the clinical char- OI.12–14 There is noted to be variability of the in-
acteristics and orthopedic phenotypes of the dications for bisphosphonate therapy and the
different forms of OI and enhance understand- dosing and the duration from center to center.
ing of the responses to treatment and surgical A single vertebral body fracture is considered
intervention. by many to be an indication for starting or
resuming bisphosphonate therapy and three or
more long bone fractures per year for 2 years.
CLINICAL PRESENTATION AND CARE Anecdotally, bisphosphonates may help with
TEAM bone pain. The results of yearly bone density
Given the widespread role of type I collagen, (DEXA) scans may also play a role in the clinical
there are a multitude of clinical manifestations decision making regarding the use of
of OI. The skeletal manifestations vary with dis- bisphosphonates.
ease severity and include low bone mass, Additional agents are currently being investi-
fractures, bowing of the long bones in the ex- gated in the setting of OI. Sclerostin antibody
tremities, vertebral compression fractures, has been studied as an anabolic treatment
basilar invagination, scoliosis, spondylolisthesis, approach and may have a synergistic effect
ligamentous laxity, joint deformities, and short when combined with a low-dose bisphospho-
stature.1 The extraskeletal manifestations may nate.15 Denosumab is a human monoclonal anti-
be present at birth or develop. These may body that blocks RANKL, which is an essential
include blue sclerae; hydrocephalus; hearing cytokine in the osteoclastogenesis pathway and
loss; dentinogenesis imperfecta; dental maloc- is currently being tested in patients with OI.1
clusion; and pulmonary, cardiac, or gastrointes- Cell therapy and gene targeting may play a
tinal issues. role in the future, but are currently far from a
The management of OI, therefore, must clinical reality.
involve a coordinated multidisciplinary care
team with OI experience. As is the case with all ORTHOPEDIC MANAGEMENT
diseases requiring complex multidisciplinary
care, the coordination and communication The goal of the orthopedic management of chil-
among the care team is critical. Transition of dren and adults with OI is to maximize function,
care through adulthood plays an important role achieve developmental milestones as close as
as young adults with OI take on the responsibil- possible to a child’s peer group, and decrease
ity of their care at a time when they may be “ag- deformity and fracture burden. Physical activity
ing out” of care in a pediatric environment.11 is an instrumental component of reaching this
Given the importance of multidisciplinary care goal. Some form of activity, which may be
of this complex condition, the transitional care tailored based on the disease severity, is impor-
of patients with OI is a focus of many large OI tant for everyone with OI to maximize functional
centers and the Osteogenesis Imperfecta ability. Although muscle strength is affected by
Foundation. OI, exercise has been shown to improve aerobic
Osteogenesis Imperfecta 195

Table 1
Genetic classification of OI
Gene Mutation Protein Encoded OI Type Inheritance Characteristics
COL1A1 or Collagen a1 or a1 I, II, III, AD Classic phenotypes as
COL1A2 or IV described by
IFITM5 Bone-restricted V AD Characterized by
IFITM-like (BRIL), intraosseous
also known as membrane
interferon-induced calcification and
transmembrane radial head
protein 5 (IFITM5) dislocation
SERPINF1 Pigment epithelium- VI AR Moderate to severe
derived factor skeletal deformity
CRTAP Cartilage-associated VII AR White sclerae;
protein (CRTAP) typically severe
P3H1 (also Prolyl-3-hydroxylase VIII AR Severe phenotype
known (P3H1)
as LEPRE1)
PPIB Peptidyl-prolyl cis- IX AR Severe deformity;
trans isomerase B gray sclerae
SERPINH1 Serpin H1 X AR Severe skeletal
deformity; gray
FKBP10 FKBP65 XI AR Bruck syndrome
PLOD2 Lysyl hydroxylase 2 N/A AR Bruck syndrome
BMP1 Bone morphogenic XII AR Mild to moderate
protein 1 skeletal deformity
SP7 Transcription factor XIII AR Severe deformity;
SP7 (osterix) facial hypoplasia
TMEM38B Trimeric intracellular XIV AR Severe bone
cation channel type deformity
WNT1 Proto-oncogene XV AR, AD Severe deformity;
Wnt-1 white sclerae
CREB3L1 OASIS XVI AR Severe bone
SPARC SPARC (osteonectin) XVII AR Progressive severe
bone fragility
MBTPS2 Membrane-bound XVIII X-linked Moderate to severe
transcription factor recessive skeletal deformity,
site-2 protease scoliosis, pectoral
Abbreviations: AD, autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive.
Adapted from Marini JC, Forlino A, Bächinger HP, et al. Osteogenesis imperfecta. Nat Rev Dis Primers 2017;3:17052;
with permission.
196 Franzone et al

capacity and muscle force.16–18 Furthermore, the Fracture Management

importance of keeping the muscles as strong as A significant portion of fracture care for children
possible is highlighted by developing research with OI takes place in the home setting. Parents
showing the relationship between muscle and caregivers provide the first line of evaluation
strength and bone strength.19 and management of injuries and fractures. Home
splinting provides the initial stabilization of a
Physical Therapy fracture and in doing so often controls the
Physical therapy plays a critical role in the care of pain. Parents must be instructed in appropriate
patients with OI to maximize function. The ther- home splinting and pain management and a
apy plan must be individualized according to dis- plan should be in place to seek timely orthope-
ease severity. The goals of therapy are age and dic care when needed while minimizing the
developmentally individualized.12 For families need for visits to the emergency room or urgent
with a new baby with OI, assistance with posi- care setting. Most fracture management is
tioning, handling, and transportation promotes nonoperative with appropriate splinting or cast-
safe interaction with the baby, which is impor- ing. Patients should be mobilized as early as
tant for development and bonding. The role of possible to minimize disuse osteopenia and
frequent head turns, prone positioning when loss of muscle strength and minimize the risk of
possible, and play to encourage cognitive devel- refracture. Prolonged immobilization may lead
opment are to be stressed. As children continue to disuse osteopenia causing weakening of the
to grow and enter school age, the goal is for bones, predisposing to another fracture.
them to meet developmental milestones as Resumption of activity as soon as possible is
closely as possible to other children. Participa- encouraged and may include aquatic and land-
tion in activities is important for social develop- based therapies as able and progressed as
ment. We have adopted an adage, “fractures tolerated.
heal but lack of development does not,” which
expresses an important principle. For adoles- Operative Management of Extremities
cents and young adults navigating larger schools Surgical intervention plays a role in the manage-
and perhaps a sizable campus, maximizing ment of progressive long bone deformity that is
mobility is important and may include the use interfering with motor development or function
of ambulatory aids. The focus is independence or associated with recurrent fractures. A focus
and the therapist plays an important role in on developmental and functional considerations
logistical ways to enhance independent living is to be emphasized over a particular age crite-
and the performance of activities of daily living. rion for realignment and rodding of a long
Physical therapy can address common gait bone segment (Fig. 1). It is certainly preferable
deviations in OI, which include increased to medically optimize the bone quality preoper-
external hip rotation, decreased strength of the atively when possible. For the ambulatory pa-
hip flexors and abductors, and decreased push- tient, a gait analysis may play an important role
off strength.20 Exercises for core and hip girdle in preoperative planning. Attention to soft tissue
strengthening may be emphasized as part of a contractures must also be taken into consider-
routine home exercise program. ation in surgical planning.
The technical goals of surgery are stability
and alignment of an extremity. Sofield21 pio-
neered the concept of multiple osteotomies
The role of orthotics and braces must be consid-
and intramedullary fixation to realign and stabi-
ered on a case-by-case basis and reassessed
lize the long bones of children with OI. This sur-
regularly. For the lower extremity, ankle foot
gical concept continues to be used widely, albeit
orthoses may play a role in the prevention of
with less invasive osteotomy techniques guided
equinus contractures. Longer braces, such as
by intraoperative fluoroscopy.22 The mainstay
hip-knee-ankle foot orthoses, are rarely used.
of surgical fixation of the pathologic bones of
Pes planovalgus of varying degrees of severity
patients with OI has been intramedullary in na-
is common in patients with OI. Not all patients
ture, avoiding the stress risers created by a
with pes planovalgus require orthotics and or-
stand-alone plate and screw construct.23 Fixed-
thotics do not change the shape of the foot;
length rods have been described, and several
however, they may be used to facilitate activity
telescopic rods, such as the Bailey-Dubow, Shef-
and decrease pain for some patients. There is a
field, and Fassier-Duval rods.24–28 The poor
limited role for orthotics in the upper extremity
bone quality in the setting of OI renders surgical
other than as an aid to fracture management.
fixation challenging. A recent meta-analysis of
Osteogenesis Imperfecta 197

Fig. 1. Lower extremity realignment and rodding. (A, C) Anteroposterior (AP) and (B, D) lateral radiographs of the
femurs of a 16-month-old boy with OI and severe femoral deformity interfering with motor development. (E–H)
Postoperative AP and lateral radiographs following realignment and intramedullary rodding of the bilateral femurs.
(I) Standing AP view of the lower extremities at 7 years of age demonstrates the telescopic expansion of the bilat-
eral femoral Fassier-Duval rods with growth and interval nontelescopic realignment and intramedullary rodding of
the bilateral tibias.

359 primary nonelongating rodding procedures as the Fassier-Duval rod, is to reduce the num-
of femurs and tibiae in children with OI with a ber of revisions required because of growth.
mean follow-up of 63 months (24–118 months) Telescopic rods are, however, also notable for
found a reoperation rate of 39.4%.29 Rod migra- a similar revision and complication rate.27 In their
tion was the most common complication with a recent report on follow-up of mid-term results of
rate of 25.7%. The aim of telescopic rods, such femoral and tibial osteotomies and Fassier-Duval
198 Franzone et al

nailing in children with OI, Azzam and col- adjunct to fixation in the setting of nonunion re-
leagues30 reported on 58 patients with 179 pairs or revisions notable for bone loss.37,38
Fassier-Duval rods placed with a revision rate In patients with malalignment of the lower ex-
of 53% at a mean time of 52 months after initial tremities without significant bowing of the long
rodding surgery. The bending of Fassier-Duval bones, guided growth techniques may serve a
rods, not always at the male-female junction, role to improve alignment during the growing
has been described.31 Another surgical difficulty years. As more centers are using these strate-
is stress shielding.32 Too large a rod causes gies, data on the effectiveness and complication
stress shielding of the long bone, whereas too rates will likely be soon to follow.
small a rod may bend and break (Fig. 2). Upper extremity surgery in OI is performed to
Choosing intramedullary rod size is therefore address functional limitations and has been
somewhat controversial. shown to lead to functional improvements. In
Nonunion and delayed union, particularly in two recent series, Ashby and colleagues39,40
the tibia, are challenges in the OI popula- recently reported on the functional improve-
tion.30,33 The use of supplemental plate and ments in their patients with OI who have under-
screw fixation has been described to enhance gone humeral and forearm rodding. Particularly
rotational stability and serve as a tool to treat in a population often reliant on wheelchairs for
nonunions.34–36 Some authors recommend mobility and upper extremity function for activ-
routine removal of supplemental plates.35 The ities of daily living, transfers, and self-care, the
long-term fate of these supplemental plates role of upper extremity function is important.
and screws is yet to be reported. Supplemental Furthermore, as the importance of activity is
allogenic bone grafting may be used as an emphasized for patients with OI of all severities,

Fig. 2. Rod size: bending and

breaking versus stress shielding.
(A) 2-year-old ambulatory girl
with a 4-mm Rush rod in the left
tibia with diaphyseal stress shield-
ing. (B) A 13-year-old ambulatory
boy outgrew a 4.0-mm Fassier-
Duval rod placed 5 years prior.
Osteogenesis Imperfecta 199

wheelchair sports highlight the importance of rotator cuff or other pathology is not yet known
upper extremity function. Grossman and col- and under investigation. In the elbow, radial
leagues41 report a single-center experience head dislocation and subluxation is commonly
treating humeral deformity and fractures in chil- noted and is more common in OI type V.46 Dislo-
dren with OI using the Fassier-Duval system with cation of the radial head may be related to
a mean follow-up time of 43 months with bowing in the forearm, although not all patients
approximately one-third requiring revision. Hu- with severe forearm deformity develop a radial
meral rodding has been described with ante- head dislocation (Fig. 4).
grade and retrograde techniques.41,42
Additional Extremity Considerations IMPERFECTA
In addition to deformity of the long bone seg- Spinal manifestations include scoliosis; kyphosis;
ments, patients with severe OI may develop craniocervical junction (CVJ) abnormalities, such
deformity of the joints. Acetabular protrusio, as basilar impression, basilar invagination, and
protrusion of the femoral head into the pelvis platybasia; and lumbosacral pathology, such as
with envelopment of the femoral head by the ac- spondylolisthesis.47 Bisphosphonate therapy
etabulum, has been described and associated has been found to have a positive impact on
with coxa vara and femoral neck fractures vertebral morphology, including remodeling of
(Fig. 3).43–45 Impingement of the acetabulum deformed vertebrae in older children and pres-
on the femoral neck may also cause hip pain ervation of vertebral shape when started early
with abduction. Preventative measures and in life.48,49
effective surgical interventions for this often-
dramatic phenomenon are unfortunately lacking Scoliosis
at this time. The presence of acetabular protru- The prevalence of scoliosis in patients with OI
sio must also be considered in the adult patient ranges from 39% to 80%, depending on the
with OI with symptomatic degenerative joint dis- study.47 Scoliosis is rarely observed in patients
ease of the hip considering arthroplasty. A younger than 6 years and can progress rapidly
similar finding takes place in the shoulder such after it is diagnosed.50 Single thoracic curves
that the humeral head becomes enveloped are the most frequent type of scoliosis curve
within the overlying acromion process with an found in patients with type I OI: 97% of curves
associated deformity of the distal third of the in patients with type I OI who have scoliosis
clavicle and may be considered as shoulder pro- are single thoracic curves, whereas in patients
trusio (see Fig. 3). The effect of this phenome- with type III OI, 58% of curves are in the thoracic
non on shoulder range of motion or potential region.51

Fig. 3. Acetabular and shoulder protrusio. (A) A 12-year-old boy with severe OI with bilateral acetabular protrusio.
(B) A 17-year-old boy with severe OI with left shoulder protrusion characterized by envelopment of the humeral
head in the acromion process.
200 Franzone et al

Fig. 4. Radial head dislocation. (A) Lateral radiograph of the right elbow and (B) a clinical photograph of the right
elbow of a 17-year-old boy with a right radial head dislocation.

The cause of scoliosis in patients with OI is

controversial, with theories including vertebral
body fragility, vertebral body shape, ligamen-
tous laxity, muscle weakness, limb-length
discrepancy, and pelvic obliquity.52,53 Vertebral
fractures are thought to be a leading cause of
scoliosis because of the severe fragility of the
vertebral growth plates and the progression
that occurs with continued growth.54 Benson
and Newman50 and Engelbert and colleagues55
theorized that ligamentous laxity plays a sub-
stantial role because the lack of stability be-
tween vertebrae allows scoliosis to progress.
Untreated scoliosis is known to progress in
growing children with OI and even into adult-
hood.53 Scoliosis curve progression is 6 per
year in patients with type III OI, 4 per year in pa-
tients with type IV OI, and 1 per year in patients
with type I OI.51 Watanabe and colleagues52
found that, as the DEXA z score worsened, the
scoliosis progressed, suggesting that poorer
bone quality leads to more severe scoliosis. Ishi-
kawa and colleagues54 found that biconcave
vertebrae, in which the height of the midportion
of the body is less than 70% of the mean of the
anterior and posterior vertebral body heights,
were common in patients with OI (Fig. 5). The Fig. 5. Lateral spine radiograph demonstrating
presence of six or more biconcave vertebrae osteogenesis imperfecta in a 5-year-old boy. The pa-
tient has multiple biconcave vertebrae. For T7,
before puberty suggested that severe scoliosis
the anterior vertebral body height is 11 mm, the
would develop.
posterior vertebral body height is 6.9 mm, and
Anissipour and colleagues51 found that pa- the midportion vertebral body height is 4.6 mm. Black
tients with type III OI who began bisphospho- lines indicate vertebral body height measurement loca-
nate treatment before age 6 years had slower tions. The height of the midportion of the body is 51%
curve progression after the development of of the mean of the anterior and posterior vertebral
scoliosis than did patients who started body heights.
Osteogenesis Imperfecta 201

bisphosphonate treatment after age 6 years because contemporary techniques make correc-
(2.3 per year vs 6 per year). Bisphosphonate tion of larger curves at a later stage more
treatment started after age 6 years or in patients feasible. Although historical methods of fusion
with type I or IV OI did not have a statistically have not been found to improve lung volumes,
significant effect on the progression of scoliosis. contemporary techniques may improve results,
Widmann and colleagues47 evaluated pa- and fusion can prevent progressive respiratory
tients with OI and found that increasing severity decline resulting from thoracic insufficiency
of scoliosis correlated with a decrease in pulmo- syndrome.47
nary function, specifically the vital capacity, lead- Previous methods of treatment, including
ing to restrictive lung disease. Vital capacity was noninstrumented fusion, Harrington rods, and
78% predicted when thoracic scoliosis was less Luque instrumentation, have shown modest or
than 40 and dropped to 41% predicted when no correction of curves, little improvement in
thoracic scoliosis was greater than 60 . The au- physical function, and up to 50% complication
thors did not find a correlation between pulmo- rates.50,53,55,57–59 Recent evaluation of contem-
nary function and kyphosis or chest wall porary instrumentation and correction tech-
deformity. niques, such as the use of pedicle screws with
Treatment of scoliosis in patients with OI is cement augmentation, has shown improved
difficult mostly because of poor bone quality outcomes. Yilmaz and colleagues60 reviewed a
and the rigidity of the deformity. Brace treat- series of 10 patients with OI who underwent
ment has not been found to be effective and is posterior spinal fusion for the treatment of
difficult to use because of the fragility of the scoliosis. All of the patients underwent
rib cage. In some patients, a soft thoracolumbo- preoperative pamidronate therapy. Seven pa-
sacral orthosis is used for supported sitting to tients had cement-augmented pedicle screw
assist with functional activities, but no assurance instrumentation at the proximal and distal foun-
should be given with regard to curve dations (Fig. 6). These authors were the first to
progression. report the difficulty of exposure of the thoracic
Surgical spinal fusion to halt curve progres- spine because of rib overgrowth and thoracic
sion is considered when curves reach 45 , but lordosis (Fig. 7). Rib and posterior Ponte osteot-
the patient’s age and truncal height need to omies at the apex of the thoracic curve were
be taken into account to avoid thoracic insuffi- used to aid in adequate exposure and to in-
ciency syndrome. One report indicated that chil- crease flexibility of the curve in the coronal and
dren with severe OI may benefit from fusion sagittal planes to allow correction. Cement
when curves are 35 ,56 but it is preferable to augmentation of the proximal and distal screws
avoid fusion in young children when possible was used to increase pullout strength of fixation

Fig. 6. (A) Posteroanterior (PA) and (B) lateral radiographs demonstrating severe osteogenesis imperfecta in a
16-year-old boy with an 87 thoracic curve, a 115 thoracolumbar curve, and substantial pelvic obliquity. (C) PA
and (D) lateral radiographs obtained 2.5 years postoperatively demonstrate spinal fusion from T1 to the sacrum
with cement-augmented pedicle screws and pelvic fixation.
202 Franzone et al

fixation is sometimes indicated for the manage-

ment of severe pelvic obliquity.
In patients with rigid, severe (90 ) curves, pre-
operative traction is occasionally used to avoid
the need for three-column osteotomy and to
achieve slow correction over time. Intraoperative
traction may help achieve slow correction with
release of the facets and intersegmental liga-
ments (interspinous, ligamentum flavum) and
viscoelastic creep and to address the deformity
in all three planes. Traction may decrease the
force that the instrumentation needs to exert
on the spinal column. Exposure of the spine in
Fig. 7. Preoperative T2-weighted axial MRI demon-
strating type III osteogenesis imperfecta in a 19-year- patients with severe rib deformity, especially
old man. Note the severe rib deformities that made those with thoracic lordosis, sometimes requires
access to the posterior spinal elements challenging. rib osteotomy and retraction. All patients are
Multiple rib osteotomies were required during poste- monitored intraoperatively with multimodal spi-
rior spinal fusion to gain adequate access to the poste- nal cord monitoring consisting of transcranial
rior elements for pedicle screw placement and Ponte motor-evoked potentials, somatosensory-
osteotomies to aid in correction of the deformity. evoked potentials, and electromyography.
In our opinion, pamidronate therapy results in
in bone. An average correction of 48% was re- more robust cortical bone in the spine and im-
ported with no loss of correction at follow-up, proves pullout strength of pedicle screw fixation
no neurologic deficits, and no implant failures. when screws appropriately fill the pedicle.
Improved quality of life scores, pain, and sitting Pamidronate therapy does not seem to affect
tolerance were also noted.60 the intraoperative appearance of the bone or
the risk of bleeding. Because bisphosphonates
Authors’ preferred treatment strategy affect bone remodeling, continuation of pamidr-
Children with OI are followed at least annually onate therapy can theoretically affect the quality
for clinical signs of spinal deformity. For those of the fusion. However, no evidence-based
with curves greater than 30 , more frequent guidelines in the literature address the perioper-
follow-up is recommended, especially during ative use of bisphosphonates. We prefer to with-
peak height velocity. Current indications for hold pamidronate for 4 months postoperatively
fusion are curves greater than 50 in patients to facilitate partial resumption of osteoclast
who are past peak height velocity or patients function to allow for remodeling of the fusion
with substantial curve progression after skeletal mass. If postoperative surveillance radiographs
maturity because these curves can continue to indicate early signs of fusion and the implants
progress in adulthood. Curve rigidity is an are stable, pamidronate therapy is resumed.
important factor in the timing of surgical treat-
ment and is evaluated clinically. We observe Craniocervical Junction Abnormalities
curves that progress during growth if they CVJ abnormalities are observed in 37% of pa-
remain flexible. The proximal extent of instru- tients with OI; these abnormalities include
mentation and fusion is usually T2, T3, or T4 basilar invagination, basilar impression, and pla-
and depends on the stable vertebra in the coro- tybasia (seen in 13%, 15%, and 29% of patients
nal plane and the extent of proximal thoracic with OI, respectively) and secondary hydroceph-
kyphosis. The distal extent of fusion is the alus.61 Basilar invagination is protrusion of the
vertebra that is stable on the erect radiograph, uppermost cervical structures into the foramen
unless the sagittal plane demonstrates an indica- magnum with projection of the tip of the dens
tion for lower fusion, such as thoracolumbar greater than 5 mm above the Chamberlain line
junctional kyphosis. In addition to apical (from the posterior nasal spine to the posterior
lordosis, compensatory kyphosis above and lip of the foramen magnum) or greater than
below the apex of the thoracic and thoracolum- 7 mm above the McGregor line (from the poste-
bar curves is problematic and needs to be rior nasal spine to the most caudal portion of the
addressed in the selection of fusion levels. Prox- posterior cranial base). Basilar impression is rela-
imal instrumentation and fusion to T2, T3, or T4 tive lowering of the cranial base (occipital con-
is frequently needed to control the sagittal plane dyles and foramen magnum) with resultant
and prevent proximal junctional kyphosis. Pelvic positioning of the uppermost cervical vertebral
Osteogenesis Imperfecta 203

structures above the caudal border of the skull. followed by posterior occipitocervical fusion.
Platybasia is flattening of the cranial base.61,62 These patients were treated with in situ occipito-
A recent study demonstrated skull base abnor- cervical fusion with autogenous rib strut grafting
malities in all four types of OI with 26% of pa- with sublaminar cables or contoured loop instru-
tients having at least one abnormality; 16% had mentation. Postoperatively, all patients used
platybasia, 6% had basilar impression, and 4% either a halo vest or modified Minerva braces until
had basilar invagination. Increased clinical solid union was observed. Contemporary rigid
severity of OI was the strongest predictor of occipitocervical instrumentation was not used in
skull base anomalies. This retrospective review this series. Although successful fusion occurred
demonstrated that treatment within the first at an average of 8.2 months postoperatively, pro-
year of life with bisphosphonates did not gression of the basilar invagination was observed
decrease the prevalence of skull base abnormal- in 80% of the patients. Of the 20 patients with pro-
ities later in life.63 gression, six patients were symptomatic; these
Basilar impression results in characteristic fea- patients were treated with prolonged external
tures of the skull. These features include over- bracing with improvement over time.
hang of the temporal and occipital bones,
termed the “Tam-o’-Shanter” or “Darth Vader” Authors’ preferred treatment strategy
skull.64 Clinical presentation of CVJ problems Our indication for surgical treatment of CVJ
can range from no symptoms to brainstem abnormalities is generally reserved for basilar
compression, restriction of cerebrospinal fluid invagination with clinical symptoms, most
circulation resulting in hydrocephalus, and commonly including headaches, cranial nerve
impingement of cranial nerves.65 Baseline lateral palsy, dysphagia, and myelopathy noted by
skull/cervical spine radiographs are recommen- hyperreflexia, quadriparesis, or gait abnormality.
ded in all patients with OI before they reach Hydrocephalus in patients with basilar invagina-
age 6 years. Basilar impression may be clearly tion is dangerous and must be treated before
visible on a lateral radiograph with upward any other intervention is performed. The natural
migration of the cervical spine into the base of history of basilar invagination can include pro-
the skull. In more subtle cases, the diagnosis of gressive deformity and neurologic dysfunction,
basilar invagination is made when the odontoid creating the controversy of whether prophylactic
process protrudes above the Chamberlain, treatment is indicated in asymptomatic patients
McRae, and McGregor lines on the lateral radio- with basilar invagination evident on imaging.
graph (Figs. 8A, B).64 Drawing the recommen- We take a conservative stance and prefer to
ded lines on plain radiographs is challenging monitor patients who are asymptomatic for
because of the deformity and overlapping development of neurologic symptoms, which
bony detail. If craniocervical abnormalities are can be subtle and can progress slowly. We do
a substantial concern, MRI is recommended not think that the literature provides convincing
(Fig. 8C). evidence that the use of a cervical brace prevents
Treatment of symptomatic CVJ problems in- progression of basilar invagination or prevents
cludes craniocervical fusion with or without trac- symptomatic basilar invagination from occurring.
tion (Fig. 9). Sawin and Menezes66 reported on No definitive evidence in the literature has
25 patients with basilar invagination, 18 of proven that delayed sitting decreases the risk of
whom had OI. Of the 25 patients, 56% were be- basilar invagination and delaying independent
tween ages 11 and 15 years, and 44% also had upright posture is nearly impossible in most pa-
symptoms of hydrocephalus. Patients with asymp- tients with OI because many of these children
tomatic basilar invagination were treated with are motivated to sit, crawl, scoot, or stand at or
external orthotic immobilization. Symptomatic near normal developmental milestones.
patients with hydrocephalus underwent ventricu-
loperitoneal shunt placement before treatment Lumbosacral Pathology
of basilar invagination. The treatment of the CVJ Spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis have been
abnormality depended on whether the basilar found in patients with OI almost exclusively at
invagination was successfully reduced with preop- the L5 level. Incidence rates in the literature range
erative traction. The patients in whom reduction from 5.3% to 10.9%67,68 Hatz and colleagues68
occurred (40%) were treated with posterior evaluated lateral radiographs of 110 patients
decompression and occipitocervical fusion with with OI to characterize lumbar deformities and
or without instrumentation. The patients in spondylolysis/spondylolisthesis. They found an
whom reduction did not occur (60%) underwent 8.2% incidence of spondylolysis at an average
transoral or transnasal anterior decompression, age of 7.5 years, with all nine of those patients

Fig. 8. (A) Diagram depicting the Chamberlain line, which extends from the posterior nasal spine to the posterior
lip of the foramen magnum; the McRae line, which joins the anterior and posterior margins of the foramen mag-
num; and the McGregor line, which extends from the posterior nasal spine to the most caudal portion of the pos-
terior cranial base. (B) Lateral cervical spine radiograph demonstrating type III osteogenesis imperfecta in a
12-year-old girl. This image demonstrates the difficulty of drawing the McGregor, Chamberlain, and McRae lines.
The McRae line was difficult to draw because the anterior and posterior aspects of the foramen magnum were
difficult to visualize. (C) Sagittal T2-weighted MRI was obtained for further evaluation of the same patient. The
McGregor, Chamberlain, and McRae lines are drawn. Hydrocephalus and syrinx are present. ADI, atlantodens in-
terval; SAC, space available for spinal cord. ([A] From Wills BP, Dormans JP. Nontraumatic upper cervical spine
instability in children. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2006;14(4):237; with permission.)
Osteogenesis Imperfecta 205

Fig. 9. (A) T2-weighted sagittal MRI demonstrating progressive basilar invagination in a 14-year-old boy with
osteogenesis imperfecta. The patient had headaches, neck pain, and decreased endurance but no overt symptoms
of myelopathy. (B) Postoperative lateral radiograph of the same patient demonstrates occiput to C2 fusion, which
was performed with intraoperative traction.

ambulatory. Spondylolisthesis occurred in 12 pa- patients with OI. Fractures can occur when pa-
tients (10.9%) at an average age of 6.4 years, tients are transferred to the surgical table, posi-
with 92% of those patients ambulatory. Eleven of tioned, during the procedure, and transferred
these 12 instances of spondylolisthesis occurred to the postoperative bed. In severely affected
at L5/S1, and one was at S1/S2. Nine were isthmic
spondylolisthesis, and three were dysplastic. The
grade was low in 10 patients and high in two pa-
tients. The authors did not find that one specific
type of OI had a higher incidence of spondylolis-
thesis than other types, although seven of the
nine patients with spondylolysis had type III OI.
The clinical relevance and natural history of
spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis in patients
with OI are not clear in the literature, and infor-
mation on surgical indications and techniques is
available only in sparse case reports. In our
experience, many patients with OI do not have
normal pelvic parameters and often have
increased lumbar lordosis, and an increase in
lumbar lordosis can even develop at the distal
end of a fusion construct (Figs. 10 and 11).
The practitioner also needs to be aware of hip
flexion contractures and the possibility of
acetabular protrusio.

ANESTHETIC AND INTRAOPERATIVE Fig. 10. Lateral lumbar spine radiograph demon-
CONSIDERATIONS strating osteogenesis imperfecta in a 20-year-old
woman who reported increasing low back pain. The pa-
The surgeon must be aware of several anes- tient has substantial lumbar lordosis, elongated pedi-
thetic and intraoperative considerations in cles, and a horizontal sacrum with sacral deformity.
206 Franzone et al

Fig. 11. (A) Lateral and (B) PA radiographs demonstrating increased lumbar lordosis in a 16-year-old girl with
osteogenesis imperfecta and scoliosis. (C) Postoperative lateral and (D) PA radiographs obtained 2 years after
fusion demonstrate distal lordosis at the end of the fusion construct.

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