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Name: Aragon, Vhamby Shane D.

Wed February 21, 2024

Grade 12- Creativity EmTech

Identify the Correct Web Platform for Social Change

“Leading Social Change ideas, tools, and inspiration”

Community Problem: Mental Health

Vicinity: Youth
Campaign Name: Speak your Mind
Type of social media: Facebook
Website Used: mental health

What will be the content of your social media site?

The content of my social media site would include informative and educational posts about
mental health, tips for managing stress, personal stories of overcoming mental health
challenges, resources for seeking help, and inspirational quotes to promote mental well-being.

Why did you choose that type of social media?

I chose Facebook as my social media platform because it is widely used by the youth and has a
visually appealing format that allows us to share engaging content through images, videos, and

Why did you choose that website?

I chose the website mental health because it is a reputable source that provides
comprehensive information about mental health, offers resources for individuals seeking
support, and has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate and access relevant

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