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THIS IS Ben&Ben I chose ne 5 ;because it is about the process of ménd a lorgiveness ina relationship. The relationship depicted in the music video was about a family with a great link that was formed in the music video until a huge loss or death of the mother caused a breach between the father and son. | like the part where it says "you never really love someone until you learn to forgive" "But in the end, what makes it worth the struggle, that no matter what occurred, we attempt to make it right," because we should learn to forgive all the time, much like the words " At the song's conclusion, the father and son, while having a rough relationship, allow time to mend their scar and bring them even closer than before. I believe they were inspired to write the song as a result of a heartbreaking romantic relationship loss that had a profound effect on the songwriter. As a result, nobody other than time could assist him in moving on. It is only when he has already moved on that he is ready to forgive. Since they learned that time heals, I believe they wrote the song to convey this lesson. What thoughts, ideas or feelings can you infer from the song? - The song can be inferred as a hopeful person trying to look at tomorrow as a time for healed wounds. He has made many mistakes, but someone was always there to encourage him. Throughout the end of the song, it was his turn to encourage the person with him to keep holding on ("I said all will be alright in time"). There is profound sadness and pain within the song, but there is an undeniable seed of hope that tomorrow is another day, and that, just as leaves grow from the empty branches of trees, new life will stem from the dead memories of the past. "Leaves will soon grow from the bareness of trees And all will be alright in timeFrom waves overgrown come the calmest of seasAnd all will be alright in timeOh you never really love someone until, you learn to forgive." This chorus part of Leaves song hit tells time will come that I’ll grow soon. Because this past few days to be honest I’m having a hard time understanding myself. | felt like I’m so useless andl don’t grow at all I’m still the person who | was years ago up until now. But | always reminded myself that when my time comes I’m going to grow and become mature in life. .

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