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Course Project Exam 1

Project Name Project06 – Social Engineering Report

Project outline

A transport and delivery company is aiming to stay ‘a step ahead’ in cyber

security, mainly by training all employees to stay alert in the area of cyber

The objective is to raise the employees’ awareness so they know what methods
of social engineering and other threats to be on the lookout for.

The expected outcomes of the report are to highlight social engineering with
some case studies, consequences, and mitigation.

Project description/detail

The CEO of Packets and Parcels, a large Norwegian company specialising in

transport and deliveries, has read about the increase in cyberattacks on large
businesses. Considering this, he hired penetration testers to find weak points in
the company, and the results revealed the employees were vulnerable to phishing
attacks conducted through social engineering.

The CEO wishes to receive a generalised report on the specific phishing attacks
and asks you, the head of the IT department, to spread awareness to all
employees on how to stay safe while working with computers.

Part 1

• Write a report on phishing attacks that explain how they work and highlight
the details from the penetration attack, incorporating examples of relevant
attacks toward other companies. This part must detail the history of
phishing attacks and different types of methods relevant to Packets and
Parcels based on the penetration test. Examples are shoulder-surfing,
tailgating and dumpster-diving, among others.
• The report must highlight the consequences of a social engineering attack
and how it can be avoided.

Part 2

• One way to avoid phishing attacks and social engineering is by raising your
employees’ awareness. You are to create a suggestion for a course which
spreads awareness of cyberattacks and results in a certificate after
completion. Explain why you have chosen the course you’ve created. The
CEO has given you an unlimited budget for the course.
Possible resources required

Host machine with internet access.

Additional notes

You can be as creative as you like in Part 2.

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