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Aaron Dejando BSCS B2023

Understanding the Self

1. What make us social?

- We are social beings by nature due to evolutionary and psychological factors.
Evolutionarily, social interaction and cooperation increased our chances of survival and
reproduction. Psychologically, our need for companionship, communication, and
belonging drives us to form social bonds and communities.
2. How does a person become a being through others and being for others?
- A person becomes a being through others by developing a sense of self and identity
through interactions with people in their life. These interactions shape their beliefs,
values, and self-concept. Being for others means that our actions, choices, and
contributions in society have an impact on others. It’s about recognizing our
interconnectedness and the role we play in the lives of those around us, fostering
empathy and social responsibility.
3. Reflect on a particular occasion in your life wherein you acted for the sake of another person,
whether doing some favors or initiatively helped someone in need. How did it affect your

- For myself, I helped so many people, and some of it I already forgot. Either doing
someone’s favors or initiatively helping someone, there is a particular moment that I will
never forget. One day in our house in the province, my Lola went to the bathroom at 1
PM while I was doing my module at that time. Time goes by and my Lola still hasn’t gone
out of the bathroom, so I knock on the door and she responds, so I think she is okay, but
as time goes by, it is already 2:30 PM. I knew something was off, so I knocked on the
door, and she responded, but I can’t understand what she is saying. So I find the key in
the bathroom door and open it. I saw my lola kneeling on the floor, half awake. I
immediately called my ate; at that time, she was entertaining the customer in our small
sari-sari store. Together, we carry out Lola and put her on the couch. At that time, she
was still half awake. I immediately call my ate’s and Kuya’s to tell them. While waiting for
them, I go out to buy some bananas and other things to help my Lola. When the family
members arrive, I am glad that they are there so they can monitor Lola and help her. I’m
glad that at that time she was okay; only her BP was high since at that time it was very
hot, and we also couldn't afford to go to the hospital since it was in the middle of the
pandemic back then. It affects me so much that in times of emergency, I need to be
crucial to my decision, and that is also where you show how much you care for that

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