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Source: Hindustan Times

Date: 22nd February, 2024

1. Polarisation – division of two sharply, contrasting groups into completely opposing groups.

2. Corrosive – capable of destroying solid materials.

3. Behemoth – extremely large and often extremely powerful.

4. Waging – carry on.

5. Pertinent - relevant or applicable to a particular matter.

6. Meritocracy – the holding of power by people selected according to merit.

7. Hubris – excessive pride or self-confidence.

8. Receded – move back from a previous position.

9. Animates – bring to life.

10. Insatiable – impossible to satisfy.

11. Intricacies – the state of being complex or having many parts.

12. Repertoire – a list of drama, plays that a company or performer knows.

13. Beacon – a light or other visible object serving as a signal, warning or guide at sea.

14. Bovine – an animal of cattle group/ relating to or affecting cattle.

15. Posthumously – after the death of the originator.

16. Vehicular – involving or by means of a vehicle.

17. Arterial – denoting an important route in a system of roads, railway lines or rivers.

18. Ferrying – transport from one place to another on short or regular trips.

19. Congestion – the state of being so crowded with traffic or people as to prevent freedom of

20. Blockade – an act of sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering.

21. Scathing – critical.

22. Ballots – a system of voting secretly and in writing on a particular issue.

23. Rigged – set up, typically in a hasty way.

24. Spurred – having a pointed growth, used in fighting.

25. Exorbitant – unreasonably high[price or amount charged].

26. Distained – disgrace/to stain the honor of.

27. Roundabout – not following a short route.

28. Instigated - ring about or initiate (an action or event).

29. Raging - showing rage.

30. Collegium - an advisory or administrative board in Russia.

31. Indelible - making marks that cannot be removed.

32. Mourn - show sorrow for the death, typically by following conventions.

33. Trailblazer - a person who is the first to do something.

34. Arbitration - hearing and determining a dispute

35. Prolific - present in large numbers or quantities.

36. Riveting – compelling.

37. Minced - to cut or chop into very small pieces

38. Unflinching - not showing fear in the face of danger.

39. Dissenting - a strong difference of opinion on a particular subject.

40. Abrogating -

41. Electoral - relating to elections or electors.

42. Arbitrariness -

43. Juncture - a place where things join.

44. Exquisite - extremely beautiful and delicate.

45. Baritone - an instrument that is second lowest in pitch in its family.

46. Reverberated - be repeated several times as an echo.

47. Prodding - poke with a finger, foot, or pointed object.

48. Weaned - accustom (an infant or other young mammal) to food other than its mother's milk.

49. Staunch - very loyal and committed in attitude.

50. Mellifluous - pleasingly smooth and musical to hear.

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