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Hello everyone,

As we promised, we continue the healthy week with some nutritious breakfast options.

The BREAKFAST plate should contain:

½ ENERGY from complex carbohydrates - bread or whole grains or vegetables and fresh

½ SATIETY - quality protein low in saturated fat - meat, fish, eggs, low-fat dairy products,
seeds, oleaginous fruits,

FIBERS, VITAMINS, MINERALS - fresh raw vegetables prevent the absorption of fats from
animal origin foods and lower the glycemic index of carbohydrates due to the fibers that
they contain.

Nutritionist’s advice:

Don't forget to add, in the morning, some raw vegetables for their fibers, vitamins and
minerals. 0730 004 946

Eggplant Salad, Tofu Cheese and Red Beans Sandwich
Nutritional values / portion: 318 Kcal, 37 g Carbs, 16 g Protein, 12 g Fat, 7 g Fiber
Ingredients for 2 portions:

● 100g Wholemeal bread/graham

● 100g Smoked tofu
● 100g Canned red beans
● 100g Baked eggplant
● 20g Red onion
● 10g Romanian walnuts
● 2 teaspoons Olive oil

Spices (optional): Fresh coriander, freshly

ground black pepper, salt, lemon juice

How to make:

1. The eggplants are baked in the oven, after which the peel is removed and the eggplants
are finely chopped,
2. Dice the red onion and crush the walnuts,
3. Mix the chopped eggplants with onions, beans, chopped walnuts, and finally add pepper,
salt and coriander,
4. A special taste can be obtained by adding lemon juice, according to preferences,
5. Serve on bread, which you can toast beforehand, together with smoked tofu cheese, cut
into cubes or grated. 0730 004 946

Oatmeal Porridge with Honey and Blueberries
Nutritional values / portion: 381 Kcal with 73.11g Carbs, 14.9g Proteins, 7.9g
Fats, 7.73g Fiber

Ingredients for one portion:

● 50g Oat flakes
● 300g 1,5% fat Milk
● 15g Honey
● 50g Blueberries

How to make:
1. Heat the milk in a kettle. Add the 50g of oats and mix constantly,
2. When the mixture starts to boil, leave the kettle on the fire for another 10-15 seconds,
3. After you turn off the fire, leave the oats for another 5-10 minutes to "rest", to allow it to
swell and become creamy (don't panic if the composition is quite liquid when you turn off
the fire, the texture will change soon),
4. When the mix has achieved the creamy consistency, put the oats in a bowl, add honey
and mix well,
5. Garnish with fruit.⁠ 0730 004 946

Protein Smoothie with Berries
Nutritional values / portion: 379 Kcal with 46g Carbs, 27g Proteins, 11g Fats, 8g

Ingredients for one portion:

● 200ml of water, milk or vegetable milk
● 150g frozen berries
● 50g bananas
● 25g protein powder
● 20g oat flakes
● 10g of peanut butter
● 5g chia seeds

How to make:

1. Let the berry mixture thaw and in the meantime, cut the banana into smaller slices,
2. Place the banana pieces in a bowl and add the milk, oatmeal, protein, peanut butter,
thawed berries and chia seeds,
3. Blend all the ingredients very well, until you get a fine consistency,
4. Pour the prepared smoothie into a glass, decorate it with chia seeds and it is ready to be
enjoyed. 0730 004 946

Ham and Egg Muffins (LOW-CARB)
Nutritional values / portion (4 muffins) with vegetables: 352.8 Kcal with 22g
Carbs, 20.7g Proteins, 16.1g Fats

Ingredients for 12 muffins:

● 6 large eggs
● 150g - Onion
● 100g - Bell pepper
● 40g - Telemea light 14%
● 100 - chicken ham
● 5g - Table butter 65% fat
● 2 spoons of milk (40g)
● 100g red bell pepper
● 150g cucumber

How to make:
1. Preheat the oven to 180°C and grease the muffin tins with a little bit of butter or oil,
2. Finely chop the onion and pepper,
3. Crack the 6 eggs and beat them, then add the chopped onion, pepper, ham and cheese
(grated or diced) and 2 tablespoons of milk or water,
4. Add salt and pepper and mix the composition,
5. Pour the mixture with a spoon into the muffin tins and bake them for about 20 minutes
until they set in the middle (do the toothpick test). 0730 004 946

Boiled Eggs and Roasted Pepper Sandwich
Nutritional values / portion: 317 Kcal with 27.3g Carbs, 23.6g Proteins, 11.8g Fats

Ingredients for one portion:

● 50g wholemeal bread
● 25g light cream cheese
● 60g or 1 large egg
● 40g chicken ham
● 100g of roasted pepper
● 100g of arugula (or other salad)

How to make:

1. After the water comes to a boil, put the egg in the pot and set a timer for 8 minutes (10
minutes for a larger egg),
2. After the timer is up, put the boiled egg in cold water. This is how we make sure that the
final texture is perfect, neither too soft nor too hard,
3. Make sure that the roasted pepper is well drained of any liquid and assemble the
sandwich. 0730 004 946

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