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Benefits Of Eye Lashes And How To Put

There is no doubt that every woman’s wish is to look beautiful and stunning. Ideally, everything
you put on should be nice and appealing including the clothes, shoes and make up too. But this
also applies on your eye lashes. One challenge that come with lashes is that a woman can spend
too much time applying mascara. This can be stressful especially in the morning when you have
to go to work or attend other important duty. The only remedy that can help ease the situation is
applying fake lashes. But one simple question that you will also ask yourself is, how do you
apply false lashes?
How To Put Fake Lashes
If you decide to apply the lashes at home, the procedure involved can be quite complicated, and
especially if you are doing it on your own. But having a try doesn’t reallyhurt. You first need to
know that false lashes application can take a considerable amount of time, and especially when
you are a newbie in the fake lashes world. If you happen to apply the lashes at a solon, it can take
about two hours. So you should expect taking longer time than this in your home application

Eyelashes Technology
There are a number of technologies applied in coming up with fake lashes. Literally, the lashes
can be applied in two different ways:

 Gluing the lashes one at a time at the original lashes base

 Glue multiple lashes-up to 5 pieces.
To achieve best results in the make-up application, the procedure should be performed by an
expert. This is because experience and accuracy as the key to having the best lashes. You should
also remember that poor gluing can cause skin related side effects.
Wearing Fake Lashes
At times, you may have multiple questions when wearing the lashes: is it really worth your time
and money? Does it portray the real you or would it be better if you just has the natural lashes.
As much as fake lashes can greatly compliment your look, it is also important to know if you are
really ready for the procedure to avoid future regrets.
Requirements For Lash Extensions
If you decide to have an at home application, there should be special materials available for the
procedure. Since the process can also take time, you need to be patient. It is also important to
ensure that you do not use materials of low quality.

The Dos And Don’ts In Lash Application

If you are not used to lash application, it can be irritation on the skin at first. But you can reduce
the irritation by avoiding rubbing, or twisting since this can also end up damaging the fake
lashes. If you want to remove the lashes, it is important that you have an expert do it. The best
professionals are in a position to use special solvents to ease the process and also know the best
way to handle the lash removal without affecting the eyes.

Contact us
Ariana Lashes

Dokter van de Kolkstraat 32

3864 HB Nijkerkerveen
The Netherlands
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