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What is the difference Between the contaminated Soils and Sludge

contaminated Soils: soils are typically soils that have been contaminated by various substances, such as
heavy metals, pesticides, chemicals, or other pollutants. They might have a wide range of colors and
textures, depending on the type of contaminants present. it have less than 10% oil form the total wight

Oily Sludge: Oily sludge is a semi-solid or solid waste material that contains a significant amount of oil,
typically generated from industrial processes like oil refining, wastewater treatment, or petroleum
storage. It has a thick, greasy appearance and is usually black or dark brown.oils can have variations in
their composition and can contain 10 – 70 % oil, 30 – 90 % water and 5 – 20 % solids.

Polluted Soils: The smell of polluted soils can vary depending on the type of contaminants present, but it
may not always have a distinct oily odor.

Oily Sludge: Oily sludge has a strong and characteristic petroleum or hydrocarbon smell due to its high
oil content.

Source of Contamination:

Polluted Soils: Soil pollution can be caused by a wide range of contaminants, including industrial
discharges, agricultural runoff, improper waste disposal, and more.

Oily Sludge: Oily sludge results from industrial processes involving oil or petroleum-based products.

Testing and Analysis:

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