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Abash to ambarrass

Abate to reduce
Abdicate to step down from a position of power or responsibility
Aberration something not typical; deviation from standard
Abhor to hate very very much
Abject Extremely sad and servile; (adj) hopeless
Abnegate renounce ; reject; refuse ; abandon
Abortive (adj) unsuccessful
Abridge to condense; shorten
Absolute total; Unlimited; perfect
Absolve to forgive; to free from blame; to free from sin
Abstinent voluntarily not doing something
Abstract theoritical; impersonal
Abstruse hard to understand
Abysmal extremely hopeless or wretched; bottomless
Accolade An award; honor
Accost to approach and speak to someone
Acerbic Bitter; sour; severe; (syn) Acerb
Acquiesce to comply passively (reluctantly but without protest); to agree
Acrid harsh; like acid
Acrimonious full of spite; bitter; nasty
Acumen the ability to make good judgements and quick decisions.
Acute sharp; shrewd
Adage an old saying
Admant stubborn
Address to speak to; to direct one's attention
Adherent follower; Supporter; believer
Admonish to scold gently
Adroit dexterous; skillfull; clever
Adulation wild or excessive admiration; flattery
Adulterate to contaminate; to make impure
Adverse unfavourablel; Antagonistic
Aesthetic artistic; having to do with artistic beauty
Affable easy to talk; friendly
Affectation unnatural; usually intended to impress
Affinity Sympathy; attraction; kinship
Affluent rich; prosperous
Agenda a program; things to be done; (goal)
Agrarian relating to land; relating to management or farming of land .
Aggregate sum total; a collection of separate things mixed together.
Agnostic one who doesn’t believe that god exists.
Alacrity cheerful egearness or readiness to respond
Allege to assert without proof
Alleviate to relieve; to bearable; to lessen
Allocate distribute; assign; allot
Alloy mixture of two or more things
Allusion an indirect reference
Aloof uninvolved
Altruism selflessness; generosity
Ambience atmosphere; mood; feeling
Ambiguous unclear in meaning; confusing
Ambivalent undecided; neutral
Ameliorate to make better or more tolerable
Amenable obedient
Amenity pleasentness; attractive or comfortable feature
Amiable friendly; agreeable
Amnesty an official pardon for a group of people who have violated any law.
Amoral lacking a sense of right and wrong
Amorous feeling love; relating to love
Amorphous shapeless, without a regular shape.
Anachronism something out of place in time or history
Analogy an comparision of one thing to another
Anarchy absence of government or control; lawlessness; disorder(chaotic)
Anecdote a short account of humurous or revelaing accident
Anguish agonizing physical or mental pain.
Animosity resentment; hostility;
Anomaly An abberation; an irregularity; a deviation
Antecedent Someone or Something that went before;
Antipathy firm dislike; a dislike
Antithesis direct opposite
Apathy lack of interest; lack of feeling
Aphorism a breif; often witty saying; a proverb
Apocalypse a prophetic revealation; Especially one concerning the end of the world.
Apocryphal of dubious authenticity; fictitious; spurious
Apotheosis elevation to devine status; perfect example of something
Appease to soothe
Appreciate to increase in value;
Apprehensive worried; anxious
Approbation approval; praise
Appropriate To take without permission;
Aptitude capacity of learning; neutral ability
Arbitter one who decides; a judge
Arbitrary random; capricious
Arcane mysterious; known only to select a few;
Archaic extremely old; ancient; outdated
Archetype an original model or pattern
Ardent passionate
Arduous hard; difficult
Aristocratic of noble birth; snobbish
Artful crafty; sly; wily
Artifice clever trick; cunning
Ascendency supremacy; domination
Ascetic hermitlike; self denial
Assiduous hardworking; quite deligent
Assimilate to learn througly; to take in; to absorb
Assuage to soothe; to relieve; to pascify
Astute shrewed; keen in judgement
Attrition a reduction or decrease in numbers, size, or strength
Audacity boldness; reckless daring
Augment to make bigger; to add to; to increase
Auspicious favorable; promising
Austere unadorned; stern; forbidding
Autocratic ruling with absolute authority. extremely bossy
Autonomous acting independently
Avariace greed; excessive love of riches
Avow to claim; to declare boldly; to admit
Avuncular like an uncle, especially a nice uncie
Awry off course; twisted to one side
Axiom self evident rule or truth; a widely accepted saying
Banal unoriginal; orndinary
Bane poison; torment; cause of harm
Bastion stronghold; fortress
Beget to give birth to; to create; to lead to; to cause
Belabour to go over repeatedly or to an absurd extent
Beleaguar to surround; to besiege; to harras
Belie to give false impression; to contradict
Belittle to make to seem little; to put something down
Belligerent combative; quarellsome; waging war
Bemused confused; bewildered
Benefactor one who provides help, especially in form of gift or donation
Benevolent generous; Kind; doing good deeds
Benign gentle; not harmful; milf
Bequest something left to someone in a will
Berfet deprived or left desolate
Beset to harras; to surround
Blasphemy irreverence; an insult to something
Blatant unpleasantly ; offensively noisy
Blight disease in plants;
Blithe carefree; cheerful
Bourgeois middle class; boringly conventional
Bovine cow related; cowlike
Brevity briefness
Broach to open up a subject for discussion
Bucolic charmingly rural; rustic
Bureaucracy A system of government administration
Burgeon to expand; to flourish
Burlesque ludicrous; mocking
Meridith felt abashed because of her inability.
Bad weather abates when good weather begins to return.
Marry abdicated her responsibility as a baby-sitter.
Snowstorm in June is an aberration; Snow doesn’t normally fall in June.
To abhor something is to view with horror ; Hating a person is friendly in comparison with abhoring him or her.
An abject person is one who is crushed and without hope ; Abject poverty (overused term)
He attempts to abnegate personal resposibility.
Fred's attempt to climb the mountain was abortive; he fell off when he was halfway up.
The thoughtful editor had abridged the massive book by removing boring parts.
An absolute ruler is the one who is ruled by no one else;
The Priest absolved the sinner who had come to church to confess his sin.
John used to be a chain-smoker, but now he is abstinent(it was too hard to get those chains lit)
To like something in the abstract is to like the idea of it;
Nuclear physics is a subject that is too abstruse for most out there.
The Nation's debt crisis are abysmal; there seemed no possible solution to it.
The hotel has won a lot of accolades.
Amanda chopped the stranger who accosted her in the street was abashed to find he was an old blind man.
Berry sat silently as our teacher read loudly her acerbic comment on his paper.
The pirates asked Pete to walk the plank; he took one look at their swords and Acquiesced.
the chilli we had at the party had an acrid taste.
Relations between competing candidates were so acrimonious that each refused to acknowledge the presence of other.
Mukesh Ambani has the accumen to make good business decisions.
An acute mind is quick, intelligent one; An acute pain is sharp pain; An acute disease.(though knife is sharpe, it is not said to b
Moms and dads love adages such as "Early to bed, Early to rise" and "An apple a day, keeps doctor away".
Cadice is admant. She would never go with Paul again.
To address a problem is to face it and set about solving it.
To adhere to something is to stick to it; King's adherents threw a big birthday party for him; just to show how much they liked
Boys' mother adnoished them not to eat the pie she just had baked. When the did so, she adnoished them for doing it.
He was adroit at tax avoidance.
There is a note of insincerity in adulation, as there is in flattery.
Vegetarians do not like their foods adulterated with animal fat; Unadultereted means pure.
Airplanes often don’t fly in adverse weather.
Our art professor had a highly developed aesthetic sense; He found things to admire in paintings that, to us, looked like garba
Susan was an affable girl; she could strike up a pleasant conversation with almost anyone.
His English accent is an affectation.
Ducks have affinity towards water; Affinity means similarity or resemblence
A person can be affluent; all it takes is money.
An agenda such as for meeting is often written down;A person who have sneaky ambitions is said to have secret agenda.
Agrarian usually has to do with farming.
Chili is an aggregate of meat and beans.
An atheist is one who doesn’t believe in god. But an agnostic isnt sure. He doesn’t believe but he doesn’t not believe, either.
She accepted the invitation with aclarity.
She alleged that she had been assaulted.
Aspirin alleviates headache pain.
The officer had just allocated seven paper clips;
To alloy means to mix two things; Unalloyed means undiluted or pure.
An allusion is an allusion only if source isnt identified properly;
Cats are often said to be aloof because they usually mind their own business and don’t crave the affection of people.
Giving money to charity is an act of altruism.
A restaurant's ambience is the look, mood and feel of the place.
Weather report was ambiguous.
Susan felt ambivalent about George as a boyfriend. Her frequent desire to break up with him reflected this ambience.
The condition of pateient was ameliorated after proper treatment and medications.
Parents want their child to be amenable.
Amenities of my apparment is absurd.
His Amiable nature was quite loving.
The group of people would be amnestied and allowed to return to civilian life.
A moral person does right; An immoral person does wrong and an amoral person simply does.
An amorous couple made a quite scenes at the movie.
Clouds have amorphous structures.

Works of art were seen as an analogy of works of culture.

There was anarchy in kindergarten when the teacher stepped out of the door for a moment.
The old lady kept the motorcycle gang thoroughly amused with anecdote after anecdote abouther cute little dog;
She had been a nurse in the emergency room for twenty years but she had never gotten used to the anguish of accident victim
A person whose look could kill a person whose animosity is evident.
A snowy winter day is not an anomaly, but a snowy July day is.
Your parents and grandparents are said to be your antecedents.They came before you;
My Antipathies are the things that I don’t like.
Erin is the antithesis of erika; Erin is bright and beautiful; Erika is dull and plain.
Jill didn’t care one bit about current events. She was entirely apathetic
Benjamin franklyn was fond of aphorisms. He was frequently aphoristic.

Apocryphal is someone whose truth is not proven or whose falsehood is strongly suspected.
Harris is unbearable to be with. He thinks he is apotheosis of masculinity.
Larry appeased to his angry mother by promising to make his bed every morning.
The dollar appreciated against the euro by 15 per cent.
Bill was apprehensive about the exam. He had forgotten to go to the class for several months.
The ambassador's actions met with the approbation of his commande rin chief; Approbation is a just a fancy word of approva
Nick appropriated my lunch. He grabbed it out of my hand and ate it.
I realized that I have no aptitude in automobiles.
An arbiter arbitrates (weighs opposing viewpoints) and makes decisions.
It was a completely arbitrary decision.
The rites of the secret cult were arcane; None outside cult knew what they were.
Archaic civilizations are ones that disappeared a long time ago.
An archetype is similar to prototyope. A prototype is first, tentative model but an archetype is something improved in later ve

Climbing the mountain was arduous.

People who act as through they think they are better than everyone else are often said to be artistocrtic.
Artful doesnot mean artistic. If an artist is artful, it means not that she is talented but she is in someway crafty or sneaky.
The Torjan's House was an artifice designed to get the soildiers inside the wall.
Small computers have been in ascendancy for last few years.
In effort to save money, the old man led an ascetic life. He never went out, he never ate anything but soup.
Aman is an assidious student. All other student had to copy their homework from him.
to assimiliate an idea is to take it in as thoroughly as if you had eaten it.
Beth was extremely angry, but I assauged her by promising to leave the house and return.
Morris is an astute judge of character. He was very good at sensing what people are really like.
the company said that it will reduce its worldwide employment by about 10% through attrition .
Ivan had the audacity to tell that nice old lady to shut up.
The army augmented its attack by sending a few thousand more soildiers.
A clear sky in the morning is an auspicious sign on the day.
Smiths' house was very austere, there was no furniture in it, and there was nothing hanging on the walls.
An autocrat is an absolute ruler.
An autonomous nation is one that is independent--it governs itself. It is said to have autonomy.
Avarice is the opposite of generosity or philanthropy.
An avowed criminal is one who admits he is a criminal. To disavow is to deny or repudiate someone else's claim.

The hunter's bullet went awry. Instead of hitting the bear, it hit an other hunter.
"Everything that is living dies" is an axiom.
What made Amanata asleep was banality of dinner conversation.
To say someone is bane of your existence is to say that person poisons your enjoyment of life.
The robber terrorized the village for several weeks, then escapsed to their baston high in treacheous mountains.
One lie begets another.
He is a gentleman who has been belaboured a great deal in recent weeks.
No one could leave the beleaguered city. The attacking army had closed off all the exits.
Already, we have encountered many instances that would belie(false) any such claim
The chairman's belitle comments made everyone feel small.
To be belligerent is to push other people, to be noisy and argumentive, to threaten others, and generally make a nuisance of o
He looked utterly bemused by the question, shook his head and smiled broadly.
To give gifts is benefactor. To receive gifts is beneficiary.
Giving money to poor is benevolent act.
The threat of revolution turned out to be benign, nothing much came of it.
If the next door neighbour leaves you all his millions in a will, the money is a bequest from him to you.
The children were bereaved by the death of their pet. Then they got a new pet.
The berfet window was beset by grief.
Blasphemy is to say nasty, insulting things about God
David was blatantly critical of our efforts that he was noisy and obnoxious in making criticisms.
An early frost proved a blight to the citrus crops last year, so we had no orange juice for breakfast.
The children were playing blithely in the hazardous-waste dump.
A hip young city dweller might reject life in suburbs as being too bourgeois.
Cows a bovine. Eating grass is a bovine concern.
The audience was deeply grateful for brevity of the after dinner speaker's remarks.
She attempted to broach the subject she had been avoiding all evening.
The painting shows a typically bucolic scene with peasants harvesting crops in a field.
There is a lot of bureaucracy involved in applying for a tax rebat
The burgeoning weeds in our yard soon overwhelmed the grass.

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