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Requirement Analysis for Q-Auto

 Need to add fleet wise overview in the dashboard

4 Different Fleet are there (4 different contract)

Fleet Names

130 Passat Fleet - 10% replacement cars

330 Passat Fleet- 10% replacement cars

100 Jetta Fleet- 20% replacement cars

40 Limousine Fleet – 3 replacement cars

Need an Option to enter the different Fleet manually, because every time they have
new fleet, client can enter the fleet details and the system should take, Client will
upload the data and number of each fleet


 Performance calculation of each model/ each fleet/ each car.

Worker login

 Only he should have option to select the plate number and incident type clock in and clock out

Replacement cars calculation

 While vehicle comes to the service center it should track whether it is replacement car or not
based on that calculation part should work

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