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By : Kelompok SGD 2-A

Fasilitator : Dr. Ns. Ni Ketut Guru Prapti, S.Kep., MNS

Putri Kartini Candra Dewi (2202521017)

Ni Nyoman Linda Yanti (2202521019)
Ni Made Ayu Setianingsih (2202521021)
Ida Ayu Made Maytha Pradnyaswari (2202521041)
Ni Putu Listia Dewi (2202521047)
I Kadek Yonatha Dwi Arbimantara (2202521051)
Ni Made Maha Patni Swakarma Udayani (2202521053)
Putu Aristya Kartika Dewi (2202521073)
Luh Made Sasmita Parnanda Dewi (2202521079)
Ni Wayan Ayu Kumala (2202521083)
Gusti Ayu Komang Nia Prasanti Utami (2202521085)



TABLE OF CONTENT.............................................................................................................ii
LEARNING TASK....................................................................................................................1
ANSWERS DISCUSSION........................................................................................................2

SGD 2 A : Hypertension
1. Describe discharge planning and discharge summary for patient
2. What are components of health education for patient (post hospitalization care
3. Make a health education content for patient
4. Make a poster in leaflet form for supporting media
5. Write a script of health education before discharging patient. (Do role playing based
on script on pleno)

1. Describe discharge planning and discharge summary for patient
Discharge planning is a process in which a patient begins to receive medical services,
followed by ongoing care to maintain the healing process and well-being until the patient
feels ready to return to his or her environment. Discharge planning is a comprehensive
process aimed at providing a smooth transition for patients from a medical facility to their
home or other care facility. This includes coordination between medical professionals,
patients and their families to address various aspects of post-hospital care. For hypertensive
patients, discharge plans can be formulated by combining health education and discussion
methods for hospitalized hypertensive patients. Before the patient goes home, the nurse will
discuss any medications, management plans, and home self-care or follow-up care that the
patient will need to continue at home. Providing patient and family education is an effort or
activity undertaken to provide information about a patient's health problem that the patient
and his or her family do not yet know. Key components of discharge planning include:
a. Assessment: Evaluating the patient's medical condition, support system, and home
environment to determine the level of care needed after discharge.
b. Care Coordination: Coordinating services such as home healthcare, rehabilitation,
or follow-up appointments to meet the patient's ongoing needs.
c. Patient Education: Providing the patient and their family with information about
medications, follow-up care, signs of complications, and other relevant details for
managing their health post-discharge.
d. Medication Management: Ensuring that the patient understands their medications,
including dosage and timing, and has a plan for obtaining prescribed medications.
e. Follow-up Appointments: Scheduling and communicating follow-up appointments
with healthcare providers to monitor the patient's progress.
A discharge summary is a concise, comprehensive document that summarizes a
patient's admission, treatment, and follow-up care plan. It is typically created by the health
care provider responsible for the patient's care and is often included in the patient's medical
record. A discharge summary typically includes:
a. Patient information: name, age, medical record number, and other identifying
b. Reason for admission: A brief summary of the medical condition that led to

c. Treatment Performed: Description of procedures, surgeries, medications, and other
interventions during hospitalization.
d. Clinical Findings: Summarize the patient's clinical status, including vital signs, test
results, and important findings.
e. Follow-up Recommendations: Includes recommendations for follow-up of his care
after discharge, including medications, activity restrictions, and necessary lifestyle

2. What are components of health education for patient (post hospitalization care
Health education for patients after hospitalization is important for a smooth transition
from hospital care to home treatment and to prevent readmission. The key elements of
effective posthospital care management are:
a. Patient involvement and education: Patients should be actively involved in their
care planning and understand their condition, medications, and follow-up
appointments. Communicate your diagnosis, treatment plan, and any signs of
possible complications.
b. Medication management Review drug purpose, dosage, side effects, possible
interactions, and more. Encourage patients to develop a medication regimen and
compliance plan.
c. Dietary and nutritional counseling: Provides individualized nutritional
recommendations based on the patient's condition and individual needs. Address
nutritional deficiencies and educate healthy eating habits.
d. Activity and exercise advice: Encourages progressive physical activity to promote
healing and improve overall health. Provides instruction on proper exercise and
safety precautions.
e. Stress management and coping strategies: Help patients recognize and manage
stress that can worsen their condition and impede recovery. Teach relaxation
techniques and stress management mechanisms.
f. Identifying social support and resources: Connects patients to community
resources, support groups, and home health services to provide ongoing care and

g. Self-Management skills and symptom: Recognition Enables patients to
independently manage their illness, recognize early signs of complications, and
seek timely help when needed.
h. Promote a healthy lifestyle: Encourage patients to adopt healthy habits such as: B:
Quit smoking, drinking alcohol, and exercising regularly to improve your overall
health and prevent future health problems.

3. Make a health education content for patient

Definition of hypertension: Hypertension or high blood pressure is a chronic
condition characterized by increased blood pressure on the walls of arterial blood vessels.
Hypertension can cause serious problems such as heart attack, stroke, or kidney damage, so
hypertension is often referred to as the "Silent Killer". Signs and Symptoms of hypertension
are headaches, palpitations, difficulty sleeping, shortness of breath, nosebleeds, blurred
vision, dizziness, chest pain, fatigue and irregular heartbeat. Risk factor: Risk factors that can
increase the risk of hypertension include age, family history, obesity, lack of physical
activity, excessive salt consumption, and stress. And preventing hypertension with
a. C: Control food intake
b. L: Live healthy lifestyle
c. E: Exercise diligently
d. V: Vegetables are important
e. E: Effective Blood Pressure Monitoring
f. R: Reduce salt intake
Treatment of high blood pressure (hypertension) often requires a combination of
lifestyle modifications and medication.
Lifestyle modifications:
a. Dietary changes: Adopt a heart-healthy diet, including: DASH Diet (Dietary
Approach to Stop Hypertension). Focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and
lean protein while reducing your sodium intake.
b. Weight management: Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight by combining
regular physical activity with a balanced diet.
c. Limit alcohol intake: Limit alcohol intake to recommended limits (if applicable).
d. Quit smoking: Quit smoking or using tobacco products.

a. Diuretics: These drugs increase urine production, reduce excess fluid in the body,
and lower blood pressure. Examples include thiazide diuretics such as
b. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors: ACE inhibitors relax blood
vessels by inhibiting the production of angiotensin II, a hormone that narrows
blood vessels. Examples include enalapril and lisinopril.
c. Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs): Like ACE inhibitors, ARBs block the
effects of angiotensin II. Examples include losartan and valsartan.
d. Calcium channel blockers: These drugs relax blood vessels by preventing calcium
from entering cells. Examples include amlodipine and diltiazem.
e. Beta-blockers: These drugs slow the heart rate and lower blood pressure by
blocking the effects of adrenaline. Examples include metoprolol and atenolol.
f. Alpha blockers: These drugs relax certain muscles and help blood vessels dilate. It
is used less frequently than other types of antihypertensive drugs.

4. Make a poster in leaflet form for supporting media


5. Write a script of health education before discharging patients. (Do role playing based
on script on pleno)
Nurse : Hello, good morning, Ms. I'm the nurse patni who is on duty today.
Patient : Good morning, Nurse.
Nurse : Okay Ms. Ayus. I'm sorry, may I know if this is your sister?
Family : Yes, Nurse. I am Kartini, the younger sister of Ms. Ayus.
Nurse : Okay, based on the doctor's visit, now Ms. Ayus can go home and continue
the treatment at home later. So, later I will tell you several things that you can do after being
treated at the hospital. Maybe I'll ask you for about 15 minutes of your time regarding this.
Are you willing?
Patient : Sure, Nurse!
Nurse : So maybe you already know, currently you are being treated because of the
hypertension you are experiencing. Hypertension or high blood pressure is a chronic
condition characterized by increased blood pressure on the walls of arterial blood vessels.
Patient : Yes, Nurse. I already know about that, so what else can I do?
Family : What actions can I and my sister take at home, Nurse?

Nurse : Okay, if you experience a condition like headaches, blurred vision, dizziness,
nosebleeds, shortness of breath, chest pain, fatigue, or irregular heartbeat you can contact the
nearest health facility and convey your complaint.
Patient : Okay, Nurse.
Nurse : Apart from that, you can also follow my advice to prevent the symptoms
from returning. The first one, you should maintain a healthy diet, you can follow a balanced
and heart-healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins and limit
sodium (salt) intake by avoiding processed foods and using herbs and spices for flavor.
Exercise regularly, engage in regular physical activity, such as brisk walking, jogging,
cycling, or swimming. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise
per week. Maintain a healthy weight, achieve and maintain a healthy weight through a
combination of a nutritious diet and regular exercise. Limit alcohol intake, if you consume
alcohol, do so in moderation, quit smoking or using tobacco products. Practice stress-
reducing techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, or mindfulness if you feel
stress. Do you understand, Ms. Ayus?
Patient : Yes, Nurse. Is there anything else that I should do at home other than what
you already said before?
Nurse : Don’t forget to always monitor your blood pressure at home, keep a record of
your blood pressure readings to share with healthcare providers during check-ups. And
a;ways to do your regular check-ups, schedule regular health check-ups with your healthcare
provider to monitor blood pressure and overall health.
Patient : Will do, Nurse!
Family : Sure, Nurse. I will contribute to helping my older sister to control the
activities that she does.
Nurse : Okay, that’s great! So, that's all the information I can give to you, Ms. Ayus.
Do you have any questions?
Patient : What kind of foods should I avoid eating, Nurse? Can you give me an
Nurse : Okay, you should reduce foods that are high in salt or high in cholesterol,
such as red meat. Apart from that, you can also consume foods high in potassium, such as
bananas and avocados, for example.
Patient : Okay, thank you, Nurse.
Nurse : Is there anything else you want to ask?
Patient : No, Nurse. Everything you said is already clear!

Family : Enough for me, Nurse.
Nurse : Okay, because you were listening earlier, I want to evaluate your
understanding of what I already said before.
Patient : Yes, Nurse.
Nurse : Can you mention again what the symptoms are when hypertension occurs?
Patient : The symptoms that occurs are headaches, blurred vision, dizziness,
nosebleeds, shortness of breath, chest pain, fatigue and irregular heartbeat
Nurse : You're absolutely right, Ms. Ayus. Next regarding food, what should you
Patients : I should reduce foods that are high in salt or high in cholesterol such as red
meat, apart from that i can also consume foods high in potassium, like bananas and avocados.
Nurse : Okay, great, Ms. Ayus! Maybe that's all our discussion this morning, thank
you for your willingness to listen to all of my information. I hope you're always healthy and
have a great day Ms. Ayus and Ms. Kartini!
Patient : Thank you, Nurse.
Family : Thank you, Nurse.

Discharge planning is a crucial process that ensures a smooth transition for patients
from a medical facility to their home or another care facility. For hypertensive patients,
discharge plans involve a combination of health education and discussion methods to
empower patients and their families in managing post-hospitalization care effectively.
The components of health education for post-hospitalization care management include
various key elements. Patient involvement and education are emphasized, encouraging
patients to actively participate in their care planning and understand their condition,
medications, and follow-up appointments. Medication management, dietary and nutritional
counseling, activity and exercise advice, stress management, identification of social support
and resources, and self-management skills are integral aspects of health education to promote
a healthy lifestyle.
In summary, discharge planning, coupled with comprehensive health education, plays
a vital role in supporting patients' well-being after hospitalization, particularly for those with
hypertension. It empowers individuals to take charge of their health, make informed
decisions, and adopt a holistic approach to prevent and manage hypertension effectively.

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